static void Timer_CB(void *data) // timer callback { if(enable_timer==1) { Fl_Text_Buffer* buf; buf=new Fl_Text_Buffer(); char text[1024]; if(count_min<=0) sprintf(text,"Time elapsed : %d Secs",count_sec); else { if(count_min==1) sprintf(text,"Time elapsed : %d min , %d Secs",count_min,count_sec); else sprintf(text,"Time elapsed : %d mins , %d Secs",count_min,count_sec); } buf->text(text); count_sec=count_sec+1; if(count_sec>=60) { count_sec=0; count_min=count_min+1; } clock1->buffer(buf); } Fl::repeat_timeout(1, Timer_CB, data); //} }
void create_about_tab(int x, int y, int w, int h) { int border; Fl_Text_Display *ptext; Fl_Text_Buffer *pbuff; Fl_Group *group1 = new Fl_Group(x, y, w, h, "About"); { border = 10; ptext = new Fl_Text_Display(x + border, y + border, w - 3 * border, h - 3 * border); pbuff = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); ptext->buffer(pbuff); ptext->textcolor(fl_rgb_color(85, 170, 255)); ptext->color(fl_rgb_color(8, 7, 5)); pbuff->text("\n" " BMS manager Feb 2016.\n" " Part of SombreroBMS (battery management system)\n" " Copyright 2016 Patrick Xavier Areny\n" "\n" "\n" " Used libraries:\n" "\n" " Tinyxml \tLee Thomason\n" " FLTK \\n" " OpenGl \tKhronos group\n" "\n" "\n" " Used font: " "\n" "\n" " VeraMono ttf, Bitstream, Inc.\n" "\n"); } group1->end(); }
void help_button_cb( Fl_Widget* o, void*) { const char* title = "help_dockbar.txt"; // get file content string content = ""; string line; ifstream ifs (title); if (ifs.is_open()) { while ( getline (ifs,line) ) { content += line + "\n"; } ifs.close(); } else cerr<<"Unable to open file"<<endl; // create window Fl_Window *help_win = new Fl_Window(border_space + button_size + border_space, 100, //border_space + button_size + border_space, screen_width / 2 + 10, screen_height / 4 + 10 , title); Fl_Text_Display *help_display = new Fl_Text_Display( 5,5, screen_width / 2 , screen_height / 4 ); Fl_Text_Buffer *buff = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); buff->append(content.c_str() ); // add content to buffer help_display->buffer(buff); // register buffer help_win->add(help_display); help_win->show(); }
void Runner::RunProtected() { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); std::string err; try{ Run(); }catch(const spades::Exception& ex){ err = ex.GetShortMessage(); SPLog("Unhandled exception in SDLRunner:\n%s", ex.what()); }catch(const std::exception& ex){ err = ex.what(); SPLog("Unhandled exception in SDLRunner:\n%s", ex.what()); } if(!err.empty()){ ErrorDialog dlg; dlg.set_modal(); dlg.result = 0; // TODO: free this buffer (just leaking) Fl_Text_Buffer *buf = new Fl_Text_Buffer; buf->append(err.c_str()); dlg.infoView->wrap_mode(Fl_Text_Display::WRAP_AT_BOUNDS, 0); dlg.infoView->buffer(buf); dlg.helpView->value("See SystemMessages.log for more details.");; while(dlg.visible()){ Fl::wait(); } } }
void text_editor::cb_save(Fl_Widget *widget, void *v) { extern std::list<std::string> whitelist; text_editor *editor = (text_editor*)v; Fl_Text_Buffer *buffer = editor->buffer; int buff_length = buffer->length(); int buff_lines = buffer->count_lines(0, buff_length); if (buff_lines > 0) { int pos = 0; whitelist.clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= buff_lines; i++) { char* line_text = buffer->line_text(pos); std::string line(line_text); free(line_text); if(line.length() > 3) whitelist.push_back(line); pos = min(buffer->line_end(pos) + 1, buff_length); } } editor->hide(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { //Fl::get_system_colors(); Fl::background(0xEE,0xEE,0xEE); Fl::background2(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); Fl::scheme("gtk+"); CrashHandlerDlg dlg; Fl_Double_Window* window = dlg.create_window(); dlg.stack_output->buffer(&buffer); #ifndef _WIN32 std::string path = getenv("HOME"); path += "/.neoeditor/logfile.txt"; buffer.loadfile(path.c_str()); #else std::string path = getenv("APPDATA"); path += "\\neoeditor\\logfile.txt"; buffer.loadfile(path.c_str()); #endif window->show(); return Fl::run(); }
