Пример #1
void Build_Variable_Names(ExoII_Read& file1, ExoII_Read& file2, bool *diff_found)
  // Build (and compare) global variable names.
  build_variable_names("global", specs.glob_var_names, specs.glob_var,
                       specs.glob_var_default, specs.glob_var_do_all_flag,
                       file1.Global_Var_Names(), file2.Global_Var_Names(),

  // Build (and compare) nodal variable names.
  build_variable_names("nodal", specs.node_var_names, specs.node_var,
                       specs.node_var_default, specs.node_var_do_all_flag,
                       file1.Nodal_Var_Names(),  file2.Nodal_Var_Names(),

  // Build (and compare) element variable names.
  build_variable_names("element", specs.elmt_var_names, specs.elmt_var,
                        specs.elmt_var_default, specs.elmt_var_do_all_flag,
                        file1.Elmt_Var_Names(),   file2.Elmt_Var_Names(),

  // Build (and compare) element variable names.
  if (!specs.ignore_attributes) {
    build_variable_names("element attribute", specs.elmt_att_names, specs.elmt_att,
			 specs.elmt_att_default, specs.elmt_att_do_all_flag,
			 file1.Elmt_Att_Names(),   file2.Elmt_Att_Names(),

  // Build (and compare) nodeset variable names.
  build_variable_names("nodeset", specs.ns_var_names, specs.ns_var,
                       specs.ns_var_default, specs.ns_var_do_all_flag,
                       file1.NS_Var_Names(), file2.NS_Var_Names(),

  // Build (and compare) sideset variable names.
  build_variable_names("sideset", specs.ss_var_names, specs.ss_var,
                       specs.ss_var_default, specs.ss_var_do_all_flag,
                       file1.SS_Var_Names(), file2.SS_Var_Names(),
Пример #2
int Create_File(ExoII_Read& file1, ExoII_Read& file2,
                const string& diffile_name, bool *diff_found)
  // Multiple modes:
  // summary_flag == true   --> Single file, output summary and variable names, return
  // diffile_name == ""     --> Dual file, output summary, variable names, check compatability,
  // diffile_name != ""     --> Three files (2 in, 1 out)
  //                            create output file which is diff of input.
  //                            output summary, variable names, check compatability
  // quiet_flag == true     --> don't output summary information

  // From here on down, have two input files and possibly 1 output file...
  // Create output file.

  int out_file_id = -1;
  if (!diffile_name.empty()) {

    // Take minimum word size for output file.
    int iows = file1.IO_Word_Size() < file2.IO_Word_Size()
      ? file1.IO_Word_Size() : file2.IO_Word_Size();
    int compws = sizeof(double);

    out_file_id = ex_create(diffile_name.c_str(), EX_CLOBBER, &compws, &iows);
    SMART_ASSERT(out_file_id >= 0);
    ex_copy(file1.File_ID(), out_file_id);

  if (!specs.quiet_flag) {
    if (out_file_id >= 0) {  // The files are to be differenced .. just list names.
      if (specs.coord_tol.type != IGNORE) {
	SMART_ASSERT(specs.coord_tol.type == RELATIVE ||
                     specs.coord_tol.type == ABSOLUTE ||
		     specs.coord_tol.type == COMBINED ||
		     specs.coord_tol.type == EIGEN_REL ||
                     specs.coord_tol.type == EIGEN_ABS ||
		     specs.coord_tol.type == EIGEN_COM);
	sprintf(buf, "Coordinates:  tol: %8g %s, floor: %8g",
		specs.coord_tol.value, specs.coord_tol.typestr(), specs.coord_tol.floor);
	std::cout << buf << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Locations of nodes will not be considered.\n";

      if (specs.time_tol.type != IGNORE) {
	SMART_ASSERT(specs.time_tol.type == RELATIVE ||
                     specs.time_tol.type == ABSOLUTE ||
		     specs.time_tol.type == COMBINED ||
		     specs.time_tol.type == EIGEN_REL ||
                     specs.time_tol.type == EIGEN_ABS ||
		     specs.time_tol.type == EIGEN_COM);
	sprintf(buf, "Time step values:  tol: %8g %s, floor: %8g",
		specs.time_tol.value,	specs.time_tol.typestr(), specs.time_tol.floor);
	std::cout << buf << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Time step time values will not be differenced.\n";

