Пример #1
            // ValidateDomain
            // Returns true if domain from offset onward is a valid cookie domain suffix.
            // A valid cookie domain suffix contains at least one '.' that is imbedded
            // e.g. 'a.b' but not '.aa' or '.a.'.  We don't check for '..a' as those
            // host names won't resolve and therefore aren't a liability.
            static bool ValidateDomain( FixedString8_128& domain, FixedString8_128::size_type offset )
                FixedString8_128::size_type len = domain.length();
                if( offset < FixedString8_128::npos && len > (offset + 1) )
                    FixedString8_128::size_type dot = domain.find_first_of( '.', offset + 1 );
                    if( FixedString8_128::npos != dot && dot < (len-1) )
                        return true;
                return false;

Пример #2
		bool EAWebKitDomainFilter::PathAllowed(const FixedString8_128& path, const FixedString8_128& excludedPaths) const
			//We make a copy because we do custom processing on it.
			FixedString8_128 excludedPathsLocal(excludedPaths);
			//If the excludedPaths is empty, we assume that all the paths are okay.
				return true;

			//Expect the user to put a ";" at the end and remove it if found.
			if(excludedPathsLocal.find_last_of(";") == excludedPathsLocal.length()-1)

			FixedString8_128 pathShort;
			FixedString8_128 excludedPath;
			FixedString8_128::size_type lastDelimPos = 0;
			FixedString8_128::size_type delimPos = excludedPathsLocal.find_first_of(";");
			while(delimPos != FixedString8_128::npos)
				excludedPath = excludedPathsLocal.substr(lastDelimPos, delimPos);
				pathShort = path.substr(0,excludedPath.length());
					return false;

				lastDelimPos = delimPos+1; //Doing this simplifies the code
				delimPos = excludedPathsLocal.find_first_of(";",lastDelimPos);

			excludedPath = excludedPathsLocal.substr(lastDelimPos, excludedPathsLocal.length());
			pathShort = path.substr(0,excludedPath.length());
			if(pathShort.comparei(excludedPath) == 0)
				return false;

			return true;
Пример #3
 void Shutdown()
Пример #4
		//replicate the code from the cookie manager. This code can use a little cleanup. But since it is tried and tested, keeping it as is.
		bool EAWebKitDomainFilter::DomainAllowed(const FixedString8_128& host, const FixedString8_128& allowedDomain) const
			int32_t start  = host.length() - allowedDomain.length();
			if(start >= 0 )
				FixedString8_128 hostDomain = host.substr(start,FixedString8_128::npos);
				if( hostDomain.comparei(allowedDomain) == 0)
					if( (start == 0) || (allowedDomain[0] == '.') || (host[start-1] == '.'))
						return true;
			else if (start == -1)
				FixedString8_128 hostWithDot(FixedString8_128::CtorSprintf(),".%s",host.c_str());
				if( hostWithDot.comparei(allowedDomain) == 0)
					return true;
			return false;