Пример #1
    /** constructor
     * @param size extent for each dimension (in elements)
    MappedBufferIntern(DataSpace<DIM> size):
    DeviceBuffer<TYPE, DIM>(size, size),
    pointer(nullptr), ownPointer(true)
        CUDA_CHECK((cuplaError_t)cudaHostAlloc(&pointer, size.productOfComponents() * sizeof (TYPE), cudaHostAllocMapped));
        pointer = new TYPE[size.productOfComponents()];
Пример #2
 virtual void init()
  //   __startAtomicTransaction(__getTransactionEvent());
     size_t current_size = host->getCurrentSize();
     DataSpace<DIM> hostCurrentSize = host->getCurrentDataSpace(current_size);
     if (host->is1D() && device->is1D())
         fastCopy(host->getPointer(), device->getPointer(), hostCurrentSize.productOfComponents());
  //   __setTransactionEvent(__endTransaction());
Пример #3
     * Add Exchange in dedicated memory space.
     * An Exchange is added to this GridBuffer. The exchange buffers use
     * the their own memory instead of using the GridBuffer's memory space.
     * @param receive a Mask which describes the directions for the exchange
     * @param dataSpace size of the newly created exchange buffer in each dimension
     * @param sizeOnDevice if true, internal buffers have their size information on the device, too
    void addExchangeBuffer(const Mask &receive, const DataSpace<DIM> &dataSpace, uint32_t communicationTag, bool sizeOnDevice = false)

        if (hasOneExchange && (communicationTag != lastUsedCommunicationTag))
            throw std::runtime_error("It is not allowed to give the same GridBuffer different communicationTags");
        lastUsedCommunicationTag = communicationTag;

        /*don't create buffer with 0 (zero) elements*/
        if (dataSpace.productOfComponents() != 0)
            receiveMask = receiveMask + receive;
            sendMask = this->receiveMask.getMirroredMask();
            Mask send = receive.getMirroredMask();
            for (uint32_t ex = 1; ex < 27; ++ex)
                if (send.isSet(ex))
                    uint32_t uniqCommunicationTag = (communicationTag << 5) | ex;
                    if (!hasOneExchange && !privateGridBuffer::UniquTag::getInstance().isTagUniqu(uniqCommunicationTag))
                        std::stringstream message;
                        message << "unique exchange communication tag ("
                            << uniqCommunicationTag << ") witch is created from communicationTag ("
                            << communicationTag << ") allready used for other gridbuffer exchange";
                        throw std::runtime_error(message.str());
                    hasOneExchange = true;

                    if (sendExchanges[ex] != NULL)
                        throw std::runtime_error("Exchange already added!");

                    //GridLayout<DIM> memoryLayout(size);
                    maxExchange = std::max(maxExchange, ex + 1u);
                    sendExchanges[ex] = new ExchangeIntern<BORDERTYPE, DIM > (/*memoryLayout*/ dataSpace,
                                                                              ex, uniqCommunicationTag, sizeOnDevice);

                    ExchangeType recvex = Mask::getMirroredExchangeType(ex);
                    maxExchange = std::max(maxExchange, recvex + 1u);
                    receiveExchanges[recvex] = new ExchangeIntern<BORDERTYPE, DIM > (/*memoryLayout*/ dataSpace,
                                                                                     recvex, uniqCommunicationTag, sizeOnDevice);
Пример #4
    /*! initializes all processes to build a 3D-grid
     * @param nodes number of GPU nodes in each dimension
     * @param periodic specifying whether the grid is periodic (1) or not (0) in each dimension
     * \warning throws invalid argument if cx*cy*cz != totalnodes
    void init(DataSpace<DIM3> numberProcesses, DataSpace<DIM3> periodic) throw (std::invalid_argument)
        this->periodic = periodic;

        //check if parameters are correct
        MPI_CHECK(MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiSize));

        if (numberProcesses.productOfComponents() != mpiSize)
            throw std::invalid_argument("wrong parameters or wrong mpirun-call!");

        //1. create Communicator (computing_comm) of computing nodes (ranks 0...n)
        MPI_Comm computing_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

        yoffset = 0;

