Пример #1
void replicate0(const EncryptedArray& ea, Ctxt& ctxt, long pos)
  long dim = ea.dimension();

  for (long d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
    if (!ea.nativeDimension(d)) {
      long shamt = -ea.coordinate(d, pos);
      ea.rotate1D(ctxt, d, shamt, true); // "don't care"

    Ctxt ctxt_orig = ctxt; 

    long sz = ea.sizeOfDimension(d);
    long k = NumBits(sz);
    long e = 1;

    // now process bits k-2 down to 0
    for (long j = k-2; j >= 0; j--) {
      // e -> 2*e
      Ctxt tmp = ctxt;
      ea.rotate1D(tmp, d, e, true); // "don't care"
      ctxt += tmp;
      e = 2*e;
      long b = bit(sz, j); // bit j of sz
      // e -> e+b
      if (b) {
        ea.rotate1D(ctxt, d, 1, true); // "don't care"
        ctxt += ctxt_orig;
Пример #2
static void replicateOneBlock(const EncryptedArray& ea, Ctxt& ctxt, 
			      long pos, long blockSize, long d)
  long dSize = ea.sizeOfDimension(d);

  // Move this block to position 0. We can skip this step in
  // "good dimensions" of size divisible by the block size
  if (pos != 0 &&  (!ea.nativeDimension(d) || dSize % blockSize != 0) ) {
    ea.rotate1D(ctxt, d, -pos*blockSize, true);

  long sz = dSize/blockSize; // how many blocks fit in this dimension

  if (sz == 1) return; // nothing to do, only one block in this dimension

  // do the actual replication using "shift and add"

  long k = NumBits(sz);
  long e = 1;
  Ctxt ctxt_orig = ctxt;

  // now process bits k-2 down to 0
  for (long j = k-2; j >= 0; j--) {
    // e -> 2*e
    Ctxt tmp = ctxt;
    ea.rotate1D(tmp, d, e*blockSize, /*don't-care-flag=*/true);
    ctxt += tmp;
    e = 2*e;
    long b = bit(sz, j); // bit j of sz
    // e -> e+b
    if (b) {
      ea.rotate1D(ctxt, d, 1*blockSize, /*don't-care-flag=*/true);
      ctxt += ctxt_orig;