Пример #1
//EpetraCrsMatrix_To_TpetraCrsMatrix: copies Epetra_CrsMatrix to its analogous Tpetra_CrsMatrix
Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsMatrix> Petra::EpetraCrsMatrix_To_TpetraCrsMatrix(const Epetra_CrsMatrix& epetraCrsMatrix_,
                                                               const Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& commT_)
  //get row map of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::Map
  auto tpetraRowMap_ = EpetraMap_To_TpetraMap(epetraCrsMatrix_.RowMap(), commT_);

  //get col map of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::Map
  auto tpetraColMap_ = EpetraMap_To_TpetraMap(epetraCrsMatrix_.ColMap(), commT_);

  //get CrsGraph of Epetra::CrsMatrix & convert to Tpetra::CrsGraph
  const Epetra_CrsGraph epetraCrsGraph_ = epetraCrsMatrix_.Graph();
  std::size_t maxEntries = epetraCrsGraph_.GlobalMaxNumIndices();
  Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsGraph> tpetraCrsGraph_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Tpetra_CrsGraph(tpetraRowMap_, tpetraColMap_, maxEntries));

  for (LO i=0; i<epetraCrsGraph_.NumMyRows(); i++) {
     LO NumEntries; LO *Indices;
     epetraCrsGraph_.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Indices);
     tpetraCrsGraph_->insertLocalIndices(i, NumEntries, Indices);

  //convert Epetra::CrsMatrix to Tpetra::CrsMatrix, after creating Tpetra::CrsMatrix based on above Tpetra::CrsGraph
  Teuchos::RCP<Tpetra_CrsMatrix> tpetraCrsMatrix_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Tpetra_CrsMatrix(tpetraCrsGraph_));

  for (LO i=0; i<epetraCrsMatrix_.NumMyRows(); i++) {
     LO NumEntries; LO *Indices; ST *Values;
     epetraCrsMatrix_.ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);
     tpetraCrsMatrix_->replaceLocalValues(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);

  return tpetraCrsMatrix_;

Пример #2
  /* Debugging utility to check if columns have been Inserted into the 
   * matrix that do not correspond to a row on any processor
  void check_for_rogue_columns( Epetra_CrsMatrix& mat) {
    // Set up rowVector of 0s and column vector of 1s
    const Epetra_Map& rowMap = mat.RowMap();
    const Epetra_Map& colMap = mat.ColMap();
    Epetra_Vector rowVec(rowMap); rowVec.PutScalar(0.0);
    Epetra_Vector colVec(colMap); colVec.PutScalar(1.0);
    Epetra_Import importer(colMap, rowMap);

    // Overwrite colVec 1s with rowVec 0s 
    colVec.Import(rowVec, importer, Insert);

    // Check that all 1s have been overwritten
    double nrm=0.0;
    colVec.Norm1(&nrm); // nrm = number of columns not overwritten by rows

    // If any rogue columns, exit now (or just get nans later)
    if (nrm>=1.0) {
      *out << "ERROR: Column map has " << nrm 
           << " rogue entries that are not associated with any row." << endl;
Пример #3
//TpetraCrsMatrix_To_EpetraCrsMatrix: copies Tpetra::CrsMatrix object into its analogous
//Epetra_CrsMatrix object
void Petra::TpetraCrsMatrix_To_EpetraCrsMatrix(const Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra_CrsMatrix>& tpetraCrsMatrix_,
                                               Epetra_CrsMatrix& epetraCrsMatrix_,
                                               const Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_Comm>& comm_)
  //check if row maps of epetraCrsMatrix_ and tpetraCrsMatrix_ are the same
  const Epetra_BlockMap epetraRowMap_ = epetraCrsMatrix_.RowMap();
  Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra_Map> tpetraRowMap_ = tpetraCrsMatrix_->getRowMap();
  Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_Map> tpetraRowMapE_ = TpetraMap_To_EpetraMap(tpetraRowMap_, comm_);
  bool isRowSame = tpetraRowMapE_->SameAs(epetraRowMap_);
  //if epetraCrsMatrix_ and tpetraCrsMatrix_ do not have the same row map, throw an exception
  if (isRowSame != true)
    EpetraExt::BlockMapToMatrixMarketFile("epetraRowMap.mm", epetraRowMap_);
    EpetraExt::BlockMapToMatrixMarketFile("tpetraRowMapE.mm", *tpetraRowMapE_);
                             "Error in Petra::TpetraCrsMatrix_To_EpetraCrsMatrix! Arguments Epetra_CrsMatrix and Tpetra::CrsMatrix do not have same row map." <<  std::endl) ;

