Пример #1
void stk500SaveFiles::run() {
    if (this->sourceFile.endsWith('/')) {
        // Saving a full directory
        // First navigate to this directory
        QString dirPath = this->sourceFile;
        dirPath.remove(dirPath.length() - 1, 1);
        QString destDirPath = this->destFile;
        if (destDirPath.endsWith('/')) {
            destDirPath.remove(destDirPath.length() - 1, 1);

        DirectoryEntryPtr dirStartPtr;
        if (dirPath.isEmpty()) {
            dirStartPtr = protocol->sd().getRootPtr();
        } else {
            DirectoryEntryPtr dirEntryPtr = sd_findEntry(dirPath, true, false);
            if (isCancelled()) {
            if (!dirEntryPtr.isValid()) {
                // Should not happen, but just in case...
                throw ProtocolException("Folder not found");
            DirectoryEntry folderEntry = protocol->sd().readDirectory(dirEntryPtr);
            if (folderEntry.firstCluster()) {
                dirStartPtr = protocol->sd().getDirPtrFromCluster(folderEntry.firstCluster());
            } else {
                dirStartPtr = DirectoryEntryPtr(0, 0);
        saveFolder(dirStartPtr, dirPath, destDirPath, 0.0, 1.0);
    } else {
        // Saving a single file
        DirectoryEntryPtr filePtr = sd_findEntry(this->sourceFile, false, false);
        if (isCancelled()) {
        if (!filePtr.isValid()) {
            throw ProtocolException("File not found");
        DirectoryEntry fileEntry = protocol->sd().readDirectory(filePtr);
        saveFile(fileEntry, this->sourceFile, this->destFile, 0.0, 1.0);
Пример #2
void stk500SaveFiles::saveFile(DirectoryEntry fileEntry, QString sourceFilePath, QString destFilePath, double progStart, double progTotal) {
    /* Ensure that the parent directory exists */
    QString destFolderPath = destFilePath;
    int destFolderIdx = destFolderPath.lastIndexOf('/');
    if (destFolderIdx != -1) {
        destFolderPath.remove(destFolderIdx, destFolderPath.length() - destFolderIdx);
    QDir dir = QDir::root();

    /* Open the file for writing */
    QFile destFile(destFilePath);
    if (!destFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
        throw ProtocolException("Failed to open file for writing");

    /* Proceed to read in data */
    quint32 cluster = fileEntry.firstCluster();
    if (cluster) {
        char buff[512];
        quint32 remaining = fileEntry.fileSize;
        quint32 done = 0;
        qint64 startTime = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
        qint64 time = startTime;
        qint64 timeElapsed = 0;
        while (remaining > 0) {
            quint32 block = protocol->sd().getClusterBlock(cluster);
            for (int i = 0; i < protocol->sd().volume().blocksPerCluster; i++) {
                protocol->sd().read(block + i, 0, buff, 512);

                /* If cancelled, stop reading/writing by setting remaining to 0 */
                if (isCancelled()) {
                    remaining = 0;

                time = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
                timeElapsed = (time - startTime) / 1000;
                done = (fileEntry.fileSize - remaining);
                int speed_ps;
                if (timeElapsed == 0 || done == 0) {
                    speed_ps = 6000;
                } else {
                    speed_ps = done / timeElapsed;

                /* Update progress */
                setProgress(progStart + progTotal * ((double) done / (double) fileEntry.fileSize));

                /* Update the status info */
                QString newStatus;
                newStatus.append("Reading ").append(sourceFilePath).append(": ");
                newStatus.append(stk500::getSizeText(remaining)).append(" remaining (");
                newStatus.append("Elapsed: ").append(stk500::getTimeText(timeElapsed));
                newStatus.append(", estimated ").append(stk500::getTimeText(remaining / speed_ps));
                newStatus.append(" remaining");

                /* Write the 512 or less bytes of buffered data to the file */
                if (remaining < 512) {
                    destFile.write(buff, remaining);
                    remaining = 0;
                } else {
                    destFile.write(buff, 512);
                    remaining -= 512;

            // Next cluster, if end of chain no more clusters follow
            cluster = protocol->sd().fatGet(cluster);
            if (protocol->sd().isEOC(cluster)) {

    // If errors occur the deconstructor closes it as well...

    // If cancelled, delete the file again (awh...)
    if (isCancelled()) {