Пример #1
 * Collects all GUIDs (and related info) from deleted characters which are still in the database.
 * @param foundList    a reference to an std::list which will be filled with info data
 * @param searchString the search string which either contains a player GUID or a part fo the character-name
 * @return             returns false if there was a problem while selecting the characters (e.g. player name not normalizeable)
bool ChatHandler::GetDeletedCharacterInfoList(DeletedInfoList& foundList, std::string searchString)
    PreparedQueryResult result;
    PreparedStatement* stmt;
    if (!searchString.empty())
        // search by GUID
        if (isNumeric(searchString.c_str()))
            stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_CHAR_DEL_INFO_BY_GUID);

            stmt->setUInt32(0, uint32(atoi(searchString.c_str())));

            result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
        // search by name
            if (!normalizePlayerName(searchString))
                return false;

            stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_CHAR_DEL_INFO_BY_NAME);

            stmt->setString(0, searchString);

            result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
        stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_CHAR_DEL_INFO);

        result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

    if (result)
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();

            DeletedInfo info;

            info.lowguid    = fields[0].GetUInt32();
            info.name       = fields[1].GetString();
            info.accountId  = fields[2].GetUInt32();

            // account name will be empty for not existed account
            AccountMgr::GetName(info.accountId, info.accountName);

            info.deleteDate = time_t(fields[3].GetUInt32());

        } while (result->NextRow());

    return true;
Пример #2
 * Collects all GUIDs (and related info) from deleted characters which are still in the database.
 * @param foundList    a reference to an std::list which will be filled with info data
 * @param searchString the search string which either contains a player GUID (low part) or a part of the character-name
 * @return             returns false if there was a problem while selecting the characters (e.g. player name not normalizeable)
bool ChatHandler::GetDeletedCharacterInfoList(DeletedInfoList& foundList, std::string searchString)
    QueryResult* resultChar;
    if (!searchString.empty())
        // search by GUID
        if (isNumeric(searchString))
            resultChar = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid, deleteInfos_Name, deleteInfos_Account, deleteDate FROM characters WHERE deleteDate IS NOT NULL AND guid = %u", uint32(atoi(searchString.c_str())));
        // search by name
            if (!normalizePlayerName(searchString))
                return false;

            resultChar = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid, deleteInfos_Name, deleteInfos_Account, deleteDate FROM characters WHERE deleteDate IS NOT NULL AND deleteInfos_Name " _LIKE_ " " _CONCAT3_("'%%'", "'%s'", "'%%'"), searchString.c_str());
        resultChar = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, deleteInfos_Name, deleteInfos_Account, deleteDate FROM characters WHERE deleteDate IS NOT NULL");

    if (resultChar)
            Field* fields = resultChar->Fetch();

            DeletedInfo info;

            info.lowguid    = fields[0].GetUInt32();
            info.name       = fields[1].GetCppString();
            info.accountId  = fields[2].GetUInt32();

            // account name will be empty for nonexistent account
            sAccountMgr.GetName(info.accountId, info.accountName);

            info.deleteDate = time_t(fields[3].GetUInt64());

        while (resultChar->NextRow());

        delete resultChar;

    return true;