 //check if column maps of epetraCrsMatrix_ and tpetraCrsMatrix_ are the same
 const Epetra_BlockMap epetraColMap_ = epetraCrsMatrix_.ColMap();
 Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra_Map> tpetraColMap_ = tpetraCrsMatrix_->getColMap();
 Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_Map> tpetraColMapE_ = TpetraMap_To_EpetraMap(tpetraColMap_, comm_);
 bool isColSame = tpetraColMapE_->SameAs(epetraColMap_);
 //if epetraCrsMatrix_ and tpetraCrsMatrix_ do not have the same column map, throw an exception
                            "Error in Petra::TpetraCrsMatrix_To_EpetraCrsMatrix! Arguments Epetra_CrsMatrix and Tpetra::CrsMatrix do not have same column map." <<  std::endl) ;


  for (LO i = 0; i<tpetraCrsMatrix_->getNodeNumRows(); i++) {
     LO NumEntries; const LO *Indices; const ST *Values;
     tpetraCrsMatrix_->getLocalRowView(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);
     epetraCrsMatrix_.ReplaceMyValues(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);
Пример #4
/* Computes the approximate Schur complement for the wide separator
   using guided probing*/
Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> computeSchur_GuidedProbing
    shylu_config *config,
    shylu_symbolic *ssym,   // symbolic structure
    shylu_data *data,       // numeric structure
    Epetra_Map *localDRowMap
    int i;
    double relative_thres = config->relative_threshold;

    Epetra_CrsMatrix *G = ssym->G.getRawPtr();
    Epetra_CrsMatrix *R = ssym->R.getRawPtr();
    Epetra_LinearProblem *LP = ssym->LP.getRawPtr();
    Amesos_BaseSolver *solver = ssym->Solver.getRawPtr();
    Ifpack_Preconditioner *ifSolver = ssym->ifSolver.getRawPtr();
    Epetra_CrsMatrix *C = ssym->C.getRawPtr();

    // Need to create local G (block diagonal portion) , R, C

    // Get row map of G
    Epetra_Map CrMap = C->RowMap();
    int *c_rows = CrMap.MyGlobalElements();
    int *c_cols = (C->ColMap()).MyGlobalElements();
    //int c_totalElems = CrMap.NumGlobalElements();
    int c_localElems = CrMap.NumMyElements();
    int c_localcolElems = (C->ColMap()).NumMyElements();

    Epetra_Map GrMap = G->RowMap();
    int *g_rows = GrMap.MyGlobalElements();
    //int g_totalElems = GrMap.NumGlobalElements();
    int g_localElems = GrMap.NumMyElements();

    Epetra_Map RrMap = R->RowMap();
    int *r_rows = RrMap.MyGlobalElements();
    int *r_cols = (R->ColMap()).MyGlobalElements();
    //int r_totalElems = RrMap.NumGlobalElements();
    int r_localElems = RrMap.NumMyElements();
    int r_localcolElems = (R->ColMap()).NumMyElements();

    Epetra_SerialComm LComm;
    Epetra_Map C_localRMap (-1, c_localElems, c_rows, 0, LComm);
    Epetra_Map C_localCMap (-1, c_localcolElems, c_cols, 0, LComm);
    Epetra_Map G_localRMap (-1, g_localElems, g_rows, 0, LComm);
    Epetra_Map R_localRMap (-1, r_localElems, r_rows, 0, LComm);
    Epetra_Map R_localCMap (-1, r_localcolElems, r_cols, 0, LComm);

    //cout << "#local rows" << g_localElems << "#non zero local cols" << c_localcolElems << endl;

#ifdef DEBUG
    cout << "DEBUG MODE" << endl;
    int nrows = C->RowMap().NumMyElements();
    assert(nrows == localDRowMap->NumGlobalElements());

    int gids[nrows], gids1[nrows];
    cout << "Comparing R's domain map with D's row map" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
       assert(gids[i] == gids1[i]);

    int nentries1, gid;
    // maxentries is the maximum of all three possible matrices as the arrays
    // are reused between the three
    int maxentries = max(C->MaxNumEntries(), R->MaxNumEntries());
    maxentries = max(maxentries, G->MaxNumEntries());

    double *values1 = new double[maxentries];
    double *values2 = new double[maxentries];
    double *values3 = new double[maxentries];
    int *indices1 = new int[maxentries];
    int *indices2 = new int[maxentries];
    int *indices3 = new int[maxentries];

    //cout << "Creating local matrices" << endl;
    int err;
    Epetra_CrsMatrix localC(Copy, C_localRMap, C->MaxNumEntries(), false);
    for (i = 0; i < c_localElems ; i++)
        gid = c_rows[i];
        err = C->ExtractGlobalRowCopy(gid, maxentries, nentries1, values1,
        assert (err == 0);
        //if (nentries1 > 0) // TODO: Later
        err = localC.InsertGlobalValues(gid, nentries1, values1, indices1);
        assert (err == 0);
    localC.FillComplete(G_localRMap, C_localRMap);

    //cout << "Created local C matrix" << endl;

