void CurveEditor::NotifyPointMove(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id) { if (_id != MyGUI::MouseButton::Left) return; if (!CheckPosition(_left, _top)) return; auto pos = MyGUI::IntPoint(_left, _top) - _sender->getCroppedParent()->getAbsolutePosition(); auto value = GetValue(pos.left, pos.top); pos.left -= 7; pos.top -= 7; _sender->setPosition(pos); DiString str; str.Format("%.3g", value.x); mEditTimeEditBox->setCaption(str.c_str()); str.Format("%.3g", value.y); mEditValueEditBox->setCaption(str.c_str()); std::sort(mButtons.begin(), mButtons.end(), [](MyGUI::Button* a, MyGUI::Button* b) { return a->getPosition().left < b->getPosition().left; }); RefreshCurve(); }
int main(int numargs, char** args) { if (numargs < 2) return -1; parseArgs(numargs, args); auto root = OGRE_NEW Ogre::Root("", "", "ogre.log"); root->loadPlugin("RenderSystem_Direct3D9_d"); root->setRenderSystem(root->getRenderSystemByName("Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem")); root->getRenderSystem()->setConfigOption("Full Screen","No"); root->initialise(true); converterMgr = new ConverterMgr(); CovOptions option; option.source = srcName.c_str(); option.dest = destName.c_str(); Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(srcName.ExtractDirName().c_str(),"FileSystem"); Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().initialiseResourceGroup(Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME); if (isAnimation) { converterMgr->SkeletonToMotion(option); } else { converterMgr->MeshToModel(option); } delete converterMgr; delete root; return 0; }
DiDataStreamPtr DiK2Configs::GetDataStream(const DiString& relPath, K2ResourceType type) { #ifdef _K2_RECORD_USED_RESOURCE sUsedResources.insert(relPath); #endif DiString full = GetK2MediaPath(relPath, type == K2_RES_TEXTURE); if (RESOURCE_PACK) { DiDataStreamPtr data = RESOURCE_PACK->Open(full); return data; } else { // now we just simply using OS's file system FILE* fp = fopen(full.c_str(), type == K2_RES_XML ? "r" : "rb"); if (!fp) { DI_WARNING("Cannot open the file: %s", full.c_str()); return nullptr; } DiDataStreamPtr data(DI_NEW DiFileHandleDataStream(fp)); return data; } }
void CurveEditor::SetAttribute(DiAttributeCurved& rhs) { rhs.CopyTo(&mCurvedAttr); mSplineButton->setStateSelected(mCurvedAttr.GetInterpolationType() == IT_SPLINE); // delete all buttons for (auto i : mButtons) mCanvasWidget->_destroyChildWidget(i); mButtons.clear(); auto& pts = mCurvedAttr.GetControlPoints(); float minVal = 0; float maxVal = 10; // calculate the range for (auto p : pts) { minVal = DiMath::Min(minVal, p.y); maxVal = DiMath::Max(maxVal, p.y); } float defaultRangeMin = 0; float defaultRangeMax = 10; if(minVal < 0) { int v = minVal / 10 - 1; minVal = v * 10; } if(maxVal > 10) { int v = maxVal / 10 + 1; maxVal = v * 10; } DiString temp; temp.Format("%g", minVal); mRangeMinEditBox->setCaption(temp.c_str()); temp.Format("%g", maxVal); mRangeMaxEditBox->setCaption(temp.c_str()); RefreshRange(); // add buttons for (auto p : pts) { auto point = GetButtonPoint(p); AddButton(point.left, point.top); } }
bool DiCommandManager::SetStringVar(const DiString& name, const DiString& var) { DiConsoleVar* cv = GetConsoleVar(name); if(!cv) return false; if(cv->GetType() != CONSOLE_VAR_STRING) { DI_WARNING("Cannot set come variable : %s, bad type cast", name.c_str()); return false; } DiConsoleVariableString* v = (DiConsoleVariableString*)cv; v->Set(var.c_str()); return true; }
