Пример #1
  void test_neg() {
    Fixnum* min = Fixnum::from(FIXNUM_MIN);
    Integer* b = min->neg(state);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(FIXNUM_MAX + 1, b->to_native());

    Fixnum* max = Fixnum::from(FIXNUM_MAX);
    b = max->neg(state);

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(FIXNUM_MIN + 1, b->to_native());

    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(Fixnum::from(3)->neg(state),  Fixnum::from(-3));
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(Fixnum::from(-3)->neg(state),  Fixnum::from(3));
Пример #2
  Integer* Integer::from_cstr(STATE, const char* str, const char* end,
                              int base, Object* strict)
    if(base == 1 || base > 36) return nil<Integer>();

    // Skip any combination of leading whitespace and underscores.  Leading
    // whitespace is OK in strict mode, but underscores are not.
    while(isspace(*str) || *str == '_') {
      if(*str == '_') {
        if(CBOOL(strict)) {
          return nil<Integer>();
        } else {
          return Fixnum::from(0);


    bool negative = false;

    if(*str == '-') {
      negative = true;
    } else if(*str == '+') {

    int detected_base = 0;
    const char* str_start = str;

    /* Try to detect a base prefix. We have to do this even though we might
     * have been told the base, we have to know if we should discard the bytes
     * that make up the prefix if it's redundant with the passed in base.
     * For example, if base == 16 and str == "0xa", we return 10.  But if base
     * == 10 and str == "0xa", we fail because we rewind and try to process 0x
     * as part of the base 10 string.
    if(*str == '0') {
      switch(*str++) {
      case 'b': case 'B':
        detected_base = 2;
      case 'o': case 'O':
        detected_base = 8;
      case 'd': case 'D':
        detected_base = 10;
      case 'x': case 'X':
        detected_base = 16;
        // If passed "017" and a base of 0, that is octal 15.  Otherwise, it
        // is whatever those digits would be in the specified base.
        detected_base = 8;

    // If base is less than 0, then it's just a hint for how to process it
    // if there is no base detected.
    if(base < 0) {
      if(detected_base == 0) {
        // Ok, no detected because, use the base hint and start over.
        base = -base;
        str = str_start;
      } else {
        base = detected_base;

    // If 0 was passed in as the base, we use the detected base.
    } else if(base == 0) {

      // Default to 10 if there is no input and no detected base.
      if(detected_base == 0) {
        base = 10;
        str = str_start;

      } else {
        base = detected_base;

    // If the passed in base and the detected base contradict each other, then
    // rewind and process the whole string as digits of the passed in base.
    } else if(base != detected_base) {
      // Rewind the stream and try and consume the prefix as digits in the
      // number.
      str = str_start;

    int max_digits = DIGIT_BIT / digit_bits[base];
    int count = 0;

    int digit = 0;
    mp_digit shift = base, value = 0;
    mp_int a = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, };

    for( ; str < end; str++) {
      digit = digit_value[int(*str)];

      if(digit >= 0 && digit < base) {
        if(++count <= max_digits) {
          value = value * base + digit;
        } else {
          if(!mp_isinitialized(&a)) {
            mp_init_set_long(XST, &a, value);
            for(int i = 0; i < max_digits - 1; i++) {
              shift *= base;
          } else {
            mp_mul_d(XST, &a, shift, &a);
            mp_add_d(XST, &a, value, &a);

          value = digit;
          count = 1;


      // An underscore is valid iff it is followed by a valid character for
      // this base.
      if(*str == '_') {
        if(!*(str + 1) || *(str + 1) == '_') goto error_check;


      if(digit >= base) goto error_check;

      // Consume any whitespace characters.
      if(digit < -1) {
        while(digit_value[int(*++str)] < -1) /* skip whitespace */ ;

        goto error_check;

      // Done parsing.


    if(str < end && CBOOL(strict)) {
      if(mp_isinitialized(&a)) mp_clear(&a);
      return nil<Integer>();

    if(!mp_isinitialized(&a)) {
      if(value < FIXNUM_MAX) {
        Fixnum* result = Fixnum::from(value);
        if(negative) {
          return result->neg(state);
        } else {
          return result;

      mp_init_set_long(XST, &a, value);
    } else {
      shift = base;
      for(int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
        shift *= base;

      mp_mul_d(XST, &a, shift, &a);
      mp_add_d(XST, &a, value, &a);

    if(negative) {
      mp_neg(XST, &a, &a);

    Integer* result = Bignum::from(state, &a);

    return result;