    Epetra_CrsMatrix localR(Copy, R_localRMap, R->MaxNumEntries(), false);
    for (i = 0; i < r_localElems ; i++)
        gid = r_rows[i];
        R->ExtractGlobalRowCopy(gid, maxentries, nentries1, values1, indices1);
        localR.InsertGlobalValues(gid, nentries1, values1, indices1);
    localR.FillComplete(*localDRowMap, R_localRMap);
    //cout << "Created local R matrix" << endl;

    // Sbar - Approximate Schur complement
    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> Sbar = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_CrsMatrix(
                                            Copy, GrMap, g_localElems));

    // Include only the block diagonal elements of G in localG
    Epetra_CrsMatrix localG(Copy, G_localRMap, G->MaxNumEntries(), false);
    int cnt, scnt;
    for (i = 0; i < g_localElems ; i++)
        gid = g_rows[i];
        G->ExtractGlobalRowCopy(gid, maxentries, nentries1, values1, indices1);

        cnt = 0;
        scnt = 0;
        for (int j = 0 ; j < nentries1 ; j++)
            if (G->LRID(indices1[j]) != -1)
                values2[cnt] = values1[j];
                indices2[cnt++] = indices1[j];
                // Add it to Sbar immediately
                values3[scnt] = values1[j];
                indices3[scnt++] = indices1[j];

        localG.InsertGlobalValues(gid, cnt, values2, indices2);
        Sbar->InsertGlobalValues(gid, scnt, values3, indices3);
    cout << "Created local G matrix" << endl;

    int nvectors = 16;
    ShyLU_Probing_Operator probeop(config, ssym, &localG, &localR, LP, solver,
                                ifSolver, &localC, localDRowMap, nvectors);

    //ostringstream fnamestr;
    //fnamestr << "localC" << C->Comm().MyPID() << ".mat";
    //string Cfname = fnamestr.str();
    //EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatlabFile(Cfname.c_str(), localC);

    //Epetra_Map defMapg(-1, g_localElems, 0, localG.Comm());
    //EpetraExt::ViewTransform<Epetra_CrsMatrix> * ReIdx_MatTransg =
                        //new EpetraExt::CrsMatrix_Reindex( defMapg );
    //Epetra_CrsMatrix t2G = (*ReIdx_MatTransg)( localG );
    //EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatlabFile("localG.mat", t2G);

    //cout << " totalElems in Schur Complement" << totalElems << endl;
    //cout << myPID << " localElems" << localElems << endl;

    // **************** Two collectives here *********************
    Teuchos::Time ftime("setup time");
    Teuchos::Time app_time("setup time");

    Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> lSGraph = Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsGraph> (
                    new Epetra_CrsGraph(Copy, G_localRMap, maxentries));

    if (data->num_compute % config->reset_iter == 0)
        int nentries;
        // size > maxentries as there could be fill
        // TODO: Currently the size of the two arrays can be one, Even if we switch
        // the loop below the size of the array required is nvectors. Fix it
        double *values = new double[g_localElems];
        int *indices = new int[g_localElems];
        double *vecvalues;
        int dropped = 0;
        double *maxvalue = new double[nvectors];
        int findex = g_localElems / nvectors ;

        int cindex;
        // int mypid = C->Comm().MyPID(); // unused
        Epetra_MultiVector probevec(G_localRMap, nvectors);
        Epetra_MultiVector Scol(G_localRMap, nvectors);
        for (i = 0 ; i < findex*nvectors ; i+=nvectors)
            probevec.PutScalar(0.0); // TODO: Move it out
            for (int k = 0; k < nvectors; k++)
                cindex = k+i;
                // TODO: Can do better than this, just need to go to the column map
                // of C, there might be null columns in C
                // Not much of use for Shasta 2x2 .. Later.
                probevec.ReplaceGlobalValue(g_rows[cindex], k, 1.0);
                //if (mypid == 0)
                //cout << "Changing row to 1.0 " << g_rows[cindex] << endl;

            probeop.Apply(probevec, Scol);

            for (int k = 0; k < nvectors; k++) //TODO:Need to switch these loops
                cindex = k+i;
                vecvalues = Scol[k];
                //cout << "MAX" << maxvalue << endl;
                for (int j = 0 ; j < g_localElems ; j++)
                    nentries = 0; // inserting one entry in each row for now
                    if (g_rows[cindex] == g_rows[j]) // diagonal entry
                        values[nentries] = vecvalues[j];
                        indices[nentries] = g_rows[cindex];
                        err = Sbar->InsertGlobalValues(g_rows[j], nentries, values,
                        assert(err >= 0);
                        err = lSGraph->InsertGlobalIndices(g_rows[j], nentries,
                        assert(err >= 0);
                    else if (abs(vecvalues[j]/maxvalue[k]) > relative_thres)
                        values[nentries] = vecvalues[j];
                        indices[nentries] = g_rows[cindex];
                        err = Sbar->InsertGlobalValues(g_rows[j], nentries, values,
                        assert(err >= 0);
                        err = lSGraph->InsertGlobalIndices(g_rows[j], nentries,
                        assert(err >= 0);
                        if (vecvalues[j] != 0.0)
                            //cout << "vecvalues[j]" << vecvalues[j] <<
                                    // " max" << maxvalue[k] << endl;


        for ( ; i < g_localElems ; i++)
            // TODO: Can move the next two decalarations outside the loop
            Epetra_MultiVector probevec(G_localRMap, 1);
            Epetra_MultiVector Scol(G_localRMap, 1);

