Пример #1
void Item::updatePos(const U32 /*mask*/, const F32 dt)
   // Try and move
   Point3F pos;
   delta.posVec = pos;

   bool contact = false;
   bool nonStatic = false;
   bool stickyNotify = false;
   CollisionList collisionList;
   F32 time = dt;

   static Polyhedron sBoxPolyhedron;
   static ExtrudedPolyList sExtrudedPolyList;
   static EarlyOutPolyList sEarlyOutPolyList;
   MatrixF collisionMatrix(true);
   Point3F end = pos + mVelocity * time;
   U32 mask = isServerObject() ? sServerCollisionMask : sClientCollisionMask;

   // Part of our speed problem here is that we don't track contact surfaces, like we do
   //  with the player.  In order to handle the most common and performance impacting
   //  instance of this problem, we'll use a ray cast to detect any contact surfaces below
   //  us.  This won't be perfect, but it only needs to catch a few of these to make a
   //  big difference.  We'll cast from the top center of the bounding box at the tick's
   //  beginning to the bottom center of the box at the end.
   Point3F startCast((mObjBox.minExtents.x + mObjBox.maxExtents.x) * 0.5,
                     (mObjBox.minExtents.y + mObjBox.maxExtents.y) * 0.5,
   Point3F endCast((mObjBox.minExtents.x + mObjBox.maxExtents.x) * 0.5,
                   (mObjBox.minExtents.y + mObjBox.maxExtents.y) * 0.5,
   collisionMatrix.setColumn(3, pos);
   collisionMatrix.setColumn(3, end);
   RayInfo rinfo;
   bool doToughCollision = true;
   if (mCollisionObject)
   if (getContainer()->castRay(startCast, endCast, mask, &rinfo))
      F32 bd = -mDot(mVelocity, rinfo.normal);

      if (bd >= 0.0)
         // Contact!
         if (mDataBlock->sticky && rinfo.object->getTypeMask() & (STATIC_COLLISION_TYPEMASK)) {
            mVelocity.set(0, 0, 0);
            mAtRest = true;
            mAtRestCounter = 0;
            stickyNotify = true;
            mStickyCollisionPos    = rinfo.point;
            mStickyCollisionNormal = rinfo.normal;
            doToughCollision = false;;
         } else {
            // Subtract out velocity into surface and friction
            VectorF fv = mVelocity + rinfo.normal * bd;
            F32 fvl = fv.len();
            if (fvl) {
               F32 ff = bd * mDataBlock->friction;
               if (ff < fvl) {
                  fv *= ff / fvl;
                  fvl = ff;
            bd *= 1 + mDataBlock->elasticity;
            VectorF dv = rinfo.normal * (bd + 0.002);
            mVelocity += dv;
            mVelocity -= fv;

            // Keep track of what we hit
            contact = true;
            U32 typeMask = rinfo.object->getTypeMask();
            if (!(typeMask & StaticObjectType))
               nonStatic = true;
            if (isServerObject() && (typeMask & ShapeBaseObjectType)) {
               ShapeBase* col = static_cast<ShapeBase*>(rinfo.object);
               queueCollision(col,mVelocity - col->getVelocity());
   if (mCollisionObject)

   if (doToughCollision)
      U32 count;
      for (count = 0; count < 3; count++)
         // Build list from convex states here...
         end = pos + mVelocity * time;

         collisionMatrix.setColumn(3, end);
         Box3F wBox = getObjBox();
         Box3F testBox = wBox;
         Point3F oldMin = testBox.minExtents;
         Point3F oldMax = testBox.maxExtents;
         testBox.minExtents.setMin(oldMin + (mVelocity * time));
         testBox.maxExtents.setMin(oldMax + (mVelocity * time));


         CollisionWorkingList& eorList = mConvex.getWorkingList();
         CollisionWorkingList* eopList = eorList.wLink.mNext;
         while (eopList != &eorList) {
            if ((eopList->mConvex->getObject()->getTypeMask() & mask) != 0)
               Box3F convexBox = eopList->mConvex->getBoundingBox();
               if (testBox.isOverlapped(convexBox))
                  if (sEarlyOutPolyList.isEmpty() == false)
            eopList = eopList->wLink.mNext;
         if (sEarlyOutPolyList.isEmpty())
            pos = end;

         collisionMatrix.setColumn(3, pos);
         sBoxPolyhedron.buildBox(collisionMatrix, mObjBox, true);