void DiEditorManager::Command_ToolNew(const MyGUI::UString& _commandName, bool& _result) { DiString msg; if (!mFxFileName.empty()) msg = "Do you want to keep the new effects?"; else msg = "Do you want to save the effects?"; auto msgBox = MyGUI::Message::createMessageBox("Message", "New", msg.c_str(), MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Yes|MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::No| MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Cancel|MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::IconDefault); msgBox->eventMessageBoxResultLambda = [this](MyGUI::Message*, MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle style){ if(style == MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Yes) { SaveAll(); NewFx(); } else if(style == MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::No) { NewFx(); } }; _result = true; }
void DiK2Configs::LoadConfig(const DiString& config) { auto file = DiAssetManager::GetInstance().OpenArchive(config, true); if (!file) { DI_WARNING("Failed to load the config: %s", config.c_str()); return; } shared_ptr<DiXMLFile> xmlfile(new DiXMLFile()); xmlfile->Load(file->GetAsString()); DiXMLElement node = xmlfile->GetRoot(); DiXMLElement child = node.GetChild(); while (child) { DiString name = child.GetName(); if (name == "Property") { DiString key = child.GetAttribute("key"); DiString val = child.GetAttribute("value"); CommandMgr->RegisterString(key, val, 0); } child = child.GetNext(); } }
void DiMotionSerializerImpl::ReadAttachParents( DiDataStreamPtr& stream,DiAttachSet* attachset,DiSkeleton* skeleton ) { DiString strChildName = ReadString(stream); DiString strParentName = ReadString(stream); DiNode* son = attachset->GetAttachNode(strChildName); DiNode* parent = NULL; parent = attachset->GetAttachNode(strParentName); if(!parent && skeleton) { if(skeleton->HasBone(strParentName)) { parent = skeleton->GetBone(strParentName); } } if(parent) { parent->AddChild(son); } else { DI_WARNING("No parent : %s",strParentName.c_str()); } }
DiTexturePtr DiShaderParameter::WriteTexture2D( const DiString& name, const DiString& textureName ) { DiString texfile = textureName; #if DEMI_PLATFORM == DEMI_PLATFORM_IOS if(texfile.CheckFileExtension("dds")) texfile = texfile.ExtractBaseName() + ".pvr"; #endif //DI_LOG("Writing 2d texture name: %s, %s [%x]", name.c_str(), textureName.c_str(),this); DiAssetManager& assetMgr = DiAssetManager::GetInstance(); DiTexturePtr textureAsset = assetMgr.GetAsset<DiTexture>(texfile); if (!textureAsset) { textureAsset = DiTexture::GetDefaultTexture(); DI_WARNING("Cannot write the texture(%s), using default texture", texfile.c_str()); } auto it = mShaderParams[VARIABLE_SAMPLER2D].find(name); if (it != mShaderParams[VARIABLE_SAMPLER2D].end()) { DiTexture* tex = textureAsset.get(); DiAny an(tex); it->second = an; } return textureAsset; }
DiString DiEditorManager::GenerateControllerName(const DiString& type) { static int id = 0; DiString ret; ret.Format("%s_%d", type.c_str(), id++); return ret; }
void DiInfo::Update(float delta) { //Change("FPS", 1.0f / delta); if (mInfo != nullptr) { //std::ostringstream stream; //for (MyGUI::VectorStringPairs::iterator iter = mParams.begin(); iter != mParams.end(); ++iter) //{ // if (iter != mParams.begin()) // stream << "\n"; // stream << iter->first << " :\t" << iter->second; //} //mInfo->setCaption(stream.str()); DiString info = DiProfiler::GetInstancePtr()->GetData(); DiString fps; fps.Format("\nFPS: %f", 1.0f / delta); info += fps; mInfo->setCaption(info.c_str()); DI_PROFILE_BEGIN_INTERVAL MyGUI::ISubWidgetText* text = mInfo->getSubWidgetText(); if (text != nullptr) { const MyGUI::IntSize& size = text->getTextSize() + mInfo->getSize() - text->getSize(); const MyGUI::IntSize& size_view = MyGUI::RenderManager::getInstance().getViewSize(); mInfo->setCoord(10, 10, size.width, size.height); } } }