void ModelViewController::GetCustomButtonText(int nr) { string Text = ProcessControl.CustomButtonGcode[nr]; Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->CustomButtonText->buffer(); buffer->text(Text.c_str()); gui->CustomButtonLabel->value(ProcessControl.CustomButtonLabel[nr].c_str()); Fl::check(); }
InfoWindow::InfoWindow(int W, int H, const char *l) : rkWindow(W,H,l) { begin(); display = new Fl_Text_Display(INFO_MARGIN,INFO_MARGIN,W-(INFO_MARGIN*3),H-INFO_MARGIN*3,0); display->wrap_mode(3,0); Fl_Text_Buffer *b = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); b->insert(0, InfoWindow::info); display->buffer(b); end(); }
/************************************************************************************* ** Function: putChordInTextBox ** Description: Create current scale and write it to fullscale c string, pass ** fullscale to buffer and print to display text box. *************************************************************************************/ void putChordInTextBox(Fl_Widget * o, void *v){ //Get the chord based on the chord meu and chord root menu selections //using the ScaleWindow's scale object ((ScaleWindow*)v)->getChord(((ScaleWindow*)v)->chordMenu->value(), ((ScaleWindow*)v)->chordRootMenu->value()); //Prepare the text with fullscale c-string and the buffer Fl_Text_Buffer *buffer = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); buffer->text(((ScaleWindow *)v)->fullscale); //Print the buffer ((ScaleWindow*)v)->out->buffer(buffer); }
static void serial_handler( int fd, void * user_arg ) { char line[ 256 ]; int len; if (serial_fd==0) return; if( !read_char_line( serial_fd, line, sizeof(line) ) ) { perror( "read_char" ); return; } len = strlen( line ); line[len++] = '\n'; line[len] = '\0'; if (gui->pause_raw_output->value()!=1) { gui->raw_serial_output->insert(line); Fl_Text_Buffer *textBuffer = gui->raw_serial_output->buffer(); int numLines = textBuffer->count_lines(0, textBuffer->length()); gui->raw_serial_output->scroll(numLines, 0); // ugly way to keep the buffer from growing unchecked if (numLines > 1000) { textBuffer->remove(0, (textBuffer->length()-100)); } } if( strncmp( line, "$GPADC", 6 ) == 0 ) { imu_samples++; update_adc(line); } else if( strncmp( line, "$GPPPM", 6 ) == 0 ) { update_ppm(line); } else { // Ignore the line for now } }
/************************************************************************************* ** Function: putScaleInTextBox ** Description: Create current scale and write it to fullscale c string, pass ** fullscale to buffer and print to display text box. *************************************************************************************/ void putScaleInTextBox(Fl_Widget * o, void *v){ //Get the scale using the ScaleWindow's scale object ((ScaleWindow*)v)->getScale(((ScaleWindow*)v)->modeMenu->value(), ((ScaleWindow*)v)->rootMenu->value()); //Get a buffer so we can print in the display box Fl_Text_Buffer *buffer = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); //Set the buffer to use the fullscale char string buffer->text(((ScaleWindow *)v)->fullscale); //Print the buffer ((ScaleWindow*)v)->out->buffer(buffer); //Reset the chrord root menu and chord menu selections to zero ((ScaleWindow*)v)->chordRootMenu->value(0); ((ScaleWindow*)v)->chordMenu->value(0); ((ScaleWindow*)v)->scale.clearCurrentChord(); }
static void send_to_editor_cb(Fl_Widget*, void *s) { ObjectTree *self = (ObjectTree*)s; Fl_Tree_Item *titem = self->first_selected_item(); if(!titem || !titem->user_data()) return; Entity *en = (Entity*)titem->user_data(); Fl_Text_Buffer *ebuf = self->get_editor_buffer(); E_RETURN_IF_FAIL(ebuf != NULL); char buf[EDELIB_DBUS_EXPLORER_DEFAULT_SCRIPT_EVAL_BUFSIZE]; if(en->get_prototype_as_scheme(buf, sizeof(buf))) ebuf->append(buf); }
void ModelViewController::SaveCustomButton() { int ButtonNr = gui->CustomButtonSelectorSlider->value()-1; Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->CustomButtonText->buffer(); char* pText = buffer->text(); string Text = string(pText); free(pText); ProcessControl.CustomButtonGcode[ButtonNr] = Text; const char* text = gui->CustomButtonLabel->value(); string label(text); ProcessControl.CustomButtonLabel[ButtonNr] = label; RefreshCustomButtonLabels(); }