         // Build extruded polyList...
         VectorF vector = end - pos;
         sExtrudedPolyList.extrude(sBoxPolyhedron, vector);

         CollisionWorkingList& rList = mConvex.getWorkingList();
         CollisionWorkingList* pList = rList.wLink.mNext;
         while (pList != &rList) {
            if ((pList->mConvex->getObject()->getTypeMask() & mask) != 0)
               Box3F convexBox = pList->mConvex->getBoundingBox();
               if (testBox.isOverlapped(convexBox))
            pList = pList->wLink.mNext;

         if (collisionList.getTime() < 1.0)
            // Set to collision point
            F32 dt = time * collisionList.getTime();
            pos += mVelocity * dt;
            time -= dt;

            // Pick the most resistant surface
            F32 bd = 0;
            const Collision* collision = 0;
            for (int c = 0; c < collisionList.getCount(); c++) {
               const Collision &cp = collisionList[c];
               F32 dot = -mDot(mVelocity,cp.normal);
               if (dot > bd) {
                  bd = dot;
                  collision = &cp;

            if (collision && mDataBlock->sticky && collision->object->getTypeMask() & (STATIC_COLLISION_TYPEMASK)) {
               mVelocity.set(0, 0, 0);
               mAtRest = true;
               mAtRestCounter = 0;
               stickyNotify = true;
               mStickyCollisionPos    = collision->point;
               mStickyCollisionNormal = collision->normal;
            } else {
               // Subtract out velocity into surface and friction
               if (collision) {
                  VectorF fv = mVelocity + collision->normal * bd;
                  F32 fvl = fv.len();
                  if (fvl) {
                     F32 ff = bd * mDataBlock->friction;
                     if (ff < fvl) {
                        fv *= ff / fvl;
                        fvl = ff;
                  bd *= 1 + mDataBlock->elasticity;
                  VectorF dv = collision->normal * (bd + 0.002);
                  mVelocity += dv;
                  mVelocity -= fv;

                  // Keep track of what we hit
                  contact = true;
                  U32 typeMask = collision->object->getTypeMask();
                  if (!(typeMask & StaticObjectType))
                     nonStatic = true;
                  if (isServerObject() && (typeMask & ShapeBaseObjectType)) {
                     ShapeBase* col = static_cast<ShapeBase*>(collision->object);
                     queueCollision(col,mVelocity - col->getVelocity());
            pos = end;
      if (count == 3)
         // Couldn't move...
         mVelocity.set(0, 0, 0);

   // If on the client, calculate delta for backstepping
   if (isGhost()) {
      delta.pos     = pos;
      delta.posVec -= pos;
      delta.dt = 1;

   // Update transform
   MatrixF mat = mObjToWorld;
   if (mCollisionObject)

   if ( mPhysicsRep )
      mPhysicsRep->setTransform( mat );

   if (contact) {
      // Check for rest condition
      if (!nonStatic && mVelocity.len() < sAtRestVelocity) {
         mVelocity.x = mVelocity.y = mVelocity.z = 0;
         mAtRest = true;
         mAtRestCounter = 0;

      // Only update the client if we hit a non-static shape or
      // if this is our final rest pos.
      if (nonStatic || mAtRest)

   // Collision callbacks. These need to be processed whether we hit
   // anything or not.
   if (!isGhost())
      SimObjectPtr<Item> safePtr(this);
      if (stickyNotify)
			 onStickyCollision_callback( getIdString() );

      // water
         if(!mInLiquid && mWaterCoverage != 0.0f)
            mInLiquid = true;
            if ( !isGhost() )
             mDataBlock->onEnterLiquid_callback( this, mWaterCoverage, mLiquidType.c_str() );

         else if(mInLiquid && mWaterCoverage == 0.0f)
            mInLiquid = false;
            if ( !isGhost() )
             mDataBlock->onLeaveLiquid_callback( this, mLiquidType.c_str() );
Пример #2
// VActorPhysicsController::findCollision( pCollision );
// ...
bool VActorPhysicsController::findCollision( Collision *&pCollision )
    // Setup Collision List.
    static CollisionList sCollisionList;

    static Polyhedron       sBoxPolyhedron;
    static ExtrudedPolyList sExtrudedPolyList;

