static void sendEmailAlert(std::string emailTo, std::string body, std::string subject = "PerfCheck - Email Alert") { std::string emailFrom = "*****@*****.**"; Email *email = new PocoEmail(emailFrom, "Fanion Newsome", "", "", emailTo, "", "", subject, body); email->SendEmail(); delete email; }
void EmailAdapter::ParseRecipients(const MojObject& recipients, Email& email) { MojErr err; EmailAddressListPtr to_list(new EmailAddressList); EmailAddressListPtr cc_list(new EmailAddressList); EmailAddressListPtr bcc_list(new EmailAddressList); MojObject::ConstArrayIterator it = recipients.arrayBegin(); for (; it != recipients.arrayEnd(); ++it) { const MojObject& recipient = *it; MojString type; err = recipient.getRequired(Part::TYPE, type); ErrorToException(err); EmailAddressPtr addr = ParseAddress(recipient); if(type.compareCaseless("to") == 0) to_list->push_back(addr); else if(type.compareCaseless("cc") == 0) cc_list->push_back(addr); else if(type.compareCaseless("bcc") == 0) bcc_list->push_back(addr); else // not a valid recipient type throw MailException("invalid recipient type", __FILE__, __LINE__); } email.SetTo(to_list); email.SetCc(cc_list); email.SetBcc(bcc_list); }
void InitEmail(Email& email) { // Minimal email headers EmailAddressPtr from( new EmailAddress("test", "*****@*****.**") ); email.SetFrom(from); email.SetSubject("Test email"); email.SetDateReceived(1234567890000LL); // Friday 13 Feb 2009 }
bool operator>(Email& em1, Email& em2) { char* t1 = em1.get_sent(); char* t2 = em2.get_sent(); int cmp = strcmp(t1, t2); if(0>=cmp) return true; else return false; }
void EmailTerminateEvent(ClassAd * job_ad, bool /*exit_status_known*/) { if ( !job_ad ) { dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "email_terminate_event called with invalid ClassAd\n"); return; } Email email; email.sendExit(job_ad, JOB_EXITED); }
void EmailAdapter::SerializeFlags(const Email& email, MojObject& flags) { MojErr err; err = flags.putBool(Flags::READ, email.IsRead()); ErrorToException(err); err = flags.putBool(Flags::REPLIED, email.IsReplied()); ErrorToException(err); err = flags.putBool(Flags::FLAGGED, email.IsFlagged()); ErrorToException(err); }
ArrayElement * Email::clone() { Email* ret = new Email(); if (p) { ret->setProperty(*p); } if (t) { ret->setType(t); } return (ArrayElement *)ret; }
QtEnumEmailType::Type QtEnumEmailType::toEmailType(const QString & emailType) { init(); for (Email::const_iterator it = _type.begin(); it != _type.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).second == emailType) { return (*it).first; } } LOG_FATAL("unknown Email"); return Unknown; }
bool EmailHeaderFieldParser::ParseEmailHeaderField(Email& email, const string& fieldNameLower, const string& fieldValue) { if (fieldNameLower == "subject") { // decode subject string subject; ParseTextField(fieldValue, subject); email.SetSubject(subject); } else if (fieldNameLower == "date") { time_t date; ParseDateField(fieldValue, date); // Technically this is the date sent, not received email.SetDateReceived( MojInt64(date) * 1000L); } else if (fieldNameLower == "from" || fieldNameLower == "reply-to" || fieldNameLower == "to" || fieldNameLower == "cc" || fieldNameLower == "bcc") { EmailAddressListPtr addressListPtr(new EmailAddressList()); ParseAddressListField(fieldValue, *addressListPtr); if (fieldNameLower == "to") { email.SetTo(addressListPtr); } else if (fieldNameLower == "cc") { email.SetCc(addressListPtr); } else if (fieldNameLower == "bcc") { email.SetBcc(addressListPtr); } else if (fieldNameLower == "from") { // get first address if (!addressListPtr->empty()) { email.SetFrom(addressListPtr->at(0)); } } else if (fieldNameLower == "reply-to") { // get first address if (!addressListPtr->empty()) { email.SetReplyTo(addressListPtr->at(0)); } } } else if (fieldNameLower == "in-reply-to") { email.SetInReplyTo( StringUtils::GetSanitizedASCII(fieldValue) ); } else if (fieldNameLower == "x-priority") { if(fieldValue == "1" || fieldValue == "2") { email.SetPriority(Email::Priority_High); } else if (fieldValue == "4" || fieldValue == "5") { email.SetPriority(Email::Priority_Low); } } else { // no match return false; } return true; }