            // TODO: Can do better than this, just need to go to the column map
            // of C, there might be null columns in C
            probevec.ReplaceGlobalValue(g_rows[i], 0, 1.0);

            probeop.Apply(probevec, Scol);
            vecvalues = Scol[0];
            //cout << "MAX" << maxvalue << endl;
            for (int j = 0 ; j < g_localElems ; j++)
                nentries = 0; // inserting one entry in each row for now
                if (g_rows[i] == g_rows[j]) // diagonal entry
                    values[nentries] = vecvalues[j];
                    indices[nentries] = g_rows[i];
                    err = Sbar->InsertGlobalValues(g_rows[j], nentries, values, indices);
                    assert(err >= 0);
                    err = lSGraph->InsertGlobalIndices(g_rows[j], nentries, indices);
                    assert(err >= 0);
                else if (abs(vecvalues[j]/maxvalue[0]) > relative_thres)
                    values[nentries] = vecvalues[j];
                    indices[nentries] = g_rows[i];
                    err = Sbar->InsertGlobalValues(g_rows[j], nentries, values, indices);
                    assert(err >= 0);
                    err = lSGraph->InsertGlobalIndices(g_rows[j], nentries, indices);
                    assert(err >= 0);
                    if (vecvalues[j] != 0.0) dropped++;

        cout << "Time in finding and dropping entries" << ftime.totalElapsedTime() << endl;
        cout << "Time in Apply of probing" << app_time.totalElapsedTime() << endl;

        data->localSbargraph = lSGraph;

        Epetra_Map defMap2(-1, g_localElems, 0, C->Comm());
        EpetraExt::ViewTransform<Epetra_CrsMatrix> * ReIdx_MatTrans2 =
                            new EpetraExt::CrsMatrix_Reindex( defMap2 );
        Epetra_CrsMatrix t2S = (*ReIdx_MatTrans2)( *Sbar );
        EpetraExt::RowMatrixToMatlabFile("Schur.mat", t2S);

        cout << "#dropped entries" << dropped << endl;
        delete[] values;
        delete[] indices;
        delete[] maxvalue;
        if (((data->num_compute-1) % config->reset_iter) == 0)
            // We recomputed the Schur complement with dropping for the last
            // compute. Reset the prober with the new orthogonal vectors for
            // the Sbar from the previous iteration.
            Teuchos::ParameterList pList;
            Teuchos::RCP<Isorropia::Epetra::Prober> gprober =
                         Teuchos::RCP<Isorropia::Epetra::Prober> (new
                            data->localSbargraph.getRawPtr(), pList, false));
            data->guided_prober = gprober;

        // Use the prober to probe the probeop for the sparsity pattern
        // add that to Sbar and call Fill complete
        int nvectors = data->guided_prober->getNumOrthogonalVectors();
        cout << "Number of Orthogonal Vectors for guided probing" << nvectors
                << endl;

        Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> blockdiag_Sbar =
        int maxentries = blockdiag_Sbar->GlobalMaxNumEntries();
        int *indices = new int[maxentries];
        double *values = new double[maxentries];

        int numentries;
        for (int i = 0; i < blockdiag_Sbar->NumGlobalRows() ; i++)
            int gid = blockdiag_Sbar->GRID(i);
            blockdiag_Sbar->ExtractGlobalRowCopy(gid, maxentries, numentries,
                                            values, indices);
            Sbar->InsertGlobalValues(gid, numentries, values, indices);

        delete[] indices;
        delete[] values;

    delete[] values1;
    delete[] indices1;
    delete[] values2;
    delete[] indices2;
    delete[] values3;
    delete[] indices3;
    return Sbar;
Пример #5
//  Diagonal:  0=no change, 1=eliminate entry
//             from the map for the largest row element in process 0
//             2=add diagonal entries to the matrix, with a zero value 
//             (assume row map contains all diagonal entries). 
//  ReindexRowMap:  
//    0=no change, 1= add 2 (still contiguous), 2=non-contiguous
//  ReindexColMap
//    0=same as RowMap, 1=add 4 - Different From RowMap, but contiguous) 
//  RangeMap:
//    0=no change, 1=serial map, 2=bizarre distribution, 3=replicated map
//  DomainMap:
//    0=no change, 1=serial map, 2=bizarre distribution, 3=replicated map
RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> NewMatNewMap(Epetra_CrsMatrix& In, 
					   int Diagonal, 
					   int ReindexRowMap,
					   int ReindexColMap,
					   int RangeMapType,
					   int DomainMapType

