Пример #1
    // Current wizard selection, empty or first
    m_footprintWizard = NULL;

    int n_wizards = FOOTPRINT_WIZARDS::GetWizardsCount();

    if( n_wizards )
        m_footprintWizard = FOOTPRINT_WIZARDS::GetWizard( 0 );

    // Choose selection mode and insert the needed rows

    m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->SetSelectionMode( wxGrid::wxGridSelectRows );

    int curr_row_cnt = m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->GetNumberRows();
    m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->DeleteRows( 0, curr_row_cnt );
    m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->InsertRows( 0, n_wizards );

    // Put all wizards in the list
    for( int ii = 0; ii < n_wizards; ii++ )
        wxString num = wxString::Format( "%d", ii+1 );
        FOOTPRINT_WIZARD *wizard = FOOTPRINT_WIZARDS::GetWizard( ii );
        wxString name = wizard->GetName();
        wxString description = wizard->GetDescription();
        wxString image = wizard->GetImage();

        m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->SetCellValue( ii, FP_GEN_ROW_NUMBER, num );
        m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->SetCellValue( ii, FP_GEN_ROW_NAME, name );
        m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->SetCellValue( ii, FP_GEN_ROW_DESCR, description );



    // Auto-expand the description column
    int width = m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->GetClientSize().GetWidth() -
                m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->GetRowLabelSize() -
                m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->GetColSize( FP_GEN_ROW_NAME );

    if ( width > m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->GetColMinimalAcceptableWidth() )
        m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->SetColSize( FP_GEN_ROW_DESCR, width );

    // Select the first row
    m_footprintGeneratorsGrid->SelectRow( 0, false );

    // Display info about scripts: Search paths
    wxString message;
    pcbnewGetScriptsSearchPaths( message );
    m_tcSearchPaths->SetValue( message );
    // Display info about scripts: unloadable scripts (due to syntax errors is python source)
    pcbnewGetUnloadableScriptNames( message );
    if( message.IsEmpty() )
        m_tcNotLoaded->SetValue( _( "All footprint generator scripts were loaded" ) );
        m_buttonShowTrace->Show( false );
        m_tcNotLoaded->SetValue( message );