bool RawNode::Read(const TypeConfig& typeConfig, FileScanner& scanner) { if (!scanner.ReadNumber(id)) { return false; } TypeId typeId; if (!scanner.ReadTypeId(typeId, typeConfig.GetNodeTypeIdBytes())) { return false; } TypeInfoRef type=typeConfig.GetNodeTypeInfo(typeId); featureValueBuffer.SetType(type); if (!type->GetIgnore()) { if (!featureValueBuffer.Read(scanner)) { return false; } } if (!scanner.ReadCoord(coords)) { return false; } return !scanner.HasError(); }
bool Way::ReadIds(FileScanner& scanner) { ids.resize(nodes.size()); Id minId; scanner.ReadNumber(minId); if (minId>0) { size_t idCurrent=0; while (idCurrent<ids.size()) { uint8_t bitset; size_t bitmask=1; scanner.Read(bitset); for (size_t i=0; i<8 && idCurrent<ids.size(); i++) { if (bitset & bitmask) { scanner.ReadNumber(ids[idCurrent]); ids[idCurrent]+=minId; } else { ids[idCurrent]=0; } bitmask*=2; idCurrent++; } } } return !scanner.HasError(); }
bool Way::ReadOptimized(const TypeConfig& typeConfig, FileScanner& scanner) { if (!scanner.GetPos(fileOffset)) { return false; } TypeId typeId; scanner.ReadTypeId(typeId, typeConfig.GetWayTypeIdBytes()); TypeInfoRef type=typeConfig.GetWayTypeInfo(typeId); featureValueBuffer.SetType(type); if (!featureValueBuffer.Read(scanner)) { return false; } if (!scanner.Read(nodes)) { return false; } return !scanner.HasError(); }
bool OptimizeAreasLowZoomGenerator::GetAreas(const TypeConfig& typeConfig, const ImportParameter& parameter, Progress& progress, FileScanner& scanner, const TypeInfoSet& types, std::vector<std::list<AreaRef> >& areas, TypeInfoSet& loadedTypes) { uint32_t areaCount=0; size_t collectedAreasCount=0; loadedTypes=types; progress.SetAction("Collecting area data to optimize"); scanner.GotoBegin(); scanner.Read(areaCount); for (uint32_t a=1; a<=areaCount; a++) { AreaRef area=std::make_shared<Area>(); progress.SetProgress(a,areaCount); area->Read(typeConfig, scanner); if (loadedTypes.IsSet(area->GetType())) { areas[area->GetType()->GetIndex()].push_back(area); collectedAreasCount++; while (collectedAreasCount>parameter.GetOptimizationMaxWayCount() && loadedTypes.Size()>1) { TypeInfoRef victimType; for (auto &type : loadedTypes) { if (areas[type->GetIndex()].size()>0 && (!victimType || areas[type->GetIndex()].size()<areas[victimType->GetIndex()].size())) { victimType=type; } } assert(victimType); collectedAreasCount-=areas[victimType->GetIndex()].size(); areas[victimType->GetIndex()].clear(); loadedTypes.Remove(victimType); } } } progress.Info("Collected "+NumberToString(collectedAreasCount)+" areas for "+NumberToString(loadedTypes.Size())+" types"); return !scanner.HasError(); }
bool Relation::Read(FileScanner& scanner) { uint32_t roleCount; scanner.Read(id); if (!attributes.Read(scanner)) { return false; } scanner.ReadNumber(roleCount); if (scanner.HasError()) { return false; } roles.resize(roleCount); for (size_t i=0; i<roleCount; i++) { uint32_t nodesCount; if (!roles[i].attributes.Read(scanner)) { return false; } scanner.Read(roles[i].role); scanner.ReadNumber(nodesCount); if (nodesCount>0) { roles[i].nodes.resize(nodesCount); Id minId; uint32_t minLat; uint32_t minLon; scanner.Read(minId); scanner.Read(minLat); scanner.Read(minLon); for (size_t j=0; j<nodesCount; j++) { Id id; uint32_t latValue; uint32_t lonValue; scanner.ReadNumber(id); scanner.ReadNumber(latValue); scanner.ReadNumber(lonValue); roles[i].nodes[j].id=minId+id; roles[i].nodes[j].lat=(minLat+latValue)/conversionFactor-90.0; roles[i].nodes[j].lon=(minLon+lonValue)/conversionFactor-180.0; } } } return !scanner.HasError(); }
/** * Reads the TurnRestriction data from the given FileScanner * * @throws IOException */ void TurnRestriction::Read(FileScanner& scanner) { uint32_t typeValue; scanner.ReadNumber(typeValue); this->type=(Type)typeValue; scanner.ReadNumber(from); scanner.ReadNumber(via); scanner.ReadNumber(to); }
static void runScan(void) { loadMusic(); if ("" != gMusicData->startdir) { FileScanner *fscan = new FileScanner(); fscan->SearchDir(gMusicData->startdir); gMusicData->reloadMusic(); delete fscan; } }