    // Determine Positions.
    const Point3F preTickPosition  = getPosition();
    const VectorF preTickVelocity  = getVelocity();
    const Point3F postTickPosition = preTickPosition + ( preTickVelocity * TickSec );
    const VectorF postTickVector   = postTickPosition - preTickPosition;

    // Construct Scaled Box.
    Box3F scaledBox = mObject->getObjBox();
    scaledBox.minExtents.convolve( mObject->getScale() );
    scaledBox.maxExtents.convolve( mObject->getScale() );

    // Setup Polyherdron.
    MatrixF collisionMatrix( true );
    collisionMatrix.setPosition( preTickPosition );
    sBoxPolyhedron.buildBox( collisionMatrix, scaledBox );

    // Setup Extruded Poly List.
    sExtrudedPolyList.extrude( sBoxPolyhedron, postTickVector );
    sExtrudedPolyList.setVelocity( preTickVelocity );
    sExtrudedPolyList.setCollisionList( &sCollisionList );

    // Construct World Convex Box & Adjust for Sweep.
    Box3F convexBox = scaledBox;
    getTransform().mul( convexBox );
    convexBox.minExtents += postTickVector;
    convexBox.maxExtents += postTickVector;

    // Determine the Collision Mask.
    const U32 collisionMask = ( isInWater() ) ? ( sGroundCollisionMask | sMoveCollisionMask ) : sMoveCollisionMask;

    // Build List of Contacts.
    CollisionWorkingList &rList = mConvex.getWorkingList();
    for ( CollisionWorkingList *pList = rList.wLink.mNext; pList != &rList; pList = pList->wLink.mNext )
        Convex *convexShape = pList->mConvex;

        // Valid Collision Target?
        if ( !( convexShape->getObject()->getTypeMask() & collisionMask ) )
            // No, Continue.

        // Overlap?
        const Box3F &collisionConvexBox = convexShape->getBoundingBox();
        if ( convexBox.isOverlapped( collisionConvexBox ) )
            // Build Contact Information.
            convexShape->getPolyList( &sExtrudedPolyList );

    // Valid Collision?
    if ( sCollisionList.getCount() == 0 || sCollisionList.getTime() > 1.f )
        // No, Quit Now.
        return false;

    // Use First Collision.
    Collision *collision = &sCollisionList[0];

    // More Collisions?
    if ( sCollisionList.getCount() > 1 )
        // Check for Better Contacts.
        for ( Collision *cp = ( collision + 1 ); cp != ( collision + sCollisionList.getCount() ); cp++ )
            if ( cp->faceDot > collision->faceDot )
                // Use this One.
                collision = cp;

    // Store Reference.
    pCollision = collision;

    // Valid Collision.
    return true;
Пример #3
// VActorPhysicsController::findGroundContact( pContactObject, pContactPoint, pContactNormal );
// ...
bool VActorPhysicsController::findGroundContact( SceneObject *&pContactObject, Point3F &pContactPoint, VectorF &pContactNormal )
    // Setup Collision List.
    static CollisionList sCollisionList;

    static Polyhedron       sBoxPolyhedron;
    static ExtrudedPolyList sExtrudedPolyList;

    // Fetch Max Step Height.
    const F32 stepHeight = mObject->getDataBlock()->getMaxStepHeight();

    // Determine Positions.
    const Point3F preTickPosition  = getPosition() + Point3F( 0.f, 0.f, stepHeight );
    const VectorF preTickVelocity  = getVelocity() + mGravity - VectorF( 0.f, 0.f, stepHeight / TickSec );
    const Point3F postTickPosition = preTickPosition + ( preTickVelocity * TickSec );
    const VectorF postTickVector   = postTickPosition - preTickPosition;

    // Construct Scaled Box.
    Box3F scaledBox = mObject->getObjBox();
    scaledBox.minExtents.convolve( mObject->getScale() );
    scaledBox.maxExtents.convolve( mObject->getScale() );

