Пример #1
   // Deprecated; used GPSEphemeris.
   // This routine uses EngEphemeris, so is for GPS data only.
   // The comments about GPS v. Galileo next to each elements are just notes
   // from sorting out the ICDs in the RINEX 3 documentation. Please leave
   // them there until we add a routine for handling GalRecord or similar.
   Rinex3NavData::Rinex3NavData(const EngEphemeris& ee) // GPS only
      // epoch info
      satSys = ee.getSatSys();
      PRNID  = ee.getPRNID();
      sat    = RinexSatID(PRNID,SatID::systemGPS);
      time   = ee.getEpochTime();

      Toc     = ee.getToc();
      HOWtime = long(ee.getHOWTime(1));
      weeknum = ee.getFullWeek();

      accuracy = ee.getAccuracy();
      health   = ee.getHealth();

      // GPS or Galileo data

      af0 = ee.getAf0(); // GPS and Galileo only
      af1 = ee.getAf1(); // GPS and Galileo only
      af2 = ee.getAf2(); // GPS and Galileo only

      Crs = ee.getCrs(); // GPS and Galileo only
      dn  = ee.getDn();  // GPS and Galileo only
      M0  = ee.getM0();  // GPS and Galileo only

      Cuc   = ee.getCuc();   // GPS and Galileo only
      ecc   = ee.getEcc();   // GPS and Galileo only
      Cus   = ee.getCus();   // GPS and Galileo only
      Ahalf = ee.getAhalf(); // GPS and Galileo only

      Toe    = ee.getToe();    // GPS and Galileo only
      Cic    = ee.getCic();    // GPS and Galileo only
      OMEGA0 = ee.getOmega0(); // GPS and Galileo only
      Cis    = ee.getCis();    // GPS and Galileo only

      i0       = ee.getI0();       // GPS and Galileo only
      Crc      = ee.getCrc();      // GPS and Galileo only
      w        = ee.getW();        // GPS and Galileo only
      OMEGAdot = ee.getOmegaDot(); // GPS and Galileo only

      idot = ee.getIDot(); // GPS and Galileo only

      // GPS-only data

      IODE = ee.getIODE(); // GPS only

      codeflgs = ee.getCodeFlags(); // GPS only
      L2Pdata  = ee.getL2Pdata();   // GPS only

      Tgd  = ee.getTgd();  // GPS only
      IODC = ee.getIODC(); // GPS only

      fitint = ee.getFitInterval(); // GPS only
   }  // End of 'Rinex3NavData::Rinex3NavData(const EngEphemeris& ee)'
Пример #2
void MinSfTest::process()
   if (debugLevel)
      cout << "Setting up input file: " 
           <<  inputOption.getValue().front() << endl;
   FileFilterFrame<FICStream, FICData>
   printf(" input.getDataCount() after init: %d\n", input.getDataCount());
      cout << "Setting up output file: "
           << outputOption.getValue().front() << endl;
   fp.open( outputOption.getValue().front().c_str() );
   if ( !fp.is_open() )
      printf(" Failed to open output file.\n");
      // filter the FIC data for the requested vlock(s)
   std::list<long> blockList;
      //some hand waving for the data conversion
      cout << "Reading the input data." << endl;
   list<FICData>& ficList = input.getData();
   list<FICData>::iterator itr = ficList.begin();
   DayTime earliest( DayTime::END_OF_TIME );
   DayTime latest( DayTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME );
   int count = 0;
   int numMismatches = 0;
   int numMismatchEph = 0; 
   while (itr != ficList.end())
      EngEphemeris ee(*itr);

      bc109.addEphemeris( ee );

      DayTime ct = ee.getEpochTime();
      if (ct>latest) latest = ct;
      if (ct<earliest) earliest = ct;
         // Following code simulates a situation where only words 3-10
         // and the estimated time of receipt are available.
      DayTime timeOfReceipt = ee.getTransmitTime();
      FICData& fic = *itr;
      long sf1min[8];
      long sf2min[8];
      long sf3min[8];
      int wrdCnt = 8;
      int i;
      for (i=0; i<wrdCnt; ++i) sf1min[i] = fic.i[4+i];   
      for (i=0; i<wrdCnt; ++i) sf2min[i] = fic.i[14+i];   
      for (i=0; i<wrdCnt; ++i) sf3min[i] = fic.i[24+i];  

