Пример #1
bool copyFtr( const Path& src, const Path &tgt )
   VFSProvider* file = Engine::getVFS("file");
   fassert( file != 0 );
   DirEntry *entry = file->openDir( src.getFullLocation() );
   if( entry == 0 )
      warning( "Can't open directory " + src.getFullLocation() );
      return false;

   String fname;
   String module = src.getFile();
   Path orig( src );
   Path target( tgt );

   while( entry->read( fname ) )
      if( fname.startsWith( module ) && fname.endsWith( ".ftt" ) )
         orig.setFilename( fname );
         target.setFilename( fname );
         if( ! copyFile( orig.get(), target.get() ) )
            warning( "Can't copy source FTT file " + orig.get() );

   delete entry;

   return true;
Пример #2
bool copyAllResources( Options& options, const Path& from, const Path& tgtPath )
   // do we have an extension filter?
   bool bHasExt = from.getExtension() !=  "";

   VFSProvider* file = Engine::getVFS("file");
   if( file == 0 )
      error( "Can't find FILE resource" );
      return false;

   DirEntry *entry = file->openDir( from.getFullLocation() );
   if( entry == 0 )
      warning( "Can't open directory " + from.getFullLocation() );
      return false;

   String fname;
   while( entry->read( fname ) )
      if( fname == ".." || fname == "." )

      FileStat fs;
      if ( ! Sys::fal_stats( from.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname, fs ) )

      if ( fs.m_type == FileStat::t_normal || fs.m_type == FileStat::t_link )
         // do we filter the extension?
         if( bHasExt )
            if ( ! fname.endsWith( "." + from.getExtension(), true ) )

         // TODO: Jail resources under modpath
         if ( ! copyFile( from.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname, tgtPath.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname ) )
            warning( "Cannot copy resource " +
                  from.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname
                  + " into "
                  + tgtPath.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname );
            delete entry;
            return false;

         // descend
         Path nfrom( from );
         nfrom.setFullLocation( from.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname );
         if( ! copyAllResources( options, nfrom, modPath, tgtPath ) )
            return false;

   delete entry;

   return true;
Пример #3
void addPlugins( const Options& options_main, const String& parentModule, const String& path )
   message( "Loading plugin \"" + path +"\" for module " + parentModule );

   Path modPath( parentModule );
   modPath = modPath.getFullLocation() + "/" + path;

   // prepare the target plugin path
   Path outputPath( modPath );
   Path mainPath;
   mainPath.setFullLocation( options_main.m_sMainScriptPath );
   relativize( mainPath, outputPath );
         options_main.m_sTargetDir +"/"+ outputPath.getLocation() );

   // topmost location of the plugin must be
   if( path.endsWith("*") )
      VFSProvider* file = Engine::getVFS("file");
      fassert( file != 0 );
      DirEntry *entry = file->openDir( modPath.getFullLocation() );
      if( entry == 0 )
         warning( "Can't open plugin directory \"" + modPath.getFullLocation() + "\" for module "
               + parentModule );

      String fname;
      while( entry->read( fname ) )

         // binary?
         if ( fname.endsWith(".fam") )
            // do we have also a source?
            modPath.setFilename( fname );
            modPath.setExtension( "fal" );
            FileStat famStats;

            if( Sys::fal_stats( modPath.get(), famStats ) )
               // we have already a fal that has been transferred or will be transferred later,
               // so wait for that.
               // otherwise, go on transferring the source.

            // same for ftd
            modPath.setExtension( "ftd" );
            if( Sys::fal_stats( modPath.get(), famStats ) )

         else if( fname.endsWith( DllLoader::dllExt() ) )
            //Transfer DLLS as they are.
         // source?
         else if( fname.endsWith( ".fal" ) || fname.endsWith(".ftd") )
               // go on, transfer the source.
            // we don't know how to manage other plugins

         // copy our options, so that transferModule doesn't pollute them
         Options options( options_main );

         options.m_sTargetDir = outputPath.get();
         // ok, transfer the thing
         modPath.setFilename( fname );
         transferModules( options, modPath.get() );

      delete entry;
      // copy our options, so that transferModule doesn't pollute them
      Options options( options_main );
      options.m_sTargetDir = outputPath.get();
      transferModules( options, modPath.get() );
Пример #4
bool copyRuntime( const Path& binpath, const Path& tgtpath )
   message( "Searching VSx CRT in " + binpath.getFullLocation() );

   // open the binary path in search of "Microsoft.*.CRT"
   VFSProvider* provider = Engine::getVFS( "file" );
   fassert( provider != 0 );
   DirEntry* dir = provider->openDir( binpath.getFullLocation() );
   if( dir == 0 )
      warning( "Can't search CRT in " + binpath.getFullLocation() );
      return false;
   String fname;
   while( dir->read(fname) )
      if( fname.wildcardMatch("Microsoft.*.CRT") )
         // we're done with dir.
         delete dir;

         Path source( binpath.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname + "/");
         Path target( tgtpath.getFullLocation() + "/" + fname + "/");
         // first, create the target path
         int32 fsStatus;
         if( ! Sys::fal_mkdir( target.getFullLocation(), fsStatus, true ) )
            warning( "Can't create CRT directory in " + target.getFullLocation() );
            return false;

         // then copy everything inside it.
         DirEntry* crtdir = provider->openDir( source.getFullLocation() );
         if( crtdir == 0 )
            warning( "Can't read source CRT directory " + source.getFullLocation() );
            return false;

         //loop copying everything that's not a dir.
         String sFile;
         while( crtdir->read( sFile ) )
            if( sFile.startsWith(".") )

            source.setFilename( sFile );
            target.setFilename( sFile );
            if ( ! copyFile( source.get(), target.get() ) )
               delete crtdir;
               warning( "Can't copy CRT file " + source.get() +  " into " 
                  + target.get() );
               return false;

         return true;

   delete dir;
   return false;