Пример #1
// ∀a, i, b, j.	( a = b → i = j → W (a, i, R(b, j)) = a )
void Egraph::WoRAxiom( Enode * wor )
  assert( false );
  Enode * a = wor->get1st( );
  Enode * i = wor->get2nd( );
  Enode * worElement = wor->get3rd( );
  Enode * b = worElement->get1st( );
  Enode * j = worElement->get2nd( );

  assert( worElement->isDTypeArrayElement( ) );
  assert( a->isDTypeArray( ) );
  assert( i->isDTypeArrayIndex( ) );
  assert( b->isDTypeArray( ) );
  assert( j->isDTypeArrayIndex( ) );

  // create term W(a,i,R(b,j))
  Enode * select = mkSelect( b, j );
  Enode * store = mkStore(a,i,select);

  // add clause IF a=b THEN IF i=j THEN W(a,i,R(b,j))=a
  // that is (NOT(a=b) OR NOT(i=j) OR W(a,i,R(b,j))=a)
  vector< Enode * > v;
  Enode * lit1 = mkNot(cons(mkEq(cons(a,cons(b)))));
  Enode * lit2 = mkNot(cons(mkEq(cons(i,cons(j)))));
  Enode * lit3 = mkEq(cons(store,cons(a)));

  v.push_back( lit1 );
  v.push_back( lit2 );
  v.push_back( lit3 );
#ifdef ARR_VERB
  cout << "Axiom WoR ->   " << "(or " << lit1 << " " << lit2 << " " << lit3 << " )" << endl;
  splitOnDemand( v, id );
  handleArrayAssertedAtomTerm( a );
Пример #2
//∀a, i, e, j, f 		i != j → W (W (a, i, e), j, f ) = W (W (a, j, f ), i, e)
void Egraph::WoWNeqAxiom( Enode * wow )
  assert( false );
  Enode * wowArray = wow->get1st( );
  Enode * a = wowArray->get1st( );
  Enode * i = wowArray->get2nd( );
  Enode * e = wowArray->get3rd( );
  Enode * j = wow->get2nd( );
  Enode * f = wow->get3rd( );

  assert( wowArray->isDTypeArray( ) );
  assert( a->isDTypeArray( ) );
  assert( i->isDTypeArrayIndex( ) );
  assert( e->isDTypeArrayElement( ) );
  assert( j->isDTypeArrayIndex( ) );
  assert( f->isDTypeArrayElement( ) );

  // Case i, j not coincident
  if( i != j )
    // create term W(W(a,j,f),i,e)
    Enode * store1 = mkStore(a,j,f);
    Enode * store2 = mkStore(store1,i,e);

    // add clause IF i!=j THEN W(W(a,i,e),j,f)=W(W(a,j,f),i,e)
    // that is (i=j OR W(W(a,i,e),j,f)=W(W(a,j,f),i,e))
    vector< Enode * > v;
    Enode * lit1 = mkEq(cons(i,cons(j)));
    Enode * lit2 = mkEq(cons(wow,cons(store2)));

    v.push_back( lit1 );
    v.push_back( lit2 );
#ifdef ARR_VERB
    cout << "Axiom WoW!= ->   " << "(or " << lit1 << " " << lit2 << " )" << endl;
    splitOnDemand( v, id );
Пример #3
// ∀a, i, e, j, f. ( i = j → W ( W ( a, i, e ), j, f ) = W ( a, j, f ) )
void Egraph::WoWEqAxiom( Enode * wow )
  assert( false );
  Enode * wowArray = wow->get1st( );
  Enode * a = wowArray->get1st( );
  Enode * i = wowArray->get2nd( );
  Enode * e = wowArray->get3rd( );
  Enode * j = wow->get2nd( );
  Enode * f = wow->get3rd( );

  assert( wowArray->isDTypeArray( ) );
  assert( a->isDTypeArray( ) );
  assert( i->isDTypeArrayIndex( ) );
  assert( e->isDTypeArrayElement( ) );
  assert( j->isDTypeArrayIndex( ) );
  assert( f->isDTypeArrayElement( ) );

  //i,j not coincident
  if( i != j )
    // create term W(a,j,f)
    Enode * store = mkStore( a, j, f );
    if ( config.gconfig.print_inter > 0 )
      const uint64_t shared = getIPartitions( a ) 
	                    & getIPartitions( j )
			    & getIPartitions( f );
      // Mixed can't be one at this point
      assert( shared != 1 );
      // Set AB-mixed partition if no intersection
      if ( shared == 0 )
	setIPartitions( store, 1 );
      // Otherwise they share something
	setIPartitions( store, shared );
    // add clause IF i=j THEN W(W(a,i,e),j,f)=W(a,j,f)
    // that is (NOT(i=j) OR W(W(a,i,e),j,f)=W(a,j,f))
    vector< Enode * > v;
    Enode * lit1_pos = mkEq( cons( i, cons( j ) ) );
    Enode * lit1 = mkNot( cons( lit1_pos ) );
    if ( config.gconfig.print_inter > 0 )
      const uint64_t shared = getIPartitions( i ) 
	                    & getIPartitions( j );
      // Mixed can't be one at this point
      assert( shared != 1 );
      // Set AB-mixed partition if no intersection
      if ( shared == 0 )
	setIPartitions( lit1_pos, 1 );
	setIPartitions( lit1, 1 );
      // Otherwise they share something
	setIPartitions( lit1_pos, shared );
	setIPartitions( lit1, shared );
    Enode * lit2 = mkEq( cons( wow, cons( store ) ) );
    if ( config.gconfig.print_inter > 0 )
      const uint64_t shared = getIPartitions( wow ) 
	                    & getIPartitions( store );
      // Mixed can't be one at this point
      assert( shared != 1 );
      // Set AB-mixed partition if no intersection
      if ( shared == 0 )
	setIPartitions( lit2, 1 );
      // Otherwise they share something
	setIPartitions( lit2, shared );
    v.push_back( lit1 );
    v.push_back( lit2 );
#ifdef ARR_VERB
    cout << "Axiom WoW= ->   " << "(or " << lit1 << " " << lit2 << " )" << endl;
    splitOnDemand( v, id );
    handleArrayAssertedAtomTerm( store );