shared_ptr<Mesh> MeshImporter::createFromFBX(string filename) { FbxManager *manager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings *ioSettings = FbxIOSettings::Create(manager, IOSROOT); manager->SetIOSettings(ioSettings); FbxImporter *importer = FbxImporter::Create(manager, ""); importer->Initialize(filename.c_str(), -1, manager->GetIOSettings()); FbxScene *scene = FbxScene::Create(manager, "tempName"); importer->Import(scene); importer->Destroy(); FbxNode* rootNode = scene->GetRootNode(); if(rootNode) { vector<Vector3> vertices; vector<Color> colors; vector<Vector2> uvs; vector<Vector3> normals; vector<uint32> elements; importFBXNode(rootNode, vertices, colors, uvs, normals, elements); return shared_ptr<Mesh>(new Mesh(vertices, colors, uvs, elements)); } return nullptr; }
void FbxUtil::LoadScene(const std::string &filePath, const std::shared_ptr<SceneNode> &rootNode, float scaleFactor, unsigned int options) { FbxManager* sdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(sdkManager, IOSROOT); sdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(sdkManager, ""); m_ScaleFactor = scaleFactor; m_Options = options; if (importer->Initialize(filePath.c_str(), -1, sdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(sdkManager, ""); importer->Import(lScene); importer->Destroy(); FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); if (lRootNode) { for (int i = 0; i < lRootNode->GetChildCount(); i++) LoadNode(rootNode, lRootNode->GetChild(i)); rootNode->Recompose(); } } else ASSERT_MSG(false, "Error: " << importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); // Destroy the SDK manager and all the other objects it was handling. sdkManager->Destroy(); }
//FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); sb7fbxmodel::sb7fbxmodel(char *fileName) { FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); // Create the IO settings object. FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); // Create an importer using the SDK manager. FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager,""); // Use the first argument as the filename for the importer. if(!lImporter->Initialize(fileName, -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { printf("Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n"); printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); exit(-1); } // Create a new scene so that it can be populated by the imported file. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager,"myScene"); // Import the contents of the file into the scene. lImporter->Import(lScene); ProcessNode(lScene->GetRootNode()); // The file is imported; so get rid of the importer. lImporter->Destroy(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { #if _WIN32 char current_path[MAX_PATH + 1]; GetDirectoryName(current_path, argv[0]); SetCurrentDirectoryA(current_path); #endif FBX2MDL::FBXImporter importer; FBX2MDL::FBXExporter exporter; FbxManager* sdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(sdkManager, IOSROOT); sdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); fbxsdk_2015_1::FbxImporter* fbxImporter = fbxsdk_2015_1::FbxImporter::Create(sdkManager, ""); if (!fbxImporter->Initialize("box3.fbx", -1, sdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { printf("Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n"); printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", fbxImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); system("PAUSE"); exit(-1); } FbxScene* fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(sdkManager, "myScene"); fbxImporter->Import(fbxScene); auto scene = importer.LoadScene(fbxScene, sdkManager); auto writer = exporter.Export(scene); fbxScene->Destroy(); fbxImporter->Destroy(); sdkManager->Destroy(); writer->WriteOut("box2.mdl"); auto buf = writer->Get(); auto buf_ = std::vector<uint8_t>(); for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); i++) { auto b = ((uint8_t*)[i]; buf_.push_back(b); } ace::Model_IO model_io; model_io.Load(buf_, ace::ToAString("./").c_str()); /* MDLExporter *exporter = new MDLExporter("Data/Model/AnimationTest.fbx", "Data/Model/AnimationTest.mdl"); exporter->Convert(); delete exporter; */ return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SceneImport* FbxLoadSceneFromFile(const char* fbxFilename, const Matrix4x4& engineBasis, bool isEngineBasisRightHanded, const Matrix4x4& transform) { FbxScene* scene = nullptr; FbxManager* fbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (nullptr == fbxManager) { Console::instance->PrintLine("Could not create fbx manager."); DebuggerPrintf("Could not create fbx manager."); return nullptr; } FbxIOSettings* ioSettings = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxManager, IOSROOT); //Name of object is blank, we don't care fbxManager->SetIOSettings(ioSettings); //Create an importer FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, ""); bool loadSuccessful = importer->Initialize(fbxFilename, -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings()); if (loadSuccessful) { //We have imported the FBX scene = FbxScene::Create(fbxManager, ""); bool importSuccessful = importer->Import(scene); ASSERT_OR_DIE(importSuccessful, "Scene import failed!"); } else { Console::instance->PrintLine(Stringf("Could not import scene: %s", fbxFilename)); DebuggerPrintf("Could not import scene: %s", fbxFilename); } SceneImport* import = new SceneImport(); MatrixStack4x4 matrixStack; matrixStack.Push(transform); //Set up our initial transforms Matrix4x4 sceneBasis = GetSceneBasis(scene); Matrix4x4::MatrixTranspose(&sceneBasis); if (!isEngineBasisRightHanded) { Vector3 forward = Matrix4x4::MatrixGetForward(&sceneBasis); Matrix4x4::MatrixSetForward(&sceneBasis, -forward); //3rd row or column } matrixStack.Push(sceneBasis); ImportScene(import, scene, matrixStack); FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(importer); FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(ioSettings); FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(scene); FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(fbxManager); return import; }
// FBXデータから頂点データにコンバート // ※パスは「/」でしか通らない //const char* filename = "../datas/box.fbx"; bool LoadFBXConvertToVertexData(const char* filename, VertexDataArray& outVertexData) { //============================================================================== // FBXオブジェクト初期化 //============================================================================== // FBXマネージャー作成 FbxManager* pFBXManager = FbxManager::Create(); // シーン作成 FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pFBXManager, ""); // FBXのIO設定オブジェクト作成 FbxIOSettings *pIO = FbxIOSettings::Create(pFBXManager, IOSROOT); pFBXManager->SetIOSettings(pIO); // インポートオブジェクト作成 FbxImporter* pImporter = FbxImporter::Create(pFBXManager, ""); // ファイルインポート if(pImporter->Initialize(filename, -1, pFBXManager->GetIOSettings()) == false) { return false; } // シーンへインポート if(pImporter->Import(pScene) == false) { return false; } // ※この時点でインポートオブジェクトはいらない pImporter->Destroy(); //============================================================================== // FBXオブジェクトの処理 //============================================================================== // シーンのものすべてを三角化 FbxGeometryConverter geometryConverte(pFBXManager); geometryConverte.Triangulate(pScene, true); // メッシュ情報処理 GetMeshData(pScene->GetRootNode(), outVertexData); //============================================================================== // FBXオブジェクト色々破棄 //============================================================================== pIO->Destroy(); pScene->Destroy(); pFBXManager->Destroy(); getchar(); return true; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConvertorFBX(const char* lFilename, const VeDirectoryPtr& spDest) noexcept { FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); VE_ASSERT_ALWAYS(lSdkManager); VeUserLogI("Autodesk FBX SDK version ", lSdkManager->GetVersion()); FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); VE_ASSERT_ALWAYS(ios); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager, "Import for Venus3D"); VE_ASSERT_ALWAYS(lImporter->Initialize(lFilename, -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())); FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "ImportedScnee"); VE_ASSERT_ALWAYS(lImporter->Import(lScene)); SaveContent(lScene, spDest); lSdkManager->Destroy(); }