      output_diff_names("Global",  specs.glob_var_names);
      output_diff_names("Nodal",   specs.node_var_names);
      output_diff_names("Element", specs.elmt_var_names);
      output_diff_names("Element Attribute", specs.elmt_att_names);
      output_diff_names("Nodeset", specs.ns_var_names);
      output_diff_names("Sideset", specs.ss_var_names);
    else {  // The files are to be compared .. echo additional info.
      if (Tolerance::use_old_floor) {
	std::cout << "WARNING: Using old definition of floor tolerance. |a-b|<floor.\n\n";
      if (specs.coord_tol.type != IGNORE) {
	SMART_ASSERT(specs.coord_tol.type == RELATIVE ||
                     specs.coord_tol.type == ABSOLUTE ||
		     specs.coord_tol.type == COMBINED ||
		     specs.coord_tol.type == EIGEN_REL ||
                     specs.coord_tol.type == EIGEN_ABS ||
		     specs.coord_tol.type == EIGEN_COM);
	sprintf(buf, "Coordinates will be compared .. tol: %8g (%s), floor: %8g",
		specs.coord_tol.value, specs.coord_tol.typestr(), specs.coord_tol.floor);
	std::cout << buf << std::endl;
      } else {
	std::cout << "Locations of nodes will not be compared." << std::endl;

      if (specs.time_tol.type != IGNORE) {
	SMART_ASSERT(specs.time_tol.type == RELATIVE ||
                     specs.time_tol.type == ABSOLUTE ||
		     specs.time_tol.type == COMBINED ||
		     specs.time_tol.type == EIGEN_REL ||
                     specs.time_tol.type == EIGEN_ABS ||
		     specs.time_tol.type == EIGEN_COM);
	sprintf(buf, "Time step values will be compared .. tol: %8g (%s), floor: %8g",
		specs.time_tol.value, specs.time_tol.typestr(), specs.time_tol.floor);
	std::cout << buf << std::endl;
      } else {
	std::cout << "Time step time values will not be compared." << std::endl;

      output_compare_names("Global",  specs.glob_var_names, specs.glob_var,
			   file1.Num_Global_Vars(), file2.Num_Global_Vars());

      output_compare_names("Nodal",   specs.node_var_names, specs.node_var,
			   file1.Num_Nodal_Vars(), file2.Num_Nodal_Vars());

      output_compare_names("Element", specs.elmt_var_names, specs.elmt_var,
			   file1.Num_Elmt_Vars(), file2.Num_Elmt_Vars());

      output_compare_names("Element Attribute", specs.elmt_att_names, specs.elmt_att,
			   file1.Num_Elmt_Atts(), file2.Num_Elmt_Atts());

      output_compare_names("Nodeset", specs.ns_var_names, specs.ns_var,
			   file1.Num_NS_Vars(), file2.Num_NS_Vars());

      output_compare_names("Sideset", specs.ss_var_names, specs.ss_var,
			   file1.Num_SS_Vars(), file2.Num_SS_Vars());

  std::vector<int> truth_tab;
  build_truth_table(EX_ELEM_BLOCK, "Element Block", specs.elmt_var_names, file1.Num_Elmt_Blocks(),
		    file1, file2, file1.Elmt_Var_Names(), file2.Elmt_Var_Names(),
		    truth_tab, specs.quiet_flag, diff_found);

  std::vector<int> ns_truth_tab;
  build_truth_table(EX_NODE_SET, "Nodeset", specs.ns_var_names, file1.Num_Node_Sets(),
		    file1, file2, file1.NS_Var_Names(), file2.NS_Var_Names(),
		    ns_truth_tab, specs.quiet_flag, diff_found);

  std::vector<int> ss_truth_tab;
  build_truth_table(EX_SIDE_SET, "Sideset", specs.ss_var_names, file1.Num_Side_Sets(),
		    file1, file2, file1.SS_Var_Names(), file2.SS_Var_Names(),
		    ss_truth_tab, specs.quiet_flag, diff_found);

  // Put out the concatenated variable parameters here and then
  // put out the names....
  if (out_file_id >= 0) {
			 specs.elmt_var_names->size(), &truth_tab[0],
			 specs.ns_var_names->size(),   &ns_truth_tab[0],
			 specs.ss_var_names->size(),   &ss_truth_tab[0]);

    output_exodus_names(out_file_id, EX_GLOBAL,     specs.glob_var_names);
    output_exodus_names(out_file_id, EX_NODAL,      specs.node_var_names);
    output_exodus_names(out_file_id, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, specs.elmt_var_names);
    output_exodus_names(out_file_id, EX_NODE_SET,   specs.ns_var_names);
    output_exodus_names(out_file_id, EX_SIDE_SET,   specs.ss_var_names);
  return out_file_id;