Пример #1
	 * Stats the given file. If <tt>throttleRate</tt> seconds have passed since
	 * the last time stat() was called on this file, then the file will be
	 * re-stat()ted, otherwise the cached stat information will be returned.
	 * @param filename The file to stat.
	 * @param stat A pointer to a stat struct; the retrieved stat information
	 *             will be stored here.
	 * @param throttleRate Tells this CachedFileStat that the file may only
	 *        be statted at most every <tt>throttleRate</tt> seconds.
	 * @return 0 if the stat() call succeeded or if the cached stat information was used;
	 *         -1 if something went wrong while statting the file. In the latter
	 *         case, <tt>errno</tt> will be populated with an appropriate error code.
	 * @throws SystemException Something went wrong while retrieving the
	 *         system time. stat() errors will <em>not</em> result in
	 *         SystemException being thrown.
	 * @throws boost::thread_interrupted
	int stat(const string &filename, struct stat *buf, unsigned int throttleRate = 0) {
		boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(lock);
		EntryMap::iterator it(cache.find(filename));
		EntryPtr entry;
		int ret;
		if (it == cache.end()) {
			// Filename not in cache.
			// If cache is full, remove the least recently used
			// cache entry.
			if (maxSize != 0 && cache.size() == maxSize) {
				EntryList::iterator listEnd(entries.end());
				string filename((*listEnd)->filename);
			// Add to cache as most recently used.
			entry = EntryPtr(new Entry(filename));
			cache[filename] = entries.begin();
		} else {
			// Cache hit.
			entry = *it->second;
			// Mark this cache item as most recently used.
			cache[filename] = entries.begin();
		ret = entry->refresh(throttleRate);
		*buf = entry->info;
		return ret;
Пример #2
void Code::generateCall(SymbolTableEntry* entry, EntryList& eList)
  EntryList::iterator it;
  for(it = eList.begin(); it != eList.end(); it++)
Пример #3
    void print() {
      std::map<int, double> totals;
      std::cerr << "Timings: " << std::endl;
      // print out all the entries.

      //std::sort(root_entries.begin(), root_entries.end(), cmp());

      printEntries(std::cerr, root_entries, "   ", -1.0);

      for (EntryList::const_iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) {
        totals[(*it).id] += (*it).time;

      std::cerr << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Totals: " << std::endl;

      std::vector<std::pair<int, double> > sorted_totals;
      for (std::map<int,double>::iterator it = totals.begin(); it != totals.end(); ++it) {

      std::sort(sorted_totals.begin(), sorted_totals.end(), cmp());

      for (std::vector<std::pair<int,double> >::iterator it = sorted_totals.begin(); it != sorted_totals.end(); ++it) {
        std::cerr << "  ";
        std::string str = names[it->first];
        if (str.empty()) {
          std::cerr << "(" << it->first << ")";
        } else {
          std::cerr << str;
        std::cerr << " - " << it->second << "s " << std::endl;
Пример #4
SnapshotEntrySeqMap BuddyCoreSnapshotI::getFriends(const ::MyUtil::IntSeq& ids,
		const Ice::Current& current) {
	SnapshotEntrySeqMap result;
	ServiceI& service = ServiceI::instance();
	for (IntSeq::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) {
		EntryListHolderPtr owner = service.findObject<EntryListHolderPtr>(
		if (!owner) {
		EntryList ownerList = owner->getAll();
		SnapshotEntrySeq ownerSnap;
		for (EntryList::iterator ownerIt = ownerList.begin(); ownerIt
				!= ownerList.end(); ++ownerIt) {
			int ownerToId = ownerIt->to;
			uint32_t ownerDesc = ownerIt->desc;
			//MCE_INFO("Owner:"<<*it <<" Buddy:"<<ownerToId << " Desc:"<<ownerDesc);
			if (ownerDesc!=DESC_FRIEND) {
			SnapshotEntry entryOwner;
			entryOwner.toId = ownerToId;
			entryOwner.desc = BuddyDescHelper::translateDesc(ownerDesc);
		result[*it] = ownerSnap;
	return result;
Пример #5
void AssFile::Sort(EntryList &lst, CompFunc comp, std::set<AssDialogue*> const& limit) {
	AssEntryComp compE;
	compE.comp = comp;
	// Sort each block of AssDialogues separately, leaving everything else untouched
	for (entryIter begin = lst.begin(); begin != lst.end(); ++begin) {
		if (!is_dialogue(&*begin, limit)) continue;
		entryIter end = begin;
		while (end != lst.end() && is_dialogue(&*end, limit)) ++end;