static void runScan(void) { // maybe we haven't loaded the music yet in which case we wont have a valid music dir set if (gMusicData->musicDir.isEmpty()) { QString startdir = gCoreContext->GetSetting("MusicLocation"); startdir = QDir::cleanPath(startdir); if (!startdir.isEmpty() && !startdir.endsWith("/")) startdir += "/"; gMusicData->musicDir = startdir; } // if we still don't have a valid start dir warn the user and give up if (gMusicData->musicDir.isEmpty()) { ShowOkPopup(QObject::tr("You need to tell me where to find your music on the " "'General Settings' page of MythMusic's settings pages.")); return; } if (!QFile::exists(gMusicData->musicDir)) { ShowOkPopup(QObject::tr("Can't find your music directory. Have you set it correctly on the " "'General Settings' page of MythMusic's settings pages?")); return; } LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("Scanning '%1' for music files").arg(gMusicData->musicDir)); FileScanner *fscan = new FileScanner(); fscan->SearchDir(gMusicData->musicDir); // save anything that may have changed if (gMusicData->all_music && gMusicData->all_music->cleanOutThreads()) gMusicData->all_music->save(); if (gMusicData->all_playlists && gMusicData->all_playlists->cleanOutThreads()) { gMusicData->all_playlists->save(); int x = gMusicData->all_playlists->getPending(); SavePending(x); } // force a complete reload of the tracks and playlists gPlayer->stop(true); delete gMusicData; gMusicData = new MusicData; loadMusic(); delete fscan; }
bool LocationIndex::VisitLocationAddressEntries(FileScanner& scanner, const AdminRegion& region, const Location& location, AddressVisitor& visitor, bool& stopped) const { uint32_t addressCount; if (!scanner.SetPos(location.addressesOffset)) { return false; } if (!scanner.ReadNumber(addressCount)) { return false; } ObjectFileRefStreamReader objectFileRefReader(scanner); for (size_t i=0; i<addressCount; i++) { Address address; if (!scanner.GetPos(address.addressOffset)) { return false; } address.locationOffset=location.locationOffset; address.regionOffset=location.regionOffset; if (!scanner.Read( { return false; } if (!objectFileRefReader.Read(address.object)) { return false; } if (!visitor.Visit(region, location, address)) { stopped=true; break; } } return !scanner.HasError(); }
bool LocationIndex::VisitAdminRegions(AdminRegionVisitor& visitor) const { FileScanner scanner; if (!scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(path, FILENAME_LOCATION_IDX), FileScanner::LowMemRandom, false)) { log.Error() << "Cannot open file '" << scanner.GetFilename() << "'!"; return false; } if (!scanner.SetPos(indexOffset)) { return false; } uint32_t regionCount; if (!scanner.ReadNumber(regionCount)) { return false; } for (size_t i=0; i<regionCount; i++) { AdminRegionVisitor::Action action; FileOffset nextChildOffset; if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(nextChildOffset)) { return false; } action=VisitRegionEntries(scanner, visitor); if (action==AdminRegionVisitor::error) { return false; } else if (action==AdminRegionVisitor::stop) { return true; } else if (action==AdminRegionVisitor::skipChildren) { if (i+1<regionCount) { if (!scanner.SetPos(nextChildOffset)) { return false; } } } } return !scanner.HasError() && scanner.Close(); }
bool LocationIndex::VisitAdminRegionLocations(const AdminRegion& region, LocationVisitor& visitor, bool recursive) const { FileScanner scanner; bool stopped=false; if (!scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(path, FILENAME_LOCATION_IDX), FileScanner::LowMemRandom, true)) { log.Error() << "Cannot open file '" << scanner.GetFilename() << "'!"; return false; } if (!scanner.SetPos(indexOffset)) { return false; } if (!scanner.SetPos(region.regionOffset)) { return false; } if (!VisitRegionLocationEntries(scanner, visitor, recursive, stopped)) { return false; } return !scanner.HasError() && scanner.Close(); }
bool LocationIndex::ResolveAdminRegionHierachie(const AdminRegionRef& adminRegion, std::map<FileOffset,AdminRegionRef >& refs) const { FileScanner scanner; if (!scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(path, FILENAME_LOCATION_IDX), FileScanner::LowMemRandom, true)) { log.Error() << "Cannot open file '" << scanner.GetFilename() << "'!"; return false; } if (!scanner.SetPos(indexOffset)) { return false; } std::list<FileOffset> offsets; refs[adminRegion->regionOffset]=adminRegion; if (adminRegion->parentRegionOffset!=0) { offsets.push_back(adminRegion->parentRegionOffset); } while (!offsets.empty()) { std::list<FileOffset> newOffsets; for (const auto& offset : offsets) { if (refs.find(offset)!=refs.end()) { continue; } if (!scanner.SetPos(offset)) { return false; } AdminRegion adminRegion; if (!LoadAdminRegion(scanner, adminRegion)) { return false; } refs[adminRegion.regionOffset]=std::make_shared<AdminRegion>(adminRegion); if (adminRegion.parentRegionOffset!=0) { newOffsets.push_back(adminRegion.parentRegionOffset); } } offsets.clear(); std::swap(offsets, newOffsets); } return !scanner.HasError() && scanner.Close(); }
