Пример #1
//returning all data necessary to re-generate timer
//  uint32   contextId
//  double period
//  double timeUntil timer expires
//  bool  isSuspended
//  bool  isCleared
//  func  cb
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSTimerStruct::struct_getAllData()
    v8::HandleScope handle_scope;

    uint32  contId   = jsContStruct->getContextID();
    bool    issusp   = getIsSuspended();
    bool    isclear  = getIsCleared();
    double  period   = -1;
    double  tUntil   = -1;

    v8::Handle<v8::Function> cbFunc;

    if (! isclear)
        cbFunc = cb;
        period = timeUntil.toSeconds();
        if (issusp)
            tUntil = timeUntil.toSeconds();
            Duration pt = mDeadlineTimer->expiresFromNow();
            tUntil = pt.seconds();

    v8::Handle<v8::Object> returner = v8::Object::New();

    if (isclear)
        returner->Set(v8::String::New("contextId"), v8::Integer::NewFromUnsigned(contId));
        return handle_scope.Close(returner);

    returner->Set(v8::String::New("period"), v8::Number::New(period));

    return handle_scope.Close(returner);
Пример #2
void Camera::tick(const Time& t, const Duration& dt) {
    if (!haveGoal()) return;

    Vector3d goalPos = getGoalPosition();
    Quaternion goalOrient = getGoalOrientation();

    Vector3d pos;
    Quaternion orient;

    if (mMode == FirstPerson) {
        // In first person mode we are tied tightly to the position of
        // the object.
        pos = goalPos;
        orient = goalOrient;
    else {
        // In third person mode, the target is offset so we'll be behind and
        // above ourselves and we need to interpolate to the target.
        // Offset the goal.
        BoundingSphere3f following_bounds = getGoalBounds();
        goalPos += Vector3d(following_bounds.center());
        // > 1 factor gets us beyond the top of the object
        goalPos += mOffset * (following_bounds.radius());
        // Restore the current values from the scene node.
        pos = fromOgre(mSceneNode->getPosition(), mScene->getOffset());
        orient = fromOgre(mSceneNode->getOrientation());
        // And interpolate.
        Vector3d toGoal = goalPos-pos;
        double toGoalLen = toGoal.length();
        if (toGoalLen < 1e-06) {
            pos = goalPos;
            orient = goalOrient;
        } else {
            double step = exp(-dt.seconds()*2.f);
            pos = goalPos - (toGoal/toGoalLen)*(toGoalLen*step);
            orient = (goalOrient*(1.f-step) + orient*step).normal();

    mSceneNode->setPosition(toOgre(pos, mScene->getOffset()));