		// used instead of std::list::sort for partial list sorting
		EntryList tmp;
		tmp.splice(tmp.begin(), lst, begin, end);
		lst.splice(end, tmp);

		begin = --end;
 void MamdaOrderBookPriceLevel::MamdaOrderBookPriceLevelImpl::clearEntries (
     EntryList& entries)
     EntryList::iterator itr   = entries.begin();
     EntryList::iterator end   = entries.end();
     for (; itr != end; itr++)
         delete *itr;
Пример #7
void AssFile::Sort(EntryList<AssDialogue> &lst, CompFunc comp, std::set<AssDialogue*> const& limit) {
	if (limit.empty()) {

	// Sort each selected block separately, leaving everything else untouched
	for (auto begin = lst.begin(); begin != lst.end(); ++begin) {
		if (!limit.count(&*begin)) continue;
		auto end = begin;
		while (end != lst.end() && limit.count(&*end)) ++end;

		// sort doesn't support only sorting a sublist, so move them to a temp list
		EntryList<AssDialogue> tmp;
		tmp.splice(tmp.begin(), lst, begin, end);
		lst.splice(end, tmp);

		begin = --end;
Пример #8
void ConfigSection::remove_entry(const char* key) {
	E_ASSERT(key != NULL);

	int klen = strlen(key);
	unsigned int hh = do_hash(key, klen);
	EntryListIter it = entry_list.begin();

	for(; it != entry_list.end(); ++it) {
		ConfigEntry* e = *it;
		if(hh == e->hash && strncmp(e->key, key, e->keylen) == 0)
Пример #9
Profile::EntryList Profile::list(List type)
    EntryList parentList;
    if (m_parent)
        parentList = m_parent->list(type);
    EntryList list = parentList;
    for (EntryList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
        (*it).derived = true;
    QStringList &personalList = listByType(type);
    for (QStringList::const_iterator it = personalList.begin(); it != personalList.end(); ++it)
        list.append(Entry(*it, false));
    return list;
Пример #10
DB_Error DataBaseSqlite::AddUser(shared_ptr<User> user)
    DB_Error ret = CreateTable("User");
    if (ret == DB_OK)
        EntryList entries = m_pTableComponent->GetTableFormat("User");
        PDEBUG ("entry size: %lu\n", entries.size());
        if (!entries.empty())
            string sql(INSERT_TABLE);
            sql += string("User") + VALUE + LPARENT;
            EntryList::iterator iter = entries.begin();
            EntryList::iterator end  = entries.end();
            for (; iter != end;)
                sql += "@" + iter->name;
                if (++iter != end)
                    sql += ", ";
            sql += string(RPARENT) + SEMI;

            SqliteCommand cmd(this, sql);

            // Ugly hard code!!
            PDEBUG ("Begin binding\n");
            ret = cmd.Bind("@name", user->name());
            ret = ret ? ret : cmd.Bind("@uuid", user->uuid());
            int64 date = 0;
            if (user->has_reg_date())
                ret = user->reg_date();
            ret = ret ? ret : cmd.Bind("@reg_date", date);

            date = 0;

            if (user->has_last_login())
                date = user->last_login();
            ret = ret ? ret : cmd.Bind("@last_login", date);
            // Bind others ...
            ret = ret ? ret : cmd.Execute();
            // Execute ....
    return ret;
Пример #11
ConfigEntry* ConfigSection::find_entry(const char* key) {
	E_ASSERT(key != NULL);

	int klen = strlen(key);
	unsigned int hh = do_hash(key, klen);
	EntryListIter it = entry_list.begin(), it_end = entry_list.end();