    // Setup Polyherdron.
    MatrixF collisionMatrix( true );
    collisionMatrix.setPosition( preTickPosition );
    sBoxPolyhedron.buildBox( collisionMatrix, scaledBox, true );

    // Setup Extruded Poly List.
    sExtrudedPolyList.extrude( sBoxPolyhedron, postTickVector );
    sExtrudedPolyList.setVelocity( preTickVelocity );
    sExtrudedPolyList.setCollisionList( &sCollisionList );

    // Construct World Convex Box & Adjust for Sweep.
    Box3F convexBox = scaledBox;
    getTransform().mul( convexBox );
    convexBox.minExtents += postTickVector;
    convexBox.maxExtents += postTickVector;

    // Build List of Contacts.
    CollisionWorkingList &rList = mConvex.getWorkingList();
    for ( CollisionWorkingList *pList = rList.wLink.mNext; pList != &rList; pList = pList->wLink.mNext )
        Convex *convexShape = pList->mConvex;

        // Ground Object?
        if ( !( convexShape->getObject()->getTypeMask() & sGroundCollisionMask ) )
            // No, Continue.

        // Overlap?
        const Box3F &collisionConvexBox = convexShape->getBoundingBox();
        if ( convexBox.isOverlapped( collisionConvexBox ) )
            // Build Contact Information.
            convexShape->getPolyList( &sExtrudedPolyList );

    // Valid Collision?
    if ( sCollisionList.getCount() == 0 || sCollisionList.getTime() < 0.f || sCollisionList.getTime() > 1.f )
        // No, Quit Now.
        return false;

    // Use First Collision.
    Collision *collision = &sCollisionList[0];

    // More Collisions?
    if ( sCollisionList.getCount() > 1 )
        // Check for Better Contacts.
        for ( Collision *cp = ( collision + 1 ); cp != ( collision + sCollisionList.getCount() ); cp++ )
            if ( cp->faceDot > collision->faceDot )
                // Use this One.
                collision = cp;

    // Set Properties.
    pContactObject = collision->object;
    //pContactPoint  = collision->point;
    pContactPoint  = ( preTickPosition + ( preTickVelocity * TickSec * sCollisionList.getTime() ) );
    pContactNormal = collision->normal;

    // Valid Contact.
    return true;
Пример #4
Point3F Etherform::_move( const F32 travelTime, Collision *outCol )
   // Try and move to new pos
   F32 totalMotion  = 0.0f;
   // TODO: not used?
   //F32 initialSpeed = mVelocity.len();

   Point3F start;
   Point3F initialPosition;
   initialPosition = start;

   static CollisionList collisionList;
   static CollisionList physZoneCollisionList;


   MatrixF collisionMatrix(true);
   collisionMatrix.setColumn(3, start);

   VectorF firstNormal(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
   F32 time = travelTime;
   U32 count = 0;

   static Polyhedron sBoxPolyhedron;
   static ExtrudedPolyList sExtrudedPolyList;
   static ExtrudedPolyList sPhysZonePolyList;

   for (; count < sMoveRetryCount; count++) {
      F32 speed = mVelocity.len();

      Point3F end = start + mVelocity * time;
      Point3F distance = end - start;

      if (mFabs(distance.x) < mObjBox.len_x() &&
          mFabs(distance.y) < mObjBox.len_y() &&
          mFabs(distance.z) < mObjBox.len_z())
         // We can potentially early out of this.  If there are no polys in the clipped polylist at our
         //  end position, then we can bail, and just set start = end;
         Box3F wBox = mScaledBox;
         wBox.minExtents += end;
         wBox.maxExtents += end;

         static EarlyOutPolyList eaPolyList;
         eaPolyList.mNormal.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
         eaPolyList.mPlaneList[0].set(wBox.minExtents,VectorF(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
         eaPolyList.mPlaneList[1].set(wBox.maxExtents,VectorF(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
         eaPolyList.mPlaneList[2].set(wBox.maxExtents,VectorF(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
         eaPolyList.mPlaneList[3].set(wBox.minExtents,VectorF(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
         eaPolyList.mPlaneList[4].set(wBox.minExtents,VectorF(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));
         eaPolyList.mPlaneList[5].set(wBox.maxExtents,VectorF(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

