Пример #1
void OpDragBox::DragPointerMove(DocCoord dcMousePos, ClickModifiers cmods, Spread* pSpread, BOOL bSolidDrag)
	// If the mouse has moved to another spread than translate its position into the
	// new spread's coordinate system.
	if (pSpread != m_pStartSpread && pSpread != NULL)
		dcMousePos = MakeRelativeToSpread(m_pStartSpread, pSpread, dcMousePos);

	// Calculate the new drag rectangle.
	DocRect drNewDragBox = CalcDragBox(m_dcStartPos, dcMousePos);
	ERROR3IF(!drNewDragBox.IsValid(), "Invalid drag box in OpDragBox::DragPointerMove");

	// Call the appropriate update function, according to whether we are drawing solid
	// drag boxes or unfilled drag boxes.
	if (m_fDoSolidDragBoxes)
	// Update our record of the last drag box and call the derived class.
	if (!OnPointerMoved(m_pStartSpread, m_drLastDragBox = drNewDragBox, cmods))
		// Cancel the drag and operation.
Пример #2

>	BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::FindCentreInsertionPosition(Spread** Spread, DocCoord* Position)

	Author:		Will_Cowling (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**> (from Simon)
	Created:	12/6/96
	Inputs:		-
	Outputs:	Spread:  The spread to place the clipboard objects on
				Position:The centre of the view (Spread coords)
	Purpose:	Finds the centre insertion position for clipboard objects

BOOL MakeBitmapFilter::FindCentreInsertionPosition(Spread** Spread, DocCoord* Position)
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Find out which spread is in the centre of the view 
	// this is the spread that the pasted objects will be placed on

	// Obtain the current DocView
	DocView* CurDocView = DocView::GetCurrent();

	ENSURE(CurDocView != NULL, "The current DocView is NULL"); 
	if (CurDocView == NULL)
		return FALSE; // No DocView

	// Get the view rect
	WorkRect WrkViewRect = CurDocView->GetViewRect();

	if (WrkViewRect.IsEmpty() || (!WrkViewRect.IsValid()) )
		return FALSE; // Defensive
	// Determine the centre of the view
	WorkCoord WrkCentreOfView; 
	WrkCentreOfView.x = WrkViewRect.lox	+ (WrkViewRect.Width()/2); 
	WrkCentreOfView.y = WrkViewRect.loy	+ (WrkViewRect.Height()/2);
	// FindEnclosing spread requires an OilCoord
	OilCoord OilCentreOfView = WrkCentreOfView.ToOil(CurDocView->GetScrollOffsets()); 

	// Find out which spread to insert the pasteboard objects onto
	(*Spread) = CurDocView->FindEnclosingSpread(OilCentreOfView);
	if ((*Spread) == NULL)
		return FALSE; // There is no spread

	// Phew
	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now lets find the spread coordinate of the centre of the view
	DocRect DocViewRect = CurDocView->GetDocViewRect(*Spread);
	if ( DocViewRect.IsEmpty() || (!DocViewRect.IsValid()) )
		ERROR3("DocViewRect is invalid");
		return FALSE; // Defensive

	// Find the centre of the DocViewRect
   	DocCoord DocCentreOfView; 
	DocCentreOfView.x = DocViewRect.lox	+ (DocViewRect.Width()/2); 
	DocCentreOfView.y = DocViewRect.loy	+ (DocViewRect.Height()/2);

	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now convert from DocCoords to spread coords

	DocRect PhysSpreadRect = (*Spread)->GetPasteboardRect();
	(*Position).x = DocCentreOfView.x - PhysSpreadRect.lo.x; 
	(*Position).y = DocCentreOfView.y - PhysSpreadRect.lo.y;
	return TRUE;  
Пример #3
BOOL PrintPSRenderRegion::WriteClipRegion(KernelDC *pDC, const DocRect& Rect)
	if (!Rect.IsValid() || Rect.IsEmpty())
		return TRUE;

	DocCoord c0,c1;
	BOOL ok = pDC->OutputCoord(c0);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputCoord(c1);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputToken(TEXT("Cp"));
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputNewLine();

	return ok;