Пример #1
bool BeginAtlas(const CmdLineArgs& args, const DllLoader& dll)
	// Load required symbols from the DLL
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_StartWindow", Atlas_StartWindow);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_SetMessagePasser", Atlas_SetMessagePasser);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_SetDataDirectory", Atlas_SetDataDirectory);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_SetConfigDirectory", Atlas_SetConfigDirectory);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_GLSetCurrent", Atlas_GLSetCurrent);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_GLSwapBuffers", Atlas_GLSwapBuffers);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_NotifyEndOfFrame", Atlas_NotifyEndOfFrame);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_DisplayError", Atlas_DisplayError);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_ReportError", Atlas_ReportError);
		dll.LoadSymbol("ShareableMalloc", ShareableMallocFptr);
		dll.LoadSymbol("ShareableFree", ShareableFreeFptr);
	catch (PSERROR_DllLoader&)
		debug_warn(L"Failed to initialise DLL");
		return false;

	// Construct a message passer for communicating with Atlas
	// (here so that its scope lasts beyond the game thread)
	MessagePasserImpl msgPasser;
	AtlasMessage::g_MessagePasser = &msgPasser;

	// Pass our message handler to Atlas

	// Tell Atlas the location of the data directory
	const Paths paths(args);

	// Tell Atlas the location of the user config directory

	// Run the engine loop in a new thread
	pthread_t engineThread;
	pthread_create(&engineThread, NULL, RunEngine, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<CmdLineArgs*>(&args)));

	// Start Atlas UI on main thread
	// (required for wxOSX/Cocoa compatibility - see http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/500)

	// Wait for the engine to exit
	pthread_join(engineThread, NULL);

	// TODO: delete all remaining messages, to avoid memory leak warnings

	// Restore main thread

	// Clean up
	AtlasMessage::g_MessagePasser = NULL;

	return true;
Пример #2
	bool TryLoadDLL()
		if (!dll.LoadDLL())
			LOGERROR("Failed to load COLLADA conversion DLL");
			return false;

			dll.LoadSymbol("set_logger", set_logger);
			dll.LoadSymbol("set_skeleton_definitions", set_skeleton_definitions);
			dll.LoadSymbol("convert_dae_to_pmd", convert_dae_to_pmd);
			dll.LoadSymbol("convert_dae_to_psa", convert_dae_to_psa);
		catch (PSERROR_DllLoader&)
			LOGERROR("Failed to load symbols from COLLADA conversion DLL");
			return false;
		return true;
Пример #3
	bool Convert(const VfsPath& daeFilename, const VfsPath& pmdFilename, CColladaManager::FileType type)
		// To avoid always loading the DLL when it's usually not going to be
		// used (and to do the same on Linux where delay-loading won't help),
		// and to avoid compile-time dependencies (because it's a minor pain
		// to get all the right libraries to build the COLLADA DLL), we load
		// it dynamically when it is required, instead of using the exported
		// functions and binding at link-time.
		if (! dll.IsLoaded())
			if (! dll.LoadDLL())
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to load COLLADA conversion DLL");
				return false;

				dll.LoadSymbol("set_logger", set_logger);
				dll.LoadSymbol("set_skeleton_definitions", set_skeleton_definitions);
				dll.LoadSymbol("convert_dae_to_pmd", convert_dae_to_pmd);
				dll.LoadSymbol("convert_dae_to_psa", convert_dae_to_psa);
			catch (PSERROR_DllLoader&)
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to load symbols from COLLADA conversion DLL");
				return false;

			VfsPath skeletonPath("art/skeletons/skeletons.xml");

			// Set the filename for the logger to report
			set_logger(ColladaLog, static_cast<void*>(&skeletonPath));

			CVFSFile skeletonFile;
			if (skeletonFile.Load(g_VFS, skeletonPath) != PSRETURN_OK)
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to read skeleton definitions");
				return false;

			int ok = set_skeleton_definitions((const char*)skeletonFile.GetBuffer(), (int)skeletonFile.GetBufferSize());
			if (ok < 0)
				LOGERROR(L"Failed to load skeleton definitions");
				return false;

			// TODO: the cached PMD/PSA files should probably be invalidated when
			// the skeleton definition file is changed, else people will get confused
			// as to why it's not picking up their changes

		// Set the filename for the logger to report
		set_logger(ColladaLog, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(&daeFilename)));

		// We need to null-terminate the buffer, so do it (possibly inefficiently)
		// by converting to a CStr
		CStr daeData;
			CVFSFile daeFile;
			if (daeFile.Load(g_VFS, daeFilename) != PSRETURN_OK)
				return false;
			daeData = daeFile.GetAsString();

		// Do the conversion into a memory buffer
		WriteBuffer writeBuffer;
		switch (type)
		case CColladaManager::PMD: convert_dae_to_pmd(daeData.c_str(), ColladaOutput, &writeBuffer); break;
		case CColladaManager::PSA: convert_dae_to_psa(daeData.c_str(), ColladaOutput, &writeBuffer); break;

