Пример #1
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateRollPrompt( double radius ) {

	Assembly *prompt = new Assembly();

	// Angular extent of the circular arrow, where 1.0 = 360°.
	double guage =  radius / 10.0;
	double arc = 0.85;

	Annulus *donut = new Annulus( radius, guage, arc, curve_facets, curve_facets );
	donut->SetAttitude( 0.0, 90.0, 0.0 );
	prompt->AddComponent( donut );

	TaperedAnnulus *tip = new TaperedAnnulus( radius, radius / 3.0, 1.0, 0.05, curve_facets );
	tip->SetAttitude( 0.0, 90.0, 0.0 );
	tip->SetOrientation( - arc * 360.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
	prompt->AddComponent( tip );

	Ellipsoid *base = new Ellipsoid ( guage, guage / 2.0, guage );
	base->SetPosition( radius, 0.0, 0.0 );
	prompt->AddComponent( base );
	prompt->SetColor( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );

	return prompt;

void EllipsoidLibraryImplementation::ellipsoidParameters( const long index, double *a, double *f )
 *  The function ellipsoidParameters returns the semi-major axis and flattening
 *  for the ellipsoid with the specified index.  If index is invalid,
 *  exception is thrown.
 *    index    : Index of a given ellipsoid in the ellipsoid table (input)
 *    a        : Semi-major axis, in meters, of ellipsoid          (output)
 *    f        : Flattening of ellipsoid.                          (output)

  *a = 0;
  *f = 0;

  if( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= ellipsoidList.size() ) )
    throw CoordinateConversionException( ErrorMessages::invalidIndex );
    Ellipsoid* ellipsoid = ellipsoidList[index];
    *a = ellipsoid->semiMajorAxis();
    *f = ellipsoid->flattening();
IlwisObject *InternalIlwisObjectFactory::createEllipsoidFromQuery(const QString &query, const Resource& resource) const {
    if ( query == "") {
        return createFromResource<Ellipsoid>(resource, IOOptions());

    InternalDatabaseConnection db(24);
    if (db.exec(query) && db.next()) {
        Ellipsoid *ellipsoid = createFromResource<Ellipsoid>(resource, IOOptions());
        return ellipsoid;
    return 0;
Пример #4
void projectEllipsoid(Ellipsoid& ell, double ell_height, const PCRGB& pc, PCRGB& pc_ell) 
    double lat, lon, height, x, y, z, h, s, l;
    BOOST_FOREACH(PRGB const pt, pc.points) {
        PRGB npt;
        extractHSL(pt.rgb, h, s, l);
        ell.cartToEllipsoidal(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, lat, lon, height);
        ell.ellipsoidalToCart(lat, lon, ell_height, x, y, z);
        npt.x = x; npt.y = y; npt.z = z;
        writeHSL(0, 0, l, npt.rgb);
    pc_ell.header.frame_id = "base_link";
    //pubLoop(pc_ell, "/proj_head");
Пример #5
bool Mgc::Culled (const Plane& rkPlane, const Ellipsoid& rkEllipsoid,
    bool bUnitNormal)
    Vector3 kNormal = rkPlane.Normal();
    Real fConstant = rkPlane.Constant();
    if ( !bUnitNormal )
        Real fLength = kNormal.Unitize();
        fConstant /= fLength;