// Load Fbx File void GenerateLOD::LoadFbx() { FbxManager *fbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); //Create an IOSetting FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxManager, IOSROOT); fbxManager->SetIOSettings(ios); //Create an impoter FbxImporter *lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, "myImporter"); std::string tmp = std::string(".\\LODs\\") + srcFbxName; bool lImporterStatus = lImporter->Initialize(tmp.c_str(), -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings()); if (!lImporterStatus) { MessageBox(NULL, "No Scuh File in .\\LODs\\ directory !", "Warning", 0); return; } FbxScene *fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(fbxManager, "myScene"); lImporter->Import(fbxScene); FbxNode *rootNode = fbxScene->GetRootNode(); if (rootNode != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < rootNode->GetChildCount(); ++i) { FbxNode *node = rootNode->GetChild(i); FbxNodeAttribute *Att = node->GetNodeAttribute(); if (Att != NULL && Att->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh) { FbxMesh *lMesh = (FbxMesh *)(Att); //FbxMesh *lMesh = dynamic_cast<FbxMesh *>(Att); if (!lMesh->IsTriangleMesh()) { FbxGeometryConverter converter = FbxGeometryConverter(fbxManager); FbxNodeAttribute *Attr = converter.Triangulate(lMesh, true); lMesh = (FbxMesh *)(Attr); } //Following is the SImplification Reduction_EdgesCollapse_UV(node, lMesh, fbxManager, fbxScene); } } } //MessageBox(NULL, "Export Succeed!", "Export", 0); fbxManager->Destroy(); }
Model::Model(char* name) { FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings * ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); this->modelName = name; lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager, ""); std::string path = MODELS_SUBDIR + std::string(name); if (!lImporter->Initialize(path.c_str(), -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) TriggerCrash("Nie mo¿na znaleœæ modelu!"); FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "myScene"); //pobranie calego fbx'a lImporter->Import(lScene); for (int i = 0; i < lScene->GetRootNode()->GetChildCount(); i++){ //leci po wszystkich modelach w fbx FbxNode* node = lScene->GetRootNode()->GetChild(i); char* texBaseName = (char*) node->GetName(); this->objects.push_back(new ModelObject(node)); } Models.push_back(this); }
Model::Model(const std::string &filename) { key = filename; if (ResourceManager::access<Data *>(key)) return; int level = 0; // Initialize the SDK manager. This object handles memory management. FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); // Create the IO settings object. FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); // Create an importer using the SDK manager. FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager, ""); Data *model = new Data(); // Create a new scene so that it can be populated by the imported file. if (!lImporter->Initialize(filename.c_str(), -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to load model " << filename; } // Create a new scene so that it can be populated by the imported file. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "myScene"); // Import the contents of the file into the scene. lImporter->Import(lScene); // Print the nodes of the scene and their attributes recursively. // Note that we are not printing the root node because it should // not contain any attributes. FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); if (lRootNode) { LOG(INFO) << "Root Node " << lRootNode->GetName(); for (int i = 0; i < lRootNode->GetChildCount(); i++) { level = processNode(lRootNode->GetChild(i), level, *model); } } ResourceManager::store(filename, Resource::Type::Model, model); }
GameObject * loadFBXFromFile(const std::string& filename) { GameObject *rootGo = NULL; level = 0; // Initialize the SDK manager. This object handles memory management. FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); // Create the IO settings object. FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); // Create an importer using the SDK manager. FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager, ""); // Create a new scene so that it can be populated by the imported file. if (!lImporter->Initialize(filename.c_str(), -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { return rootGo; } // Create a new scene so that it can be populated by the imported file. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "myScene"); // Import the contents of the file into the scene. lImporter->Import(lScene); // Print the nodes of the scene and their attributes recursively. // Note that we are not printing the root node because it should // not contain any attributes. FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); if (lRootNode) { rootGo = new GameObject(); rootGo->setTransform(new Transform()); std::cout << "Root Node " << lRootNode->GetName() << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < lRootNode->GetChildCount(); i++) { processNode(lRootNode->GetChild(i), rootGo); } } return rootGo; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if(argc!=3) { printf("引数が足りません。\n"); return -1; } const char* importPath = argv[1]; const char* exportPath = argv[2]; FBX2MDL::FBXImporter importer; FBX2MDL::FBXExporter exporter; FbxManager* sdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(sdkManager, IOSROOT); sdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); fbxsdk_2015_1::FbxImporter* fbxImporter = fbxsdk_2015_1::FbxImporter::Create(sdkManager, ""); if (!fbxImporter->Initialize(importPath, -1, sdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { printf("Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n"); printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", fbxImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); system("PAUSE"); exit(-1); } FbxScene* fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(sdkManager, "myScene"); fbxImporter->Import(fbxScene); auto scene = importer.LoadScene(fbxScene, sdkManager); auto writer = exporter.Export(scene); fbxScene->Destroy(); fbxImporter->Destroy(); sdkManager->Destroy(); writer->WriteOut(exportPath); return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void FbxListScene(const char* filename) { FbxManager* fbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (nullptr == fbxManager) { Console::instance->PrintLine("Could not create fbx manager."); DebuggerPrintf("Could not create fbx manager."); return; } FbxIOSettings* ioSettings = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxManager, IOSROOT); //Name of object is blank, we don't care fbxManager->SetIOSettings(ioSettings); //Create an importer FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, ""); bool loadSuccessful = importer->Initialize(filename, -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings()); if (loadSuccessful) { //We have imported the FBX FbxScene* scene = FbxScene::Create(fbxManager, ""); bool importSuccessful = importer->Import(scene); if (importSuccessful) { FbxNode* root = scene->GetRootNode(); PrintNode(root, 0); } FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(scene); } else { Console::instance->PrintLine(Stringf("Could not import scene: %s", filename)); DebuggerPrintf("Could not import scene: %s", filename); } FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(importer); FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(ioSettings); FBX_SAFE_DESTROY(fbxManager); }