		// don't create zero-length files (as happens in test_invalid_dae when
		// we deliberately pass invalid XML data) because the VFS caching
		// logic warns when asked to load such.
		if (writeBuffer.Size())
			Status ret = g_VFS->CreateFile(pmdFilename, writeBuffer.Data(), writeBuffer.Size());
			ENSURE(ret == INFO::OK);

		return true;
Пример #4
bool BeginAtlas(const CmdLineArgs& args, const DllLoader& dll) 
	// Load required symbols from the DLL
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_StartWindow", Atlas_StartWindow);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_SetMessagePasser", Atlas_SetMessagePasser);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_SetDataDirectory", Atlas_SetDataDirectory);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_GLSetCurrent", Atlas_GLSetCurrent);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_GLSwapBuffers", Atlas_GLSwapBuffers);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_NotifyEndOfFrame", Atlas_NotifyEndOfFrame);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_DisplayError", Atlas_DisplayError);
		dll.LoadSymbol("Atlas_ReportError", Atlas_ReportError);
		dll.LoadSymbol("ShareableMalloc", ShareableMallocFptr);
		dll.LoadSymbol("ShareableFree", ShareableFreeFptr);
	catch (PSERROR_DllLoader&)
		debug_warn(L"Failed to initialise DLL");
		return false;

	// Construct a message passer for communicating with Atlas
	MessagePasserImpl msgPasser;
	AtlasMessage::g_MessagePasser = &msgPasser;

	// Pass our message handler to Atlas

	// Tell Atlas the location of the data directory
	const Paths paths(args);

	// Register all the handlers for message which might be passed back

	// Create a new thread, and launch the Atlas window inside that thread
	const wchar_t* windowName = FindWindowName(args);
	pthread_t uiThread;
	pthread_create(&uiThread, NULL, LaunchWindow, reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<wchar_t*>(windowName)));

	// Override ah_display_error to pass all errors to the Atlas UI
	AppHooks hooks = {0};
	hooks.display_error = AtlasDisplayError;
	// Disable the game's cursor rendering
	extern CStrW g_CursorName;
	g_CursorName = L"";

	state.args = args;
	state.running = true;
	state.view = View::GetView_None();
	state.glCanvas = NULL;

	double last_activity = timer_Time();

	while (state.running)
		bool recent_activity = false;

		// (TODO: Work out why these things have to be in this order (to avoid
		// jumps when starting to move, etc))

		// Calculate frame length
			double time = timer_Time();
			static double last_time = time;
			float length = (float)(time-last_time);
			last_time = time;
			ENSURE(length >= 0.0f);
			// TODO: filter out big jumps, e.g. when having done a lot of slow
			// processing in the last frame
			state.frameLength = length;

		// Process the input that was received in the past
		if (g_Input.ProcessInput(&state))
			recent_activity = true;

			IMessage* msg;
			while ((msg = msgPasser.Retrieve()) != NULL)
				recent_activity = true;

				std::string name (msg->GetName());

				msgHandlers::const_iterator it = GetMsgHandlers().find(name);
				if (it != GetMsgHandlers().end())
					debug_warn(L"Unrecognised message");
					// CLogger might not be initialised, but this error will be sent
					// to the debug output window anyway so people can still see it
					LOGERROR(L"Unrecognised message (%hs)", name.c_str());

				if (msg->GetType() == IMessage::Query)
					// For queries, we need to notify MessagePasserImpl::Query
					// that the query has now been processed.
					sem_post((sem_t*) static_cast<QueryMessage*>(msg)->m_Semaphore);
					// (msg may have been destructed at this point, so don't use it again)

					// It's quite possible that the querier is going to do a tiny
					// bit of processing on the query results and then issue another
					// query, and repeat lots of times in a loop. To avoid slowing
					// that down by rendering between every query, make this
					// thread yield now.
					// For non-queries, we need to delete the object, since we
					// took ownership of it.

		// Exit, if desired
		if (! state.running)


		// Do per-frame processing:



		// Pump SDL events (e.g. hotkeys)
		SDL_Event_ ev;
		while (SDL_PollEvent(&ev.ev))

		if (g_GUI)



		if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised())

		double time = timer_Time();
		if (recent_activity)
			last_activity = time;

		// Be nice to the processor (by sleeping lots) if we're not doing anything
		// useful, and nice to the user (by just yielding to other threads) if we are
		bool yield = (time - last_activity > 0.5);

		// But make sure we aren't doing anything interesting right now, where
		// the user wants to see the screen updating even though they're not
		// interacting with it
		if (state.view->WantsHighFramerate())
			yield = false;

		if (yield) // if there was no recent activity...
			double sleepUntil = time + 0.5; // only redraw at 2fps
			while (time < sleepUntil)
				// To minimise latency when the user starts doing stuff, only
				// sleep for a short while, then check if anything's happened,
				// then go back to sleep
				// (TODO: This should probably be done with something like semaphores)
				Atlas_NotifyEndOfFrame(); // (TODO: rename to NotifyEndOfQuiteShortProcessingPeriodSoPleaseSendMeNewMessages or something)
				if (!msgPasser.IsEmpty())
				time = timer_Time();

	// TODO: delete all remaining messages, to avoid memory leak warnings

	// Wait for the UI to exit
	pthread_join(uiThread, NULL);

	// Clean up

	return true;