Пример #1
Dialog * Dialog::CreateForString(const string &dialogText, const string &filePath, int timeBeforeDialogInitial, int delayBeforeContinuing, bool isInterrogation, bool isPassive, bool isConfrontation, bool canNavigateBack, bool canNavigateForward, bool presentEvidenceAutomatically, bool canStopPresentingEvidence)
    Dialog *pDialog = new Dialog(filePath, timeBeforeDialogInitial, delayBeforeContinuing, isInterrogation, isPassive, isConfrontation, canNavigateBack, canNavigateForward, presentEvidenceAutomatically, canStopPresentingEvidence);

    double allowedWidth = textAreaRect.GetWidth() - desiredPadding * 2;
    string fullString = "";
    deque<string> wordList = split(dialogText, ' ');

    while (!wordList.empty())
        string curstring = "";
        double curTextWidth = 0;
        bool lineDone = false;
        bool addSpace = false;

        if (fullString.length() > 0)
            fullString += "\n";

        while (!lineDone)
            string stringToTest = (addSpace ? " " : "") + wordList.front();
            double curStringWidth = pDialogFont->GetWidth(pDialog->StripEvents(stringToTest));

            // If we've got a single word that takes up more than the entire length of the screen,
            // then we need to split it up.
            if (curTextWidth == 0 && curStringWidth > allowedWidth)
                string testString = "";
                string lastTestString = "";
                curStringWidth = 0;

                while (curStringWidth <= allowedWidth)
                    if (stringToTest[0] == '{')
                        testString += stringToTest[0];
                        stringToTest = stringToTest.substr(1);

                        while (stringToTest[0] != '}')
                            testString += stringToTest[0];
                            stringToTest = stringToTest.substr(1);

                        testString += stringToTest[0];
                        stringToTest = stringToTest.substr(1);

                    lastTestString = testString;
                    testString += stringToTest[0];
                    double testCurStringWidth = pDialogFont->GetWidth(pDialog->StripEvents(testString));

                    if (testCurStringWidth > allowedWidth)

                    curStringWidth = testCurStringWidth;
                    stringToTest = stringToTest.substr(1);

                wordList.insert(wordList.begin() + 1, stringToTest);
                stringToTest = lastTestString;

            if (curTextWidth + curStringWidth <= allowedWidth)
                string stringToPrependOnNext;
                stringToTest = pDialog->ParseEvents(fullString.length() + curstring.length(), stringToTest, &stringToPrependOnNext);
                curstring += stringToTest;
                curTextWidth += curStringWidth;
                addSpace = true;

                if (wordList.empty())
                    lineDone = true;
                    wordList[0] = stringToPrependOnNext + wordList.front();
                lineDone = true;

        fullString += curstring;


    if (delayBeforeContinuing >= 0)
        pDialog->AddPausePosition(fullString.length(), delayBeforeContinuing);

    if (filePath.length() > 0)
        ResourceLoader::GetInstance()->PreloadDialog(filePath, filePath);

    return pDialog;