  //  If we are making no change, return the original matrix (which has a linear map) 
#if 0
  std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __LINE__ << " " 
       << Diagonal << " " 
       << ReindexRowMap << " " 
       << ReindexColMap << " " 
       << RangeMapType << " " 
       << DomainMapType << " " << std::endl ; 

  if ( Diagonal + ReindexRowMap + ReindexColMap + RangeMapType + DomainMapType == 0 ) {
    RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> ReturnOrig = rcp( &In, false );
    return ReturnOrig ;

  //  Diagonal==2 is used for a different purpose - 
  //    Making sure that the diagonal of the matrix is non-empty.
  //  Note:  The diagonal must exist in In.RowMap().
  if ( Diagonal == 2 ) { 
    assert( ReindexRowMap==0 && ReindexColMap == 0 ) ; 

  int (*RowPermute)(int in) = 0;
  int (*ColPermute)(int in) = 0;

  assert( Diagonal >= 0  && Diagonal <= 2 ); 
  assert( ReindexRowMap>=0 && ReindexRowMap<=2 );
  assert( ReindexColMap>=0 && ReindexColMap<=1 );
  assert( RangeMapType>=0 && RangeMapType<=3 );
  assert( DomainMapType>=0 && DomainMapType<=3 );

  Epetra_Map DomainMap = In.DomainMap();
  Epetra_Map RangeMap = In.RangeMap();
  Epetra_Map ColMap = In.ColMap();
  Epetra_Map RowMap = In.RowMap();
  int NumMyRowElements = RowMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumMyColElements = ColMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumMyRangeElements = RangeMap.NumMyElements();
  int NumMyDomainElements = DomainMap.NumMyElements();

  int NumGlobalRowElements = RowMap.NumGlobalElements();
  int NumGlobalColElements = ColMap.NumGlobalElements();
  int NumGlobalRangeElements = RangeMap.NumGlobalElements();
  int NumGlobalDomainElements = DomainMap.NumGlobalElements();
  assert( NumGlobalRangeElements == NumGlobalDomainElements ) ; 

  std::vector<int> MyGlobalRowElements( NumMyRowElements ) ; 
  std::vector<int> NumEntriesPerRow( NumMyRowElements ) ; 
  std::vector<int> MyPermutedGlobalRowElements( NumMyRowElements ) ; 
  std::vector<int> MyGlobalColElements( NumMyColElements ) ; 
  std::vector<int> MyPermutedGlobalColElements( NumMyColElements ) ; // Used to create the column map
  std::vector<int> MyPermutedGlobalColElementTable( NumMyColElements ) ; // To convert local indices to global
  std::vector<int> MyGlobalRangeElements( NumMyRangeElements ) ; 
  std::vector<int> MyPermutedGlobalRangeElements( NumMyRangeElements ) ; 
  std::vector<int> MyGlobalDomainElements( NumMyDomainElements ) ; 
  std::vector<int> MyPermutedGlobalDomainElements( NumMyDomainElements ) ; 

  switch( ReindexRowMap ) {
  case 0:
    RowPermute = &NoPermute ;
  case 1:
    RowPermute = &SmallRowPermute ;
  case 2:
    RowPermute = BigRowPermute ;
  switch( ReindexColMap ) {
  case 0:
    ColPermute = RowPermute ;
  case 1:
    ColPermute = &SmallColPermute ;

  //  Create Serial Range and Domain Maps based on the permuted indexing
  int nlocal = 0;
  if (In.Comm().MyPID()==0) nlocal = NumGlobalRangeElements;
  std::vector<int> AllIDs( NumGlobalRangeElements ) ; 
  for ( int i = 0; i < NumGlobalRangeElements ; i++ ) AllIDs[i] = (*RowPermute)( i ) ; 
  Epetra_Map SerialRangeMap( -1, nlocal, &AllIDs[0], 0, In.Comm()); 
  std::vector<int> AllIDBs( NumGlobalRangeElements ) ; 
  for ( int i = 0; i < NumGlobalRangeElements ; i++ ) AllIDBs[i] = (*ColPermute)( i ) ; 
  Epetra_Map SerialDomainMap( -1, nlocal, &AllIDBs[0], 0, In.Comm()); 

  //  Create Bizarre Range and Domain Maps based on the permuted indexing
  //  These are nearly serial, having all but one element on process 0
  //  The goal here is to make sure that we can use Domain and Range maps 
  //  that are neither serial, nor distributed in the normal manner.
  std::vector<int> AllIDCs( NumGlobalRangeElements ) ; 
  for ( int i = 0; i < NumGlobalRangeElements ; i++ ) AllIDCs[i] = (*ColPermute)( i ) ; 
  if ( In.Comm().NumProc() > 1 ) { 
    if (In.Comm().MyPID()==0) nlocal = NumGlobalRangeElements-1;
    if (In.Comm().MyPID()==1) {
      nlocal = 1;
      AllIDCs[0] = (*ColPermute)( NumGlobalRangeElements - 1 );
  int iam = In.Comm().MyPID();
  Epetra_Map BizarreDomainMap( -1, nlocal, &AllIDCs[0], 0, In.Comm()); 

