Пример #1
void FeDisplayEditMenu::get_options( FeConfigContext &ctx )
	ctx.set_style( FeConfigContext::EditList, "Display Edit" );

	if ( m_display )
		ctx.add_optl( Opt::EDIT, "Name",
				m_display->get_info( FeDisplayInfo::Name ), "_help_display_name" );

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Layout",
				m_display->get_info( FeDisplayInfo::Layout ), "_help_display_layout" );

		std::vector<std::string> layouts;
		ctx.fe_settings.get_layouts_list( layouts );
		ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( layouts );

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Collection/Rom List",
				m_display->get_info( FeDisplayInfo::Romlist ), "_help_display_romlist" );

		std::vector<std::string> romlists;
		ctx.fe_settings.get_romlists_list( romlists );
		ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( romlists );

		std::vector<std::string> bool_opts( 2 );
		ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "Yes", bool_opts[0] );
		ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "No", bool_opts[1] );

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Show in Cycle",
			m_display->show_in_cycle() ? bool_opts[0] : bool_opts[1],
			"_help_display_in_cycle" );

		ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( bool_opts );

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::LIST, "Show in Menu",
			m_display->show_in_menu() ? bool_opts[0] : bool_opts[1],
			"_help_display_in_menu" );
		ctx.back_opt().append_vlist( bool_opts );

		FeFilter *f = m_display->get_filter( -1 );

		std::string filter_desc;
		if ( f->get_rule_count() < 1 )
			ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "Empty", filter_desc );
			ctx.fe_settings.get_resource( "$1 Rule(s)",
					as_str(f->get_rule_count()), filter_desc );

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Global Filter", filter_desc, "_help_display_global_filter" );
		ctx.back_opt().opaque = 9;

		std::vector<std::string> filters;
		m_display->get_filters_list( filters );
		int i=0;

		for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr=filters.begin();
				itr != filters.end(); ++itr )
			ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Filter",
				(*itr), "_help_display_filter" );
			ctx.back_opt().opaque = 100 + i;

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Add Filter", "", "_help_display_add_filter" );
		ctx.back_opt().opaque = 1;

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::SUBMENU, "Layout Options", "", "_help_display_layout_options" );
		ctx.back_opt().opaque = 2;

		ctx.add_optl( Opt::EXIT, "Delete this Display", "", "_help_display_delete" );
		ctx.back_opt().opaque = 3;

	FeBaseConfigMenu::get_options( ctx );
Пример #2
bool FeSettings::build_romlist( const std::vector< FeImportTask > &task_list,
						const std::string &output_name,
						FeFilter &filter,
						bool full )
	FeRomInfoListType total_romlist;
	std::string best_name, list_name, path;

	for ( std::vector<FeImportTask>::const_iterator itr=task_list.begin();
			itr < task_list.end(); ++itr )
		if ( (*itr).task_type == FeImportTask::BuildRomlist )
			// Build romlist task
			std::cout << "*** Generating Collection/Rom List" << std::endl;

			FeEmulatorInfo *emu = m_rl.get_emulator( (*itr).emulator_name );
			if ( emu == NULL )
				std::cout << "Error: Invalid -build-rom-list target: " <<  (*itr).emulator_name
					<< std::endl;
				FeRomInfoListType romlist;

				best_name = emu->get_info( FeEmulatorInfo::Name );

				FeImporterContext ctx( *emu, romlist );
				build_basic_romlist( ctx );

				apply_xml_import( ctx );
				apply_import_extras( ctx );

				apply_emulator_name( best_name, romlist );
				total_romlist.splice( total_romlist.end(), romlist );
		else if ( (*itr).task_type == FeImportTask::ImportRomlist )
			// import romlist from file task
			std::cout << "*** Importing Collection/Rom List" << std::endl;

