Пример #1
ICE_OBJECT_PRX::__handleException(const Exception& ex,
                                         const RequestHandlerPtr& handler,
                                         OperationMode mode,
                                         bool sent,
                                         int& cnt)
    __updateRequestHandler(handler, 0); // Clear the request handler

    // We only retry local exception, system exceptions aren't retried.
    // A CloseConnectionException indicates graceful server shutdown, and is therefore
    // always repeatable without violating "at-most-once". That's because by sending a
    // close connection message, the server guarantees that all outstanding requests
    // can safely be repeated.
    // An ObjectNotExistException can always be retried as well without violating
    // "at-most-once" (see the implementation of the checkRetryAfterException method
    //  of the ProxyFactory class for the reasons why it can be useful).
    // If the request didn't get sent or if it's non-mutating or idempotent it can
    // also always be retried if the retry count isn't reached.
    const LocalException* localEx = dynamic_cast<const LocalException*>(&ex);
    if(localEx && (!sent ||
                   mode == ICE_ENUM(OperationMode, Nonmutating) || mode == ICE_ENUM(OperationMode, Idempotent) ||
                   dynamic_cast<const CloseConnectionException*>(&ex) ||
                   dynamic_cast<const ObjectNotExistException*>(&ex)))
            return _reference->getInstance()->proxyFactory()->checkRetryAfterException(*localEx, _reference, cnt);
        catch(const CommunicatorDestroyedException&)
            // The communicator is already destroyed, so we cannot retry.
        ex.ice_throw(); // Retry could break at-most-once semantics, don't retry.
    return 0; // Keep the compiler happy.
Пример #2
ProxyFlushBatch::handleException(const Exception& ex)
    _proxy->__setRequestHandler(_handler, 0); // Clear request handler
    ex.ice_throw(); // No retries, we want to notify the user of potentially lost batch requests
    return 0;