  std::vector<int> AllIDDs( NumGlobalRangeElements ) ; 
  for ( int i = 0; i < NumGlobalRangeElements ; i++ ) AllIDDs[i] = (*RowPermute)( i ) ; 
  if ( In.Comm().NumProc() > 1 ) { 
    if (In.Comm().MyPID()==0) nlocal = NumGlobalRangeElements-1;
    if (In.Comm().MyPID()==1) {
      nlocal = 1;
      AllIDDs[0] = (*RowPermute)( NumGlobalRangeElements -1 ) ;
  Epetra_Map BizarreRangeMap( -1, nlocal, &AllIDDs[0], 0, In.Comm()); 

  //  Compute the column map 
  //  If Diagonal==1, remove the column corresponding to the last row owned 
  //  by process 0.  Removing this column from a tridiagonal matrix, leaves
  //  a disconnected, but non-singular matrix.  
  int NumMyColElementsOut = 0 ; 
  int NumGlobalColElementsOut ; 
  if ( Diagonal == 1 ) 
    NumGlobalColElementsOut = NumGlobalColElements-1; 
    NumGlobalColElementsOut = NumGlobalColElements; 
  if ( Diagonal == 1 && iam==0 ) { 
    for ( int i=0; i < NumMyColElements  ; i++ ) {
      if ( MyGlobalColElements[i] != MyGlobalRowElements[NumMyRowElements-1] ) {
	MyPermutedGlobalColElements[NumMyColElementsOut++] = 
	  (*ColPermute)( MyGlobalColElements[i] ) ; 
    assert( NumMyColElementsOut == NumMyColElements-1 );
  } else {
    for ( int i=0; i < NumMyColElements  ; i++ )  
      MyPermutedGlobalColElements[i] = 
	(*ColPermute)( MyGlobalColElements[i] ) ; 
    NumMyColElementsOut = NumMyColElements ; 
    if ( Diagonal == 2 ) {
      //  For each row, make sure that the column map has this row in it, 
      //    if it doesn't, add it to the column map.  
      //  Note:  MyPermutedGlobalColElements == MyGlobalColElements when 
      //  Diagonal==2 because  ( Diagonal == 2 ) implies:
      //     ReindexRowMap==0 && ReindexColMap == 0  - see assert above
      for ( int i=0; i < NumMyRowElements  ; i++ ) {
	bool MissingDiagonal = true; 
	for ( int j=0; j < NumMyColElements; j++ ) { 
	  if ( MyGlobalRowElements[i] == MyGlobalColElements[j] ) {
	    MissingDiagonal = false; 
	if ( MissingDiagonal ) {
	  MyPermutedGlobalColElements[NumMyColElementsOut] = MyGlobalRowElements[i];

  //  These tables are used both as the permutation tables and to create the maps.
  for ( int i=0; i < NumMyColElements  ; i++ ) 
    MyPermutedGlobalColElementTable[i] = 
      (*ColPermute)( MyGlobalColElements[i] ) ; 
  for ( int i=0; i < NumMyRowElements  ; i++ ) 
    MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[i] = 
      (*RowPermute)( MyGlobalRowElements[i] ) ; 
  for ( int i=0; i < NumMyRangeElements  ; i++ ) 
    MyPermutedGlobalRangeElements[i] = 
      (*RowPermute)( MyGlobalRangeElements[i] ) ; 
  for ( int i=0; i < NumMyDomainElements  ; i++ ) 
    MyPermutedGlobalDomainElements[i] = 
      (*ColPermute)( MyGlobalDomainElements[i] ) ; 

  RCP<Epetra_Map> PermutedRowMap = 
    rcp( new Epetra_Map( NumGlobalRowElements, NumMyRowElements, 
			 &MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[0], 0, In.Comm() ) ); 
  RCP<Epetra_Map> PermutedColMap = 
    rcp( new Epetra_Map( NumGlobalColElementsOut, NumMyColElementsOut, 
			 &MyPermutedGlobalColElements[0], 0, In.Comm() ) ); 
  RCP<Epetra_Map> PermutedRangeMap = 
    rcp( new Epetra_Map( NumGlobalRangeElements, NumMyRangeElements, 
			 &MyPermutedGlobalRangeElements[0], 0, In.Comm() ) ); 
  RCP<Epetra_Map> PermutedDomainMap = 
    rcp( new Epetra_Map( NumGlobalDomainElements, NumMyDomainElements, 
			 &MyPermutedGlobalDomainElements[0], 0, In.Comm() ) ); 
  //  These vectors are filled and then passed to InsertGlobalValues 
  std::vector<int> ThisRowIndices( In.MaxNumEntries() );
  std::vector<double> ThisRowValues( In.MaxNumEntries() );
  std::vector<int> PermutedGlobalColIndices( In.MaxNumEntries() );

