bool Desktop::rename_icon(DesktopIcon *di, const char *name) { di->copy_label(name); di->update_label_font_and_size(); di->fast_redraw(); /* open file and try to change the name */ DesktopFile df; E_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(df.load(di->get_path()) == true, false); df.set_name(name); return>get_path()); }
static void ok_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *d) { if(is_empty_input(name) || is_empty_input(execute) || !img->image()) { /* do nothing */ win->hide(); return; } Desktop *self = (Desktop*)d; DesktopFile df; df.create_new(DESK_FILE_TYPE_APPLICATION); df.set_name(name->value()); if(comment->value()) df.set_comment(comment->value()); df.set_icon((img_path.length() > 1) ? img_path.c_str() : DEFAULT_ICON); df.set_exec(execute->value()); if(!is_empty_input(workdir)) df.set_path(workdir->value()); df.set_startup_notify(start_notify->value()); df.set_terminal(run_in_terminal->value()); /* determine filename and save it */ String file = name->value(); const char *fp = file.c_str(); str_tolower((unsigned char*)fp); file += EDE_DESKTOP_DESKTOP_EXT; /* go through the file and replace spaces with '_' */ for(String::size_type i = 0; i < file.length(); i++) if(isspace(file[i])) file[i] = '_'; String path = build_filename(self->desktop_path(), file.c_str()); int X = 0, Y = 0; if(curr_icon) { X = curr_icon->x(); Y = curr_icon->y(); /* try to remove icon from filesystem only when we can't overwrite old icon path */ self->remove_icon(curr_icon, old_desktop_path != path); } if( { DesktopIcon *ic = self->read_desktop_file(path.c_str(), file.c_str()); if(ic) { if(X > 0 || Y > 0) ic->position(X, Y); self->add(ic); } self->redraw(); /* * In case when we rename icon, icon position will not be saved (because they are saved by icon basename). So * with different paths we are assured the name was changed and we proceed further. */ if(old_desktop_path != path) self->save_icons_positions(); } else { alert(_("Unable to create '%s' file. Received error is: %s\n"), path.c_str(), df.strerror()); } win->hide(); }