//lm: this doesnt really belong here, should be somewhere in core or client probably? // we might need to introduce some base object that will handle global state and whatnot.. // now all windows just spawn eachother, instead of being managed from a central place. void MainWindow::StartGame(const spades::ServerAddress &host) { SPADES_MARK_FUNCTION(); //hide(); #if 0 SDLRunner r(host); r.Run(); #else std::string err; try{ if(cg_smp){ SDLAsyncRunner r(host, cg_playerName); r.Run(); }else{ SDLRunner r(host, cg_playerName); r.Run(); } }catch(const spades::Exception& ex){ err = ex.GetShortMessage(); SPLog("Unhandled exception in SDLRunner:\n%s", ex.what()); }catch(const std::exception& ex){ err = ex.what(); SPLog("Unhandled exception in SDLRunner:\n%s", ex.what()); } if(!err.empty()){ ErrorDialog dlg; dlg.set_modal(); dlg.result = 0; // TODO: free this buffer (just leaking) Fl_Text_Buffer *buf = new Fl_Text_Buffer; buf->append(err.c_str()); dlg.infoView->wrap_mode(Fl_Text_Display::WRAP_AT_BOUNDS, 0); dlg.infoView->buffer(buf); dlg.helpView->value("See SystemMessages.log for more details.");; while(dlg.visible()){ Fl::wait(); } if( dlg.result == 1 ){ //show(); } } #endif }
void ModelViewController::init() { Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->GCodeStart->buffer(); buffer->text(ProcessControl.GCodeStartText.c_str()); buffer = gui->GCodeLayer->buffer(); buffer->text(ProcessControl.GCodeLayerText.c_str()); buffer = gui->GCodeEnd->buffer(); buffer->text(ProcessControl.GCodeEndText.c_str()); //buffer->text(ProcessControl.Notes.c_str()); buffer = gui->LuaScriptEditor->buffer(); buffer->text("--Clear existing gcode\nbase:ClearGcode()\n-- Set start speed for acceleration firmware\nbase:AddText(\"G1 F2600\\n\")\n\n z=0.0\n e=0;\n oldx = 0;\n oldy=0;\n while(z<47) do\n angle=0\n while (angle < math.pi*2) do\n x=(50*math.cos(z/30)*math.sin(angle))+70\n y=(50*math.cos(z/30)*math.cos(angle))+70\n\n --how much to extrude\n\n dx=oldx-x\n dy=oldy-y\n if not (angle==0) then\n e = e+math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)\n end\n\n -- Make gcode string\n\n s=string.format(\"G1 X%f Y%f Z%f F2600 E%f\\n\", x,y,z,e)\n if(angle == 0) then\n s=string.format(\"G1 X%f Y%f Z%f F2600 E%f\\n\", x,y,z,e)\n end\n -- Add gcode to gcode result\nbase:AddText(s)\n angle=angle+0.2\n oldx=x\n oldy=y\n end\n z=z+0.4\n end\n "); // buffer = gui->CommunationsLogText->buffer(); // buffer->text("Dump"); }
void ModelViewController::WriteGCode (string filename) { Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer(); int result = buffer->savefile (filename.c_str()); switch (result) { case 0: // Succes break; case 1: // Open for write failed fl_alert ("Error saving GCode file, error creating file."); break; case 2: // Partially saved file fl_alert ("Error saving GCode file, while writing file, is the disk full?."); break; } }
void ModelViewController::ConvertToGCode() { string GcodeTxt; Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer(); buffer->remove(0, buffer->length()); buffer = gui->GCodeStart->buffer(); char* pText = buffer->text(); string GCodeStart(pText); buffer = gui->GCodeLayer->buffer(); free(pText); pText = buffer->text(); string GCodeLayer(pText); buffer = gui->GCodeEnd->buffer(); free(pText); pText = buffer->text(); string GCodeEnd(pText); free(pText); ProcessControl.ConvertToGCode(GcodeTxt, GCodeStart, GCodeLayer, GCodeEnd); buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer(); GcodeTxt += "\0"; buffer->append( GcodeTxt.c_str() ); redraw(); }
void ProcessController::SaveBuffers() { Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->GCodeStart->buffer(); char* pText = buffer->text(); GCodeStartText = string(pText); free(pText); buffer = gui->GCodeLayer->buffer(); pText = buffer->text(); GCodeLayerText = string(pText); free(pText); buffer = gui->GCodeEnd->buffer(); pText = buffer->text(); GCodeEndText = string(pText); free(pText); AltInfillLayersText = string(gui->AltInfillLayersInput->value()); }
