bool PClass::ReadAllFields(FSerializer &ar, void *addr) const { bool readsomething = false; bool foundsomething = false; const char *key; key = ar.GetKey(); if (strcmp(key, "classtype")) { // this does not represent a DObject Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "trying to read user variables but got a non-object (first key is '%s')", key); ar.mErrors++; return false; } while ((key = ar.GetKey())) { if (strncmp(key, "class:", 6)) { // We have read all user variable blocks. break; } foundsomething = true; PClass *type = PClass::FindClass(key + 6); if (type != nullptr) { // Only read it if the type is related to this one. if (IsDescendantOf(type)) { if (ar.BeginObject(nullptr)) { readsomething |= type->VMType->Symbols.ReadFields(ar, addr, type->TypeName.GetChars()); ar.EndObject(); } } else { DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "Unknown superclass %s of class %s\n", type->TypeName.GetChars(), TypeName.GetChars()); } } else { DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "Unknown superclass %s of class %s\n", key+6, TypeName.GetChars()); } } return readsomething || !foundsomething; }
void P_ReadACSDefereds (FSerializer &arc) { FString MapName; P_RemoveDefereds (); if (arc.BeginObject("deferred")) { const char *key; while ((key = arc.GetKey())) { level_info_t *i = FindLevelInfo(key); if (i == NULL) { I_Error("Unknown map '%s' in savegame", key); } arc(nullptr, i->deferred); } arc.EndObject(); } }