Пример #1
bool WaitingForInvite::InviteRequest( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& request, TransactionDirectionality direction, const char* address, int port ) const
   bool bTrackRequestResponse = false;
   impl.setTransactionDirectionality( direction );

   // check is another sipX is already taking care of NAT traversing this session. 
   if( !impl.isRequestAlreadyHandledByOther( request ) )
      bTrackRequestResponse = true;
      impl.markRequestAsHandledByUs( request );
      // check if the INVITE contains an SDP offer
      if( request.hasSdpBody() )
         // request contains an SDP offer.  Check if the SDP or the or the actual
         // location of the two endpoints impose the use of a media relay. 
         if( impl.doesEndpointsLocationImposeMediaRelay() )
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Media relay required",
                  impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );   
            OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_DEBUG,"'%s:%s' - Media relay not required",
                  impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );    
         impl.ProcessMediaOffer( request, INITIAL_OFFER_ANSWER );         
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForMediaAnswer );
         // request does contains an SDP offer.  This INVITE may be used to set up a 3PCC
         // call.  Play it safe and impose the use of a media relay to guarantee speechpath
         ChangeState( impl, impl.pWaitingForMediaOffer );
      // this particular session is already being handled by another sipX i nthe network.
      // That sipX is taking care of overcoming the NATs that separate the endpoints involved
      // in that session.  There isn't much value we can add here so just bail on tracking that
      // session.
      ChangeState( impl, impl.pMoribund );
   return bTrackRequestResponse;
Пример #2
bool DialogTrackerState::InviteRequest( DialogTracker& impl, SipMessage& request, TransactionDirectionality direction, const char* address, int port  ) const
   if( !impl.isRequestAlreadyHandledByOther( request ) )
      impl.markRequestAsHandledByUs( request );

   if( impl.isARetransmittedRequest( request ) )
      impl.restoreSdpBodyOfRetransmittedRequest( request );
      OsSysLog::add(FAC_NAT,PRI_WARNING,"'%s': Received unexpected event InviteRequest while in state '%s'",
            impl.name(), impl.GetCurrentState()->name() );
   return true;