	for (; it != it_end; ++it) {
		ConfigEntry* e = *it;
		if (hh == e->hash && strncmp(e->key, key, e->keylen) == 0)
			return e;
	return NULL;
Пример #12
  void print( std::ostream& o = std::cout ) const
    o << "ED LOOKUP TABLE\n";
    for ( typename EDTable::size_type ii=0; ii<table.size(); ++ii ) {
      o << "\tDIMENSION: " << ii << '\n';
      for ( typename DimensionEntries::const_iterator jj=table[ii].begin() ;
	    jj!=table[ii].end(); ++jj ) {
    o << "\tCURRENT ENTRIES:\n";
    for ( typename EntryList::const_iterator ii=entries.begin(); 
	  ii!=entries.end(); ++ii ) { o << *ii << '\n'; }
Пример #13
void BuddyRelationLogic::addBuddyRelationData(Ice::Int id, 
		const BuddyRelationDataPtr& data) {
    EntryList list;
    ostringstream info;
    for (RelationEntryList::iterator en = data->list.begin(); en != data->list.end(); ++en) {
        Entry entry(en->id, BuddyDescHelper::translateInt(en->desc));
        info << "<" << en->id << "/" << BuddyDescHelper::translateInt(en->desc) << "> ";
    MCE_DEBUG("BuddyRelationLogic::addBuddyRelationData, id "<< id << " relations " << info.str());
    sort(list.begin(), list.end(), less_entry());
    EntryListHolderPtr holder = new EntryListHolder(id, list);

    writeObject(id, holder);
Пример #14
void FillTask::handle() {
	ObjectResultPtr result = new ObjectResult();
	for ( std::map<long, Ice::ObjectPtr>::const_iterator it = _buddyData->data.begin();
			it!= _buddyData->data.end(); ++it ){
		BuddyRelationDataPtr data = BuddyRelationDataPtr::dynamicCast(it->second);
		EntryList list;
		for(RelationEntryList::iterator en = data->list.begin(); en != data->list.end(); ++en) {
			Entry entry(en->id, BuddyDescHelper::translateInt(en->desc));
		sort(list.begin(), list.end(), less_entry());
		EntryListHolderPtr holder = new EntryListHolder(it->first, list);
		result->data[it->first] = holder;
Пример #15
/*******************private interface***********************/
void BuddyRelationLogic::createRelation(const Relationship& relation,
		BuddyDesc desc) {
    BuddyRelationDataPtr data = BuddyRelationFactory::instance().create(relation.from);
    EntryList list;
    for(RelationEntryList::iterator en = data->list.begin(); en != data->list.end(); ++en) {
        Entry entry(en->id, BuddyDescHelper::translateInt(en->desc));
    sort(list.begin(), list.end(), less_entry());
    EntryListHolderPtr holder = new EntryListHolder(relation.from, list);

    Entry key;
    key.to = relation.to;
    key.desc = BuddyDescHelper::translateInt(desc);


    writeObject(relation.from, holder);
Пример #16
DB_Error DataBaseSqlite::CreateTable(const string& name)
    DB_Error ret = DB_INVAL;

    EntryList entries = m_pTableComponent->GetTableFormat(name);
    PDEBUG ("entry size: %lu\n", entries.size());
    if (!entries.empty())
        string sql(CREATE_TABLE);
        sql += IFNEXT + name + LPARENT;
        EntryList::iterator iter = entries.begin();
        EntryList::iterator end  = entries.end();
        for (; iter != end;)
            sql += iter->name + " " +

            if (iter->primary)
                sql += PRIMARY_KEY;

            if (++iter != end)
                sql += ", ";
        sql += string(RPARENT) + SEMI;

        SqliteCommand cmd(this, sql);
        ret = cmd.Execute();