int main() { // ※パスは「/」でしか通らない const char* filename = "../datas/box.fbx"; //============================================================================== // FBXオブジェクト初期化 //============================================================================== // FBXマネージャー作成 FbxManager* pFBXManager = FbxManager::Create(); // シーン作成 FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pFBXManager, ""); // FBXのIO設定オブジェクト作成 FbxIOSettings *pIO = FbxIOSettings::Create(pFBXManager, IOSROOT); pFBXManager->SetIOSettings(pIO); // インポートオブジェクト作成 FbxImporter* pImporter = FbxImporter::Create(pFBXManager, ""); // ファイルインポート if(pImporter->Initialize(filename, -1, pFBXManager->GetIOSettings()) == false) { printf("FBXファイルインポートエラー\n"); printf("エラー内容: %s\n\n", pImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); return 1; } // シーンへインポート if(pImporter->Import(pScene) == false) { printf("FBXシーンインポートエラー\n"); printf("エラー内容: %s\n\n", pImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); return 1; } // ※この時点でインポートオブジェクトはいらない pImporter->Destroy(); //============================================================================== // FBXオブジェクトの処理 //============================================================================== // ノードを表示してみる traverseScene(pScene->GetRootNode()); // シーンのものすべてを三角化 FbxGeometryConverter geometryConverte(pFBXManager); geometryConverte.Triangulate(pScene, true); // メッシュ情報処理 GetMeshData(pScene->GetRootNode()); //============================================================================== // FBXオブジェクト色々破棄 //============================================================================== pIO->Destroy(); pScene->Destroy(); pFBXManager->Destroy(); printf("全処理終了\n"); getchar(); return 0; }
void FBXConverter::convert( const char* input , const char* output ) { if ( converting ) return; converting = true; FbxManager* fbxManger = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create( fbxManger , IOSROOT ); fbxManger->SetIOSettings( ios ); FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create( fbxManger , "" ); bool status = importer->Initialize( input , -1 , fbxManger->GetIOSettings() ); if ( !status ) { std::cout << importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString() << std::endl; } FbxScene* scene = FbxScene::Create( fbxManger , "theScene" ); importer->Import( scene ); importer->Destroy(); FbxMesh* theMesh = findMesh( scene->GetRootNode() ); if ( theMesh ) { std::vector<VertexData> vertices; std::vector<IndexData> indices; FbxStringList uvSets; theMesh->GetUVSetNames( uvSets ); processPolygons( theMesh , vertices , indices , uvSets ); std::vector<JointData> skeleton; processSkeletonHierarchy( scene->GetRootNode() , skeleton ); if ( skeleton.size() ) processAnimations( theMesh->GetNode() , skeleton , vertices , indices ); std::string modelData; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i ) { modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].position ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].uv ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].normal ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].tangent ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].bitangent ); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < 4 ; ++j ) { if ( j < vertices[i].blendingInfo.size() ) { int blendingIndex = vertices[i].blendingInfo[j].blendingIndex; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } else { int blendingIndex = -1; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } } for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) { if ( j < vertices[i].blendingInfo.size() ) { float blendingIndex = vertices[i].blendingInfo[j].blendingWeight; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } else { float blendingIndex = -1; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } } } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) { modelData += DATASTRING( indices[i].index ); } std::string boneData; std::vector<unsigned int> boneChildren; std::vector<AnimationData> boneAnimation; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < skeleton.size(); ++i ) { boneData += DATASTRING( skeleton[i].offsetMatrix ); int childDataStart , childDataEnd , animationDataStart , animationDataEnd; if ( skeleton[i].children.size() ) { childDataStart = boneChildren.size(); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < skeleton[i].children.size(); ++j ) { boneChildren.push_back( skeleton[i].children[j] ); } childDataEnd = boneChildren.size(); } else { childDataStart = -1; childDataEnd = -1; } if ( skeleton[i].animation.size() ) { animationDataStart = boneAnimation.size(); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < skeleton[i].animation.size(); ++j ) { boneAnimation.push_back( skeleton[i].animation[j] ); } animationDataEnd = boneAnimation.size(); } else { animationDataStart = -1; animationDataEnd = -1; } boneData += DATASTRING( childDataStart ); boneData += DATASTRING( childDataEnd ); boneData += DATASTRING( animationDataStart ); boneData += DATASTRING( animationDataEnd ); } unsigned int sizeofAnimationRangeInfo; AnimationFrameRangeInfo frameRange; if ( boneAnimation.size() > 0 ) { sizeofAnimationRangeInfo = 1; frameRange.nextAnimationFrameInfo = 0; frameRange.firstFrame = 1; frameRange.lastFrame = boneAnimation[boneAnimation.size() - 1].frame; } else { sizeofAnimationRangeInfo = 0; } std::fstream stream( output , std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc ); unsigned int sizeofVertices = vertices.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofVertices ) , sizeof( sizeofVertices )); unsigned int sizeofIndices = indices.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofIndices ) , sizeof( sizeofIndices ) ); unsigned int sizeofBoneData = skeleton.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &sizeofBoneData ) , sizeof( sizeofBoneData ) ); unsigned int sizeofBoneChildData = boneChildren.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofBoneChildData ) , sizeof( sizeofBoneChildData )); unsigned int sizeofBoneAnimationData = boneAnimation.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofBoneAnimationData ) , sizeof( sizeofBoneAnimationData ) ); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofAnimationRangeInfo ) , sizeof( sizeofAnimationRangeInfo ) ); stream.write( modelData.c_str() , modelData.size() ); stream.write( boneData.c_str() , boneData.size() ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < boneChildren.size(); ++i ) { stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &boneChildren[i] ) , sizeof( boneChildren[i] ) ); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < boneAnimation.size(); ++i ) { stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &boneAnimation[i] ) , sizeof( boneAnimation[i] ) ); } if(sizeofAnimationRangeInfo) stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &frameRange ) , sizeof( frameRange ) ); stream.close(); } converting = false; }
CGeometryComponent * CModelLoader::loadFbxModelFromFile(ID3D10Device *pDevice,const string& filename) { CGeometryComponent * pRenderable=NULL; FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); // Create an importer using our sdk manager. FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager,""); //Sean: uncomment back to this when you compile, I am using the latest version of fbx SDK //KFbxGeometryConverter converter( lSdkManager); //Sean: has comment out the line below FbxGeometryConverter converter( lSdkManager); // Use the first argument as the filename for the importer. if(!lImporter->Initialize(filename.c_str(), -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { return NULL; } // Create a new scene so it can be populated by the imported file. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager,"myScene"); FbxAxisSystem SceneAxisSystem = lScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem(); //FbxAxisSystem::DirectX.ConvertScene( lScene ); INT iUpAxisSign; //Sean: Uncomment this below //KFbxAxisSystem::eUpVector UpVector = SceneAxisSystem.GetUpVector( iUpAxisSign ); //Sean: and comment this out FbxAxisSystem::EUpVector UpVector = SceneAxisSystem.GetUpVector( iUpAxisSign ); // Import the contents of the file into the scene. lImporter->Import(lScene); // The file has been imported; we can get rid of the importer. lImporter->Destroy(); FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); FbxMesh * pMesh=NULL; if(lRootNode) { for (int i=0;i<lRootNode->GetChildCount();i++){ FbxNode * modelNode=lRootNode->GetChild(i); for(int i=0;i<modelNode->GetNodeAttributeCount();i++) { FbxNodeAttribute *pAttributeNode=modelNode->GetNodeAttributeByIndex(i); //Sean: Uncomment this //if (pAttributeNode->GetAttributeType()==KFbxNodeAttribute::eMESH) //Sean Comment this out if (pAttributeNode->GetAttributeType()==FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh) { //found mesh pMesh=(FbxMesh*)pAttributeNode; break; } } } if (pMesh) { pMesh=converter.TriangulateMesh(pMesh); FbxVector4 * verts=pMesh->GetControlPoints(); int noVerts=pMesh->GetControlPointsCount(); int noIndices=pMesh->GetPolygonVertexCount(); int *pIndices=pMesh->GetPolygonVertices(); Vertex * pVerts=new Vertex[noVerts]; for(int i=0;i<noVerts;i++) { pVerts[i].Pos.x=verts[i][0]; pVerts[i].Pos.y=verts[i][1]; pVerts[i].Pos.z=verts[i][2]; } for (int iPolygon = 0; iPolygon < pMesh->GetPolygonCount(); iPolygon++) { for (unsigned iPolygonVertex = 0; iPolygonVertex < 3; iPolygonVertex++) { int fbxCornerIndex = pMesh->GetPolygonVertex(iPolygon, iPolygonVertex); FbxVector4 fbxVertex = verts[fbxCornerIndex]; FbxVector4 fbxNormal; pMesh->GetPolygonVertexNormal(iPolygon, iPolygonVertex, fbxNormal); fbxNormal.Normalize(); //pVerts[fbxCornerIndex].Normal=D3DXVECTOR3(fbxNormal[0],fbxNormal[1],fbxNormal[2]); FbxVector2 fbxUV = FbxVector2(0.0, 0.0); FbxLayerElementUV* fbxLayerUV = pMesh->GetLayer(0)->GetUVs(); // Get texture coordinate if (fbxLayerUV) { int iUVIndex = 0; switch (fbxLayerUV->GetMappingMode()) { //Sean Uncomment this //case KFbxLayerElement::eBY_CONTROL_POINT: //Sean comment the line below out case FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint: iUVIndex = fbxCornerIndex; break; //Sean Uncomment this //case KFbxLayerElement::eBY_POLYGON_VERTEX: //Sean comment the line below out case FbxLayerElement::eByPolygonVertex: //Sean Uncomment this //iUVIndex = pMesh->GetTextureUVIndex(iPolygon, iPolygonVertex, KFbxLayerElement::eDIFFUSE_TEXTURES); //Sean comment this out iUVIndex = pMesh->GetTextureUVIndex(iPolygon, iPolygonVertex, FbxLayerElement::eTextureDiffuse); break; } fbxUV = fbxLayerUV->GetDirectArray().GetAt(iUVIndex); //pVerts[fbxCornerIndex].TextureCoords.x=fbxUV[0]; //pVerts[fbxCornerIndex].TextureCoords.y= 1.0f-fbxUV[1]; } } } pRenderable=new CGeometryComponent(); for (int i=0;i<noVerts;i++) { pRenderable->addVertex(pVerts[i]); } for (int i=0;i<noIndices;i++) { pRenderable->addIndex(pIndices[i]); } //pRenderable->create<TexturedLitVertex>(pDevice,noVerts,noIndices,pVerts,(UINT*)pIndices); if (pVerts) { delete [] pVerts; pVerts=NULL; } //} } } lSdkManager->Destroy(); return pRenderable; }
osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult ReaderWriterFBX::readNode(const std::string& filenameInit, const Options* options) const { try { std::string ext(osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(filenameInit)); if (!acceptsExtension(ext)) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED; std::string filename(osgDB::findDataFile(filenameInit, options)); if (filename.empty()) return ReadResult::FILE_NOT_FOUND; FbxManager* pSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (!pSdkManager) { return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE; } CleanUpFbx cleanUpFbx(pSdkManager); pSdkManager->SetIOSettings(FbxIOSettings::Create(pSdkManager, IOSROOT)); FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pSdkManager, ""); // The FBX SDK interprets the filename as UTF-8 #ifdef OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME const std::string& utf8filename(filename); #else std::string utf8filename(osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8(filename)); #endif FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(pSdkManager, ""); if (!lImporter->Initialize(utf8filename.c_str(), -1, pSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lImporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } if (!lImporter->IsFBX()) { return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE; } for (int i = 0; FbxTakeInfo* lTakeInfo = lImporter->GetTakeInfo(i); i++) { lTakeInfo->mSelect = true; } if (!lImporter->Import(pScene)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lImporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } //FbxAxisSystem::OpenGL.ConvertScene(pScene); // Doesn't work as expected. Still need to transform vertices. if (FbxNode* pNode = pScene->GetRootNode()) { bool useFbxRoot = false; bool lightmapTextures = false; bool tessellatePolygons = false; if (options) { std::istringstream iss(options->getOptionString()); std::string opt; while (iss >> opt) { if (opt == "UseFbxRoot") { useFbxRoot = true; } if (opt == "LightmapTextures") { lightmapTextures = true; } if (opt == "TessellatePolygons") { tessellatePolygons = true; } } } bool bIsBone = false; int nLightCount = 0; osg::ref_ptr<Options> localOptions = NULL; if (options) localOptions = options->cloneOptions(); else localOptions = new osgDB::Options(); localOptions->setObjectCacheHint(osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options::CACHE_IMAGES); std::string filePath = osgDB::getFilePath(filename); FbxMaterialToOsgStateSet fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet(filePath, localOptions.get(), lightmapTextures); std::set<const FbxNode*> fbxSkeletons; findLinkedFbxSkeletonNodes(pNode, fbxSkeletons); OsgFbxReader::AuthoringTool authoringTool = OsgFbxReader::UNKNOWN; if (FbxDocumentInfo* pDocInfo = pScene->GetDocumentInfo()) { struct ToolName { const char* name; OsgFbxReader::AuthoringTool tool; }; ToolName authoringTools[] = { {"OpenSceneGraph", OsgFbxReader::OPENSCENEGRAPH}, {"3ds Max", OsgFbxReader::AUTODESK_3DSTUDIO_MAX} }; FbxString appName = pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationName.Get(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(authoringTools) / sizeof(authoringTools[0]); ++i) { if (0 == #ifdef WIN32 _strnicmp #else strncasecmp #endif (appName, authoringTools[i].name, strlen(authoringTools[i].name))) { authoringTool = authoringTools[i].tool; break; } } } OsgFbxReader reader(*pSdkManager, *pScene, fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet, fbxSkeletons, *localOptions, authoringTool, lightmapTextures, tessellatePolygons); ReadResult res = reader.readFbxNode(pNode, bIsBone, nLightCount); if (res.success()) { fbxMaterialToOsgStateSet.checkInvertTransparency(); resolveBindMatrices(*res.getNode(), reader.boneBindMatrices, reader.nodeMap); osg::Node* osgNode = res.getNode(); osgNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL,osg::StateAttribute::ON); osgNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_NORMALIZE,osg::StateAttribute::ON); if (reader.pAnimationManager.valid()) { if (osgNode->getUpdateCallback()) { osg::Group* osgGroup = new osg::Group; osgGroup->addChild(osgNode); osgNode = osgGroup; } //because the animations may be altered after registering reader.pAnimationManager->buildTargetReference(); osgNode->setUpdateCallback(reader.pAnimationManager.get()); } FbxAxisSystem fbxAxis = pScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem(); if (fbxAxis != FbxAxisSystem::OpenGL) { int upSign; FbxAxisSystem::EUpVector eUp = fbxAxis.GetUpVector(upSign); bool bLeftHanded = fbxAxis.GetCoorSystem() == FbxAxisSystem::eLeftHanded; float fSign = upSign < 0 ? -1.0f : 1.0f; float zScale = bLeftHanded ? -1.0f : 1.0f; osg::Matrix mat; switch (eUp) { case FbxAxisSystem::eXAxis: mat.set(0,fSign,0,0,-fSign,0,0,0,0,0,zScale,0,0,0,0,1); break; case FbxAxisSystem::eYAxis: mat.set(1,0,0,0,0,fSign,0,0,0,0,fSign*zScale,0,0,0,0,1); break; case FbxAxisSystem::eZAxis: mat.set(1,0,0,0,0,0,-fSign*zScale,0,0,fSign,0,0,0,0,0,1); break; } osg::Transform* pTransformTemp = osgNode->asTransform(); osg::MatrixTransform* pMatrixTransform = pTransformTemp ? pTransformTemp->asMatrixTransform() : NULL; if (pMatrixTransform) { pMatrixTransform->setMatrix(pMatrixTransform->getMatrix() * mat); } else { pMatrixTransform = new osg::MatrixTransform(mat); if (useFbxRoot && isBasicRootNode(*osgNode)) { // If root node is a simple group, put all FBX elements under the OSG root osg::Group* osgGroup = osgNode->asGroup(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < osgGroup->getNumChildren(); ++i) { pMatrixTransform->addChild(osgGroup->getChild(i)); } pMatrixTransform->setName(osgGroup->getName()); } else { pMatrixTransform->addChild(osgNode); } } osgNode = pMatrixTransform; } osgNode->setName(filenameInit); return osgNode; } } } catch (...) { OSG_WARN << "Exception thrown while importing \"" << filenameInit << '\"' << std::endl; } return ReadResult::ERROR_IN_READING_FILE; }
osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult ReaderWriterFBX::writeNode( const osg::Node& node, const std::string& filename, const Options* options) const { try { std::string ext = osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(filename); if (!acceptsExtension(ext)) return WriteResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED; osg::ref_ptr<Options> localOptions = options ? static_cast<Options*>(options->clone(osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)) : new Options; localOptions->getDatabasePathList().push_front(osgDB::getFilePath(filename)); FbxManager* pSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (!pSdkManager) { return WriteResult::ERROR_IN_WRITING_FILE; } CleanUpFbx cleanUpFbx(pSdkManager); pSdkManager->SetIOSettings(FbxIOSettings::Create(pSdkManager, IOSROOT)); bool useFbxRoot = false; if (options) { std::istringstream iss(options->getOptionString()); std::string opt; while (iss >> opt) { if (opt == "Embedded") { pSdkManager->GetIOSettings()->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_EMBEDDED, true); } else if (opt == "UseFbxRoot") { useFbxRoot = true; } } } FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pSdkManager, ""); pluginfbx::WriterNodeVisitor writerNodeVisitor(pScene, pSdkManager, filename, options, osgDB::getFilePath(node.getName().empty() ? filename : node.getName())); if (useFbxRoot && isBasicRootNode(node)) { // If root node is a simple group, put all elements under the FBX root const osg::Group * osgGroup = node.asGroup(); for (unsigned int child = 0; child < osgGroup->getNumChildren(); ++child) { const_cast<osg::Node *>(osgGroup->getChild(child))->accept(writerNodeVisitor); } } else { // Normal scene const_cast<osg::Node&>(node).accept(writerNodeVisitor); } FbxDocumentInfo* pDocInfo = pScene->GetDocumentInfo(); bool needNewDocInfo = pDocInfo != NULL; if (needNewDocInfo) { pDocInfo = FbxDocumentInfo::Create(pSdkManager, ""); } pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationName.Set(FbxString("OpenSceneGraph")); pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationVersion.Set(FbxString(osgGetVersion())); if (needNewDocInfo) { pScene->SetDocumentInfo(pDocInfo); } FbxExporter* lExporter = FbxExporter::Create(pSdkManager, ""); pScene->GetGlobalSettings().SetAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eOpenGL); // Ensure the directory exists or else the FBX SDK will fail if (!osgDB::makeDirectoryForFile(filename)) { OSG_NOTICE << "Can't create directory for file '" << filename << "'. FBX SDK may fail creating the file." << std::endl; } // The FBX SDK interprets the filename as UTF-8 #ifdef OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME const std::string& utf8filename(filename); #else std::string utf8filename(osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8(filename)); #endif if (!lExporter->Initialize(utf8filename.c_str())) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } if (!lExporter->Export(pScene)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } return WriteResult::FILE_SAVED; } catch (const std::string& s) { return s; } catch (const char* s) { return std::string(s); } catch (...) { } return WriteResult::ERROR_IN_WRITING_FILE; }
CC_FILE_ERROR FBXFilter::loadFile(const char* filename, ccHObject& container, bool alwaysDisplayLoadDialog/*=true*/, bool* coordinatesShiftEnabled/*=0*/, CCVector3d* coordinatesShift/*=0*/) { // Initialize the SDK manager. This object handles memory management. FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); // Create the IO settings object. FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); // Import options determine what kind of data is to be imported. // True is the default, but here we’ll set some to true explicitly, and others to false. //(*(lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_MATERIAL, true); //(*(lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_TEXTURE, true); // Create an importer using the SDK manager. FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager,""); CC_FILE_ERROR result = CC_FERR_NO_ERROR; // Use the first argument as the filename for the importer. if (!lImporter->Initialize(filename, -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { ccLog::Warning(QString("[FBX] Error: %1").arg(lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString())); result = CC_FERR_READING; } else { // Create a new scene so that it can be populated by the imported file. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager,"myScene"); // Import the contents of the file into the scene. if (lImporter->Import(lScene)) { // Print the nodes of the scene and their attributes recursively. // Note that we are not printing the root node because it should // not contain any attributes. FbxNode* lRootNode = lScene->GetRootNode(); std::vector<FbxNode*> nodes; nodes.push_back(lRootNode); while (!nodes.empty()) { FbxNode* lNode = nodes.back(); nodes.pop_back(); const char* nodeName = lNode->GetName(); #ifdef _DEBUG ccLog::Print(QString("Node: %1 - %2 properties").arg(nodeName).arg(lNode->GetNodeAttributeCount())); #endif // scan the node's attributes. for(int i=0; i<lNode->GetNodeAttributeCount(); i++) { FbxNodeAttribute* pAttribute = lNode->GetNodeAttributeByIndex(i); FbxNodeAttribute::EType type = pAttribute->GetAttributeType(); #ifdef _DEBUG ccLog::Print(QString("\tProp. #%1").arg(GetAttributeTypeName(type))); #endif switch(type) { case FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh: { ccMesh* mesh = FromFbxMesh(static_cast<FbxMesh*>(pAttribute),alwaysDisplayLoadDialog,coordinatesShiftEnabled,coordinatesShift); if (mesh) { //apply transformation FbxAMatrix& transform = lNode->EvaluateGlobalTransform(); ccGLMatrix mat; float* data =; for (int c=0; c<4; ++c) { FbxVector4 C = transform.GetColumn(c); *data++ = static_cast<float>(C[0]); *data++ = static_cast<float>(C[1]); *data++ = static_cast<float>(C[2]); *data++ = static_cast<float>(C[3]); } mesh->applyGLTransformation_recursive(&mat); if (mesh->getName().isEmpty()) mesh->setName(nodeName); container.addChild(mesh); } } break; case FbxNodeAttribute::eUnknown: case FbxNodeAttribute::eNull: case FbxNodeAttribute::eMarker: case FbxNodeAttribute::eSkeleton: case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbs: case FbxNodeAttribute::ePatch: case FbxNodeAttribute::eCamera: case FbxNodeAttribute::eCameraStereo: case FbxNodeAttribute::eCameraSwitcher: case FbxNodeAttribute::eLight: case FbxNodeAttribute::eOpticalReference: case FbxNodeAttribute::eOpticalMarker: case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsCurve: case FbxNodeAttribute::eTrimNurbsSurface: case FbxNodeAttribute::eBoundary: case FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsSurface: case FbxNodeAttribute::eShape: case FbxNodeAttribute::eLODGroup: case FbxNodeAttribute::eSubDiv: default: //not handled yet break; } } // Recursively add the children. for(int j=0; j<lNode->GetChildCount(); j++) { nodes.push_back(lNode->GetChild(j)); } } } } // The file is imported, so get rid of the importer. lImporter->Destroy(); // Destroy the SDK manager and all the other objects it was handling. lSdkManager->Destroy(); return container.getChildrenNumber() == 0 ? CC_FERR_NO_LOAD : CC_FERR_NO_ERROR; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifndef _DEBUG if (argc != 2) { printf("invalid arg"); return 0; } const char* filename = argv[1]; #else const char* filename = "*****@*****.**"; #endif"output.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);"output2.