/* ========================================================================= Checks for errors and updates icon. ========================================================================= */ void VTLpt::ShowErrors(void) { int c, count; if (m_pActivePrinter == NULL) return; count = m_pActivePrinter->GetErrorCount(); if (count == 1) { fl_message("%s", (const char *) m_pActivePrinter->GetError(0)); } else { Fl_Text_Buffer* tb = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); for (c = 0; c < count; c++) { tb->append(m_pActivePrinter->GetError(c)); tb->append("\n"); } Fl_Window* o = new Fl_Window(500, 300, "Printer Errors"); Fl_Text_Display* td = new Fl_Text_Display(0, 0, 500, 300, ""); td->buffer(tb); o->show(); } // Clear the errors m_pActivePrinter->ClearErrors(); // Set the icon back to normal gpPrint->set_image(&gPrinterIcon); gpPrint->label("Idle"); m_PortStatus = LPT_STATUS_IDLE; gPrintMenu[3].flags = FL_MENU_INVISIBLE; gAnimationNeeded = FALSE; m_animIconIndex = 1; // Report port status change if (m_pMonCallback != NULL) m_pMonCallback(LPT_MON_PORT_STATUS_CHANGE, 0); }
void CFLTKEditor::Paste() { string sText, sNewText; int iInsStart = 0, iInsEnd = 0; Fl_Text_Editor *pEditor = GetEditor(); Fl_Text_Buffer *pBuffer = pEditor->buffer(); pBuffer->selection_position(&iInsStart, &iInsEnd); if (iInsStart == iInsEnd) { iInsStart = pEditor->insert_position(); Fl_Text_Editor::kf_paste(0, pEditor); iInsEnd = pEditor->insert_position(); } else { Fl_Text_Editor::kf_paste(0, pEditor); iInsEnd = pEditor->insert_position(); } pBuffer->select(iInsStart, iInsEnd); sText = pBuffer->selection_text(); if (AdaptText(sNewText, sText)) { pBuffer->replace_selection(sNewText.c_str()); } pBuffer->unselect(); }
void ModelViewController::Print() { if( !serial->isConnected() ) { fl_alert ("Not connected to printer.\nCannot start printing"); return; } gui->ContinueButton->value(0); gui->ContinueButton->activate(); gui->ContinueButton->label("Pause"); gui->PrintButton->value(1); gui->PrintButton->label("Print"); gui->PrintButton->deactivate(); // Snack one line at a time from the Gcode view, and buffer it. /* if(gui->PrintButton->value() == 0) // Turned off print, cancel buffer and flush { m_bPrinting = false; return; } */ serial->Clear(); // resets line nr and buffer serial->m_bPrinting = false; serial->SetDebugMask(); serial->SetLineNr(-1); // Reset LineNr Count gui->CommunationLog->clear(); Fl_Text_Buffer* buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer(); char* pText = buffer->text(); uint length = buffer->length(); uint pos = 2; while(pos < length) { char* line = buffer->line_text(pos); if(line[0] == ';') { pos = buffer->line_end(pos)+1; // skip newline continue; } serial->AddToBuffer(line); pos = buffer->line_end(pos)+1; // find end of line } gui->ProgressBar->maximum(serial->Length()); gui->ProgressBar->label("Printing"); gui->ProgressBar->value(0); free(pText); serial->StartPrint(); }
void CFLTKEditor::Indent() { bool bChangedBuffer = false; int iSelStart = 0, iSelEnd = 0, iCurPos = 0; Fl_Text_Buffer *pcBuffer = GetTextBuffer(); pcBuffer->selection_position(&iSelStart, &iSelEnd); if (iSelEnd <= iSelStart) return; iCurPos = pcBuffer->line_start(iSelStart); while (pcBuffer->line_end(iCurPos) < iSelEnd) { bChangedBuffer = true; pcBuffer->insert(iCurPos, "\t"); iCurPos = pcBuffer->skip_lines(iCurPos, 1); ++iSelEnd; } if (bChangedBuffer) pcBuffer->select(pcBuffer->line_start(iSelStart), iSelEnd); }
void notify_cb(const char* dir, const char* wh, int flag, void* l) { Fl_Text_Buffer* tl = (Fl_Text_Buffer*)l; if(wh) { snprintf(write_buff, 256, "In %s, %s was ", dir, wh); tl->append(write_buff); if(flag == DW_REPORT_CREATE) tl->append("created\n"); else if(flag == DW_REPORT_DELETE) tl->append("deleted\n"); else if(flag == DW_REPORT_MODIFY) tl->append("modified\n"); else tl->append("unknown\n"); } else { snprintf(write_buff, 256, "In %s changed (null!!)\n", dir); tl->append(write_buff); } }