			FeRomInfoListType romlist;
			std::string emu_name;

			if ( (*itr).emulator_name.empty() )
				// deduce the emulator name from the filename provided
				size_t my_start = (*itr).file_name.find_last_of( "\\/" );
				if ( my_start == std::string::npos ) // if there is no / we start at the beginning
					my_start = 0;
					my_start += 1;

				size_t my_end = (*itr).file_name.find_last_of( "." );
				if ( my_end != std::string::npos )
					emu_name = (*itr).file_name.substr( my_start, my_end - my_start  );
				emu_name = (*itr).emulator_name;

			best_name = emu_name;

			if ( tail_compare( (*itr).file_name, ".txt" ) )
				// Attract-Mode format list
				FeRomList temp_list( m_config_path );
				temp_list.load_from_file( (*itr).file_name, ";" );

				FeRomInfoListType &entries = temp_list.get_list();

				for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator itr = entries.begin(); itr != entries.end(); ++itr )
					romlist.push_back( *itr );
			else if ( tail_compare( (*itr).file_name, ".lst" ) )
				// Mamewah/Wahcade! format list
				import_mamewah( (*itr).file_name, emu_name, romlist );
			else if ( tail_compare( (*itr).file_name, ".xml" ) )
				// HyperSpin format list
				FeHyperSpinXMLParser my_parser( romlist );
				if ( my_parser.parse( (*itr).file_name ) )
					apply_emulator_name( emu_name, romlist );
				std::cerr << "Error: Unsupported --import-rom-list file: "
					<<  (*itr).file_name << std::endl;

			std::cout << "[Import " << (*itr).file_name << "] - Imported " << romlist.size() << " entries."
				<< std::endl;

			FeEmulatorInfo *emu = m_rl.get_emulator( emu_name );
			if ( emu == NULL )
				std::cout << "Warning: The emulator specified with --import-rom-list was not found: "
					<<  emu_name << std::endl;
				FeImporterContext ctx( *emu, romlist );
				apply_import_extras( ctx );

			total_romlist.splice( total_romlist.end(), romlist );
		else // scrape artwork
			FeEmulatorInfo *emu = m_rl.get_emulator( (*itr).emulator_name );
			if ( emu == NULL )
				return false;

			std::cout << "*** Scraping artwork for: " << (*itr).emulator_name << std::endl;

			FeRomInfoListType romlist;
			std::string fn = get_config_dir() + FE_ROMLIST_SUBDIR + (*itr).emulator_name + FE_ROMLIST_FILE_EXTENSION;

			FeImporterContext ctx( *emu, romlist );
			if ( file_exists( fn ) )
				FeRomList loader( get_config_dir() );
				loader.load_from_file( fn, ";" );
				ctx.romlist.swap( loader.get_list() );
				build_basic_romlist( ctx );
				apply_xml_import( ctx );

			ctx.scrape_art = true;
			confirm_directory( get_config_dir(), FE_SCRAPER_SUBDIR );

			// do the mamedb scraper first (which only does anything for mame) followed
			// by the more general thegamesdb scraper.
			mamedb_scraper( ctx );
			thegamesdb_scraper( ctx );

			std::cout << "*** Scraping done." << std::endl;

	// return now if all we did was scrape artwork
	if ( total_romlist.empty() )
		return true;

	total_romlist.sort( FeRomListSorter() );

	// strip duplicate entries
	std::cout << " - Removing any duplicate entries..." << std::endl;

	// Apply the specified filter
	if ( filter.get_rule_count() > 0 )
		std::cout << " - Applying filter..." << std::endl;

		FeRomInfoListType::iterator last_it=total_romlist.begin();
		for ( FeRomInfoListType::iterator it=total_romlist.begin(); it!=total_romlist.end(); )
			if ( filter.apply_filter( *it ) )
				if ( last_it != it )
					it = total_romlist.erase( last_it, it );

				last_it = it;

		if ( last_it != total_romlist.end() )
			total_romlist.erase( last_it, total_romlist.end() );

	if ( task_list.size() > 1 )
		best_name = "multi";

	path = get_config_dir();
	confirm_directory( path, FE_ROMLIST_SUBDIR );


	// if we weren't given a specific output name, then we come up with a name
	// that doesn't exist already
	if ( output_name.empty() )
		get_available_filename( path, best_name, FE_ROMLIST_FILE_EXTENSION, list_name );
		list_name = path + output_name + FE_ROMLIST_FILE_EXTENSION;

	write_romlist( list_name, total_romlist );

	return true;