void DiConsoleLogger::OutputLog(const char* szMessage, const char* levelInfo) { static DiLogInfo logInfo; if (::IsWindow(mWnd)) { DiString msg = szMessage; DiString lv = levelInfo; logInfo.type = LOG_LEVEL_LOG; if (lv == "error") logInfo.type = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; else if (lv == "info") logInfo.type = LOG_LEVEL_LOG; else if (lv == "debug") logInfo.type = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; else if (lv == "warning") logInfo.type = LOG_LEVEL_WARNING; else logInfo.type = 0xFFFF; if (Driver) logInfo.hwnd = mMainHwnd; ZeroMemory(logInfo.message, sizeof(logInfo.message)); strcpy_s(logInfo.message, 4096, msg.c_str()); COPYDATASTRUCT cpd; cpd.dwData = 0; cpd.cbData = sizeof(logInfo); cpd.lpData = &logInfo; ::SendMessage(mWnd, WM_COPYDATA, 0, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&cpd); } }
void DiMeshSerializerImpl::ReadSubMesh( DiDataStreamPtr& stream, DiMesh* pMesh ) { DI_SERIAL_LOG("Reading submesh.."); DiSubMesh* sm = pMesh->CreateSubMesh(); unsigned short streamID = 0; DiString material = ReadString(stream); sm->SetMaterialName(material); DI_SERIAL_LOG("Liking material: %s", material.c_str()); unsigned int indexCount = 0; ReadInts(stream, &indexCount, 1); DI_SERIAL_LOG("Indeices count: %d", indexCount); bool idx32bit; ReadBools(stream, &idx32bit, 1); DI_SERIAL_LOG("Index size: %d", idx32bit?32:16); uint16 primitive; ReadShorts(stream,&primitive,1); sm->SetPrimitiveType((DiPrimitiveType)primitive); DI_SERIAL_LOG("Primitive type: %d", primitive); if (indexCount > 0) { void* indexdata = sm->CreateIndexData(indexCount,idx32bit?TRUE:FALSE); int size = indexCount * (sm->GetIndexSize() / 8); stream->Read(indexdata, size); DI_SERIAL_LOG("%d bytes readed", size); } streamID = ReadChunk(stream); if (streamID != DI_GEOMETRY) { DI_ERROR("Bad stream ID"); return; } ReadGeometry(stream, sm); if (!stream->Eof()) { streamID = ReadChunk(stream); if (streamID == DI_MESH_WEIGHTS) { ReadSubMeshBoneWeights(stream,sm); } else { if (!stream->Eof()) stream->Skip(-MSTREAM_OVERHEAD_SIZE); } } }
DiTexturePtr DiShaderParameter::WriteTextureCUBE( const DiString& name, const DiString& textureName ) { DiString texfile = textureName; #if DEMI_PLATFORM == DEMI_PLATFORM_IOS if(texfile.CheckFileExtension("dds")) texfile = texfile.ExtractBaseName() + ".pvr"; #endif DiAssetManager& assetMgr = DiAssetManager::GetInstance(); DiTexturePtr textureAsset = assetMgr.GetAsset<DiTexture>(texfile); if (!textureAsset) { DI_WARNING("Failed to load the textureCUBE resource : %s",texfile.c_str()); return DiTexturePtr(); } auto it = mShaderParams[VARIABLE_SAMPLERCUBE].find(name); if (it != mShaderParams[VARIABLE_SAMPLERCUBE].end()) { DiTexture* tex = textureAsset.get(); DiAny an(tex); it->second = an; } return textureAsset; }
void DiK2World::Load(const DiString& path) { DI_LOG("Loading world: %s", path.c_str()); DiK2WorldSerial serial; serial.Load(path,this); mRootNode->AttachObject(mTerrain); // sun light mSun = make_shared<DiDirLight>(); DiSceneManager* sm = DiBase::Driver->GetSceneManager(); DiCullNode* dirNode = sm->GetRootNode()->CreateChild(); dirNode->AttachObject(mSun); mSun->SetColor(DiColor()); DiRadian altitude(DiDegree(mConfigs.mSunAltitude)); DiVec3 dir(0,-DiMath::Sin(altitude),DiMath::Cos(altitude)); DiRadian azimuth(DiDegree(mConfigs.mSunAzimuth)); DiQuat rot(azimuth, DiVec3::UNIT_Y); dir = rot * dir; mSun->SetDirection(dir); sm->SetAmbientColor(DiColor()); Demi::DiRenderBatchGroup* group = Driver->GetPipeline()->GetBatchGroup(Demi::BATCH_MODEL); group->SetPreProcess([this](){ Driver->GetPipeline()->GetShaderEnvironment()->globalAmbient = mConfigs.mEntityAmbient; Driver->GetPipeline()->GetShaderEnvironment()->dirLightsColor[0] = mConfigs.mEntitySunColor; }); }