    Real fDiscr = kNormal.Dot(rkEllipsoid.InverseA()*kNormal);
    Real fRoot = Math::Sqrt(Math::FAbs(fDiscr));
    Real fSDist = kNormal.Dot(rkEllipsoid.Center()) - fConstant;
    return fSDist <= -fRoot;
Пример #6
    void wrenchCallback(geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped::ConstPtr wrench_stamped) 
        double cur_time = wrench_stamped->header.stamp.toSec();
        if(start_time == -1)
            start_time = cur_time;
        CartVec w;
        wrenchMsgToEigen(wrench_stamped->wrench, w);
        double force_mag = NORM(w(0, 0), w(1, 0), w(2, 0));
        tf::StampedTransform tool_loc_tf;
        try {
            tf_list.waitForTransform("/head_center", "/wipe_finger", wrench_stamped->header.stamp, ros::Duration(0.1));
            tf_list.lookupTransform("/head_center", "/wipe_finger", wrench_stamped->header.stamp, tool_loc_tf);
        catch (tf::TransformException ex) {
            ROS_ERROR("%s", ex.what());
        tool_loc_tf.mult(registration_tf, tool_loc_tf);
        btVector3 tool_loc = tool_loc_tf.getOrigin();
        PRGB query_pt;
        query_pt.x = tool_loc.x(); query_pt.y = tool_loc.y(); query_pt.z = tool_loc.z(); 
        vector<int> nk_inds(1);
        vector<float> nk_dists(1);
        kd_tree->nearestKSearch(query_pt, 1, nk_inds, nk_dists);
        int closest_ind = nk_inds[0];
        float closest_dist = nk_dists[0];

        hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed fp;
        fp.time_offset = cur_time - start_time;
        tf::transformStampedTFToMsg(tool_loc_tf, fp.tool_frame);
        fp.header = wrench_stamped->header;
        fp.header.frame_id = "/head_center";
        fp.wrench = wrench_stamped->wrench;
        fp.pc_ind = closest_ind;
        fp.pc_dist = closest_dist;
        fp.pc_pt.x = pc_head->points[closest_ind].x;
        fp.pc_pt.y = pc_head->points[closest_ind].y;
        fp.pc_pt.z = pc_head->points[closest_ind].z;
        fp.force_magnitude = force_mag;
        if(compute_norms) {
            fp.pc_normal.x = normals->points[closest_ind].normal[0];
            fp.pc_normal.y = normals->points[closest_ind].normal[1];
            fp.pc_normal.z = normals->points[closest_ind].normal[2];

        // do ellipsoidal processing
        tf::Transform tool_loc_ell = ell_reg_tf * tool_loc_tf;
        tf::transformTFToMsg(tool_loc_ell, fp.tool_ell_frame);
        btVector3 tloce_pos = tool_loc_ell.getOrigin();
        ell.cartToEllipsoidal(tloce_pos.x(), tloce_pos.y(), tloce_pos.z(), 
                              fp.ell_coords.x, fp.ell_coords.y, fp.ell_coords.z);

        if(pub_ind % 100 == 0)
            ROS_INFO("Recorded %d samples", pub_ind);
IEllipsoid CoordinateSystemConnector::getEllipsoid() {
    QString ell = _odf->value("CoordSystem","Ellipsoid");
    if ( ell == "?")
        return IEllipsoid();
    if ( ell == "User Defined") {
        double invf = _odf->value("Ellipsoid","1/f").toDouble();
        double majoraxis = _odf->value("Ellipsoid","a").toDouble();
        Ellipsoid *ellips = new Ellipsoid();
        QString newName = ellips->setEllipsoid(majoraxis,invf);;
        IEllipsoid ellipsoid(ellips);
        return ellipsoid;
    IEllipsoid ellipsoid;
    QString code = name2Code(ell, "ellipsoid");
    if ( code == sUNDEF)
        return IEllipsoid();

    QString resource = QString("ilwis://tables/ellipsoid?code=%1").arg(code);


    return ellipsoid;
Пример #8
// The following objects are not used during the Grasp protocol and are not seen by the subject.
// Rather, these objects are used in the GraspGUI and elswhere to visualize the subject's pose.
// Perhaps they would be better placed in another class so that they are not included when not needed.
Assembly *GraspGLObjects::CreateHead( void ) {