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc);"output3.txt", ios::out | ios::trunc); if (!output.is_open()) { exit(1); } FbxManager* fm = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fm, IOSROOT); //ios->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_ANIMATION, false); ios->SetIntProp(EXP_FBX_COMPRESS_LEVEL, 9); ios->SetAllObjectFlags(true); fm->SetIOSettings(ios); FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(fm, ""); if (!importer->Initialize(filename, -1, fm->GetIOSettings())) { printf("error returned : %s\n", importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); exit(-1); } FbxScene* scene = FbxScene::Create(fm, "myscene"); importer->Import(scene); importer->Destroy(); output << "some\n"; output << "charcnt : " << scene->GetCharacterCount() << endl << "node cnt : " << scene->GetNodeCount() << endl; int animstackcnt = scene->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimStack>(); output << "animstackcnt : " << animstackcnt << endl; output << "------------" << endl; vector<FbxNode*> removableNodes; for (int i = 0; i < scene->GetNodeCount(); i++) { FbxNode* node = scene->GetNode(i); output << "scene's node " << i << " : " << node->GetName() << ", childcnt : " << node->GetChildCount(); if (node->GetNodeAttribute()) { output <<", att type : " << node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType(); if (node->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eMesh) { FbxMesh* mesh = node->GetMesh(); output << ", mem usage : " << mesh->MemoryUsage() << ", deformer cnt : " << mesh->GetDeformerCount(FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin) << endl; collapseMesh(mesh); FbxSkin* skin = (FbxSkin*) (mesh->GetDeformer(0, FbxDeformer::EDeformerType::eSkin)); if (skin) { for (int cli = 0; cli < skin->GetClusterCount(); cli++) { FbxCluster* cluster = skin->GetCluster(cli); output << "\tcluster no." << cli << " has " << cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() << " connected verts" << endl; if (cluster->GetControlPointIndicesCount() == 0) removableNodes.push_back( cluster->GetLink() ); //cluster-> //skin->RemoveCluster(cluster);효과없음 } } if (mesh->IsTriangleMesh()) { output << "\tit's triangle mesh" << endl; } //mesh->RemoveDeformer(0);효과없음 } else output << endl; } else { output << ", att type : none" << endl; } } for (int rni = 0; rni < removableNodes.size(); rni++) { FbxNode* rnd = removableNodes[rni]; if (rnd && rnd->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::EType::eSkeleton) { output3 << rnd->GetName() << " node with no vert attached's curve : " << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurve>() << "," << rnd->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>() << endl; } } output << "-----------animinfo" << endl; int cubic = 0, linear = 0, cons = 0; for (int si = 0; si < animstackcnt; si++) { FbxAnimStack* stack = scene->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(si); for (int i = 0; i < stack->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimLayer>(); i++) { FbxAnimLayer* layer = stack->GetMember<FbxAnimLayer>(i); int curvenodecnt = layer->GetMemberCount<FbxAnimCurveNode>(); int compositcnt = 0; for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++) { FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j); compositcnt += (cnode->IsComposite() ? 1 : 0); } output << "\tanimstack's layer " << i << " : " << layer->GetName() << ", curve node cnt : " << curvenodecnt << ", composit node cnt : " << compositcnt << endl; vector<FbxAnimCurveNode*> nodes2del; for (int j = 0; j < curvenodecnt; j++) { FbxAnimCurveNode* cnode = layer->GetMember<FbxAnimCurveNode>(j); output << "\t\tcurvenode " << j << " channel cnt : " << cnode->GetChannelsCount() << ", dst obj cnt " << cnode->GetDstObjectCount() << "("; for (int dsti = 0; dsti < cnode->GetDstObjectCount(); dsti++) { output << "," << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetName(); if (cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount() > 0) output << "<" << cnode->GetDstObject(dsti)->GetSrcObjectCount<FbxSkeleton>() << ">"; } output << ")"; FbxTimeSpan interval; if (cnode->GetAnimationInterval(interval)) { output << ", start : " << interval.GetStart().GetTimeString() << ", end : " << interval.GetStop().GetTimeString() << endl; } else { nodes2del.push_back(cnode); output << ", no interval" << endl; } for (int chi = 0; chi < cnode->GetChannelsCount(); chi++) { int curvecnt = cnode->GetCurveCount(chi); output << "\t\t\tchannel." << chi << " curvecnt : " << curvecnt << endl; for (int ci = 0; ci < curvecnt; ci++) { FbxAnimCurve* curve = cnode->GetCurve(chi, ci); int keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount(); output << "\t\t\t\tcurve no." << ci << " : key count : " << keycnt; output2 << "curve " << ci << endl; vector<int> keys2Remove; for (int cki = 0; cki < keycnt; cki++) { FbxAnimCurveKey prevkey, currkey, nextkey; if (cki == 0 || cki == keycnt - 1) continue; currkey = curve->KeyGet(cki); prevkey = curve->KeyGet(cki-1); nextkey = curve->KeyGet(cki + 1); bool keepit = true; output2 << ci << "-" << cki; // keepit = keepTestHorizon(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey); // if (keepit) // keepit = slopkeepTest(curve, prevkey, currkey, nextkey); if (!keepit) { if (!(currkey.GetInterpolation() == FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant && nextkey.GetInterpolation() != FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType::eInterpolationConstant)) keys2Remove.push_back(cki); } } for (int kri = keys2Remove.size() - 1; kri >= 0; kri--) { //curve->KeyRemove(keys2Remove[kri]); } output2 << endl; //output << ", cubic:linear:const : " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl; if (keys2Remove.size() > 0) output << ", " << keys2Remove.size() << " keys removed"; keycnt = curve->KeyGetCount(); } } } //이부분은 별로 효과없음 /* for (int di = 0; di < nodes2del.size(); di++) { layer->RemoveMember(nodes2del[di]); } */ } } output << "cubic:linear:const " << cubic << ":" << linear << ":" << cons << endl; FbxExporter* exporter = FbxExporter::Create(fm, ""); const char* outFBXName = "after.fbx"; bool exportstatus = exporter->Initialize(outFBXName, -1, fm->GetIOSettings()); if (exportstatus == false) { puts("err export fail"); } exporter->Export(scene); exporter->Destroy(); scene->Destroy(); ios->Destroy(); fm->Destroy(); output.close(); output2.close(); output3.close(); return 0; }
void LoadMeshes(Scene* pScene, std::vector<uint32_t>* loadedMeshIDs) { FbxManager* fbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* pFbxIOSettings = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxManager, IOSROOT); fbxManager->SetIOSettings(pFbxIOSettings); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_MATERIAL, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_TEXTURE, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_LINK, false); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_SHAPE, false); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_GOBO, false); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_ANIMATION, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(IMP_FBX_GLOBAL_SETTINGS, true); bool bEmbedMedia = true; (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_MATERIAL, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_TEXTURE, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_EMBEDDED, bEmbedMedia); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_SHAPE, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_GOBO, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_ANIMATION, true); (*(fbxManager->GetIOSettings())).SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_GLOBAL_SETTINGS, true); FbxImporter* pFbxImporter = FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, ""); // Initialize the importer. bool result = pFbxImporter->Initialize(pScene->loadPath.c_str(), -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings()); if (!result) { printf("Get error when init FBX Importer: %s\n\n", pFbxImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); exit(-1); } // fbx version number int major, minor, revision; pFbxImporter->GetFileVersion(major, minor, revision); // import pFbxScene FbxScene* pFbxScene = FbxScene::Create(fbxManager, "myScene"); pFbxImporter->Import(pFbxScene); pFbxImporter->Destroy(); pFbxImporter = nullptr; // check axis system FbxAxisSystem axisSystem = pFbxScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem(); FbxAxisSystem vulkanAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eYAxis, FbxAxisSystem::eParityOdd, FbxAxisSystem::eRightHanded); if (axisSystem != vulkanAxisSystem) { axisSystem.ConvertScene(pFbxScene); } // check unit system FbxSystemUnit systemUnit = pFbxScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetSystemUnit(); if (systemUnit.GetScaleFactor() != 1.0) { FbxSystemUnit::cm.ConvertScene(pFbxScene); } // Triangulate Mesh FbxGeometryConverter fbxGeometryConverter(fbxManager); fbxGeometryConverter.Triangulate(pFbxScene, true); // Load Texture int textureCount = pFbxScene->GetTextureCount(); for (int i = 0; i < textureCount; ++i) { FbxTexture* pFbxTexture = pFbxScene->GetTexture(i); FbxFileTexture* pFbxFileTexture = FbxCast<FbxFileTexture>(pFbxTexture); if (pFbxTexture && pFbxFileTexture->GetUserDataPtr()) { } } LoadMeshes(pFbxScene->GetRootNode(), pScene->meshes); }