static void MusicCallback(void *data, QString &selection) { (void) data; QString sel = selection.toLower(); if (sel == "music_create_playlist") startDatabaseTree(); else if (sel == "music_play") startPlayback(); else if (sel == "music_rip") { startRipper(); } else if (sel == "music_import") { startImport(); } else if (sel == "settings_scan") { if ("" != gMusicData->startdir) { loadMusic(); FileScanner *fscan = new FileScanner(); fscan->SearchDir(gMusicData->startdir); gMusicData->reloadMusic(); delete fscan; } } else if (sel == "music_set_general") { MusicGeneralSettings settings; settings.exec(); } else if (sel == "music_set_player") { MusicPlayerSettings settings; settings.exec(); } else if (sel == "music_set_ripper") { MusicRipperSettings settings; settings.exec(); } }
bool DebugDatabase::ResolveReferences(const std::string& mapName, RefType fileType, const std::set<ObjectOSMRef>& ids, const std::set<ObjectFileRef>& fileOffsets, std::map<ObjectOSMRef,ObjectFileRef>& idFileOffsetMap, std::map<ObjectFileRef,ObjectOSMRef>& fileOffsetIdMap) { FileScanner scanner; uint32_t entryCount; std::string filename=AppendFileToDir(path,mapName); if (!scanner.Open(filename,FileScanner::LowMemRandom,false)) { std::cerr << "Cannot open file '" << scanner.GetFilename() << "'!" << std::endl; return false; } if (!scanner.Read(entryCount)) { return false; } for (size_t i=1; i<=entryCount; i++) { Id id; uint8_t typeByte; OSMRefType osmType; FileOffset fileOffset; if (!scanner.Read(id)) { return false; } if (!scanner.Read(typeByte)) { return false; } osmType=(OSMRefType)typeByte; if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(fileOffset)) { return false; } ObjectOSMRef osmRef(id,osmType); ObjectFileRef fileRef(fileOffset,fileType); if (ids.find(osmRef)!=ids.end() || fileOffsets.find(fileRef)!=fileOffsets.end()) { idFileOffsetMap.insert(std::make_pair(osmRef,fileRef)); fileOffsetIdMap.insert(std::make_pair(fileRef,osmRef)); } } return scanner.Close(); }
bool LocationIndex::LoadAdminRegion(FileScanner& scanner, AdminRegion& region) const { uint32_t aliasCount; if (!scanner.GetPos(region.regionOffset)) { return false; } if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(region.dataOffset)) { return false; } if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(region.parentRegionOffset)) { return false; } if (!scanner.Read( { return false; } if (!Read(scanner, region.object)) { return false; } if (!scanner.ReadNumber(aliasCount)) { return false; } region.aliases.clear(); if (aliasCount>0) { region.aliases.resize(aliasCount); for (size_t i=0; i<aliasCount; i++) { if (!scanner.Read(region.aliases[i].name)) { return false; } if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(region.aliases[i].objectOffset, bytesForNodeFileOffset)) { return false; } } } return !scanner.HasError(); }
bool LocationIndex::Read(FileScanner& scanner, ObjectFileRef& object) const { uint8_t type; FileOffset fileOffset; if (!scanner.Read(type)) { return false; } switch (type) { case refNode: if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(fileOffset, bytesForNodeFileOffset)) { return false; } break; case refArea: if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(fileOffset, bytesForAreaFileOffset)) { return false; } break; case refWay: if (!scanner.ReadFileOffset(fileOffset, bytesForWayFileOffset)) { return false; } break; default: return false; } object.Set(fileOffset, (RefType)type); return true; }