void CFLTKEditor::UnIndent() { bool bChangedBuffer = false; int iSelStart = 0, iSelEnd = 0, iCurPos = 0, iTabSize, i; char *pcLine; Fl_Text_Buffer *pBuffer = GetTextBuffer(); pBuffer->selection_position(&iSelStart, &iSelEnd); if (iSelEnd > iSelStart) { iCurPos = pBuffer->line_start(iSelStart); iTabSize = pBuffer->tab_distance(); while (pBuffer->line_end(iCurPos) < iSelEnd) { pcLine = pBuffer->line_text(iCurPos); if (pcLine[0] == '\t') { bChangedBuffer = true; pBuffer->remove(iCurPos, iCurPos+1); --iSelEnd; } else if (pcLine[0] == ' ') { for (i = 1; i < iTabSize; i++) { if (pcLine[i] != ' ') break; } if (i == iTabSize) // same number of spaces as a tab { bChangedBuffer = true; pBuffer->remove(iCurPos, iCurPos + iTabSize); iSelEnd -= iTabSize; } } iCurPos = pBuffer->skip_lines(iCurPos, 1); free(pcLine); } if (bChangedBuffer) pBuffer->select(pBuffer->line_start(iSelStart), iSelEnd); } }
/************************************************************************************* ** Function: showProgression ** Description: This function gets the current chord progression and displays it ** in the text display box *************************************************************************************/ void ScaleWindow::showProgression(){ //If the current chord is empty, we have a problem. Abort! if(scale.isCurrentChordEmpty() == true){ printErrorInProgression(); return; } //Get a buffer for printing later and vector to hold the progression Fl_Text_Buffer *buffer = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > prog; //Get the progression! prog = scale.getProgression(); //Create and initialize a c-string for printing char progChar[2000]; for(int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) progChar[i] = '\0'; //Find how many notes the chord with the most notes has int pos = 0; int max = 0; for(int i = 0; i < prog.size(); i++){ if(prog[i].size() > max) max = prog[i].size(); } //Loop through the progression, getting the first, second, third, etc. //note in each chord and printing them row by row. //So the first note from each chord is printed in the first row, //then the second notes in the second row, etc. int x = 0; while(x < max){ for(int i = 0; i < prog.size(); i++){ int curLen = 0; if(x < prog[i].size()){ curLen = prog[i][x].length(); for(int j = 0; j < curLen; j++){ progChar[pos] = prog[i][x][j]; pos++; } } //If the corresponding chord has less than the max //number of notes, just print a space for it else{ progChar[pos] = ' '; pos++; curLen = 1; } //Pad with white space! while(curLen < 4){ progChar[pos] = ' '; pos++; curLen++; } } progChar[pos] = '\n'; pos++; x++; } //Print the progression! buffer->text(progChar); outProg->buffer(buffer); }
static void style_update(int pos, // I - Position of update int nInserted, // I - Number of inserted chars int nDeleted, // I - Number of deleted chars int /*nRestyled*/, // I - Number of restyled chars const char * /*deletedText*/,// I - Text that was deleted void *cbArg) { // I - Callback data int start, // Start of text end; // End of text char last, // Last style on line *style, // Style data *text; // Text data SchemeEditor *editor = (SchemeEditor*)cbArg; Fl_Text_Buffer *textbuf = editor->buffer(); Fl_Text_Buffer *stylebuf = editor->style_buffer(); // If this is just a selection change, just unselect the style buffer... if (nInserted == 0 && nDeleted == 0) { stylebuf->unselect(); return; } // Track changes in the text buffer... if (nInserted > 0) { // Insert characters into the style buffer... style = new char[nInserted + 1]; memset(style, 'A', nInserted); style[nInserted] = '\0'; stylebuf->replace(pos, pos + nDeleted, style); delete[] style; } else { // Just delete characters in the style buffer... stylebuf->remove(pos, pos + nDeleted); } // Select the area that was just updated to avoid unnecessary // callbacks... stylebuf->select(pos, pos + nInserted - nDeleted); // Re-parse the changed region; we do this by parsing from the // beginning of the previous line of the changed region to the end of // the line of the changed region... Then we check the last // style character and keep updating if we have a multi-line // comment character... start = textbuf->line_start(pos); // if (start > 0) start = textbuf->line_start(start - 1); end = textbuf->line_end(pos + nInserted); text = textbuf->text_range(start, end); style = stylebuf->text_range(start, end); if (start==end) last = 0; else last = style[end - start - 1]; // printf("start = %d, end = %d, text = \"%s\", style = \"%s\", last='%c'...