EdjeObject *ActivityAudioListView::createRootButton(string title, string subtitle, string total, int row, int col) { EdjeObject *obj = new EdjeObject(theme, evas); obj->LoadEdje("calaos/audio/browser/button"); obj->setPartText("title", title); obj->setPartText("subtitle", subtitle); obj->setPartText("total", total); obj->Show(); int w, h; edje_object_size_min_get(obj->getEvasObject(), &w, &h); obj->Resize(w, h); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(obj->getEvasObject(), w, h); browser_root_buttons.push_back(obj); if (!edje_object_part_table_pack(browser_root->getEvasObject(), "table", obj->getEvasObject(), col, row, 1, 1)) cCritical() << "ActivityAudioListView::createRootButton(), failed to pack object into table !"; return obj; }
bool XmasWidget::LoadWidget(std::string, double _x, double _y, std::string _id) { std::string witem = "calaos/widget/xmas"; if (!LoadEdje(witem)) { return false; } setLayer(500); EdjeObject::Show(); clip = evas_object_rectangle_add(evas); evas_object_show(clip); edje_object_part_swallow(edje, "widget.swallow", clip); Resize(1024, 768); //create some flakes for (int i = 0;i < MAX_FLAKE;i++) { std::string type; if (i < MAX_FLAKE / 3) type = "flake_small"; else if (i >= MAX_FLAKE / 3 && i < (MAX_FLAKE / 3) * 2) type = "flake_medium"; else type = "flake_large"; EdjeObject *o = new EdjeObject(theme, evas); if (!o->LoadEdje("calaos/widget/xmas/" + type)) cError() << "Error loading edje group calaos/widget/xmas/" + type; o->setLayer(500); evas_object_clip_set(o->getEvasObject(), clip); Flake *flake = new Flake(o); int tx = random() % clipw; int ty = random() % cliph; flake->Move(tx + clipx, ty + clipy); flake->Show(); flake->setStart(ecore_time_get() + (double)(random() % (flake->getHeight() * 10)) / (double)flake->getHeight()); if (type == "flake_small") flake->setSpeed(1); if (type == "flake_medium") flake->setSpeed(2); if (type == "flake_large") flake->setSpeed(3); flakes.push_back(flake); } return true; }
Evas_Object *IOGenlistRoomGroupIcon::getPartItem(Evas_Object *obj, string part) { Evas_Object *o = NULL; if (part == "icon") { string type = room->type; string t = type; if (type == "salon") t = "lounge"; if (type == "chambre") t = "bedroom"; if (type == "cuisine") t = "kitchen"; if (type == "bureau") t = "office"; if (type == "sam") t = "diningroom"; if (type == "cave") t = "cellar"; if (type == "divers") t = "various"; if (type == "misc") t = "various"; if (type == "exterieur") t = "outside"; if (type == "sdb") t = "bathroom"; if (type == "hall") t = "corridor"; if (type == "couloir") t = "corridor"; EdjeObject *icon = new EdjeObject(ApplicationMain::getTheme(), evas); string group = "calaos/icons/room/"; try { icon->LoadEdje(group + t); } catch(...) { //room not found, load default icon->LoadEdje("calaos/icons/room/various"); } icon->setAutoDelete(true); o = icon->getEvasObject(); } return o; }
void ActivityScheduleScenarioView::showTimeSelection(void *data) { int *user_data = reinterpret_cast<int *>(data); if (editState == EDIT_START_OFFSET && user_data) { editStatesHist.push(editState); if (*user_data == 0) { edit_range.start_offset = 0; edit_range.shour = "0"; edit_range.smin = "0"; edit_range.ssec = "0"; if (cycle) { editState = EDIT_END_TYPE; createTimeSelectTypeList(NULL, NULL, "", ""); return; } else { editState = EDIT_WEEK; showWeekSelection(NULL, NULL, "", ""); return; } } else if (*user_data == 1) { edit_range.start_offset = 1; editState = EDIT_START_TIME_OFFSET; } else if (*user_data == 2) { edit_range.start_offset = -1; editState = EDIT_START_TIME_OFFSET; } } if (editState == EDIT_END_OFFSET && user_data) { editStatesHist.push(editState); if (*user_data == 0) { edit_range.end_offset = 