  //std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" <<__LINE__ << std::endl ; 
  RCP<Epetra_CrsMatrix> Out = 
    rcp( new Epetra_CrsMatrix( Copy, *PermutedRowMap, *PermutedColMap, 0 ) );

  for (int i=0; i<NumMyRowElements; i++)

      int NumIndicesThisRow = 0;
      assert( In.ExtractMyRowCopy( i, 
				   &ThisRowIndices[0] ) == 0 ) ;
      for (int j = 0 ; j < NumIndicesThisRow ; j++ )
	  PermutedGlobalColIndices[j] = MyPermutedGlobalColElementTable[ ThisRowIndices[j] ]  ;
      bool MissingDiagonal = false; 
      if ( Diagonal==2 ) { 
	assert( MyGlobalRowElements[i] == MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[i] );
	MissingDiagonal = true; 
	for( int j =0 ; j < NumIndicesThisRow ; j++ ) {
	  if ( PermutedGlobalColIndices[j] == MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[i] ) {
	    MissingDiagonal = false ; 
#if 0
	std::cout  << __FILE__ << "::" << __LINE__ 
	      << " i = " << i 
	      << " MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[i]  = " << MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[i] 
	      <<   " MissingDiagonal = " << MissingDiagonal << std::endl ; 

      if ( MissingDiagonal ) { 
	ThisRowValues.resize(NumIndicesThisRow+1) ; 
	ThisRowValues[NumIndicesThisRow] = 0.0;
	PermutedGlobalColIndices[NumIndicesThisRow] = MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[i] ;
#if 0
	std::cout  << __FILE__ << "::" << __LINE__ 
	      << " i = " << i 
	      << "NumIndicesThisRow = " << NumIndicesThisRow 
	      << "ThisRowValues[NumIndicesThisRow = " << ThisRowValues[NumIndicesThisRow] 
	      << " PermutedGlobalColIndices[NumIndcesThisRow] = " << PermutedGlobalColIndices[NumIndicesThisRow] 
	      << std::endl ; 

	NumIndicesThisRow++  ;

      assert( Out->InsertGlobalValues( MyPermutedGlobalRowElements[i], 
				       &PermutedGlobalColIndices[0] ) >= 0 ); 


  Epetra_LocalMap ReplicatedMap( NumGlobalRangeElements, 0, In.Comm() );

  RCP<Epetra_Map> OutRangeMap ;
  RCP<Epetra_Map> OutDomainMap ;
  switch( RangeMapType ) {
  case 0:
    OutRangeMap = PermutedRangeMap ;
  case 1:
    OutRangeMap = rcp(&SerialRangeMap, false); 
  case 2:
    OutRangeMap = rcp(&BizarreRangeMap, false); 
  case 3:
    OutRangeMap = rcp(&ReplicatedMap, false); 
  //  switch( DomainMapType ) {
  switch( DomainMapType ) {
  case 0:
    OutDomainMap = PermutedDomainMap ;
  case 1:
    OutDomainMap = rcp(&SerialDomainMap, false); 
  case 2:
    OutDomainMap = rcp(&BizarreDomainMap, false); 
  case 3:
    OutDomainMap = rcp(&ReplicatedMap, false); 
#if 0
  assert(Out->FillComplete( *PermutedDomainMap, *PermutedRangeMap )==0);
  assert(Out->FillComplete( *OutDomainMap, *OutRangeMap )==0);

#if 0
  std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __LINE__ << std::endl ;
  Out->Print( std::cout ) ; 

  return Out;
bool FiniteDifferenceColoringWithUpdate::differenceProbe(const Epetra_Vector& x, Epetra_CrsMatrix& jac,const Epetra_MapColoring& colors){

  // Allocate space for perturbation, get column version of x for scaling
  Epetra_Vector xp(x);
  Epetra_Vector *xcol;
  int N=jac.NumMyRows();

    xcol=new Epetra_Vector(jac.ColMap(),true);//zeros out by default

  // Counters for probing diagnostics
  double tmp,probing_error_lower_bound=0.0,jc_norm=0.0;

  // Grab coloring info (being very careful to ignore color 0)
  int Ncolors=colors.MaxNumColors()+1;
  int num_c0_global,num_c0_local=colors.NumElementsWithColor(0);
  if(num_c0_global>0) Ncolors--;

  if(Ncolors==0) return false;

  // Pointers for Matrix Info
  int entries, *indices;
  double *values;

  // NTS: Fix me
  if ( diffType == Centered ) exit(1);

  double scaleFactor = 1.0;
  if ( diffType == Backward )
    scaleFactor = -1.0;

  // Compute RHS at initial solution

  /* Probing, vector by vector since computeF does not have a MultiVector interface */
  // Assume that anything with Color 0 gets ignored.
  for(int j=1;j<Ncolors;j++){
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
    xp[i] += scaleFactor*(alpha*abs(x[i])+beta);

    computeF(xp, fp, NOX::Epetra::Interface::Required::FD_Res);

    // Do the subtraction to estimate the Jacobian (w/o including step length)
    Jc.Update(1.0, fp, -1.0, fo, 0.0);

    // Relative error in probing

    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
      // Skip for uncolored row/columns, else update entries
      if(colors[i]==0) continue;

      for(int k=0;k<jac.NumMyEntries(i);k++){
      values[k]=Jc[i] / (scaleFactor*(alpha*abs((*xcol)[indices[k]])+beta));
      // If probing diagnostics are on, zero out the entries as they are used
      if(use_probing_diags) Jc[i]=0.0;
      break;// Only one value per row...