\n", // start, end, text, style, last); style_parse(text, style, end - start); // printf("new style = \"%s\", new last='%c'...\n", // style, style[end - start - 1]); stylebuf->replace(start, end, style); editor->redisplay_range(start, end); if (start==end || last != style[end - start - 1]) { // printf("Recalculate the rest of the buffer style\n"); // Either the user deleted some text, or the last character // on the line changed styles, so reparse the // remainder of the buffer... free(text); free(style); end = textbuf->length(); text = textbuf->text_range(start, end); style = stylebuf->text_range(start, end); style_parse(text, style, end - start); stylebuf->replace(start, end, style); editor->redisplay_range(start, end); } free(text); free(style); }
/************************************************************************************* ** Function: printErrorInProgression ** Description: This function is called when there's an error in adding a chord ** to the chord progression. It adds an error message to the output ** c-string which is printed in the text display *************************************************************************************/ void ScaleWindow::printErrorInProgression(){ //Create a buffer to printing Fl_Text_Buffer *buffer = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); //Get the current progression so we can add it to the c-string //before addiging the error message std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > prog; prog = scale.getProgression(); //Clear c-string char progChar[2000]; for(int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) progChar[i] = '\0'; //Find out which chord in the progression has the most notes //in it (since we're printing them vertically) int pos = 0; int max = 0; for(int i = 0; i < prog.size(); i++){ if(prog[i].size() > max) max = prog[i].size(); } //Loop through the progression, getting the first, second, third, etc. //note in each chord and printing them row by row. //So the first note from each chord is printed in the first row, //then the second notes in the second row, etc. int x = 0; while(x < max){ for(int i = 0; i < prog.size(); i++){ int curLen = 0; if(x < prog[i].size()){ curLen = prog[i][x].length(); for(int j = 0; j < curLen; j++){ progChar[pos] = prog[i][x][j]; pos++; } } //If the corresponding chord has less than the max //number of notes, just print a space for it else{ progChar[pos] = ' '; pos++; curLen = 1; } //Pad it out with white space while(curLen < 4){ progChar[pos] = ' '; pos++; curLen++; } } //Add a new line at the end of each row progChar[pos] = '\n'; pos++; x++; } //Error message to add to the c-string std::string errorMessage = "You must select a chord before adding to progression."; //Add the message! for(int i = 0; i < errorMessage.length(); i++){ progChar[pos] = errorMessage[i]; pos++; } //Print everything buffer->text(progChar); outProg->buffer(buffer); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // example: Repsnapper.exe --no-gui -i Input.stl -o Output.gcode -s Settings.xml RepSnapper::CommandLineOptions options; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "--no-gui") == 0) { options.use_gui = false; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0 && i + 1 < argc) { options.stl_input_path = argv[i+1]; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0 && i + 1 < argc) { options.gcode_output_path = argv[i+1]; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0 && i + 1 < argc) { options.settings_path = argv[i+1]; i++; } } gui = new GUI(); MVC = gui->MVC; Fl::visual(FL_DOUBLE|FL_INDEX); char WindowTitle[100] = "GCodeView"; char* W = &WindowTitle[0]; MVC->gui = gui; MVC->serial.setGUI(gui); MVC->ProcessControl.gui = gui; gui->show(1,&W); if (!options.use_gui) { if (options.stl_input_path.size() > 0) { MVC->ReadStl(options.stl_input_path); if (options.settings_path.size() > 0) { MVC->ProcessControl.LoadXML(options.settings_path); MVC->CopySettingsToGUI(); } MVC->ConvertToGCode(); if (options.gcode_output_path.size() > 0) { Fl_Text_Buffer *buffer = gui->GCodeResult->buffer(); return buffer->savefile(options.gcode_output_path.c_str()); } } return 0; } return Fl::run(); }
void send_report(Fl_Button* button, void*) { Neo::HTTPRequest connection(REPORT_DOMAIN, 80); const char* response = connection.sendPostRequest("/crash.php", buffer.text()); }
void Line::draw() { //DrawingAlgorithms::BresenhamLine(xs, ys, xe, ye, lineThickness, lineStyle, rgba, textDisplay, print); /* Prepare OpenGL */ /* Set Line Thickness */ glPointSize(lineThickness); /* Set Draw Color */ glColor4f(,,, rgba.alpha); glBegin(GL_POINTS); /* OpenGL Ready. Draw Bresenham */ /* Bresenham's Algorithm */ // Get all static values int deltaX = abs(xe - xs); int deltaY = abs(ye - ys); bool steep = deltaY > deltaX; bool negativeY = (ye - ys) < 0; bool negativeX = (xe - xs) < 0; // Get all conditional values int update0, update1, d; // If the line is steep the decision // is between N and NE pixel as opposed // to the E and NE pixel. // The initial decision variable should // reflect this as well. if( steep ) { update0 = deltaX<<1; update1 = (deltaX<<1) - (deltaY<<1); d = (deltaX<<1) - deltaY; } else { update0 = deltaY<<1; update1 = (deltaY<<1) - (deltaX<<1); d = (deltaY<<1) - deltaX; } // Get looping variables // If the line is steep, swap x and y // so the decision is between N and NE // pixels as opposed to E and NE int x = (steep ? ys : xs); int y = (steep ? xs : ys); /* Print Variables */ Fl_Text_Buffer * textBuffer = NULL; if( print ) { textBuffer = textDisplay->buffer(); textBuffer->append("Line: "); } /* Create Draw Mask */ LineStyle::DrawMask* p_DrawMask = LineStyle::getDrawMask(lineStyle); int *drawMask = p_DrawMask->drawMask; int drawMaskSize = p_DrawMask->drawMaskSize; int drawMaskIndex = 0; // Loop int steps = (steep ? deltaY : deltaX ); for( int i = 0 ; i < steps ; i++ ) { // If the line is steep, then x and y // have been swapped. This must be accounted // for before drawing anything. if( steep ) { // If print is set to True... if( print && textBuffer != NULL) { std::stringstream ostream; ostream << "(" << y << "," << x << ") "; textBuffer->append(ostream.str().c_str()); } // Draw the pixel if( drawMask[drawMaskIndex] ) glVertex2i(y,x); drawMaskIndex = (++drawMaskIndex)%drawMaskSize; // x and y were swapped, so check the // correct negative flag x = (negativeY ? x-1 : x+1); } else { // If print is set to True... if( print && textBuffer != NULL) { std::stringstream ostream; ostream << "(" << x << "," << y << ") "; textBuffer->append(ostream.str().c_str()); } // Draw the pixel if( drawMask[drawMaskIndex] ) glVertex2i(x,y); drawMaskIndex = (++drawMaskIndex)%drawMaskSize; // Inc or Dec x depending on direction of drawing x = (negativeX ? x-1 : x+1); } // If d is negative, then next pixel to // fill in is East (generically speaking) // otherwise, North East. if( d < 0 ) { d+=update0; } else { // x and y were swapped so check the // correct negative flag if( steep ) { y = (negativeX ? y-1 : y+1); } else { y = (negativeY ? y-1 : y+1); } d+=update1; } } // Print the final value if( steep ) glVertex2i(y,x); else glVertex2i(x,y); if( print && textBuffer != NULL) { std::stringstream ostream; if( steep) { ostream << "(" << y << "," << x << ")\n"; } else { ostream << "(" << x << "," << y << ")\n"; } textBuffer->append(ostream.str().c_str()); } /* Free LineMask */ free(drawMask); free(p_DrawMask); /* End Bresenham */ glEnd(); /* Reset Color */ glColor4f(1,1,1,1); /* Reset Pixel Size */ glPointSize(1); glPointSize(1.0); }