Image::AutoPtr ImageFactory::create(Image::Type type, const std::string& path) { FileIo *fileIo = new FileIo(path); BasicIo::AutoPtr io(fileIo); // Create or overwrite the file, then close it if (fileIo->open("w+b") != 0) return Image::AutoPtr(); fileIo->close(); return create(type, io); }
void FileIo::transfer(BasicIo& src) { const bool wasOpen = (fp_ != 0); const std::string lastMode(openMode_); FileIo *fileIo = dynamic_cast<FileIo*>(&src); if (fileIo) { // Optimization if src is another instance of FileIo fileIo->close(); // Check if the file can be written to, if it already exists if (open("w+b") != 0) { // Remove the (temporary) file std::remove(fileIo->path_.c_str()); throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError()); } close(); struct stat buf; if (::stat(path_.c_str(), &buf) == -1) { throw Error(2, path_, strError(), "stat"); } // MSVCRT rename that does not overwrite existing files if (fileExists(path_) && std::remove(path_.c_str()) != 0) { throw Error(2, path_, strError(), "std::remove"); } if (std::rename(fileIo->path_.c_str(), path_.c_str()) == -1) { throw Error(17, fileIo->path_, path_, strError()); } std::remove(fileIo->path_.c_str()); // Set original file permissions if (::chmod(path_.c_str(), buf.st_mode) == -1) { throw Error(2, fileIo->path_, strError(), "chmod"); } } else { // Generic handling, reopen both to reset to start if (open("w+b") != 0) { throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError()); } if ( != 0) { throw Error(9, src.path(), strError()); } write(src); src.close(); } if (wasOpen) { if (open(lastMode) != 0) { throw Error(10, path_, lastMode, strError()); } } else close(); if (error() || src.error()) throw Error(18, path_, strError()); }
void FileIo::transfer(BasicIo& src) { const bool wasOpen = (p_->fp_ != 0); const std::string lastMode(p_->openMode_); FileIo *fileIo = dynamic_cast<FileIo*>(&src); if (fileIo) { // Optimization if src is another instance of FileIo fileIo->close(); // Check if the file can be written to, if it already exists if (open("a+b") != 0) { // Remove the (temporary) file #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH if (fileIo->p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { ::_wremove(fileIo->wpath().c_str()); } else #endif { ::remove(fileIo->path().c_str()); } #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { throw WError(10, wpath(), "a+b", strError().c_str()); } else #endif { throw Error(10, path(), "a+b", strError()); } } close(); bool statOk = true; mode_t origStMode = 0; std::string spf; char* pf = 0; #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH std::wstring wspf; wchar_t* wpf = 0; if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { wspf = wpath(); wpf = const_cast<wchar_t*>(wspf.c_str()); } else #endif { spf = path(); pf = const_cast<char*>(spf.c_str()); } // Get the permissions of the file, or linked-to file, on platforms which have lstat #ifdef EXV_HAVE_LSTAT # ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH # error EXV_UNICODE_PATH and EXV_HAVE_LSTAT are not compatible. Stop. # endif struct stat buf1; if (::lstat(pf, &buf1) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::lstat") << "\n"; #endif } origStMode = buf1.st_mode; DataBuf lbuf; // So that the allocated memory is freed. Must have same scope as pf // In case path() is a symlink, get the path of the linked-to file if (statOk && S_ISLNK(buf1.st_mode)) { lbuf.alloc(buf1.st_size + 1); memset(lbuf.pData_, 0x0, lbuf.size_); pf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(lbuf.pData_); if (::readlink(path().c_str(), pf, lbuf.size_ - 1) == -1) { throw Error(2, path(), strError(), "readlink"); } // We need the permissions of the file, not the symlink if (::stat(pf, &buf1) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::stat") << "\n"; #endif } origStMode = buf1.st_mode; } #else // EXV_HAVE_LSTAT Impl::StructStat buf1; if (p_->stat(buf1) == -1) { statOk = false; } origStMode = buf1.st_mode; #endif // !EXV_HAVE_LSTAT // MSVCRT rename that does not overwrite existing files #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { if (fileExists(wpf) && ::_wremove(wpf) != 0) { throw WError(2, wpf, strError().c_str(), "::_wremove"); } if (::_wrename(fileIo->wpath().c_str(), wpf) == -1) { throw WError(17, fileIo->wpath(), wpf, strError().c_str()); } ::_wremove(fileIo->wpath().c_str()); // Check permissions of new file struct _stat buf2; if (statOk && ::_wstat(wpf, &buf2) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS EXV_WARNING << Error(2, wpf, strError(), "::_wstat") << "\n"; #endif } if (statOk && origStMode != buf2.st_mode) { // Set original file permissions if (::_wchmod(wpf, origStMode) == -1) { #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS EXV_WARNING << Error(2, wpf, strError(), "::_wchmod") << "\n"; #endif } } } // if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) else #endif // EXV_UNICODE_PATH { if (fileExists(pf) && ::remove(pf) != 0) { throw Error(2, pf, strError(), "::remove"); } if (::rename(fileIo->path().c_str(), pf) == -1) { throw Error(17, fileIo->path(), pf, strError()); } ::remove(fileIo->path().c_str()); // Check permissions of new file struct stat buf2; if (statOk && ::stat(pf, &buf2) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::stat") << "\n"; #endif } if (statOk && origStMode != buf2.st_mode) { // Set original file permissions if (::chmod(pf, origStMode) == -1) { #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS EXV_WARNING << Error(2, pf, strError(), "::chmod") << "\n"; #endif } } } } // if (fileIo) else { // Generic handling, reopen both to reset to start if (open("w+b") != 0) { #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { throw WError(10, wpath(), "w+b", strError().c_str()); } else #endif { throw Error(10, path(), "w+b", strError()); } } if ( != 0) { #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { throw WError(9, src.wpath(), strError().c_str()); } else #endif { throw Error(9, src.path(), strError()); } } write(src); src.close(); } if (wasOpen) { if (open(lastMode) != 0) { #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { throw WError(10, wpath(), lastMode.c_str(), strError().c_str()); } else #endif { throw Error(10, path(), lastMode, strError()); } } } else close(); if (error() || src.error()) { #ifdef EXV_UNICODE_PATH if (p_->wpMode_ == Impl::wpUnicode) { throw WError(18, wpath(), strError().c_str()); } else #endif { throw Error(18, path(), strError()); } } } // FileIo::transfer
void FileIo::transfer(BasicIo& src) { const bool wasOpen = (fp_ != 0); const std::string lastMode(openMode_); FileIo *fileIo = dynamic_cast<FileIo*>(&src); if (fileIo) { // Optimization if src is another instance of FileIo fileIo->close(); // Check if the file can be written to, if it already exists if (open("w+b") != 0) { // Remove the (temporary) file std::remove(fileIo->path_.c_str()); throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError()); } close(); bool statOk = true; struct stat buf1; char* pf = const_cast<char*>(path_.c_str()); #ifdef EXV_HAVE_LSTAT if (::lstat(pf, &buf1) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "lstat") << "\n"; #endif } DataBuf lbuf; // So that the allocated memory is freed. Must have same scope as pf // In case path_ is a symlink, get the path of the linked-to file if (statOk && S_ISLNK(buf1.st_mode)) { lbuf.alloc(buf1.st_size + 1); memset(lbuf.pData_, 0x0, lbuf.size_); pf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(lbuf.pData_); if (readlink(path_.c_str(), pf, lbuf.size_ - 1) == -1) { throw Error(2, path_, strError(), "readlink"); } // We need the permissions of the file, not the symlink if (::stat(pf, &buf1) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "stat") << "\n"; #endif } } #else if (::stat(pf, &buf1) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "stat") << "\n"; #endif } #endif // !EXV_HAVE_LSTAT // MSVCRT rename that does not overwrite existing files if (fileExists(pf) && std::remove(pf) != 0) { throw Error(2, pf, strError(), "std::remove"); } if (std::rename(fileIo->path_.c_str(), pf) == -1) { throw Error(17, fileIo->path_, pf, strError()); } std::remove(fileIo->path_.c_str()); // Check permissions of new file struct stat buf2; if (statOk && ::stat(pf, &buf2) == -1) { statOk = false; #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "stat") << "\n"; #endif } if (statOk && buf1.st_mode != buf2.st_mode) { // Set original file permissions if (::chmod(pf, buf1.st_mode) == -1) { #ifndef SUPPRESS_WARNINGS std::cerr << "Warning: " << Error(2, pf, strError(), "chmod") << "\n"; #endif } } } else { // Generic handling, reopen both to reset to start if (open("w+b") != 0) { throw Error(10, path_, "w+b", strError()); } if ( != 0) { throw Error(9, src.path(), strError()); } write(src); src.close(); } if (wasOpen) { if (open(lastMode) != 0) { throw Error(10, path_, lastMode, strError()); } } else close(); if (error() || src.error()) throw Error(18, path_, strError()); }