Пример #1
static Phase::CirclingDirection
CalcCirclingDirection(const DerivedInfo &calculated)
  if (!calculated.circling) {
    return Phase::CirclingDirection::NO_DIRECTION;
  return calculated.TurningLeft() ?
         Phase::CirclingDirection::LEFT : Phase::CirclingDirection::RIGHT;
Пример #2
GlideComputerAirData::UpdateLiftDatabase(const MoreData &basic,
                                         DerivedInfo &calculated,
                                         const DerivedInfo &last_calculated)
  // If we just started circling
  // -> reset the database because this is a new thermal
  if (!calculated.circling && last_calculated.circling)

  // Determine the direction in which we are circling
  bool left = calculated.TurningLeft();

  // Depending on the direction set the step size sign for the
  // following loop
  Angle heading_step = Angle::Degrees(fixed(left ? -10 : 10));

  // Start at the last heading and add heading_step until the current heading
  // is reached. For each heading save the current lift value into the
  // LiftDatabase. Last and current heading are included since they are
  // a part of the ten degree interval most of the time.
  // This is done with Angles to deal with the 360 degrees limit.
  // e.g. last heading 348 degrees, current heading 21 degrees
  // The loop condition stops until the current heading is reached.
  // Depending on the circling direction the current heading will be
  // smaller or bigger then the last one, because of that negative() is
  // tested against the left variable.
  for (Angle h = last_calculated.heading;
       left == negative((calculated.heading - h).AsDelta().Degrees());
       h += heading_step) {
    unsigned index = heading_to_index(h);
    calculated.lift_database[index] = basic.brutto_vario;

  // detect zero crossing
  if (((calculated.heading.Degrees()< fixed_90) && 
       (last_calculated.heading.Degrees()> fixed_270)) ||
      ((last_calculated.heading.Degrees()< fixed_90) && 
       (calculated.heading.Degrees()> fixed_270))) {

    fixed h_av = fixed_zero;
    for (unsigned i=0; i<36; ++i) {
      h_av += calculated.lift_database[i];
    h_av/= 36;