    PDEBUG ("Create %s, ret: %d\n", name.c_str(), ret);
    return ret;
Пример #17
void KNewFileMenuSingleton::parseFiles()
    filesParsed = true;
    KNewFileMenuSingleton::EntryList::iterator templ = templatesList->begin();
    const KNewFileMenuSingleton::EntryList::iterator templ_end = templatesList->end();
    for (; templ != templ_end; ++templ)
        QString iconname;
        QString filePath = (*templ).filePath;
        if (!filePath.isEmpty())
            QString text;
            QString templatePath;
            // If a desktop file, then read the name from it.
            // Otherwise (or if no name in it?) use file name
            if (KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(filePath)) {
                KDesktopFile desktopFile( filePath);
                text = desktopFile.readName();
                (*templ).icon = desktopFile.readIcon();
                (*templ).comment = desktopFile.readComment();
                QString type = desktopFile.readType();
                if (type == "Link")
                    templatePath = desktopFile.desktopGroup().readPathEntry("URL", QString());
                    if (templatePath[0] != '/' && !templatePath.startsWith("__"))
                        if (templatePath.startsWith("file:/"))
                            templatePath = KUrl(templatePath).toLocalFile();
                            // A relative path, then (that's the default in the files we ship)
                            QString linkDir = filePath.left(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1 /*keep / */);
                            //kDebug(1203) << "linkDir=" << linkDir;
                            templatePath = linkDir + templatePath;
                if (templatePath.isEmpty())
                    // No URL key, this is an old-style template
                    (*templ).entryType = KNewFileMenuSingleton::Template;
                    (*templ).templatePath = (*templ).filePath; // we'll copy the file
                } else {
                    (*templ).entryType = KNewFileMenuSingleton::LinkToTemplate;
                    (*templ).templatePath = templatePath;

            if (text.isEmpty())
                text = KUrl(filePath).fileName();
                if (text.endsWith(".desktop"))
                    text.truncate(text.length() - 8);
            (*templ).text = text;
            /*kDebug(1203) << "Updating entry with text=" << text
                          << "entryType=" << (*templ).entryType
                          << "templatePath=" << (*templ).templatePath;*/
        else {
            (*templ).entryType = KNewFileMenuSingleton::Separator;
Пример #18
void Code::generateFormals(EntryList& entrylist)
  EntryList::iterator it;
  for(it = entrylist.begin(); it != entrylist.end(); it++)
Пример #19
void Code::generateVariables(EntryList& entrylist)
  EntryList::iterator it;
  for(it = entrylist.begin(); it != entrylist.end(); it++)
Пример #20
SnapshotEntrySeqMap BuddyCoreSnapshotI::getEntry4CommonFriend(
		::Ice::Int userId, const Ice::Current& current) {
	SnapshotEntrySeqMap result;
	ServiceI& service = ServiceI::instance();
	EntryListHolderPtr owner = service.findObject<EntryListHolderPtr>(
	if (!owner) {
		return result;
	EntryList ownerList = owner->getAll();
	SnapshotEntrySeq ownerSnap;
	for (EntryList::iterator ownerIt = ownerList.begin(); ownerIt
			!= ownerList.end(); ++ownerIt) {
		int ownerToId = ownerIt->to;
		uint32_t ownerDesc = ownerIt->desc;
		SnapshotEntry entryOwner;
		entryOwner.toId = ownerToId;
		entryOwner.desc = BuddyDescHelper::translateDesc(ownerDesc);

		EntryListHolderPtr ownerBuddy = service.findObject<EntryListHolderPtr>(
				CATEGORY_ENTRY, ownerToId);
		if (!ownerBuddy) {

		if (ownerDesc == DESC_FRIEND) {
			EntryList buddyList = ownerBuddy->getAll();
			SnapshotEntrySeq buddySnap;
			for (EntryList::iterator buddyIt = buddyList.begin(); buddyIt
					!= buddyList.end(); ++buddyIt) {
				int buddyToId = buddyIt->to;
				uint32_t buddyDesc = buddyIt->desc;
				if (buddyDesc==DESC_FRIEND || buddyDesc == DESC_APPLY) {
					SnapshotEntry entryFF;
					entryFF.toId = buddyToId;
					entryFF.desc = BuddyDescHelper::translateDesc(buddyDesc);
			result[ownerToId] = buddySnap;

		if (ownerDesc == DESC_APPLY) {
			EntryList buddyList = ownerBuddy->getAll();
			SnapshotEntrySeq buddySnap;
			for (EntryList::iterator buddyIt = buddyList.begin(); buddyIt
					!= buddyList.end(); ++buddyIt) {
				int buddyToId = buddyIt->to;
				uint32_t buddyDesc = buddyIt->desc;
				if (buddyDesc==DESC_FRIEND) {
					SnapshotEntry entryAF;
					entryAF.toId = buddyToId;
					entryAF.desc = BuddyDescHelper::translateDesc(buddyDesc);
			result[ownerToId] = buddySnap;
	result[userId] = ownerSnap;
	return result;