	Assembly *head = new Assembly();
	// Skull
	Ellipsoid *skull = new Ellipsoid( head_shape );
	skull->SetColor( .4f, 0.0f, .4f );
	// Eyes
	head->AddComponent( skull );
	Sphere *sphere = new Sphere( 20.0 );
	sphere->SetColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	sphere->SetPosition( -50.0, 20.0, -100.0 );
	head->AddComponent( sphere );
	sphere = new Sphere( 20.0 );
	sphere->SetColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
	sphere->SetPosition( 50.0, 20.0, -100.0 );
	head->AddComponent( sphere );
	// Nose
	Cylinder *cylinder = new Cylinder( 20.0, 5.0, 30.0 );	
	cylinder->SetPosition( 0.0, -20.0, - head_shape[Z] );
	cylinder->SetOrientation( 0.0, 90.0, 0.0 );
	cylinder->SetColor( YELLOW );
	head->AddComponent( cylinder );
	return head;
 bool EllipsoidConnector::createEllipsoidFromCode(const QString& code, IlwisObject *data) {
    QString query = QString("Select * from ellipsoid where code = '%1'").arg(code);
    QSqlQuery db(kernel()->database());
    if (db.exec(query)) {
        if ( db.next()) {
           Ellipsoid *ellipsoid =  static_cast<Ellipsoid *>(data);
           double ma = db.record().field("majoraxis").value().toDouble();
           double rf = db.record().field("invflattening").value().toDouble();
           ellipsoid->setConnector(this); // we are internal, no connector needed
           return true;
    return false;
Пример #10
void projectEllipsoidDense(Ellipsoid& ell, double ell_height, const PCRGB& pc, 
                           int num_lat, int num_lon, double sigma, int k) 
    pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> kd_tree(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> ());
    PCRGB pc_dense;
    vector<int> inds;
    vector<float> dists;
    double h, s, l, h_sum, s_sum, l_sum, normal, normal_sum;
    double x, y, z;
    double lat = 0, lon = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<num_lat;i++) {
        lat += PI / num_lat;
        lon = 0;
        for(int j=0;j<num_lon;j++) {
            lon += 2 * PI / num_lon;
            PRGB pt;
            ell.ellipsoidalToCart(lat, lon, ell_height, x, y, z);
            pt.x = x; pt.y = y; pt.z = z;
            kd_tree.nearestKSearch(pt, k, inds, dists);
            normal_sum = 0; h_sum = 0; s_sum = 0; l_sum = 0;
            for(uint32_t inds_i=0;inds_i<inds.size();inds_i++) {
                extractHSL(pc.points[inds[inds_i]].rgb, h, s, l);
                normal = NORMAL(dists[inds_i], sigma);
                normal_sum += normal;
                h_sum += normal * h; s_sum += normal * s; l_sum += normal * l;
            writeHSL(h_sum / normal_sum, s_sum / normal_sum, l_sum / normal_sum, pt.rgb);
    pc_dense.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
    pubLoop(pc_dense, "/proj_head");
Пример #11
bool Ellipsoid::overlapsWith(Ellipsoid ellipsoid, bool &ellipsoidMatrixDecompositionIsSuccessful)
    // Construct translation matrix

    MatrixXd T1 = MatrixXd::Identity(Ndimensions+1,Ndimensions+1);
    MatrixXd T2 = MatrixXd::Identity(Ndimensions+1,Ndimensions+1);
    T1.bottomLeftCorner(1,Ndimensions) = (-1.0) * centerCoordinates.transpose();
    T2.bottomLeftCorner(1,Ndimensions) = (-1.0) * ellipsoid.getCenterCoordinates().transpose();

    // Construct ellipsoid matrix in homogeneous coordinates

    MatrixXd A = MatrixXd::Zero(Ndimensions+1,Ndimensions+1);
    MatrixXd B = A;

    A(Ndimensions,Ndimensions) = -1;
    B(Ndimensions,Ndimensions) = -1;

    A.topLeftCorner(Ndimensions,Ndimensions) = covarianceMatrix.matrix().inverse();
    B.topLeftCorner(Ndimensions,Ndimensions) = ellipsoid.getCovarianceMatrix().matrix().inverse();

    MatrixXd AT = T1*A*T1.transpose();        // Translating to ellipsoid center
    MatrixXd BT = T2*B*T2.transpose();        // Translating to ellipsoid center