float UFBXBLUEPRINT::getCircleAreaDLL() //(float radius) { // Create the FBX SDK manager FbxManager* lSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); // Create an IOSettings object. FbxIOSettings * ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(lSdkManager, IOSROOT); lSdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); // ... Configure the FbxIOSettings object ... // Create an importer. FbxImporter* lImporter = FbxImporter::Create(lSdkManager, ""); // Declare the path and filename of the file containing the scene. // In this case, we are assuming the file is in the same directory as the executable. const char* lFilename = "file.fbx"; // Initialize the importer. bool lImportStatus = lImporter->Initialize(lFilename, -1, lSdkManager->GetIOSettings()); if (!lImportStatus) { printf("Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n"); printf("Error returned: %s\n\n", lImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); exit(-1); } // Create a new scene so it can be populated by the imported file. FbxScene* lScene = FbxScene::Create(lSdkManager, "myScene"); // Import the contents of the file into the scene. lImporter->Import(lScene); // The file has been imported; we can get rid of the importer. lImporter->Destroy(); // File format version numbers to be populated. int lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision; // Populate the FBX file format version numbers with the import file. lImporter->GetFileVersion(lFileMajor, lFileMinor, lFileRevision); int numofgeometrys = lScene->GetGeometryCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numofgeometrys; i++) { fbxsdk::FbxGeometry* fbxgeo = lScene->GetGeometry(i); // fbxsdk::FbxMesh* fbxmesh = fbxgeo->Get if (fbxgeo != 0) { int numofcontrolpoints =fbxgeo->GetControlPointsCount(); FbxVector4* controlpoints = fbxgeo->GetControlPoints(0); // x[12] = controlpoints[12]->mData[0]; //Fbxsdk::FbxVector4* pNormalArray; //fbxgeo->GetNormals(pNormalArray); //fbxgeo->GetNormalsIndices(); // fbxgeo->GetNormals(); // fbxgeo->get } } /* FbxClassId lShaderClassID = lSdkManager->FindFbxFileClass("Shader", "FlatShader"); for(int i = 0; i < lNode->GetSrcObjectCount(lShaderClassID); i++) { FbxObject* lObject = lNode->GetSrcObject(lShaderClassID, i); } */ return 1.00f; }
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { std::vector<std::string> args (argv, argv + argc); if ( args.size() == 1 ) { PrintUsage (args[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::string animationFile; std::string outputPath ("model.glm"); unsigned i; for ( i = 1; i < args.size(); i++ ) { if ( args[i].compare ("-o") == 0 ) { i++; if ( args.size() > i ) { outputPath = args[i]; continue; } else { PrintUsage (args[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else if ( args[i].compare ("-anim") == 0 ) { i++; if ( args.size() > i ) { animationFile = args[i]; continue; } else { PrintUsage (args[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } std::unique_ptr<Skeleton> skeleton; std::string modelPath (args.back()); std::cout << "Converting " << modelPath << " to GLM.\n"; if ( !animationFile.empty() ) { skeleton = LoadGLA (animationFile); if ( !skeleton ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::cout << "Using " << animationFile << " for skeleton.\n"; } FbxManager *fbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create (fbxManager, IOSROOT); fbxManager->SetIOSettings (ios); FbxImporter *importer = FbxImporter::Create (fbxManager, ""); if ( !importer->Initialize (modelPath.c_str(), -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings()) ) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to import '" << modelPath << "': " << importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString() << ".\n"; importer->Destroy(); fbxManager->Destroy(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } FbxScene *scene = FbxScene::Create (fbxManager, "model"); importer->Import (scene); importer->Destroy(); FbxNode *root = scene->GetRootNode(); if ( root == nullptr ) { std::cerr << "ERROR: The scene's root node could not be found.\n"; fbxManager->Destroy(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::vector<FbxNode *> modelRoots (GetLodRootModels (*root)); if ( modelRoots.empty() ) { std::cerr << "ERROR: No model LODs found.\n"; fbxManager->Destroy(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::sort (modelRoots.begin(), modelRoots.end(), []( const FbxNode *a, const FbxNode *b ) { return std::strcmp (a->GetName(), b->GetName()) < 0; }); if ( !MakeGLMFile (*scene, modelRoots, skeleton.get(), outputPath) ) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Failed to create GLM file " << outputPath << ".\n"; fbxManager->Destroy(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::cout << "GLM file has been written to '" << outputPath << "'.\n"; fbxManager->Destroy(); return 0; }
void FBXSceneEncoder::write(const string& filepath, const EncoderArguments& arguments) { FbxManager* sdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings *ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(sdkManager, IOSROOT); sdkManager->SetIOSettings(ios); FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create(sdkManager,""); if (!importer->Initialize(filepath.c_str(), -1, sdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { LOG(1, "Call to FbxImporter::Initialize() failed.\n"); LOG(1, "Error returned: %s\n\n", importer->GetLastErrorString()); exit(-1); } FbxScene* fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(sdkManager,"__FBX_SCENE__"); print("Loading FBX file."); importer->Import(fbxScene); importer->Destroy(); // Determine if animations should be grouped. if (arguments.getGroupAnimationAnimationId().empty() && isGroupAnimationPossible(fbxScene)) { if ( arguments.getAnimationGrouping()==EncoderArguments::ANIMATIONGROUP_AUTO || (arguments.getAnimationGrouping()==EncoderArguments::ANIMATIONGROUP_PROMPT && promptUserGroupAnimations())) { _autoGroupAnimations = true; } } if (arguments.tangentBinormalIdCount() > 0) { generateTangentsAndBinormals(fbxScene->GetRootNode(), arguments); } print("Loading Scene."); loadScene(fbxScene); print("Load materials"); loadMaterials(fbxScene); print("Loading animations."); loadAnimations(fbxScene, arguments); sdkManager->Destroy(); print("Optimizing GamePlay Binary."); _gamePlayFile.adjust(); if (_autoGroupAnimations) { _gamePlayFile.groupMeshSkinAnimations(); } string outputFilePath = arguments.getOutputFilePath(); if (arguments.textOutputEnabled()) { int pos = outputFilePath.find_last_of('.'); if (pos > 2) { string path = outputFilePath.substr(0, pos); path.append(".xml"); LOG(1, "Saving debug file: %s\n", path.c_str()); if (!_gamePlayFile.saveText(path)) { LOG(1, "Error writing text file: %s\n", path.c_str()); } } } else { LOG(1, "Saving binary file: %s\n", outputFilePath.c_str()); if (!