void addCommunications(MobilePhone* mobilePhone) { Call* call; SMS* sms; Email* email; PhoneNumber* phoneNumber; EmailAddress* emailAddress; call = new Call(1); call->setDuration(QTime(0, 1, 0)); call->setDate(QDate::currentDate()); call->setStatus(AbstractCommunication::DIALLED_STATUS); call->setIncoming(true); phoneNumber = mobilePhone->getAddressBook().findPhoneNumber("0000000000"); if(phoneNumber != NULL) call->addPhoneNumber(phoneNumber); mobilePhone->getCommunicationManager().addCommunication(call); sms = new SMS(2); sms->setContent("Hello SMS !!"); sms->setDate(QDate::currentDate()); sms->setStatus(AbstractCommunication::SENT_STATUS); sms->setIncoming(false); sms->addPhoneNumber(new PhoneNumber("0000000001")); mobilePhone->getCommunicationManager().addCommunication(sms); email = new Email(3); email->setSubject("Super Hello"); email->setBody("Hello Email !!"); email->setDate(QDate::currentDate()); email->setStatus(AbstractCommunication::RECEIVED_STATUS); email->setIncoming(true); emailAddress = mobilePhone->getAddressBook().findEmailAddress("*****@*****.**"); if(emailAddress != NULL) email->addInFromList(emailAddress); email->addInCCList(new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**")); email->addInCCIList(new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**")); email->addInToList(new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**")); mobilePhone->getCommunicationManager().addCommunication(email); }
static void init() { if (!_type.empty()) { return; } _type[QtEnumEmailType::Personal] = "personal"; _type[QtEnumEmailType::Work] = "work"; _type[QtEnumEmailType::Other] = "other"; }
bool Database::matches(Email& email, DateCriteria& dateCriteria) { if(dateCriteria.getEquals()!=nullptr){ if(email.getDate().compareByDay(*dateCriteria.getEquals())==0) return true; else return false; } if(dateCriteria.getLess()!=nullptr){ if(email.getDate().compareByDay(*dateCriteria.getLess())<0) return false; } if(dateCriteria.getGreater()!=nullptr){ if(email.getDate().compareByDay(*dateCriteria.getGreater())>0) return false; } return true; }
bool Database::matches(Email& email, StringCriteria& stringCriteria) { switch(stringCriteria.getSearchKey()){ case E_EMAIL: if(email.getFrom()->getAddress().find(stringCriteria.getName())!=string::npos || email.getTo()->getAddress().find(stringCriteria.getName())!=string::npos) return true; return false; case E_SUBJECT: if(email.getSubject().find(stringCriteria.getName())!=string::npos) return true; return false; case E_CONTENT: if(email.getContent().find(stringCriteria.getName())!=string::npos) return true; return false; default: return false; } }
void fillEmail(std::vector<Email>& emailList) { system("ls emailData > temp.txt"); std::ifstream readFile("temp.txt"); std::string line; int counter1 = 0; while(std::getline(readFile, line)) { line = "/home/sandeep/Networks_lab/ass4/emailData/" + line; int size1 = line.size(); std::cout << line << "\n"; if(line[size1 - 1] == 'l' && line[size1 - 2] == 'i' && line[size1 - 3] == 'a' && line[size1 - 4] == 'm' && line[size1 - 5] == 'e') { Email email; email.deserialiseEmail(line); //std::cout<<email.getBody()<<"\n"; emailList.push_back(email); counter1++; } } }
void EmailAdapter::ParseFlags(const MojObject& flags, Email& email) { bool editedOriginal; if (flags.get(Flags::EDITEDORIGINAL, editedOriginal)) { email.SetEditedOriginal( editedOriginal ); } // TODO: flagged // TODO: replied // TODO: forwarded // TODO: editedDraft }
emailListElementRenderComponent::emailListElementRenderComponent(sf::Font& f, Email& email, int boxX, int boxY, int boxWidth, int boxHeight, int x, int y, int size) : font(f) { x += 128; this->subjectText = new sf::Text(); subjectText->setFont(font); subjectText->setColor(sf::Color::Black); subjectText->setPosition(float(x), float(y)); subjectText->setCharacterSize(size); subjectText->setString(email.getAbbrevSubjectField()); this->fromText = new sf::Text(); fromText->setFont(font); fromText->setColor(sf::Color(127,127,127, 255)); fromText->setPosition(float(x+indent), float(y+size)); fromText->setCharacterSize(size-4); fromText->setString(email.getFromField()); emailListElementBox.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(float(boxX), float(boxY))); emailListElementBox.setSize(sf::Vector2f(float(boxWidth), float(boxHeight))); emailListElementBox.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); }