    // Compute Hyper Quadric Matrix generating from the two ellipsoids 
    // and derive its eigenvalues decomposition

    MatrixXd C = AT.inverse() * BT;
    MatrixXcd CC(Ndimensions+1,Ndimensions+1);

    CC.imag() = MatrixXd::Zero(Ndimensions+1,Ndimensions+1); 
    CC.real() = C;
    ComplexEigenSolver<MatrixXcd> eigenSolver(CC);

    // If eigenvalue decomposition fails, set control flag to false 
    // to stop the nested sampling and print the results 

    if (eigenSolver.info() != Success)
        ellipsoidMatrixDecompositionIsSuccessful = false;
    MatrixXcd E = eigenSolver.eigenvalues();
    MatrixXcd V = eigenSolver.eigenvectors();

    bool ellipsoidsDoOverlap = false;       // Assume no overlap in the beginning
    double pointA;                          // Point laying in this ellipsoid
    double pointB;                          // Point laying in the other ellipsoid

    // Loop over all eigenvectors

    for (int i = 0; i < Ndimensions+1; i++) 
        // Skip inadmissible eigenvectors

        if (V(Ndimensions,i).real() == 0)
        else if (E(i).imag() != 0)
                V.col(i) = V.col(i).array() * (V.conjugate())(Ndimensions,i);      // Multiply eigenvector by complex conjugate of last element
                V.col(i) = V.col(i).array() / V(Ndimensions,i).real();             // Normalize eigenvector to last component value
                pointA = V.col(i).transpose().real() * AT * V.col(i).real();       // Evaluate point from this ellipsoid
                pointB = V.col(i).transpose().real() * BT * V.col(i).real();       // Evaluate point from the other ellipsoid

                // Accept only if point belongs to both ellipsoids

                if ((pointA <= 0) && (pointB <= 0))  
                    ellipsoidsDoOverlap = true;            // Exit if ellipsoidsDoOverlap is found

    return ellipsoidsDoOverlap;
Пример #12
// Inicializacio, a program futasanak kezdeten, az OpenGL kontextus letrehozasa utan hivodik meg (ld. main() fv.)
void onInitialization() {
	glViewport(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);

	Color ks = Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
	Color kd = Color(255, 215, 0) / 255;
	Color k = Color(3.1, 2.7, 1.9);
	Color k_1 = Color(1.1, 1.7, 0.9);
	Color n = Color(0.17, 0.35, 1.5);
	Material *material = new Material(ks, Color(255, 200, 50) / 255, n, k,
			Color(), 50, false, false);
	Material *material_2 = new Material(ks, Color(205, 127, 50) / 255, n, k,
			Color(), 50, false, false);
	Material *material_3 = new Material(ks, Color(0, 178, 89) / 255, n, k,
			Color(), 50, true, false);

	Material *material_4 = new Material(ks, Color(0, 144, 244) / 255,
			Color(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), Color(), Color(), 50, false, true);
//	Sphere implementation----------------------------------------------
	Sphere *firstSphere = new Sphere(material_4);

//	Ellipsoid implementation-------------------------------------------
	Ellipsoid *firstEllipsoid = new Ellipsoid(material);
	myMatrix transfom1 = myMatrix(0.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, 0,
			0, 0, 1);
	myMatrix transfom3 = myMatrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, -0.2, 0,
			0.5, 1);
	myMatrix transfom2 = myMatrix(cos(M_PI / 6), sin(M_PI / 6), 0, 0,
			-sin(M_PI / 6), cos(M_PI / 6), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	myMatrix transform4 = myMatrix(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.3, 0.2,
			1, 1);

	Vector normal = Vector(-0.529863, 0.253724, 0.80924, 1);
	Vector origo = Vector(-0.150579, 0.20029, 0.229974, 0);

	Hit hit = Hit();
	hit.normalVector = normal;
	hit.intersectPoint = origo;

	myMatrix tr1 = myMatrix(0.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.15, 0, 0, 0,
			0, 1);
	myMatrix tr3 = myMatrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.25, 0, 1);
	myMatrix tr = getTheNewCoordSys(hit);