        // 2. create topology

        //int dims[3];
        dims[0] = numberProcesses.x();
        dims[1] = numberProcesses.y();
        dims[2] = numberProcesses.z();

        topology = MPI_COMM_NULL;

        int periods[] = {periodic.x(), periodic.y(), periodic.z()};

        /*create new communicator based on cartesian coordinates*/
        MPI_CHECK(MPI_Cart_create(computing_comm, DIM, dims, periods, 0, &topology));

        // 3. update Host rank
        hostRank = UpdateHostRank();

        //4. update Coordinates

Пример #5
ComputeGridValuePerFrame<T_ParticleShape, T_DerivedAttribute>::operator()
    T_Acc const & acc,
    FrameType& frame,
    const int localIdx,
    const TVecSuperCell superCell,
    BoxTmp& tmpBox
    /* \todo in the future and if useful, the functor can be a parameter */
    T_DerivedAttribute particleAttribute;

    auto particle = frame[localIdx];

    /* particle attributes: in-cell position and generic, derived attribute */
    const floatD_X pos = particle[position_];
    const auto particleAttr = particleAttribute( particle );

    /** Shift to the cell the particle belongs to
     * range of particleCell: [DataSpace<simDim>::create(0), TVecSuperCell]
    const int particleCellIdx = particle[localCellIdx_];
    const DataSpace<TVecSuperCell::dim> particleCell(
        DataSpaceOperations<TVecSuperCell::dim>::map( superCell, particleCellIdx )
    auto fieldTmpShiftToParticle = tmpBox.shift(particleCell);

    /* loop around the particle's cell (according to shape) */
    const DataSpace<simDim> lowMargin(LowerMargin().toRT());
    const DataSpace<simDim> upMargin(UpperMargin().toRT());

    const DataSpace<simDim> marginSpace(upMargin + lowMargin + 1);

    const int numWriteCells = marginSpace.productOfComponents();

    for (int i = 0; i < numWriteCells; ++i)
        /** for the current cell i the multi dimensional index currentCell is only positive:
         * allowed range = [DataSpace<simDim>::create(0), LowerMargin+UpperMargin]
        const DataSpace<simDim> currentCell = DataSpaceOperations<simDim>::map(marginSpace, i);

        /** calculate the offset between the current cell i with simDim index currentCell
         * and the cell of the particle (particleCell) in cells
        const DataSpace<simDim> offsetParticleCellToCurrentCell = currentCell - lowMargin;

        /** assign particle contribution component-wise to the lower left corner of
         * the cell i
         * \todo take care of non-yee cells
        float_X assign( 1.0 );
        for (uint32_t d = 0; d < simDim; ++d)
            assign *= AssignmentFunction()(float_X(offsetParticleCellToCurrentCell[d]) - pos[d]);

        /** add contribution of the particle times the generic attribute
         * to cell i
         * note: the .x() is used because FieldTmp is a scalar field with only
         * one "x" component
            assign * particleAttr,
Пример #6
  * constructor
  * @param dataSpace description of spread of any dimension
 Buffer(DataSpace<DIM> dataSpace) :
     CUDA_CHECK(cudaMallocHost(&current_size, sizeof (size_t)));
     *current_size = dataSpace.productOfComponents();
Пример #7
 /** constructor
  * @param size extent for each dimension (in elements)
  *             if the buffer is a view to an existing buffer the size
  *             can be less than `physicalMemorySize`
  * @param physicalMemorySize size of the physical memory (in elements)
 Buffer(DataSpace<DIM> size, DataSpace<DIM> physicalMemorySize) :
 data_space(size), data1D(true), current_size(NULL), m_physicalMemorySize(physicalMemorySize)
     CUDA_CHECK(cudaMallocHost(&current_size, sizeof (size_t)));
     *current_size = size.productOfComponents();
Пример #8
  * Constructor
  * \see GridBuffer
 HeapBuffer(DataSpace<DIM1> dataSpace) :
 GridBuffer<VALUE, DIM1, BORDERVALUE>(dataSpace), ringBuffer(NULL)
     ringBuffer = new RingBuffer<TYPE, TYPE > (dataSpace.productOfComponents());