int main() { Email email; email.setFromId("*****@*****.**"); email.setToId("*****@*****.**"); email.setSubject("hi there"); email.setBody("This is a test\nFucked up at that :v "); email.setTimeNow(); email.serialiseEmail(); std::cout << email.getFromId() << " " << email.getToId() << " "; printf("\n"); std::vector<Email> emailList; fillEmail(emailList); for(int i = 0; i < emailList.size(); i++) { std::cout << emailList[i].getFromId() << "\n"; std::cout << emailList[i].getToId() << "\n"; std::cout << emailList[i].getSubject() << "\n"; std::cout << emailList[i].getBody() << "\n"; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); a.setApplicationName("Jupiter Reporter"); a.setOrganizationName("XE-QT Solutions"); a.setOrganizationDomain(""); QxtCommandOptions options; options.add("version", "show version number and build date"); options.alias("version", "ver"); options.add("help", "show this help text"); options.addSection("printing and PDF"); options.add("print", "print a report to a specific printer (blank for default)", QxtCommandOptions::ValueOptional); options.add("pdf", "save a report as a PDF file", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.addSection("email"); options.add("to", "list of email recipients", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("cc", "list of email cc recipients", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("subject", "the email subject", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("body", "the body of the email message", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("server", "the email smtp server", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("port", "the smtp server port", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("ssl", "use a secure socket when sending email"); options.add("account", "the name of the smtp account", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("password", "the smtp account password", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("from", "the email address of the email sender", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.addSection("licensing"); options.add("lic", "display license details"); options.add("name", "the licensee name", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("email", "the licensee email address", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("expires", "the license expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD format)", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.add("key", "the activation key to unlock advanced features", QxtCommandOptions::ValueRequired); options.parse(a.arguments()); if (options.count("version")) { std::cout << "Jupiter Reporter v" << VER_MAJOR << "." << VER_MINOR << ", built on " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << std::endl; std::cout << "Copyright (c) 2010 XE-QT Solutions Ltd., All rights reserved." << std::endl; return 0; } QSettings settings(QString("%1/license.ini").arg(QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DataLocation)), QSettings::IniFormat); // Generate license? if (options.count("name") || options.count("email") || options.count("expires")) { const QString name = options.value("name").toString(); const QString email = options.value("email").toString(); const QString expires = options.value("expires").toString(); if (name.isEmpty() || email.isEmpty() || expires.isEmpty()) { options.showUsage(); return 0; } settings.setValue("License/name", name); settings.setValue("License/email", email); settings.setValue("License/expires", expires); settings.setValue("License/license", NodeLockedLicense::licenseFile(name, email, QDate::fromString(expires, Qt::ISODate))); std::cout << "Generated " << qPrintable(settings.fileName()) << std::endl; return 0; } if (options.count("key")) { settings.setValue("License/key", options.value("key").toString()); settings.remove("License/license"); std::cout << "Updated " << qPrintable(settings.fileName()) << std::endl; return 0; } // Read license const QString name = settings.value("License/name").toString(); const QString email = settings.value("License/email").toString(); const QDate expires = QDate::fromString(settings.value("License/expires").toString(), Qt::ISODate); const QString key = settings.value("License/key").toString(); bool isLicensed = NodeLockedLicense::isValid(name, email, expires, key); if (options.count("lic")) { std::cout << "License: " << qPrintable(settings.fileName()) << std::endl; if (!isLicensed) { std::cout << "No valid license exists. Advanced functionality will be disabled." