Пример #1
// TODO: non-local file support?
bool FilePlayer::setFile(const DataSourceRef fileSource)
	if(fileSource->isFilePath()) {
		return setFile(fileSource->getFilePath());
	} else {
		return false;
Пример #2
void AssetReloader::load( const fs::path assetPath, string key )
//    console() << "AssetReloader :: loading asset :: " << assetPath << " with key :: " << key << endl;
    DataSourceRef asset = loadAsset( assetPath );
    //    console() << asset->getFilePath() << endl;
    gl::Texture tmp = gl::Texture( loadImage( asset ) );
    mLoadedImages[key] = tmp;
    mKeyList[ asset->getFilePath().c_str() ] = key;
Пример #3
void SamplePlayerNodeTestApp::setSourceFile( const DataSourceRef &dataSource )
	mSourceFile = audio::load( dataSource, audio::master()->getSampleRate() );

	getWindow()->setTitle( dataSource->getFilePath().filename().string() );

	CI_LOG_V( "SourceFile info: " );
	console() << "samplerate: " << mSourceFile->getSampleRate() << endl;
	console() << "native samplerate: " << mSourceFile->getSampleRateNative() << endl;
	console() << "channels: " << mSourceFile->getNumChannels() << endl;
	console() << "frames: " << mSourceFile->getNumFrames() << endl;
	console() << "metadata:\n" << mSourceFile->getMetaData() << endl;
Пример #4
// ImageSourceFileQuartz
ImageSourceFileQuartzRef ImageSourceFileQuartz::createFileQuartzRef( DataSourceRef dataSourceRef, ImageSource::Options options )
	std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource> sourceRef;
	std::shared_ptr<CGImage> imageRef;
	::CFStringRef keys[1] = { kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat };
	::CFBooleanRef values[1] = { kCFBooleanTrue };
	const std::shared_ptr<__CFDictionary> optionsDict( (__CFDictionary*)CFDictionaryCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, 1, NULL, NULL ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );

	if( dataSourceRef->isFilePath() ) {
		::CFStringRef pathString = cocoa::createCfString( dataSourceRef->getFilePath().string() );
		::CFURLRef urlRef = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, pathString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false );
		sourceRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource>( ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict.get() ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );
		::CFRelease( pathString );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );
	else if( dataSourceRef->isUrl() ) {
		::CFURLRef urlRef = cocoa::createCfUrl( dataSourceRef->getUrl() );
		if( ! urlRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource>( ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict.get() ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );		
	else { // last ditch, we'll use a dataref from the buffer
		::CFDataRef dataRef = cocoa::createCfDataRef( dataSourceRef->getBuffer() );
		if( ! dataRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImageSource>( ::CGImageSourceCreateWithData( dataRef, optionsDict.get() ), cocoa::safeCfRelease );
		::CFRelease( dataRef );
	if( sourceRef ) {
		imageRef = std::shared_ptr<CGImage>( ::CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex( sourceRef.get(), options.getIndex(), optionsDict.get() ), CGImageRelease );
		if( ! imageRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();

	const std::shared_ptr<__CFDictionary> imageProperties( (__CFDictionary*)::CGImageSourceCopyProperties( sourceRef.get(), NULL ), ::CFRelease );
	const std::shared_ptr<__CFDictionary> imageIndexProperties( (__CFDictionary*)::CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex( sourceRef.get(), options.getIndex(), NULL ), ::CFRelease );

	return ImageSourceFileQuartzRef( new ImageSourceFileQuartz( imageRef.get(), options, imageProperties, imageIndexProperties ) );
Пример #5
// ImageSourceFileQuartz
ImageSourceFileQuartzRef ImageSourceFileQuartz::createFileQuartzRef( DataSourceRef dataSourceRef )
	::CGImageSourceRef sourceRef = NULL;
	::CGImageRef imageRef = NULL;
	::CFStringRef keys[1] = { kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat };
	::CFBooleanRef values[1] = { kCFBooleanTrue };
	::CFDictionaryRef optionsDict = ::CFDictionaryCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, 1, NULL, NULL );

