Пример #1
    virtual int32 OnPaint( const FPaintArgs& Args, const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const FSlateRect& MyClippingRect, FSlateWindowElementList& OutDrawElements, int32 LayerId, const FWidgetStyle& InWidgetStyle, bool bParentEnabled ) const override
        float Alpha = Sequencer.Pin()->GetOverlayFadeCurve();

        if (Alpha > 0.f)
            FTimeToPixel TimeToPixelConverter = FTimeToPixel(AllottedGeometry, ViewRange.Get());

            TRange<float> TimeBounds = TRange<float>(TimeToPixelConverter.PixelToTime(0),

            TArray< TRange<float> > OverlayRanges = ComputeOverlayRanges(TimeBounds, CachedFilteredRanges);

            for (int32 i = 0; i < OverlayRanges.Num(); ++i)
                float LowerBound = TimeToPixelConverter.TimeToPixel(OverlayRanges[i].GetLowerBoundValue());
                float UpperBound = TimeToPixelConverter.TimeToPixel(OverlayRanges[i].GetUpperBoundValue());
                    AllottedGeometry.ToPaintGeometry(FVector2D(LowerBound, 0), FVector2D(UpperBound - LowerBound, AllottedGeometry.Size.Y)),
                    FLinearColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, Alpha)

        return LayerId;
void FMoveKeys::OnDrag( const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent, const FVector2D& LocalMousePos, const FTimeToPixel& TimeToPixelConverter, TSharedPtr<FTrackNode> SequencerNode )
	// Convert the delta position to a delta time amount that was moved
	float MouseTime = TimeToPixelConverter.PixelToTime(LocalMousePos.X);
	float SelectedKeyTime = DraggedKey.KeyArea->GetKeyTime(DraggedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue());
	float DistanceMoved = MouseTime - SelectedKeyTime;

	if( DistanceMoved != 0.0f )
		float TimeDelta = DistanceMoved;
		// Snapping
		if ( Settings->GetIsSnapEnabled() )
			bool bSnappedToKeyTime = false;
			if ( Settings->GetSnapKeyTimesToKeys() )
				TArray<float> OutSnapTimes;
				GetKeySnapTimes(OutSnapTimes, SequencerNode);

				TArray<float> InitialTimes;
				for ( FSelectedKey SelectedKey : SelectedKeys )
					InitialTimes.Add(SelectedKey.KeyArea->GetKeyTime(SelectedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue()) + DistanceMoved);
				float OutInitialTime = 0.f;
				float OutSnapTime = 0.f;
				if ( SnapToTimes( InitialTimes, OutSnapTimes, TimeToPixelConverter, OutInitialTime, OutSnapTime ) )
					bSnappedToKeyTime = true;
					TimeDelta = OutSnapTime - (OutInitialTime - DistanceMoved);

			if ( bSnappedToKeyTime == false && Settings->GetSnapKeyTimesToInterval() )
				TimeDelta = Settings->SnapTimeToInterval( MouseTime ) - SelectedKeyTime;

		for( FSelectedKey SelectedKey : SelectedKeys )
			UMovieSceneSection* Section = SelectedKey.Section;

			TSharedPtr<IKeyArea>& KeyArea = SelectedKey.KeyArea;

			// Tell the key area to move the key.  We reset the key index as a result of the move because moving a key can change it's internal index 
			KeyArea->MoveKey( SelectedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue(), TimeDelta );

			// Update the key that moved
			float NewKeyTime = KeyArea->GetKeyTime( SelectedKey.KeyHandle.GetValue() );

			// If the key moves outside of the section resize the section to fit the key
			// @todo Sequencer - Doesn't account for hitting other sections 
			if( NewKeyTime > Section->GetEndTime() )
				Section->SetEndTime( NewKeyTime );
			else if( NewKeyTime < Section->GetStartTime() )
				Section->SetStartTime( NewKeyTime );
void FResizeSection::OnDrag( const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent, const FVector2D& LocalMousePos, const FTimeToPixel& TimeToPixelConverter, TSharedPtr<FTrackNode> SequencerNode )
	bool bIsDilating = MouseEvent.IsControlDown();

	if( Section.IsValid() )
		// Convert the current mouse position to a time
		float NewTime = TimeToPixelConverter.PixelToTime( LocalMousePos.X );

		// Find the borders of where you can drag to
		TRange<float> SectionBoundaries = GetSectionBoundaries(Section.Get(), SequencerNode);
		// Snapping
		if ( Settings->GetIsSnapEnabled() )
			bool bSnappedToSection = false;
			if ( Settings->GetSnapSectionTimesToSections() )
			TArray<float> TimesToSnapTo;
			GetSectionSnapTimes(TimesToSnapTo, Section.Get(), SequencerNode, bIsDilating);

			TOptional<float> NewSnappedTime = SnapToTimes(NewTime, TimesToSnapTo, TimeToPixelConverter);

			if (NewSnappedTime.IsSet())
				NewTime = NewSnappedTime.GetValue();
					bSnappedToSection = true;

			if ( bSnappedToSection == false && Settings->GetSnapSectionTimesToInterval() )
				NewTime = Settings->SnapTimeToInterval(NewTime);

		if( bDraggingByEnd )
			// Dragging the end of a section
			// Ensure we aren't shrinking past the start time
			NewTime = FMath::Clamp( NewTime, Section->GetStartTime(), SectionBoundaries.GetUpperBoundValue() );

			if (bIsDilating)
				float NewSize = NewTime - Section->GetStartTime();
				float DilationFactor = NewSize / Section->GetTimeSize();
				Section->DilateSection(DilationFactor, Section->GetStartTime(), DraggedKeyHandles);
				Section->SetEndTime( NewTime );
		else if( !bDraggingByEnd )
			// Dragging the start of a section
			// Ensure we arent expanding past the end time
			NewTime = FMath::Clamp( NewTime, SectionBoundaries.GetLowerBoundValue(), Section->GetEndTime() );
			if (bIsDilating)
				float NewSize = Section->GetEndTime() - NewTime;
				float DilationFactor = NewSize / Section->GetTimeSize();
				Section->DilateSection(DilationFactor, Section->GetEndTime(), DraggedKeyHandles);
				Section->SetStartTime( NewTime );