Пример #1
void FTransporter::update(float dt) {
    vector<FNode*> nodes = path->get();
    vector<FNode*>::reverse_iterator itr;
    FNode *n1, *n2;
    FObject *o1, *o2;
    FProduct *p1, *p2;
    FContainer *c1, *c2;
    FNode::State s1, s2;
    FObject::Type t1, t2;


    float dx = speed*dt;

    //cout << "\n Transport id " << getID() << flush;
    int test_id = -1;

    // state machine
    for (itr = nodes.rbegin(); itr != nodes.rend(); itr++) {
        n2 = n1; n1 = *itr;
        s2 = s1; s1 = n1->getState();
        if (n2 == 0) continue; // ignore last node of path, this is where everything gets transported to

        o1 = n1->get();
        o2 = n2->get();
        o1 ? t1 = o1->getType() : t1 = FObject::NONE;
        o2 ? t2 = o2->getType() : t2 = FObject::NONE;
        (s1 == FNode::PRODUCT) ? p1 = (FProduct*)o1 : p1 = 0;
        (s2 == FNode::PRODUCT) ? p2 = (FProduct*)o2 : p2 = 0;
        (s1 == FNode::CONTAINER) ? c1 = (FContainer*)o1 : c1 = 0;
        (s2 == FNode::CONTAINER) ? c2 = (FContainer*)o2 : c2 = 0;

        if (o1 == 0) continue; /* nothing here to do */                                     if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n Node content " << o1->getID() << " ,reserved?" << flush;
        if (s2 == FNode::RESERVED) continue; /* next node reserved*/                        if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n Product there? " << flush;

        if (p2) continue; /* no place at next node */                                       if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n Container there? " << flush;
        if (c2) if (c2->isFull()) continue; /* no place in container*/                      if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n Next node has place for a product " << flush;

        switch(transport_type) {
            case PRODUCT:                                                                   if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n Transport product, container? " << flush;
                if (t1 == FObject::CONTAINER) {                                             if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n  yes, is container empty? " << flush;
                    if (c1->isEmpty()) continue; /* nothing to do, empty container */       if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n  no, get object from container " << flush;
                    o1 = c1->pop();
                    c1 = 0;
                    p1 = (FProduct*)o1;
                    t1 = o1->getType();

                if (t1 == FObject::PRODUCT) {                                               if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n  a product, move it! " << flush;
                    if (n1->get() == o1) n1->set(0);
                    cargo[n2] = o1;
                    if(c2 == 0) n2->setState(FNode::RESERVED);

            case CONTAINER_FULL:                                                            if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n Transport full container, container?" << flush;
                if (c1 == 0) continue;                                                      if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n  found container, full? " << flush;
                if (!c1->isFull()) continue; /* wait until container is full*/              if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n  yes, move it! " << flush;
                cargo[n2] = c1;

            case CONTAINER_EMPTY:                                                           if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n Transport empty container, container?" << flush;
                if (c1 == 0) continue;                                                      if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n  found container, empty? " << flush;
                if (!c1->isEmpty()) continue; /* wait until container is empty*/            if (getID() == test_id) cout << "\n  yes, move it! " << flush;
                cargo[n2] = c1;

    // objects in cargo are moved
    map<FNode*, FObject*>::iterator c_itr;
    vector<FNode*> toErase;
    for (c_itr = cargo.begin(); c_itr != cargo.end(); c_itr++) {
        FNode* n = c_itr->first;
        FObject* o = c_itr->second;
        if (n == 0) continue;
        if (o->move(n, dx)) {
            FObject* no = n->get();

            if (no == 0) { n->set(o); continue; } // no is not a container, just place the object there

            if (no->getType() == FObject::CONTAINER and o->getType() == FObject::PRODUCT) {
                FContainer* c = (FContainer*)no;
                FProduct* p = (FProduct*)o;

    // delete cargo
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<toErase.size(); i++) cargo.erase(toErase[i]);