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Licensed to " << qPrintable(name) << " (" << qPrintable(email) << "), expires on " << qPrintable(expires.toString()) << std::endl; } return 0; } if (options.positional().isEmpty() || options.count("help") || options.showUnrecognizedWarning() || (options.count("print") == 0 && options.count("pdf") == 0 && options.count("to") == 0)) { options.showUsage(); return 0; } const QString fileName = options.positional().first(); Q_ASSERT(fileName != ""); if (options.count("print")) { Print print; QObject::connect(&print, SIGNAL(finished()), &a, SLOT(quit())); print.print(fileName, options.value("print").toString()); return a.exec(); } if (options.count("pdf")) { if (isLicensed) { Pdf pdf; QObject::connect(&pdf, SIGNAL(finished()), &a, SLOT(quit())); pdf.create(fileName, options.value("pdf").toString()); return a.exec(); } else { std::cout << "PDF support requires a license!" << std::endl; return 0; } } if (options.count("to") || options.count("cc")) { if (isLicensed) { Email email; email.send(fileName, parseSendSettings(options), parseEmailSettings(options)); QObject::connect(&email, SIGNAL(finished()), &a, SLOT(quit())); return a.exec(); } else { std::cout << "Email support requires a license!" << std::endl; return 0; } } return 0; }
void BaseShadow::emailRemoveEvent( const char* reason ) { Email mailer; mailer.sendRemove( jobAd, reason ); }
void BaseShadow::emailHoldEvent( const char* reason ) { Email mailer; mailer.sendHold( jobAd, reason ); }
// NOTE: This should currently only be used for new emails void EmailAdapter::SerializeToDatabaseObject(const Email& email, MojObject& obj) { MojErr err; // Set the object kind err = obj.putString(KIND, Kind::EMAIL); ErrorToException(err); // FIXME object ID // Set the folder ID err = obj.put(FOLDER_ID, email.GetFolderId()); ErrorToException(err); // Set flags MojObject flags; SerializeFlags(email, flags); err = obj.put(FLAGS, flags); ErrorToException(err); // The following fields only exist for a new e-mail to be added to the DB // If the e-mail object already exists in the DB, we shouldn't overwrite these fields // FIXME: Except for drafts. Maybe this logic should be moved elsewhere? if (true /*!obj.Exists()*/) { // Subject err = obj.putString(SUBJECT, email.GetSubject().c_str()); ErrorToException(err); // Preview text err = obj.putString(SUMMARY, email.GetPreviewText().c_str()); ErrorToException(err); // Timestamp in UTC milliseconds err = obj.put(TIMESTAMP, email.GetDateReceived()); ErrorToException(err); // From address MojObject from; if(email.GetFrom().get()) // may not have a from address SerializeAddress(Address::Type::FROM, email.GetFrom(), from); err = obj.put(FROM, from); ErrorToException(err); // Reply-To address MojObject replyTo; if(email.GetReplyTo().get()) { // may not have a reply-to address SerializeAddress(Address::Type::REPLY_TO, email.GetReplyTo(), replyTo); err = obj.put(REPLY_TO, replyTo); ErrorToException(err); } // Recipients MojObject recipients; SerializeRecipients(Address::Type::TO, email.GetTo(), recipients); SerializeRecipients(Address::Type::CC, email.GetCc(), recipients); SerializeRecipients(Address::Type::BCC, email.GetBcc(), recipients); err = obj.put(RECIPIENTS, recipients); ErrorToException(err); // Parts MojObject parts; SerializeParts(email.GetPartList(), parts); err = obj.put(PARTS, parts); ErrorToException(err); // MessageId and InReplyTo DatabaseAdapter::PutOptionalString(obj, MESSAGE_ID, email.GetMessageId()); DatabaseAdapter::PutOptionalString(obj, IN_REPLY_TO, email.GetInReplyTo()); // Priority Email::Priority priority = email.GetPriority(); if(priority == Email::Priority_High) { err = obj.putString(PRIORITY, PRIORITY_HIGH); ErrorToException(err); } else if(priority == Email::Priority_Low) { err = obj.putString(PRIORITY, PRIORITY_LOW); ErrorToException(err); } } }
