Пример #1
void MainWindow::on_butExport_clicked()
    using namespace Assimp;

    QString filename, filter, format_id;
    Exporter exporter;
    QTime time_begin;
    aiReturn rv;
    QStringList exportersList;
    QMap<QString, const aiExportFormatDesc*> exportersMap;

	if(mScene == nullptr)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, "Export error", "Scene is empty");


	for (size_t i = 0; i < exporter.GetExportFormatCount(); ++i)
		const aiExportFormatDesc* desc = exporter.GetExportFormatDescription(i);
		exportersList.push_back(desc->id + QString(": ") + desc->description);
		exportersMap.insert(desc->id, desc);

	// get an exporter
	bool dialogSelectExporterOk;
	QString selectedExporter = QInputDialog::getItem(this, "Export format", "Select the exporter : ", exportersList, 0, false, &dialogSelectExporterOk);
	if (!dialogSelectExporterOk)

	// build the filter
	QString selectedId = selectedExporter.left(selectedExporter.indexOf(':'));
	filter = QString("*.") + exportersMap[selectedId]->fileExtension;

	// get file path
	filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Set file name", "", filter);
	// if it's canceled
	if (filename == "")

	// begin export
	time_begin = QTime::currentTime();
	rv = exporter.Export(mScene, selectedId.toLocal8Bit(), filename.toLocal8Bit(), aiProcess_FlipUVs);
	if(rv == aiReturn_SUCCESS)
		LogInfo("Export done: " + filename);
		QString errorMessage = QString("Export failed: ") + filename;
		QMessageBox::critical(this, "Export error", errorMessage);
Пример #2
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASSIMP_API const aiExportFormatDesc* aiGetExportFormatDescription( size_t index)
    // Note: this is valid as the index always pertains to a built-in exporter,
    // for which the returned structure is guaranteed to be of static storage duration.
    Exporter exporter;
    const aiExportFormatDesc* orig( exporter.GetExportFormatDescription( index ) );
    if (NULL == orig) {
        return NULL;

    aiExportFormatDesc *desc = new aiExportFormatDesc;
    desc->description = new char[ strlen( orig->description ) + 1 ]();
    ::strncpy( (char*) desc->description, orig->description, strlen( orig->description ) );
    desc->fileExtension = new char[ strlen( orig->fileExtension ) + 1 ]();
    ::strncpy( ( char* ) desc->fileExtension, orig->fileExtension, strlen( orig->fileExtension ) );
    desc->id = new char[ strlen( orig->id ) + 1 ]();
    ::strncpy( ( char* ) desc->id, orig->id, strlen( orig->id ) );

    return desc;