	Ellipsoid *secondEllipsoid = new Ellipsoid(material);
	myMatrix first_connection_matrix = tr1 * tr3 * tr;

	Vector normal_2 = normal * first_connection_matrix;
	Vector origo_2 = origo * first_connection_matrix;

	hit.normalVector = normal_2;
	hit.intersectPoint = origo_2;

	tr1 = myMatrix(0.15 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.25 , 0, 0, 0, 0,
			0.15 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	tr3 = myMatrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.25 , 0,
	tr = getTheNewCoordSys(hit);
	Ellipsoid *thirdEllipsoid = new Ellipsoid(material);
	myMatrix second_connection_matrix = first_connection_matrix*tr;

//	Cylinder implementation---------------------------------------------
	Cylinder *firstCylinder = new Cylinder(material);
	transfom1 = myMatrix(0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	transfom3 = myMatrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.4, 0, -0.6, 1);
	transfom2 = myMatrix(cos(M_PI / 2), sin(M_PI / 2), 0, 0, -sin(M_PI / 2),
			cos(M_PI / 2), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	firstCylinder->setTrasformationMatrix((transfom1 * transfom2) * transfom3);

//	Paraboloid implemenation--------------------------------------------
	Paraboloid *firstParaboloid = new Paraboloid(material_4);
	transfom1 = myMatrix(0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	transfom3 = myMatrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.4, 0, -0.6, 1);
	transfom2 = myMatrix(cos(M_PI / 2), sin(M_PI / 2), 0, 0, -sin(M_PI / 2),
			cos(M_PI / 2), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	firstParaboloid->setTrasformationMatrix((transfom1) * transfom3);

//	Plane implementation------------------------------------------------
	Plane *firstPlane = new Plane(material_2);
	Plane2 *secondPlane = new Plane2(material_2);
	Scene scene = Scene();
	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) firstPlane);
//	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) firstCylinder);
//	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) firstSphere);
	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) firstEllipsoid);
	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) secondEllipsoid);
//	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) thirdEllipsoid);
//	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) secondPlane);
//	scene.AddObject((Intersectable*) firstParaboloid);

	scene.SetAmbientColor(Color(77, 199, 253) / 255);

	PositionLightSource *light = new PositionLightSource(Vector(-1, 6, 7),
			Color(1, 1, 1));

	scene.AddLight((LightSource*) light);

	MyCamera camera = MyCamera(Vector(1, 2, 3), Vector(0, 0, 0),
			Vector(0, 1, 0));



Пример #13
C3DModel CTriangulator<Real, Ellipsoid<Real> >::Triangulate(const Ellipsoid<Real> &pShape)
  //-Pi/2 to Pi/2
  Real phi;
  //0 to 2Pi
  Real theta;
  //points on the sphere

  C3DModel model;

  std::vector<Vector3<Real> > vVertices;
  std::vector<TriFace>         vFaces;

  int lat  =8;
  int longi=8;

  Real dphi   = CMath<Real>::SYS_PI/(Real)longi;
  Real dtheta = CMath<Real>::SYS_PI/(Real)lat;
  Real halfpi = CMath<Real>::SYS_PI/2.0;

  Vector3<Real> vTop=pShape.eval(halfpi,0);
  Vector3<Real> vBottom=pShape.eval(-halfpi,0);
  phi  = halfpi-dphi;
  for(int j=1;j<longi;j++)

	for(int i=0;i<2*lat;i++)
	  Vector3<Real> vNext=pShape.eval(phi,theta);
	}//end for i
  }//end for j


 // for(int i=0;i<vVertices.size();i++)

  int lat2=2*lat;
  //add upper triangle fan
  for(int i=0;i<lat2;i++)
	int verts[3];
	TriFace face(verts);

  //add body
  for(int i=0;i<longi-2;i++)
	int index=1+i*lat2;
	for(int j=0;j<lat2;j++)
	  int verts[3];