/** * A job is exiting the Starter and we need to take necessary * actions. First we will update the job's ad file with various * information about what the job did. Next, if the job completed on * its own, we'll want to call the StarterUserPolicy's checkAtExit(), * which handles setting the right exit status to control the job's * final state in the job queue. If the job is being killed from "unnatural" * causes, such as a condor_rm, then we will figure out the right * update type is for the job and write an EVICT event to the user log. * * @param exit_status - the exit status of the job from wait() * This is not used currently * @param reason - the Condor-defined reason why the job is exiting * @param user_proc - the Proc object for this job * @return true if the job was set to exit properly * @see h/exit.h **/ bool JICLocalSchedd::notifyJobExit( int, int reason, UserProc* user_proc ) { // Remember what steps we've completed, in case we need to retry. static bool did_final_ad_publish = false; static bool did_schedd_update = false; static bool did_check_at_exit = false; static bool did_ulog_event = false; m_tried_notify_job_exit = true; if (!did_final_ad_publish) { // Prepare to update the job queue. In this case, we want // to publish all the same attribute we'd otherwise send // to the shadow, but instead, just stick them directly // into our copy of the job classad. Starter->publishPreScriptUpdateAd( job_ad ); if( user_proc ) { user_proc->PublishUpdateAd( job_ad ); } Starter->publishPostScriptUpdateAd( job_ad ); did_final_ad_publish = true; } // Only check to see what we should do with our job // in the user policy object if the job terminated // on its own. Otherwise, we've already been there // and done that. if ( reason == JOB_EXITED || reason == JOB_COREDUMPED ) { if( !did_check_at_exit ) { // What should be the return value for this? // Can I just assume that things went well? this->starter_user_policy->checkAtExit( ); did_check_at_exit = true; } } else if( reason == JOB_MISSED_DEFERRAL_TIME ) { // // This is suppose to be temporary until we have some kind // of error handling in place for jobs that never started // Andy Pavlo - 01.24.2006 - [email protected] // exit_code = JOB_MISSED_DEFERRAL_TIME; } if( !did_ulog_event ) { // Use the final exit code to determine what event to log. // This may be different from what is indicated by 'reason', // because a policy expression evaluted by checkAtExit() may // have changed things. switch( this->exit_code ) { case JOB_EXITED: this->u_log->logTerminate( this->job_ad ); did_ulog_event = true; break; case JOB_SHOULD_REQUEUE: // Following the baseshadow, if the job is being requeued // then it is an eviction event this->u_log->logRequeueEvent( this->job_ad, false ); did_ulog_event = true; break; case JOB_SHOULD_REMOVE: case JOB_SHOULD_HOLD: case JOB_MISSED_DEFERRAL_TIME: // NOTE: The local universe's log actions are not consistent // with what the Shadow does. This is because the Shadow is // not consistent with itself; for example, a condor_rm // will cause an EVICT notice in the user log, but a // periodic remove will not. This is something Derek // said he will clean up later on. For now, however, we are // going to be consistent with ourself in the local universe // and ALWAYS send an eviction notice when the job is // removed this->u_log->logEvict( this->job_ad, false ); did_ulog_event = true; break; default: EXCEPT("Internal error in JICLocalSchedd::notifyJobExit: unexpected exit code %d",this->exit_code); } } if( !did_schedd_update ) { // Use the final exit code to determine the update type. // This may be different from what is indicated by 'reason', // because a policy expression evaluted by checkAtExit() may // have changed things. update_t up_type = U_TERMINATE; switch( this->exit_code ) { case JOB_EXITED: up_type = U_TERMINATE; break; case JOB_SHOULD_REQUEUE: up_type = U_REQUEUE; break; case JOB_SHOULD_REMOVE: up_type = U_REMOVE; break; case JOB_SHOULD_HOLD: case JOB_MISSED_DEFERRAL_TIME: up_type = U_HOLD; break; default: EXCEPT("Internal error in JICLocalSchedd::notifyJobExit: unexpected exit code %d",this->exit_code); } // Now that we've logged the event, we can update the job queue // If we're doing a fast shutdown, don't retry on failure. if ( !this->job_updater->updateJob( up_type ) && !fast_exit ) { dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Failed to update job queue - attempting to retry.