_gamePlayFile.saveBinary(outputFilePath)) { LOG(1, "Error writing binary file: %s\n", outputFilePath.c_str()); } } // Write the material file if (arguments.outputMaterialEnabled()) { int pos = outputFilePath.find_last_of('.'); if (pos > 2) { string path = outputFilePath.substr(0, pos); path.append(".material"); writeMaterial(path); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // initialize Havok internals { hkMemorySystem::FrameInfo frameInfo(0); #ifdef _DEBUG // (Use debug mem manager to detect mem leaks in Havok code) hkMemoryRouter* memoryRouter = hkMemoryInitUtil::initChecking(hkMallocAllocator::m_defaultMallocAllocator, frameInfo); #else hkMemoryRouter* memoryRouter = hkMemoryInitUtil::initFreeListLargeBlock(hkMallocAllocator::m_defaultMallocAllocator, frameInfo); #endif hkBaseSystem::init( memoryRouter, havokErrorReport ); hkError& errorhandler = hkError::getInstance(); errorhandler.enableAll(); } if (argc != 2) { printf("Invalid number of input arguments\n"); printf("Usage: FBXImport <input_filename>\n"); return -1; } // Load FBX and save as HKX { const char* filename = argv[1]; FbxManager* fbxSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if( !fbxSdkManager ) { HK_ERROR(0x5213afed, "Unable to create FBX Manager!\n"); return -1; } FbxIOSettings* fbxIoSettings = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxSdkManager, IOSROOT); fbxSdkManager->SetIOSettings(fbxIoSettings); FbxImporter* fbxImporter = FbxImporter::Create(fbxSdkManager,""); if (!fbxImporter->Initialize(filename, -1, fbxSdkManager->GetIOSettings())) { HK_WARN(0x5216afed, "Failed to initialize the importer! Please ensure file " << filename << " exists\n"); fbxSdkManager->Destroy(); return -1; } FbxScene* fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(fbxSdkManager,"tempScene"); if (!fbxScene) { HK_ERROR(0x5216afed, "Failed to create the scene!\n"); fbxImporter->Destroy(); fbxSdkManager->Destroy(); return -1; } fbxImporter->Import(fbxScene); fbxImporter->Destroy(); // Currently assume that the file is loaded from 3dsmax FbxAxisSystem::Max.ConvertScene(fbxScene); FbxToHkxConverter::Options options(fbxSdkManager); FbxToHkxConverter converter(options); if(converter.createScenes(fbxScene)) { int lastSlashIndex = hkString::lastIndexOf(filename,'\\') + 1; int extensionIndex = hkString::lastIndexOf(filename,'.'); hkStringBuf path; path.set(filename, lastSlashIndex); hkStringBuf name; name.set(filename + lastSlashIndex, extensionIndex - lastSlashIndex); converter.saveScenes(path, name); } else { HK_ERROR(0x0, "Failed to convert the scene!\n"); fbxSdkManager->Destroy(); return -1; } fbxSdkManager->Destroy(); } // quit Havok { hkBaseSystem::quit(); hkMemoryInitUtil::quit(); } return 0; }
osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult ReaderWriterFBX::writeNode( const osg::Node& node, const std::string& filename, const Options* options) const { try { std::string ext = osgDB::getLowerCaseFileExtension(filename); if (!acceptsExtension(ext)) return WriteResult::FILE_NOT_HANDLED; osg::ref_ptr<Options> localOptions = options ? static_cast<Options*>(options->clone(osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)) : new Options; localOptions->getDatabasePathList().push_front(osgDB::getFilePath(filename)); FbxManager* pSdkManager = FbxManager::Create(); if (!pSdkManager) { return WriteResult::ERROR_IN_WRITING_FILE; } CleanUpFbx cleanUpFbx(pSdkManager); pSdkManager->SetIOSettings(FbxIOSettings::Create(pSdkManager, IOSROOT)); bool useFbxRoot = false; bool ascii(false); std::string exportVersion; if (options) { std::istringstream iss(options->getOptionString()); std::string opt; while (iss >> opt) { if (opt == "Embedded") { pSdkManager->GetIOSettings()->SetBoolProp(EXP_FBX_EMBEDDED, true); } else if (opt == "UseFbxRoot") { useFbxRoot = true; } else if (opt == "FBX-ASCII") { ascii = true; } else if (opt == "FBX-ExportVersion") { iss >> exportVersion; } } } FbxScene* pScene = FbxScene::Create(pSdkManager, ""); if (options) { if (options->getPluginData("FBX-AssetUnitMeter")) { float unit = *static_cast<const float*>(options->getPluginData("FBX-AssetUnitMeter")); FbxSystemUnit kFbxSystemUnit(unit*100); pScene->GetGlobalSettings().SetSystemUnit(kFbxSystemUnit); } } pluginfbx::WriterNodeVisitor writerNodeVisitor(pScene, pSdkManager, filename, options, osgDB::getFilePath(node.getName().empty() ? filename : node.getName())); if (useFbxRoot && isBasicRootNode(node)) { // If root node is a simple group, put all elements under the FBX root const osg::Group * osgGroup = node.asGroup(); for (unsigned int child = 0; child < osgGroup->getNumChildren(); ++child) { const_cast<osg::Node *>(osgGroup->getChild(child))->accept(writerNodeVisitor); } } else { // Normal scene const_cast<osg::Node&>(node).accept(writerNodeVisitor); } FbxDocumentInfo* pDocInfo = pScene->GetDocumentInfo(); bool needNewDocInfo = pDocInfo != NULL; if (needNewDocInfo) { pDocInfo = FbxDocumentInfo::Create(pSdkManager, ""); } pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationName.Set(FbxString("OpenSceneGraph")); pDocInfo->LastSaved_ApplicationVersion.Set(FbxString(osgGetVersion())); if (needNewDocInfo) { pScene->SetDocumentInfo(pDocInfo); } FbxExporter* lExporter = FbxExporter::Create(pSdkManager, ""); pScene->GetGlobalSettings().SetAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eOpenGL); // Ensure the directory exists or else the FBX SDK will fail if (!osgDB::makeDirectoryForFile(filename)) { OSG_NOTICE << "Can't create directory for file '" << filename << "'. FBX SDK may fail creating the file." << std::endl; } // The FBX SDK interprets the filename as UTF-8 #ifdef OSG_USE_UTF8_FILENAME const std::string& utf8filename(filename); #else std::string utf8filename(osgDB::convertStringFromCurrentCodePageToUTF8(filename)); #endif // Output format selection. Here we only handle "recent" FBX, binary or ASCII. // pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->GetWriterFormatDescription() / GetReaderFormatCount() gives the following list: //FBX binary (*.fbx) //FBX ascii (*.fbx) //FBX encrypted (*.fbx) //FBX 6.0 binary (*.fbx) //FBX 6.0 ascii (*.fbx) //FBX 6.0 encrypted (*.fbx) //AutoCAD DXF (*.dxf) //Alias OBJ (*.obj) //Collada DAE (*.dae) //Biovision BVH (*.bvh) //Motion Analysis HTR (*.htr) //Motion Analysis TRC (*.trc) //Acclaim ASF (*.asf) int format = ascii ? pSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->FindWriterIDByDescription("FBX ascii (*.fbx)") : -1; // -1 = Default if (!lExporter->Initialize(utf8filename.c_str(), format)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } if (!exportVersion.empty() && !lExporter->SetFileExportVersion(FbxString(exportVersion.c_str()), FbxSceneRenamer::eNone)) { std::stringstream versionsStr; char const * const * versions = lExporter->GetCurrentWritableVersions(); if (versions) for(; *versions; ++versions) versionsStr << " " << *versions; OSG_WARN << "Can't set FBX export version to '" << exportVersion << "'. Using default. Available export versions are:" << versionsStr.str() << std::endl; } if (!lExporter->Export(pScene)) { #if FBXSDK_VERSION_MAJOR < 2014 return std::string(lExporter->GetLastErrorString()); #else return std::string(lExporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()); #endif } return WriteResult::FILE_SAVED; }
void FbxLoader::LoadFromFile(const std::string& folder, const std::string& name, AxisMode axismode, float scaleFactor) { FbxManager* fbxManager = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create(fbxManager, IOSROOT); fbxManager->SetIOSettings(ios); std::string path = folder + "\\" + name; relativeFolder = folder; FbxImporter* importer = (FbxImporter::Create(fbxManager, "")); bool b = importer->Initialize(path.c_str(), -1, fbxManager->GetIOSettings()); if(!b) { } scene = FbxScene::Create(fbxManager, path.c_str()); importer->Import(scene); int fileMajor, fileMinor, fileRevision; importer->GetFileVersion(fileMajor, fileMinor, fileRevision); importer->Destroy(); factor = scaleFactor; this->axismode = axismode; FbxNode* root = scene->GetRootNode(); FbxGeometryConverter geometryConverter(fbxManager); FbxAxisSystem axis = FbxAxisSystem::MayaYUp; axis.ConvertScene(scene); geometryConverter.Triangulate(scene, false); ProcessMaterial(scene); LoadAnimationClipData(); ProcessMeshNode(root, rootNode); }