	  TriFace face1(verts);
	  TriFace face2(verts);
  int ilast=vVertices.size()-1;
  int ilastrow=ilast-lat2;
  //add lower triangle fan
  for(int i=0;i<lat2;i++)
	int verts[3];
	TriFace face(verts);


  return model;
Пример #14
bool Segment::Intersects( const Ellipsoid& e, CollisionInfo* const pInfo /*= NULL*/ ) const
	return e.Intersects( *this, pInfo );
Пример #15
void VoxelGrid::
paintEllipsoid(const GridDescription & gridDesc,
	const Ellipsoid & instruction)
	int ii, jj, kk, iYee, jYee, kYee;
//	LOG << "Warning: this probably has bugs in it.\n";
	Paint* paint = Paint::paint(instruction.material());
	if (instruction.fillStyle() == kPECStyle ||
		instruction.fillStyle() == kPMCStyle ||
        instruction.fillStyle() == kYeeCellStyle)
		//halfCells = instruction.yeeRect();
		//halfCells.p2 += Vector3i(1,1,1);
		Rect3i yeeRect = instruction.yeeRect();
		Vector3i centerTimesTwo = yeeRect.p1 + yeeRect.p2;
		Vector3i extent = yeeRect.p2 - yeeRect.p1 + Vector3i(1,1,1);
		Vector3d radii = 0.5*Vector3d(extent[0], extent[1], extent[2]);
		Vector3d center = 0.5*Vector3d(centerTimesTwo[0], centerTimesTwo[1],
		// Don't clip: we clip in the paint routines.
		//Rect3i fillRect(clip(gridDesc.yeeBounds(), yeeRect.p1),
		//	clip(gridDesc.yeeBounds(), yeeRect.p2));
		Rect3i fillRect(yeeRect);
		for (kYee = fillRect.p1[2]; kYee <= fillRect.p2[2]; kYee++)
		for (jYee = fillRect.p1[1]; jYee <= fillRect.p2[1]; jYee++)
		for (iYee = fillRect.p1[0]; iYee <= fillRect.p2[0]; iYee++)
			Vector3d v( Vector3d(iYee,jYee,kYee) - center );
			v[0] /= radii[0];
			v[1] /= radii[1];
			v[2] /= radii[2];
			if (norm2(v) <= 1.00001) // give it room for error
                if (instruction.fillStyle() == kPECStyle)
                    paintPEC(paint, iYee, jYee, kYee);
                else if (instruction.fillStyle() == kPMCStyle)
                    paintPMC(paint, iYee, jYee, kYee);
                    paintYeeCell(paint, iYee, jYee, kYee);
	else if (instruction.fillStyle() == kHalfCellStyle)
		Rect3i halfCells = instruction.yeeRect();
		halfCells.p2 += Vector3i(1,1,1);
		halfCells = halfCells;
		Vector3i extent = halfCells.p2 - halfCells.p1 + Vector3i(1,1,1);
		Vector3i center2 = halfCells.p1 + halfCells.p2;
		Vector3d radii = 0.5*Vector3d(extent[0], extent[1], extent[2]);
		Vector3d center = 0.5*Vector3d(center2[0], center2[1], center2[2]);
		// Don't clip: we clip in the paint routines
		//halfCells = clip(halfCells, mAllocRegion);
		if (instruction.fillStyle() == kHalfCellStyle)
			for (kk = halfCells.p1[2]; kk <= halfCells.p2[2]; kk++)
			for (jj = halfCells.p1[1]; jj <= halfCells.p2[1]; jj++)
			for (ii = halfCells.p1[0]; ii <= halfCells.p2[0]; ii++)
				Vector3d v( Vector3d(ii,jj,kk) - center );
				v[0] /= radii[0];
				v[1] /= radii[1];
				v[2] /= radii[2];
				if (norm2(v) <= 1.00001) // give it room for error
					(*this)(ii,jj,kk) = paint;