	if( dataSourceRef->isFilePath() ) {
		::CFStringRef pathString = cocoa::createCfString( dataSourceRef->getFilePath() );
		::CFURLRef urlRef = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, pathString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false );
		sourceRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( pathString );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );
	else if( dataSourceRef->isUrl() ) {
		::CFURLRef urlRef = cocoa::createCfUrl( dataSourceRef->getUrl() );
		if( ! urlRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( urlRef, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );		
	else { // last ditch, we'll use a dataref from the buffer
		::CFDataRef dataRef = cocoa::createCfDataRef( dataSourceRef->getBuffer() );
		if( ! dataRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		sourceRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateWithData( dataRef, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( dataRef );
	if( sourceRef ) {
		imageRef = ::CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex( sourceRef, 0, optionsDict );
		::CFRelease( sourceRef );
		if( ! imageRef )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();

	return ImageSourceFileQuartzRef( new ImageSourceFileQuartz( imageRef ) );
void DartTestApp::loadScript()
	DataSourceRef script = loadAsset( "main.dart" );
	const char *scriptPath = script->getFilePath().c_str();
	char *error = NULL;
	mIsolate = createIsolateAndSetup( scriptPath, "main", this, &error );
	if( ! mIsolate ) {
		LOG_E << "could not create isolate: " << error << endl;
		assert( 0 );
	assert( mIsolate == Dart_CurrentIsolate() );


	Dart_Handle url = checkError( Dart_NewStringFromCString( scriptPath ) );
	string scriptContents = loadString( script );

	Dart_Handle source = checkError( Dart_NewStringFromCString( scriptContents.c_str() ) );
	checkError( Dart_LoadScript( url, source, 0, 0 ) );

	// apparently 'something' must be called before swapping in print,
	// else she blows up with: parser.cc:4996: error: expected: current_class().is_finalized()
	invoke( "setup" );

	Dart_Handle library = Dart_RootLibrary();
	if ( Dart_IsNull( library ) ) {
		LOG_E << "Unable to find root library" << endl;

	// load in our custom _printCloser, which maps back to Log
	Dart_Handle corelib = checkError( Dart_LookupLibrary( Dart_NewStringFromCString( "dart:core" ) ) );
	Dart_Handle print = checkError( Dart_GetField( library, Dart_NewStringFromCString( "_printClosure" ) ) );
	checkError( Dart_SetField( corelib, Dart_NewStringFromCString( "_printClosure" ), print ) );

	checkError( Dart_SetNativeResolver( library, ResolveName ) );

	invoke( "main" );

Пример #7
void MovieBase::initFromDataSource( DataSourceRef dataSourceRef, const std::string &mimeTypeHint )
	if( dataSourceRef->isFilePath() ) { // try to use quicktime's native file handling if possible
		getObj()->mMovie = openMovieFromPath( dataSourceRef->getFilePath() );
		// no need to retain the data source
	else if( dataSourceRef->isUrl() ) { // try to use quicktime's native Url handling if possible
		// Create a loader for this Url and then wait on it
		MovieLoader loader( dataSourceRef->getUrl() );
		getObj()->mMovie = loader.transferMovieHandle();
		// no need to retain the data source
	else { // we'll need to load from memory; and we'll rer to the data source to make sure it doesn't go away before the movie does
		Buffer buffer( dataSourceRef->getBuffer() );
		getObj()->mMovie = openMovieFromMemory( buffer.getData(), buffer.getDataSize(), dataSourceRef->getFilePathHint(), mimeTypeHint );	
		getObj()->mDataSource = dataSourceRef; // retain a reference to the dataSource so that it doesn't go away before we do
Пример #8
ImageSourceFileTinyExr::ImageSourceFileTinyExr( DataSourceRef dataSource, ImageSource::Options /*options*/ )
	mExrImage.reset( new EXRImage );
	const char *error;

