void PreProcess( IplImage* src, IplImage** dest )
    if ( *dest )

        FaceDetector* fd = new FaceDetector(src, false);

        if ( !fd->GetFaceVec().empty() )
            // get the face from the face detector
            IplImage* face = fd->GetFaceVec()[0];

            int width = 100;
            int height = 100;

            *dest = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), src->depth, 1);
            if ( !*dest )
                throw std::string("PreProcess could not create dest image");

            if ( src->nChannels != 1 )
                ConvertToGreyScale(face, face);

            Resize(face, *dest);

            // do histogram equalization on the found face
            cvEqualizeHist(*dest, *dest);
            throw std::string("FaceDetector could not find face");
    catch ( ... )
Function:   DetectAndPreProcess
Purpose:    Given a file and a name, try to find the face in the image (largest face)
Save this file as the name to disk
Throws      std::string if somthing goes wrong
Returns:    true if face found and data saved, false if no face found
bool DetectAndPreProcess(const char *image, const char* name)
    IplImage* faceImage = NULL;
    bool bRes = false;

    // try to open the given file containing the face
    // the one indicates that we assume the image is color
    faceImage = cvLoadImage(image,1);

    if ( image )
            FaceDetector* fd = new FaceDetector(faceImage, true);

            // find the largest face in the image
            IplImage *tempFace;

            // did we find the face?
            if ( !fd->GetFaceVec().empty() )
                // get the face from the face detector
                IplImage* face = fd->GetFaceVec()[0];

                // now perform the rest of the preprocessing on the face
                tempFace = cvCreateImage(cvSize(face->width, face->height), face->depth, 1);
                ConvertToGreyScale(face, tempFace);
                Resize(face, tempFace);

                // do histogram equalization on the found face
                cvEqualizeHist(tempFace, tempFace);

                // try to save it to disk
                if ( !cvSaveImage( name, tempFace ) )
                    std::string err;
                    err = "Error: DetectAndPreProcess could not save ";
                    err += image;
                    err += " as ";
                    err += name;
                    throw err;

                bRes = true;


            delete fd;

        catch (...)

        // could not open image
        std::string err;
        err = "Error: DetectAndPreProcess could not open ";
        err += image;
        throw err;

    return bRes;