         // Build list from convex states here...
         CollisionWorkingList& rList = mConvex.getWorkingList();
         CollisionWorkingList* pList = rList.wLink.mNext;
         while (pList != &rList) {
            Convex* pConvex = pList->mConvex;
            if (pConvex->getObject()->getTypeMask() & sCollisionMoveMask) {
               Box3F convexBox = pConvex->getBoundingBox();
               if (wBox.isOverlapped(convexBox))
                  // No need to separate out the physical zones here, we want those
                  //  to cause a fallthrough as well...
            pList = pList->wLink.mNext;

         if (eaPolyList.isEmpty())
            totalMotion += (end - start).len();
            start = end;

      collisionMatrix.setColumn(3, start);
      sBoxPolyhedron.buildBox(collisionMatrix, mScaledBox, true);

      // Setup the bounding box for the extrudedPolyList
      Box3F plistBox = mScaledBox;
      Point3F oldMin = plistBox.minExtents;
      Point3F oldMax = plistBox.maxExtents;
      plistBox.minExtents.setMin(oldMin + (mVelocity * time) - Point3F(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
      plistBox.maxExtents.setMax(oldMax + (mVelocity * time) + Point3F(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));

      // Build extruded polyList...
      VectorF vector = end - start;


      // Build list from convex states here...
      CollisionWorkingList& rList = mConvex.getWorkingList();
      CollisionWorkingList* pList = rList.wLink.mNext;
      while (pList != &rList) {
         Convex* pConvex = pList->mConvex;
         if (pConvex->getObject()->getTypeMask() & sCollisionMoveMask) {
            Box3F convexBox = pConvex->getBoundingBox();
            if (plistBox.isOverlapped(convexBox))
               if (pConvex->getObject()->getTypeMask() & PhysicalZoneObjectType)
         pList = pList->wLink.mNext;

      // Take into account any physical zones...
      for (U32 j = 0; j < physZoneCollisionList.getCount(); j++) 
         AssertFatal(dynamic_cast<PhysicalZone*>(physZoneCollisionList[j].object), "Bad phys zone!");
         const PhysicalZone* pZone = (PhysicalZone*)physZoneCollisionList[j].object;
         if (pZone->isActive())
            mVelocity *= pZone->getVelocityMod();

      if (collisionList.getCount() != 0 && collisionList.getTime() < 1.0f) 
         // Set to collision point
         F32 velLen = mVelocity.len();

         F32 dt = time * getMin(collisionList.getTime(), 1.0f);
         start += mVelocity * dt;
         time -= dt;

         totalMotion += velLen * dt;

         // Back off...
         if ( velLen > 0.f ) {
            F32 newT = getMin(0.01f / velLen, dt);
            start -= mVelocity * newT;
            totalMotion -= velLen * newT;

         // Pick the surface most parallel to the face that was hit.
         const Collision *collision = &collisionList[0];
         const Collision *cp = collision + 1;
         const Collision *ep = collision + collisionList.getCount();
         for (; cp != ep; cp++)
            if (cp->faceDot > collision->faceDot)
               collision = cp;

         F32 bd = -mDot(mVelocity, collision->normal);

         // Copy this collision out so
         // we can use it to do impacts
         // and query collision.
         *outCol = *collision;

         // Subtract out velocity
         VectorF dv = collision->normal * (bd + sNormalElasticity);
         mVelocity += dv;
         if (count == 0)
            firstNormal = collision->normal;
            if (count == 1)
               // Re-orient velocity along the crease.
               if (mDot(dv,firstNormal) < 0.0f &&
                   mDot(collision->normal,firstNormal) < 0.0f)
                  VectorF nv;
                  F32 nvl = nv.len();
                  if (nvl)
                     if (mDot(nv,mVelocity) < 0.0f)
                        nvl = -nvl;
                     nv *= mVelocity.len() / nvl;
                     mVelocity = nv;
         totalMotion += (end - start).len();
         start = end;

   if (count == sMoveRetryCount)
      // Failed to move
      start = initialPosition;
      mVelocity.set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

   return start;