      EngEphemeris eeMin;
      short PRNID = (short) fic.i[1];
      eeMin.addIncompleteSF1Thru3( sf1min, sf2min, sf3min,
             (long) timeOfReceipt.GPSsecond(), timeOfReceipt.GPSfullweek(),
             PRNID, 0 );
      minRaw.addEphemeris( eeMin );
         // Compare non-orbit portions of the two objects
      bool mismatch = false;
      for (int i=1; i<=3; ++i)
         if (!ee.isData(i) || !eeMin.isData(i))
            mismatch = true;
            fp << "ERROR: not all subframes are claimed available.";
      if (ee.getIODC()!=eeMin.getIODC()) 
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: IODCs do not match."; 
      if (ee.getIODE()!=eeMin.getIODE()) 
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: IODCs do not match."; 
      if (ee.getFitInterval() != eeMin.getFitInterval() )
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: fit intervals do not match.";
      if (ee.getCodeFlags()!=eeMin.getCodeFlags() )
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: code flags do not match.";
      if (ee.getL2Pdata()!=eeMin.getL2Pdata() )
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: L2P data flags do not match.";
      if (ee.getAccuracy()!=eeMin.getAccuracy() )
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: accuracy values do not match.";
      if (ee.getAccFlag()!=eeMin.getAccFlag() )
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: accuracy flags do not match.";
      if (ee.getHealth()!=eeMin.getHealth() )
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: health values do not match.";
      if (ee.getFitInt()!=eeMin.getFitInt() )
         mismatch = true;
         fp << "ERROR: Fit interval values do not match.";

      if (mismatch)
         fp << " PRNID: " << PRNID << ", IODC: 0x " << hex << ee.getIODC() << dec << endl;
   cout << "Number of Block 109 records read: " << count << endl;
   if (numMismatches!=0)
      printf("Errors detected.  Some ephemerides did not match in both forms.\n");
      printf("Number of mismatches: %d\n",numMismatches);
   fp << "Number of mismatches detected: " << numMismatches << endl;
   if (debugLevel) cout << "done." << endl;

      // Generate test positions for PRN 1 and PRN 31 at
      // earliest epoch, latest epoch, and middle of the time span.
      double timeDuration = latest - earliest;
      DayTime middle( earliest );
      middle += (timeDuration/2);

      short IODC109 = -1;
      short IODCMin = -1;
      short PRNID = 1;
      printf("--- PRN 1 Examples ---\n");
      printf("\nEarliest time\n");
      fp << "--- PRN 1 Examples ---" << endl;
      fp << endl << "Earliest time" << endl;
      testXvt( PRNID, earliest );
      printf("\nMiddle time\n");
      fp << endl << "Middle time" << endl;
      testXvt( PRNID, middle );
      printf("\nLatest time\n");
      fp << endl << "Latest time" << endl;
      testXvt( PRNID, latest );

      PRNID = 31;      
      printf("\n--- PRN 31 Examples ---\n");
      printf("\nEarliest time\n");
      fp << endl << "--- PRN 31 Examples ---" << endl;
      fp << endl << "Earliest time" << endl;
      testXvt( PRNID, earliest );
      printf("\nMiddle time\n");
      fp << endl << "Middle time" << endl;
      testXvt( PRNID, middle );
      printf("\nLatest time\n");
      fp << endl << "Latest time" << endl;
      testXvt( PRNID, latest );
   catch (gpstk::Exception& e)
      cout << e << endl;
   printf("\nBCEphemerisStore directly from existing FIC handlers.\n");
   fp << endl << "BCEphemerisStore directly from existing FIC handlers." << endl;
   bc109.dump(1, fp);
   printf("BCEphemerisStore from new method.\n");
   fp << endl << "BCEphemerisStore from new method." << endl;
   minRaw.dump(1, fp);
      // write the file data
   if (debugLevel) cout << "Conversion complete." << endl;