void CurveEditor::RefreshNumbers() { DeleteNumbersY(); auto size = mCurveCanvasWidget->getSize(); auto width = size.width; auto height = size.height; auto inteveralX = width / (gridNumX + 2); auto inteveralY = height / (gridNumY + 2); float step = (mValueRange.y - mValueRange.x) / gridNumY; for (auto i = 0; i <= gridNumY; i += 2) { MyGUI::TextBox* text = mCurveCanvasWidget->createWidget<MyGUI::TextBox>("TextBox", MyGUI::IntCoord(3, i * inteveralY + 5, 30, 15), MyGUI::Align::Default); text->setFontHeight(14); text->setTextShadow(true); text->setTextShadowColour(MyGUI::Colour::Black); DiString s; s.Format("%.1f", step*(gridNumY - i) + mValueRange.x); text->setCaption(s.c_str()); mNumbersY.push_back(text); } }
void* mac_loadDylib(const char* name) { DiString fullPath = name; if (name[0] != '/') fullPath = macPluginPath() + "/" + fullPath; return dlopen(fullPath.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL); }
void CurveEditor::InitGrid() { auto size = mCurveCanvasWidget->getSize(); auto width = size.width; auto height= size.height; auto inteveralX = width / (gridNumX + 2); auto inteveralY = height / (gridNumY + 2); MyGUI::Colour dark(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); MyGUI::Colour light(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); std::vector<MyGUI::Colour> colors; std::vector<MyGUI::FloatPoint> lines; for (auto i = 1; i <= gridNumX+1; ++i) { lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(i*inteveralX, 3)); lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(i*inteveralX, height-4)); colors.push_back(i == 1 ? dark : light); colors.push_back(i == 1 ? dark : light); } lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(inteveralX - 1, 3)); lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(inteveralX - 1, height - 4)); colors.push_back(dark); colors.push_back(dark); for (auto i = 1; i <= gridNumY + 1; ++i) { lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(3, i*inteveralY)); lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(width - 4, i*inteveralY)); colors.push_back(i == gridNumY + 1 ? dark : light); colors.push_back(i == gridNumY + 1 ? dark : light); } lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(3, (gridNumY + 1)*inteveralY + 1)); lines.push_back(MyGUI::FloatPoint(width - 4, (gridNumY + 1)*inteveralY + 1)); colors.push_back(dark); colors.push_back(dark); mCurveLines->setPoints(lines, true); mCurveLines->setColors(colors); for (auto i = 1; i <= gridNumX + 1; i += 2) { MyGUI::TextBox* text = mCurveCanvasWidget->createWidget<MyGUI::TextBox>("TextBox", MyGUI::IntCoord(i * inteveralX + 2, height - 19, 30, 15), MyGUI::Align::Default); text->setFontHeight(14); text->setTextShadow(true); text->setTextShadowColour(MyGUI::Colour::Black); DiString s; s.Format("%.1f", (i - 1) / (float)gridNumX); text->setCaption(s.c_str()); mNumbersX.push_back(text); } }
void DiD3D9ErrorCheck::CheckError(HRESULT hr) { if (hr != S_OK) { DiString desc = "Direct3D API Error:\n"; desc += GetResultString(hr); DI_ERROR(desc.c_str()); } }
void DiRenderWindow::Create(uint32 width, uint32 height, const DiString& title, bool fullscreen) { mWindow = DiWindow::CreateWnd(); mWindow->SetParentRenderWnd(this); mWindow->Create(width, height, title.c_str(), fullscreen); mWndHandle = mWindow->GetWndHandle(); Init(); }