/** * Load the object variant data from the given file. * * @param typeConfig * TypeConfig instance * @param filename * Name of the file containing the object variant data * @return * True on success, else false */ bool ObjectVariantDataFile::Load(const TypeConfig& typeConfig, const std::string& filename) { FileScanner scanner; data.clear(); isLoaded=false; this->filename=filename; try { scanner.Open(filename, FileScanner::Sequential,true); uint32_t dataCount; scanner.Read(dataCount); data.resize(dataCount); for (size_t i=0; i<dataCount; i++) { data[i].Read(typeConfig, scanner); } scanner.Close(); isLoaded=true; } catch (IOException& e) { log.Error() << e.GetDescription(); scanner.CloseFailsafe(); return false; } return true; }
bool Intersection::Read(FileScanner& scanner) { try { scanner.ReadNumber(nodeId); uint32_t objectCount; scanner.ReadNumber(objectCount); objects.resize(objectCount); ObjectFileRefStreamReader objectFileRefReader(scanner); for (size_t i=0; i<objectCount; i++) { objectFileRefReader.Read(objects[i]); } } catch (IOException& e) { log.Error() << e.GetDescription(); return false; } return true; }
bool Database::Open(const std::string& path) { assert(!path.empty()); this->path=path; typeConfig=std::make_shared<TypeConfig>(); if (!typeConfig->LoadFromDataFile(path)) { log.Error() << "Cannot load 'types.dat'!"; return false; } FileScanner scanner; try { scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(path,"bounding.dat"), FileScanner::Normal, false); scanner.ReadBox(boundingBox); log.Debug() << "BoundingBox: " << boundingBox.GetDisplayText(); scanner.Close(); } catch (IOException& e) { log.Error() << e.GetDescription(); scanner.CloseFailsafe(); return false; } isOpen=true; return true; }
bool Node::Read(const TypeConfig& typeConfig, FileScanner& scanner) { if (!scanner.GetPos(fileOffset)) { return false; } uint32_t tmpType; scanner.ReadNumber(tmpType); TypeInfoRef type=typeConfig.GetTypeInfo((TypeId)tmpType); featureValueBuffer.SetType(type); if (!featureValueBuffer.Read(scanner)) { return false; } scanner.ReadCoord(coords); return !scanner.HasError(); }
bool Database::Open(const std::string& path) { assert(!path.empty()); this->path=path; typeConfig=new TypeConfig(); if (!typeConfig->LoadFromDataFile(path)) { log.Error() << "Cannot load 'types.dat'!"; return false; } FileScanner scanner; std::string file=AppendFileToDir(path,"bounding.dat"); if (!scanner.Open(file,FileScanner::Normal,true)) { log.Error() << "Cannot open '" << scanner.GetFilename() << "'"; return false; } if (!scanner.ReadBox(boundingBox)) { log.Error() << "Error while reading '" << scanner.GetFilename() << "'"; } log.Debug() << "BoundingBox: " << boundingBox.GetDisplayText(); if (scanner.HasError() || !scanner.Close()) { log.Error() << "Cannot while reading/closing '" << scanner.GetFilename() << "'"; return false; } isOpen=true; return true; }
static void loadMusic() { // only do this once if (gMusicData->initialized) return; MythScreenStack *popupStack = GetMythMainWindow()->GetStack("popup stack"); QString message = QObject::tr("Loading Music. Please wait ..."); MythUIBusyDialog *busy = new MythUIBusyDialog(message, popupStack, "musicscanbusydialog"); if (busy->Create()) popupStack->AddScreen(busy, false); else busy = NULL; srand(time(NULL)); CheckFreeDBServerFile(); MSqlQuery count_query(MSqlQuery::InitCon()); bool musicdata_exists = false; if (count_query.exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM music_songs;")) { if( && 0 != count_query.value(0).toInt()) { musicdata_exists = true; } } // Load all available info about songs (once!) QString startdir = gCoreContext->GetSetting("MusicLocation"); startdir = QDir::cleanPath(startdir); if (!startdir.endsWith("/")) startdir += "/"; Metadata::SetStartdir(startdir); Decoder::SetLocationFormatUseTags(); // Only search music files if a directory was specified & there // is no data in the database yet (first run). Otherwise, user // can choose "Setup" option from the menu to force it. if (!startdir.isEmpty() && !musicdata_exists) { FileScanner *fscan = new FileScanner(); fscan->SearchDir(startdir); delete fscan; } QString paths = gCoreContext->GetSetting("TreeLevels"); // Set the various track formatting modes Metadata::setArtistAndTrackFormats(); AllMusic *all_music = new AllMusic(paths, startdir); // Load all playlists into RAM (once!) PlaylistContainer *all_playlists = new PlaylistContainer( all_music, gCoreContext->GetHostName()); gMusicData->paths = paths; gMusicData->startdir = startdir; gMusicData->all_playlists = all_playlists; gMusicData->all_music = all_music; gMusicData->initialized = true; while (!gMusicData->all_playlists->doneLoading() || !gMusicData->all_music->doneLoading()) { qApp->processEvents(); usleep(50000); } gMusicData->all_playlists->postLoad(); gPlayer->constructPlaylist(); if (busy) busy->Close(); }