\n" ); retryJobCleanup(); return ( false ); } did_schedd_update = true; } // // Once the job's been updated in the queue, we can also try // sending email notification, if desired. // This returns void, so there's no way to test for failure. // Therefore, we don't bother with retry. // Email msg; switch( this->exit_code ) { case JOB_SHOULD_REQUEUE: case JOB_EXITED: msg.sendExit( job_ad, reason ); break; case JOB_SHOULD_REMOVE: { char *remove_reason = NULL; this->job_ad->LookupString( ATTR_REMOVE_REASON, &remove_reason ); msg.sendRemove( this->job_ad, remove_reason ? remove_reason : "" ); free( remove_reason ); break; } case JOB_SHOULD_HOLD: { char *hold_reason = NULL; this->job_ad->LookupString( ATTR_HOLD_REASON, &hold_reason ); msg.sendHold( this->job_ad, hold_reason ? hold_reason : "" ); free( hold_reason ); break; } case JOB_MISSED_DEFERRAL_TIME: msg.sendHold( this->job_ad, "missed derreral time" ); break; default: EXCEPT("Internal error in JICLocalSchedd::notifyJobExit: unexpected exit code %d",this->exit_code); } // // Lastly, we will call to write out the file. This was // originally done in JICLocal::notifyJobExit(), but we no // longer call that // this->writeOutputAdFile( this->job_ad ); // // Once we get here, everything has been successfully // wrapped up. // return true; }
void EmailAdapter::ParseDatabaseObject(const MojObject& obj, Email& email) { MojErr err; MojObject folderId; err = obj.getRequired(FOLDER_ID, folderId); ErrorToException(err); email.SetFolderId(folderId); MojString subject; err = obj.getRequired(SUBJECT, subject); ErrorToException(err); email.SetSubject( std::string(subject) ); MojObject fromAddress; err = obj.getRequired(FROM, fromAddress); ErrorToException(err); email.SetFrom( ParseAddress(fromAddress) ); // Optional replyTo address MojObject replyTo; if(obj.get(REPLY_TO, replyTo) && !replyTo.null()) { email.SetReplyTo( ParseAddress(replyTo) ); } MojInt64 timestamp; err = obj.getRequired(TIMESTAMP, timestamp); ErrorToException(err); email.SetDateReceived(timestamp); // Parse recipients MojObject recipients; err = obj.getRequired(RECIPIENTS, recipients); ErrorToException(err); ParseRecipients(recipients, email); // Parse flags MojObject flags; if (obj.get(FLAGS, flags)) { ParseFlags(flags, email); } // Parse parts MojObject parts; err = obj.getRequired(PARTS, parts); ErrorToException(err); EmailPartList partList; ParseParts(parts, partList); email.SetPartList(partList); MojObject originalMsgId; if (obj.get(ORIGINAL_MSG_ID, originalMsgId)) { email.SetOriginalMsgId(originalMsgId); } MojString draftType; bool hasDraftType = false; err = obj.get(DRAFT_TYPE, draftType, hasDraftType); ErrorToException(err); if (hasDraftType) { email.SetDraftType( ParseDraftType(draftType) ); } MojString priority; bool hasPriority = false; err = obj.get(PRIORITY, priority, hasPriority); ErrorToException(err); // If no priority exists, this will default to normal email.SetPriority(ParsePriority(priority)); email.SetMessageId( DatabaseAdapter::GetOptionalString(obj, MESSAGE_ID) ); email.SetInReplyTo( DatabaseAdapter::GetOptionalString(obj, IN_REPLY_TO) ); // SendStatus // NOTE: This is not being serialized back to the database in SerializeToDatabaseObject MojObject sendStatus; if (obj.get(SEND_STATUS, sendStatus)) { bool isSent = false; if (sendStatus.get(SendStatus::SENT, isSent)) { email.SetSent(isSent); } bool hasFatalError = false; if (sendStatus.get(SendStatus::FATAL_ERROR, hasFatalError)) { email.SetHasFatalError(hasFatalError); } MojInt64 retryCount; if (sendStatus.get(SendStatus::RETRY_COUNT, retryCount)) { email.SetRetryCount(retryCount); } MojObject sendError; if (sendStatus.get(SendStatus::ERROR, sendError)) { MojObject errorCode; if (sendError.get(SendStatusError::ERROR_CODE, errorCode) && !errorCode.null() && !errorCode.undefined()) { email.SetSendError(static_cast<MailError::ErrorCode>(errorCode.intValue())); } } } }