  // If diagnostics are requested, output Frobenius norm lower bound
  if(use_probing_diags && !x.Comm().MyPID()) printf("Probing Error Lower Bound (Frobenius) abs = %6.4e rel = %6.4e\n",sqrt(probing_error_lower_bound),sqrt(probing_error_lower_bound)/sqrt(jc_norm));

  // Cleanup
    delete xcol;

  return true;
Пример #7
int TPackAndPrepareWithOwningPIDs(const Epetra_CrsMatrix & A, 
				 int NumExportIDs,
				 int * ExportLIDs,
				 int & LenExports,
				 char *& Exports,
				 int & SizeOfPacket,
				 int * Sizes,
				 bool & VarSizes,
				 std::vector<int>& pids)
  int i, j;

  VarSizes = true; //enable variable block size data comm

  int TotalSendLength = 0;
  int * IntSizes = 0; 
  if( NumExportIDs>0 ) IntSizes = new int[NumExportIDs];

  int SizeofIntType = sizeof(int_type);

  for(i = 0; i < NumExportIDs; ++i) {
    int NumEntries;
    A.NumMyRowEntries( ExportLIDs[i], NumEntries );
    // Will have NumEntries doubles, 2*NumEntries +2 ints pack them interleaved     Sizes[i] = NumEntries;
    // NTS: We add the owning PID as the SECOND int of the pair for each entry
    Sizes[i] = NumEntries;
    // NOTE: Mixing and matching Int Types would be more efficient, BUT what about variable alignment?
    IntSizes[i] = 1 + (((2*NumEntries+2)*SizeofIntType)/(int)sizeof(double));
    TotalSendLength += (Sizes[i]+IntSizes[i]);
  double * DoubleExports = 0; 
  SizeOfPacket = (int)sizeof(double);
  //setup buffer locally for memory management by this object
  if( TotalSendLength*SizeOfPacket > LenExports ) {
    if( LenExports > 0 ) delete [] Exports;
    LenExports = TotalSendLength*SizeOfPacket;
    DoubleExports = new double[TotalSendLength];
    for( int i = 0; i < TotalSendLength; ++i ) DoubleExports[i] = 0.0;
    Exports = (char *) DoubleExports;
  int NumEntries;
  double * values;
  double * valptr, * dintptr; 

  // Each segment of Exports will be filled by a packed row of information for each row as follows:
  // 1st int: GRID of row where GRID is the global row ID for the source matrix
  // next int:  NumEntries, Number of indices in row
  // next 2*NumEntries: The actual indices and owning [1] PID each for the row in (GID,PID) pairs with the GID first.

  // [1] Owning is defined in the sense of "Who owns the GID in the DomainMap," aka, who sends the GID in the importer

  const Epetra_Map & rowMap = A.RowMap();
  const Epetra_Map & colMap = A.ColMap();
  if( NumExportIDs > 0 ) {
    int_type * Indices;
    int_type FromRow; 
    int_type * intptr;                         
    int maxNumEntries = A.MaxNumEntries();
    std::vector<int> MyIndices(maxNumEntries);
    dintptr = (double *) Exports;
    valptr = dintptr + IntSizes[0];
    intptr = (int_type *) dintptr;
    for (i=0; i<NumExportIDs; i++) {
      FromRow   = (int_type) rowMap.GID64(ExportLIDs[i]);
      intptr[0] = FromRow;
      values    = valptr;
      Indices   = intptr + 2;
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(A.ExtractMyRowCopy(ExportLIDs[i], maxNumEntries, NumEntries, values, &MyIndices[0]));
      for (j=0; j<NumEntries; j++) {
	Indices[2*j]   = (int_type) colMap.GID64(MyIndices[j]);   // convert to GIDs
	Indices[2*j+1] = pids[MyIndices[j]];                      // PID owning the entry.
      intptr[1] = NumEntries; // Load second slot of segment
      if( i < (NumExportIDs-1) ) {
	dintptr += (IntSizes[i]+Sizes[i]);
	valptr = dintptr + IntSizes[i+1];
	intptr = (int_type *) dintptr;

    for(i = 0; i < NumExportIDs; ++i )
      Sizes[i] += IntSizes[i];
  if( IntSizes ) delete [] IntSizes;