void DiFileLogger::OutputLog(const char* szMessage, const char* levelInfo, const char* fileName, long line) { DiString datetime = DiTimer::GetCurrentTime(); DiString log; log.Format( "[%s] %s%s", datetime.c_str(), levelInfo, szMessage); mFile << log.c_str(); if (fileName) { DiString file = fileName; file = file.ExtractFileName(); mFile << ", " << file.c_str() << "(" << line << ")"; } mFile << std::endl; }
void DiEditorManager::OpenFx(const DiString& fxFileName) { DiString base = fxFileName.ExtractFileName(); if(!DiAssetManager::GetInstance().HasArchive(base)) { DiString message; message.Format("Cannot find the effect file(%s) in our media folders!", base.c_str()); MyGUI::Message::createMessageBox("Message", "Error", message.c_str(), MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::Ok|MyGUI::MessageBoxStyle::IconError); return; } DiFxTokensParser parser; auto stream = DiAssetManager::GetInstance().OpenArchive(base); shared_ptr<DiXMLFile> xmlfile(DI_NEW DiXMLFile()); xmlfile->Load(stream->GetAsString()); DiXMLElement root = xmlfile->GetRoot(); if (!root.CheckName("Effects")) { DI_WARNING("Bad effect file: %s", base.c_str()); return; } auto child = root.GetChild(); while (child) { if (child.CheckName("ParticleSystem")) { auto ps = parser.ReadSystem(child); LoadParticleSystem(ps); } else if(child.CheckName("ReferenceModel")) { LoadRefModel(child); } child = child.GetNext(); } SetCurrentFileName(fxFileName); }
void DiEditorManager::SetCurrentFileName(const DiString& name) { mFxFileName = name; DiString title = "Hon Fxer"; if(!name.empty()) title.Format("Hon Fxer - %s",name.ExtractFileName().c_str()); DiBase::Driver->GetMainRenderWindow()->GetWindow()->SetTitle(title.c_str()); }
void DiEffectManager::AddParticleSystemTemplate(const DiString& name, DiParticleSystemPtr systemTemplate) { if (mParticleSystemTemplates.find(name) != mParticleSystemTemplates.end()) { DI_WARNING("The effect template: %s has already existed", name.c_str()); return; } mParticleSystemTemplates[name] = systemTemplate; }
float DiCommandManager::GetFloatVar(const DiString& name) { DiConsoleVar* var = GetConsoleVar(name); if(var) return var->GetAsFloat(); else { DI_WARNING("Cannot locate the command variable: %s", name.c_str()); return 0; } }
void DiEffectManager::RemoveRendererFactory(const DiString& rendererType) { auto it = mRendererFactories.find(rendererType); if (it == mRendererFactories.end()) { DI_WARNING("Cannot find the renderer type: %s", rendererType.c_str()); return; } mRendererFactories.erase(it); }
DiTransUnitPtr DiCullNode::GetAttachedObject( const DiString& name ) { ObjectMap::iterator i = mObjectsByName.find(name); if (i == mObjectsByName.end()) { DI_ERROR("Cannot find the attachment object by name : %s",name.c_str()); } return i->second; }
void DiEffectManager::RemoveEmitterFactory(const DiString& emitterType) { auto it = mEmitterFactories.find(emitterType); if (it == mEmitterFactories.end()) { DI_WARNING("Cannot find the emitter type: %s", emitterType.c_str()); return; } mEmitterFactories.erase(it); }
void DiEffectManager::DestroyParticleSystemTemplate(const DiString& templateName) { auto i = mParticleSystemTemplates.find(templateName); if (i != mParticleSystemTemplates.end()) { mParticleSystemTemplates.erase(i); return; } DI_WARNING("Cannot locate the ps template: %s", templateName.c_str()); }
void DiEffectManager::RemoveControllerFactory(const DiString& controllerType) { auto it = mControllerFactories.find(controllerType); if (it == mControllerFactories.end()) { DI_WARNING("Cannot find the controller type: %s", controllerType.c_str()); return; } mControllerFactories.erase(it); }