/** * Reads the data from the given FileScanner * * @throws IOException */ void RawCoord::Read(const TypeConfig& /*typeConfig*/, FileScanner& scanner) { scanner.ReadNumber(id); scanner.ReadCoord(coord); }
bool AreaAreaIndexGenerator::Import(const TypeConfigRef& typeConfig, const ImportParameter& parameter, Progress& progress) { FileScanner scanner; size_t areas=0; // Number of areas found size_t areasConsumed=0; // Number of areas consumed std::vector<double> cellWidth; std::vector<double> cellHeight; std::map<Pixel,AreaLeaf> leafs; std::map<Pixel,AreaLeaf> newAreaLeafs; cellWidth.resize(parameter.GetAreaAreaIndexMaxMag()+1); cellHeight.resize(parameter.GetAreaAreaIndexMaxMag()+1); for (size_t i=0; i<cellWidth.size(); i++) { cellWidth[i]=360.0/pow(2.0,(int)i); } for (size_t i=0; i<cellHeight.size(); i++) { cellHeight[i]=180.0/pow(2.0,(int)i); } // // Writing index file // progress.SetAction("Generating 'areaarea.idx'"); FileWriter writer; FileOffset topLevelOffset=0; FileOffset topLevelOffsetOffset; // Offset of the toplevel entry if (!writer.Open(AppendFileToDir(parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(), "areaarea.idx"))) { progress.Error("Cannot create 'areaarea.idx'"); return false; } if (!scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(), "areas.dat"), FileScanner::Sequential, parameter.GetWayDataMemoryMaped())) { progress.Error("Cannot open 'areas.dat'"); return false; } writer.WriteNumber((uint32_t)parameter.GetAreaAreaIndexMaxMag()); // MaxMag if (!writer.GetPos(topLevelOffsetOffset)) { progress.Error("Cannot read current file position"); return false; } if (!writer.WriteFileOffset(topLevelOffset)) { progress.Error("Cannot write top level entry offset"); return false; } int l=parameter.GetAreaAreaIndexMaxMag(); while (l>=0) { size_t areaLevelEntries=0; progress.Info(std::string("Storing level ")+NumberToString(l)+"..."); newAreaLeafs.clear(); SetOffsetOfChildren(leafs,newAreaLeafs); leafs=newAreaLeafs; // Areas if (areas==0 || (areas>0 && areas>areasConsumed)) { uint32_t areaCount=0; progress.Info(std::string("Scanning areas.dat for areas of index level ")+NumberToString(l)+"..."); if (!scanner.GotoBegin()) { progress.Error("Cannot go to begin of way file"); } if (!scanner.Read(areaCount)) { progress.Error("Error while reading number of data entries in file"); return false; } areas=0; for (uint32_t a=1; a<=areaCount; a++) { progress.SetProgress(a,areaCount); FileOffset offset; Area area; scanner.GetPos(offset); if (!area.Read(typeConfig, scanner)) { progress.Error(std::string("Error while reading data entry ")+ NumberToString(a)+" of "+ NumberToString(areaCount)+ " in file '"+ scanner.GetFilename()+"'"); return false; } areas++; double minLon; double maxLon; double minLat; double maxLat; area.GetBoundingBox(minLon,maxLon,minLat,maxLat); // // Calculate highest level where the bounding box completely // fits in the cell size and assign area to the tiles that // hold the geometric center of the tile. // int level=parameter.GetAreaAreaIndexMaxMag(); while (level>=0) { if (maxLon-minLon<=cellWidth[level] && maxLat-minLat<=cellHeight[level]) { break; } level--; } if (level==l) { // // Renormated coordinate space (everything is >=0) // minLon+=180; maxLon+=180; minLat+=90; maxLat+=90; // // Calculate minimum and maximum tile ids that are covered // by the area // uint32_t minyc=(uint32_t)floor(minLat/cellHeight[level]); uint32_t maxyc=(uint32_t)ceil(maxLat/cellHeight[level]); uint32_t minxc=(uint32_t)floor(minLon/cellWidth[level]); uint32_t maxxc=(uint32_t)ceil(maxLon/cellWidth[level]); Entry entry; entry.type=area.GetType()->GetId(); entry.offset=offset; // Add this area to the tile where the center of the area lies in. leafs[Pixel((minxc+maxxc)/2,(minyc+maxyc)/2)].areas.push_back(entry); areaLevelEntries++; areasConsumed++; } } } progress.Debug(std::string("Writing ")+NumberToString(leafs.size())+" leafs ("+ NumberToString(areaLevelEntries)+") "+ "to index of level "+NumberToString(l)+"..."); // Remember the offset of one cell in level '0' if (l==0) { if (!writer.GetPos(topLevelOffset)) { progress.Error("Cannot read top level entry offset"); return false; } } /* uint32_t minX=std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(); uint32_t minY=std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(); uint32_t maxX=std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::min(); uint32_t maxY=std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::min(); std::map<TypeId,size_t> useMap; for (std::map<Pixel,AreaLeaf>::const_iterator leaf=leafs.begin(); leaf!