	InitEXRImage( mExrImage.get() );

	int status = 0;
	if( dataSource->isFilePath() ) {
		status = ParseMultiChannelEXRHeaderFromFile( mExrImage.get(), dataSource->getFilePath().string().c_str(), &error );
		if( status != 0 )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoadTinyExr( string( "Failed to parse OpenEXR header; Error message: " ) + error );
		status = LoadMultiChannelEXRFromFile( mExrImage.get(), dataSource->getFilePath().string().c_str(), &error );
		if( status != 0 )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoadTinyExr( string( "Failed to parse OpenEXR file; Error message: " ) + error );
	else {
		BufferRef buffer = dataSource->getBuffer();
		status = ParseMultiChannelEXRHeaderFromMemory( mExrImage.get(), (const unsigned char*)buffer->getData(), &error );
		if( status != 0 )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoadTinyExr( string( "Failed to parse OpenEXR header; Error message: " ) + error );
		status = LoadMultiChannelEXRFromMemory( mExrImage.get(), (const unsigned char*)buffer->getData(), &error );
		if( status != 0 )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoadTinyExr( string( "Failed to parse OpenEXR file; Error message: " ) + error );

	// verify that the channels are all the same size; currently we don't support variably sized channels
	int pixelType = mExrImage->pixel_types[0];
	for( int c = 1; c < mExrImage->num_channels; ++c ) {
		if( pixelType != mExrImage->pixel_types[c] )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoadTinyExr( "TinyExr: heterogneous channel data types not supported" );

	switch( pixelType ) {
			setDataType( ImageIo::FLOAT16 );
			setDataType( ImageIo::FLOAT32 );
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoadTinyExr( "TinyExr: Unknown data type" );

	setSize( mExrImage->width, mExrImage->height );

	switch( mExrImage->num_channels ) {
		case 3:
			setColorModel( ImageIo::CM_RGB );
			setChannelOrder( ImageIo::ChannelOrder::RGB );
		case 4:
			setColorModel( ImageIo::CM_RGB );
			setChannelOrder( ImageIo::ChannelOrder::RGBA );
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoadTinyExr( "TinyExr: Unsupported number of channels (" + to_string( mExrImage->num_channels ) + ")" );
Пример #9
AssimpLoader::AssimpLoader(DataSourceRef dataSource)
	: mBuffer(dataSource->getBuffer())
	string ext = getPathExtension(dataSource->getFilePath());
Пример #10
SdkMesh::SdkMesh( DataSourceRef dataSource, bool includeUVs /*= true */ )
:mSdkMesh(std::shared_ptr<CDXUTSDKMesh>(new CDXUTSDKMesh))
	app::console() << dataSource->getFilePath() << std::endl;
	mSdkMesh->Create(getDevice(), dataSource->getFilePath().c_str());
Пример #11
ImageSourceFileWic::ImageSourceFileWic( DataSourceRef dataSourceRef, ImageSource::Options options )
	: ImageSource()
	::HRESULT hr = S_OK;

	// Initialize COM
    // Create WIC factory
    IWICImagingFactory *IWICFactoryP = NULL;
    hr = ::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&IWICFactoryP) );
	if( ! SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
		throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
	std::shared_ptr<IWICImagingFactory> IWICFactory = msw::makeComShared( IWICFactoryP );
    // Create a decoder
	IWICBitmapDecoder *decoderP = NULL;
	if( dataSourceRef->isFilePath() ) {
		hr = IWICFactory->CreateDecoderFromFilename(
				toUtf16( dataSourceRef->getFilePath().string() ).c_str(),                      // Image to be decoded
				NULL,                            // Do not prefer a particular vendor
				GENERIC_READ,                    // Desired read access to the file
				WICDecodeMetadataCacheOnDemand,  // Cache metadata when needed
				&decoderP                        // Pointer to the decoder
		if( ! SUCCEEDED(hr) )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
	else { // have to use a buffer
		IWICStream *pIWICStream = NULL;
		hr = IWICFactory->CreateStream( &pIWICStream );
		if( ! SUCCEEDED(hr) )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		std::shared_ptr<IWICStream> stream = msw::makeComShared( pIWICStream );
		Buffer buffer = dataSourceRef->getBuffer();
		hr = stream->InitializeFromMemory( reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>( buffer.getData() ), buffer.getDataSize() );
		if( ! SUCCEEDED(hr) )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		hr = IWICFactory->CreateDecoderFromStream( stream.get(), NULL, WICDecodeMetadataCacheOnDemand, &decoderP );
		if( ! SUCCEEDED(hr) )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
	std::shared_ptr<IWICBitmapDecoder> decoder = msw::makeComShared( decoderP );