0; edit_range.ehour = "0"; edit_range.emin = "0"; edit_range.esec = "0"; editState = EDIT_WEEK; showWeekSelection(NULL, NULL, "", ""); return; } else if (*user_data == 1) { edit_range.end_offset = 1; editState = EDIT_END_TIME_OFFSET; } else if (*user_data == 2) { edit_range.end_offset = -1; editState = EDIT_END_TIME_OFFSET; } } EdjeObject *page = new EdjeObject(ApplicationMain::getTheme(), evas); page->LoadEdje("calaos/popup/page/time_schedule"); page->setAutoDelete(true); page->addCallback("button.back", "pressed", sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ActivityScheduleScenarioView::buttonBackClick)); if (cycle && editState < EDIT_END_TYPE) page->addCallback("button.valid", "pressed", sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ActivityScheduleScenarioView::createTimeSelectTypeList)); else page->addCallback("button.valid", "pressed", sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ActivityScheduleScenarioView::showWeekSelection)); string t; if (editState == EDIT_START_TIME) t = _("<b>Choose a scheduling</b><br><light_blue><small>Start time of scenario</small></light_blue>"); else if (editState == EDIT_END_TIME) t = _("<b>Choose a scheduling</b><br><light_blue><small>End time of scenario</small></light_blue>"); else if (editState == EDIT_START_TIME_OFFSET) t = _("<b>Choose a time shift</b><br><light_blue><small>Shifting start of scenario</small></light_blue>"); else if (editState == EDIT_END_TIME_OFFSET) t = _("<b>Choose a time shift</b><br><light_blue><small>Shifteng end of scenario</small></light_blue>"); page->setPartText("text", t); int hour_value, min_value, sec_value; Evas_Object **spin_hour = NULL, **spin_min = NULL, **spin_sec = NULL; if (editState == EDIT_START_TIME || editState == EDIT_START_TIME_OFFSET) { from_string(edit_range.shour, hour_value); from_string(edit_range.smin, min_value); from_string(edit_range.ssec, sec_value); spin_hour = &spin_start_hours; spin_min = &spin_start_min; spin_sec = &spin_start_sec; } else if (editState == EDIT_END_TIME || editState == EDIT_END_TIME_OFFSET) { from_string(edit_range.ehour, hour_value); from_string(edit_range.emin, min_value); from_string(edit_range.esec, sec_value); spin_hour = &spin_end_hours; spin_min = &spin_end_min; spin_sec = &spin_end_sec; } *spin_hour = elm_spinner_add(parent); elm_object_style_set(*spin_hour, "calaos/time/vertical"); elm_spinner_label_format_set(*spin_hour, _("%.0f<br><subtitle>Hours</subtitle>")); elm_spinner_min_max_set(*spin_hour, 0, 99); elm_spinner_step_set(*spin_hour, 1); elm_spinner_interval_set(*spin_hour, 0.15); elm_spinner_value_set(*spin_hour, hour_value); evas_object_show(*spin_hour); page->Swallow(*spin_hour, "spinner.hours", true); *spin_min = elm_spinner_add(parent); elm_object_style_set(*spin_min, "calaos/time/vertical"); elm_spinner_label_format_set(*spin_min, _("%.0f<br><subtitle>Min.</subtitle>")); elm_spinner_min_max_set(*spin_min, 0, 59); elm_spinner_step_set(*spin_min, 1); elm_spinner_interval_set(*spin_min, 0.15); elm_spinner_value_set(*spin_min, min_value); evas_object_show(*spin_min); page->Swallow(*spin_min, "spinner.minutes", true); *spin_sec = elm_spinner_add(parent); elm_object_style_set(*spin_sec, "calaos/time/vertical"); elm_spinner_label_format_set(*spin_sec, _("%.0f<br><subtitle>Sec.</subtitle>")); elm_spinner_min_max_set(*spin_sec, 0, 59); elm_spinner_step_set(*spin_sec, 1); elm_spinner_interval_set(*spin_sec, 0.15); elm_spinner_value_set(*spin_sec, sec_value); evas_object_show(*spin_sec); page->Swallow(*spin_sec, "spinner.seconds", true); evas_object_size_hint_min_set(page->getEvasObject(), 300, 300); page->Show(); elm_naviframe_item_push(pager_popup, NULL, NULL, NULL, page->getEvasObject(), "calaos"); }