=leafs.end(); ++leaf) { minX=std::min(minX,leaf->first.x); maxX=std::max(maxX,leaf->first.x); minY=std::min(minY,leaf->first.y); maxY=std::max(maxY,leaf->first.y); for (std::list<Entry>::const_iterator entry=leaf->second.areas.begin(); entry!=leaf->second.areas.end(); entry++) { std::map<TypeId,size_t>::iterator u=useMap.find(entry->type); if (u==useMap.end()) { useMap[entry->type]=1; } else { u->second++; } } }*/ /* std::cout << "[" << minX << "-" << maxX << "]x[" << minY << "-" << maxY << "] => " << leafs.size() << "/" << (maxX-minX+1)*(maxY-minY+1) << " " << (int)BytesNeededToAddressFileData(leafs.size()) << " " << ByteSizeToString(BytesNeededToAddressFileData(leafs.size())*(maxX-minX+1)*(maxY-minY+1)) << std::endl; for (std::map<TypeId,size_t>::const_iterator u=useMap.begin(); u!=useMap.end(); ++u) { std::cout << "* " << u->first << " " << typeConfig.GetTypeInfo(u->first).GetName() << " " << u->second << std::endl; }*/ if (!WriteIndexLevel(parameter, writer, (int)l, leafs)) { return false; } l--; } writer.SetPos(topLevelOffsetOffset); writer.WriteFileOffset(topLevelOffset); return !writer.HasError() && writer.Close(); }
/** * Scans all areas. If an areas is of one of the given merge types, index all node ids * into the given NodeUseMap for all outer rings of the given area. */ bool MergeAreasGenerator::ScanAreaNodeIds(Progress& progress, const TypeConfig& typeConfig, FileScanner& scanner, const TypeInfoSet& mergeTypes, std::unordered_set<Id>& nodeUseMap) { uint32_t areaCount=0; progress.SetAction("Scanning for nodes joining areas from '"+scanner.GetFilename()+"'"); scanner.GotoBegin(); scanner.Read(areaCount); uint8_t type; Id id; Area data; std::unordered_set<Id> usedOnceSet; for (uint32_t current=1; current<=areaCount; current++) { progress.SetProgress(current,areaCount); scanner.Read(type); scanner.Read(id); data.ReadImport(typeConfig, scanner); if (!mergeTypes.IsSet(data.GetType())) { continue; } // We insert every node id only once per area, because we want to // find nodes that are shared by *different* areas. std::unordered_set<Id> nodeIds; for (const auto& ring: data.rings) { if (!ring.IsOuterRing()) { continue; } for (const auto node : ring.nodes) { Id id=node.GetId(); if (nodeIds.find(id)==nodeIds.end()) { auto entry=usedOnceSet.find(id); if (entry!=usedOnceSet.end()) { nodeUseMap.insert(id); } else { usedOnceSet.insert(id); } nodeIds.insert(id); } } } } return true; }
bool MergeAreasGenerator::Import(const TypeConfigRef& typeConfig, const ImportParameter& parameter, Progress& progress) { TypeInfoSet mergeTypes; FileScanner scanner; FileWriter writer; uint32_t areasWritten=0; for (const auto& type : typeConfig->GetTypes()) { if (type->CanBeArea() && type->GetMergeAreas()) { mergeTypes.Set(type); } } std::unordered_set<Id> nodeUseMap; try { scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(), MergeAreaDataGenerator::AREAS_TMP), FileScanner::Sequential, parameter.GetRawWayDataMemoryMaped()); if (!ScanAreaNodeIds(progress, *typeConfig, scanner, mergeTypes, nodeUseMap)) { return false; } uint32_t nodeCount=nodeUseMap.size(); progress.Info("Found "+NumberToString(nodeCount)+" nodes as possible connection points for areas"); /* ------ */ writer.Open(AppendFileToDir(parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(), AREAS2_TMP)); writer.Write(areasWritten); while (true) { TypeInfoSet loadedTypes; std::vector<AreaMergeData> mergeJob(typeConfig->GetTypeCount()); // // Load type data // progress.SetAction("Collecting area data by type"); if (!GetAreas(parameter, progress, *typeConfig, mergeTypes, loadedTypes, nodeUseMap, scanner, writer, mergeJob, areasWritten)) { return false; } // Merge progress.SetAction("Merging areas"); for (const auto& type : loadedTypes) { if (!mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].areas.empty()) { progress.Info("Merging areas of type "+type->GetName()); MergeAreas(progress, nodeUseMap, mergeJob[type->GetIndex()]); progress.Info("Reduced areas of '"+type->GetName()+"' from "+NumberToString(mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].areaCount)+" to "+NumberToString(mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].areaCount-mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].mergedAway.size())); mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].areas.clear(); } } // Store back merge result if (!loadedTypes.Empty()) { if (!WriteMergeResult(progress, *typeConfig, scanner, writer, loadedTypes, mergeJob, areasWritten)) { return false; } mergeTypes.Remove(loadedTypes); } if (mergeTypes.Empty()) { break; } } scanner.Close(); writer.GotoBegin(); writer.Write(areasWritten); writer.Close(); } catch (IOException& e) { progress.Error(e.GetDescription()); scanner.CloseFailsafe(); writer.CloseFailsafe(); return false; } return true; }
bool MergeAreasGenerator::WriteMergeResult(Progress& progress, const TypeConfig& typeConfig, FileScanner& scanner, FileWriter& writer, const TypeInfoSet& loadedTypes, std::vector<AreaMergeData>& mergeJob, uint32_t& areasWritten) { uint32_t areaCount=0; std::unordered_map<FileOffset,AreaRef> merges; std::unordered_set<FileOffset> ignores; for (const auto& type : loadedTypes) { for (const auto& area : mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].merges) { merges[area->GetFileOffset()]=area; } ignores.insert(mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].mergedAway.begin(), mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].mergedAway.end()); } scanner.GotoBegin(); scanner.Read(areaCount); for (uint32_t a=1; a<=areaCount; a++) { uint8_t type; Id id; AreaRef area=std::make_shared<Area>(); progress.SetProgress(a,areaCount); scanner.Read(type); scanner.Read(id); area->ReadImport(typeConfig, scanner); if (loadedTypes.IsSet(area->GetType())) { if (ignores.find(area->GetFileOffset())!=ignores.end()) { continue; } writer.Write(type); writer.Write(id); const auto& merge=merges.find(area->GetFileOffset()) ; if (merge!=merges.end()) { area=merge->second; } area->WriteImport(typeConfig, writer); areasWritten++; } } return true; }
/** * Load areas which has a one for the types given by types. If at leats one node * in one of the outer rings of the areas is marked in nodeUseMap as "used at least twice", * index it into the areas map. * * If the number of indexed areas is bigger than parameter.GetRawWayBlockSize() types are * dropped form areas until the number is again below the lmit. */ bool MergeAreasGenerator::GetAreas(const ImportParameter& parameter, Progress& progress, const TypeConfig& typeConfig, const TypeInfoSet& candidateTypes, TypeInfoSet& loadedTypes, const std::unordered_set<Id>& nodeUseMap, FileScanner& scanner, FileWriter& writer, std::vector<AreaMergeData>& mergeJob, uint32_t& areasWritten) { bool firstCall=areasWritten==0; // We are called for the first time uint32_t areaCount=0; size_t collectedAreasCount=0; size_t typesWithAreas=0; for (auto& data : mergeJob) { data.areaCount=0; } loadedTypes=candidateTypes; scanner.GotoBegin(); scanner.Read(areaCount); for (uint32_t a=1; a<=areaCount; a++) { uint8_t type; Id id; AreaRef area=std::make_shared<Area>(); progress.SetProgress(a,areaCount); scanner.Read(type); scanner.Read(id); area->ReadImport(typeConfig, scanner); mergeJob[area->GetType()->GetIndex()].areaCount++; // This is an area of a type that does not get merged, // we directly store it in the target file. if (!loadedTypes.IsSet(area->GetType())) { if (firstCall) { writer.Write(type); writer.Write(id); area->WriteImport(typeConfig, writer); areasWritten++; } continue; } bool isMergeCandidate=false; for (const auto& ring: area->rings) { if (!ring.IsOuterRing()) { continue; } for (const auto node : ring.nodes) { if (nodeUseMap.find(node.GetId())!