    // Retrieve the 'index' frame of the image from the decoder
	IWICBitmapFrameDecode *frameP = NULL;
	hr = decoder->GetFrame( options.getIndex(), &frameP );
	if( ! SUCCEEDED(hr) )
		throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
	std::shared_ptr<IWICBitmapFrameDecode> frame = msw::makeComShared( frameP );

	UINT width = 0, height = 0;
	frame->GetSize( &width, &height );
	mWidth = width; mHeight = height;
	GUID pixelFormat = { 0 }, convertPixelFormat;
	frame->GetPixelFormat( &pixelFormat );
	bool requiresConversion = processFormat( pixelFormat, &convertPixelFormat );
	mRowBytes = mWidth * ImageIo::dataTypeBytes( mDataType ) * channelOrderNumChannels( mChannelOrder );

	mData = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t>( new uint8_t[mRowBytes * mHeight], boost::checked_array_delete<uint8_t> );

	if( requiresConversion ) {
		IWICFormatConverter *pIFormatConverter = NULL;	
		hr = IWICFactory->CreateFormatConverter( &pIFormatConverter );
		if( ! SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		std::shared_ptr<IWICFormatConverter> formatConverter = msw::makeComShared( pIFormatConverter );
		hr = formatConverter->Initialize( frame.get(), convertPixelFormat, WICBitmapDitherTypeNone,
					NULL, 0.f, WICBitmapPaletteTypeCustom );
		if( ! SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
			throw ImageIoExceptionFailedLoad();
		hr = formatConverter->CopyPixels( NULL, (UINT)mRowBytes, mRowBytes * mHeight, mData.get() );
		hr = frame->CopyPixels( NULL, (UINT)mRowBytes, mRowBytes * mHeight, mData.get() );
Пример #12
SourceFile::SourceFile( DataSourceRef dataSourceRef )
	: Source()
	OSStatus err = noErr;
	AudioFileID aFileRef;
	if( dataSourceRef->isFilePath() ) {
		::CFStringRef pathString = cocoa::createCfString( dataSourceRef->getFilePath() );
		::CFURLRef urlRef = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, pathString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false );
		err = AudioFileOpenURL( urlRef, kAudioFileReadPermission/*fsRdPerm*/, 0, &aFileRef );
		::CFRelease( pathString );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );
		if( err ) {
#if defined(CINDER_MAC)
			//TODO: find iphone equivalent of fnfErr
			if( err == fnfErr ) {
				throw IoExceptionSourceNotFound();
			throw IoExceptionFailedLoad();
	} else if( dataSourceRef->isUrl() ) {
		::CFURLRef urlRef = cocoa::createCfUrl( dataSourceRef->getUrl() );
		err = AudioFileOpenURL( urlRef, kAudioFileReadPermission/*fsRdPerm*/, 0, &aFileRef );
		::CFRelease( urlRef );
		if( err ) {
			throw IoExceptionFailedLoad();
	mFileRef = shared_ptr<OpaqueAudioFileID>( aFileRef, AudioFileClose );
	//load header info
	AudioStreamBasicDescription nativeFormatDescription;
	UInt32 size = sizeof( AudioStreamBasicDescription );
	err = AudioFileGetProperty( aFileRef, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &size, &nativeFormatDescription );
	if( err ) {
		throw IoExceptionFailedLoad();
	loadFromCaAudioStreamBasicDescription( this, &nativeFormatDescription );
	size = sizeof( uint64_t );
	err = AudioFileGetProperty( aFileRef, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataPacketCount, &size, &mPacketCount );
	if( err ) {
		throw IoExceptionFailedLoad();
	size = sizeof( uint64_t );
	err = AudioFileGetProperty( aFileRef, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount, &size, &mByteCount );
	if( err ) {
		throw IoExceptionFailedLoad();
	size = sizeof( uint32_t );
	err = AudioFileGetProperty( aFileRef, kAudioFilePropertyMaximumPacketSize, &size, &mMaxPacketSize );
	if( err ) {
		throw IoExceptionFailedLoad();
	size = sizeof( double );
	err = AudioFileGetProperty( aFileRef, kAudioFilePropertyEstimatedDuration, &size, &mDuration );
	if( err ) {
		throw IoExceptionFailedLoad();