=nodeUseMap.end()) { isMergeCandidate=true; break; } } if (isMergeCandidate) { break; } } if (!isMergeCandidate) { continue; } if (mergeJob[area->GetType()->GetIndex()].areas.empty()) { typesWithAreas++; } mergeJob[area->GetType()->GetIndex()].areas.push_back(area); collectedAreasCount++; while (collectedAreasCount>parameter.GetRawWayBlockSize() && typesWithAreas>1) { TypeInfoRef victimType; // Find the type with the smallest amount of ways loaded for (auto &type : loadedTypes) { if (!mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].areas.empty() && (!victimType || mergeJob[type->GetIndex()].areas.size()<mergeJob[victimType->GetIndex()].areas.size())) { victimType=type; } } // If there is more then one type of way, we always must find a "victim" type. assert(victimType); // Correct the statistics collectedAreasCount-=mergeJob[victimType->GetIndex()].areas.size(); // Clear already loaded data of th victim type mergeJob[victimType->GetIndex()].areas.clear(); typesWithAreas--; loadedTypes.Remove(victimType); } } progress.SetAction("Collected "+NumberToString(collectedAreasCount)+" areas for "+NumberToString(loadedTypes.Size())+" types"); return true; }
bool NodeDataGenerator::Import(const TypeConfigRef& typeConfig, const ImportParameter& parameter, Progress& progress) { uint32_t rawNodeCount=0; uint32_t nodesReadCount=0; uint32_t nodesWrittenCount=0; // // Iterator over all raw nodes, hcekc they type, and convert them from raw nodes // to nodes if the type is interesting (!=typeIgnore). // // Count the bounding box by the way... // progress.SetAction("Generating nodes.tmp"); FileScanner scanner; FileWriter writer; if (!scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(), "rawnodes.dat"), FileScanner::Sequential, parameter.GetRawNodeDataMemoryMaped())) { progress.Error("Cannot open 'rawnodes.dat'"); return false; } if (!scanner.Read(rawNodeCount)) { progress.Error("Error while reading number of data entries in file"); return false; } if (!writer.Open(AppendFileToDir(parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(), "nodes.tmp"))) { progress.Error("Cannot create 'nodes.tmp'"); return false; } writer.Write(nodesWrittenCount); for (uint32_t n=1; n<=rawNodeCount; n++) { progress.SetProgress(n,rawNodeCount); RawNode rawNode; Node node; if (!rawNode.Read(typeConfig, scanner)) { progress.Error(std::string("Error while reading data entry ")+ NumberToString(n)+" of "+ NumberToString(rawNodeCount)+ " in file '"+ scanner.GetFilename()+"'"); return false; } nodesReadCount++; if (!rawNode.GetType()->GetIgnore()) { node.SetFeatures(rawNode.GetFeatureValueBuffer()); node.SetCoords(rawNode.GetCoords()); FileOffset fileOffset; if (!writer.GetPos(fileOffset)) { progress.Error(std::string("Error while reading current fileOffset in file '")+ writer.GetFilename()+"'"); return false; } writer.Write(rawNode.GetId()); node.Write(typeConfig, writer); nodesWrittenCount++; } } if (!scanner.Close()) { return false; } writer.SetPos(0); writer.Write(nodesWrittenCount); if (!writer.Close()) { return false; } progress.Info(std::string("Read "+NumberToString(nodesReadCount)+" nodes, wrote "+NumberToString(nodesWrittenCount)+" nodes")); return true; }
bool OptimizeAreaWayIdsGenerator::ScanAreaIds(const ImportParameter& parameter, Progress& progress, const TypeConfig& typeConfig, NodeUseMap& nodeUseMap) { FileScanner scanner; uint32_t dataCount=0; progress.SetAction("Scanning ids from 'areas2.tmp'"); if (!scanner.Open(AppendFileToDir(parameter.GetDestinationDirectory(), "areas2.tmp"), FileScanner::Sequential, parameter.GetAreaDataMemoryMaped())) { progress.Error(std::string("Cannot open '")+scanner.GetFilename()+"'"); return false; } if (!scanner.Read(dataCount)) { progress.Error("Error while reading number of data entries in file"); return false; } for (uint32_t current=1; current<=dataCount; current++) { uint8_t type; Id id; Area data; progress.SetProgress(current,dataCount); if (!scanner.Read(type) || !scanner.Read(id) || !data.ReadImport(typeConfig, scanner)) { progress.Error(std::string("Error while reading data entry ")+ NumberToString(current)+" of "+ NumberToString(dataCount)+ " in file '"+ scanner.GetFilename()+"'"); return false; } for (const auto& ring: data.rings) { std::unordered_set<Id> nodeIds; if (!ring.GetType()->CanRoute()) { continue; } for (const auto id: ring.ids) { if (nodeIds.find(id)==nodeIds.end()) { nodeUseMap.SetNodeUsed(id); nodeIds.insert(id); } } } } if (!scanner.Close()) { progress.Error(std::string("Error while closing file '")+ scanner.GetFilename()+"'"); return false; } return true; }