Пример #1
QTrPlaneStrain :: SpatialLocalizerI_giveDistanceFromParametricCenter(const FloatArray &coords)
    FloatArray lcoords(3), gcoords;
    double dist;
    int size, gsize;

    lcoords.at(1) = lcoords.at(2) = lcoords.at(3) = 1. / 3.;
    this->computeGlobalCoordinates(gcoords, lcoords);

    if ( ( size = coords.giveSize() ) < ( gsize = gcoords.giveSize() ) ) {
        _error("SpatialLocalizerI_giveDistanceFromParametricCenter: coordinates size mismatch");

    if ( size == gsize ) {
        dist = coords.distance(gcoords);
    } else {
        FloatArray helpCoords = coords;

        dist = helpCoords.distance(gcoords);

    return dist;
Пример #2
Tetrah1_ht :: SpatialLocalizerI_giveDistanceFromParametricCenter(const FloatArray &coords)
    FloatArray lcoords(3), gcoords;
    double dist;
    int size, gsize;

    this->computeGlobalCoordinates(gcoords, lcoords);

    if ( ( size = coords.giveSize() ) < ( gsize = gcoords.giveSize() ) ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("coordinates size mismatch");

    if ( size == gsize ) {
        dist = coords.distance(gcoords);
    } else {
        FloatArray helpCoords = coords;

        dist = helpCoords.distance(gcoords);

    return dist;
void PrescribedGradientBCWeakPeriodic :: checkIfCorner(bool &oIsCorner, bool &oDuplicatable, const FloatArray &iPos, const double &iNodeDistTol) const
	oIsCorner = false;
	oDuplicatable = false;

    FloatArray cornerPos = mLC;
    if( iPos.distance(cornerPos) < iNodeDistTol ) {
    	oIsCorner = true;

    cornerPos = {mUC[0], mLC[1]};
    if( iPos.distance( cornerPos ) < iNodeDistTol ) {
    	oIsCorner = true;

    cornerPos = {mUC[0], mUC[1]};
    if( iPos.distance( cornerPos ) < iNodeDistTol ) {
    	oIsCorner = true;
    	if(mTractionInterpOrder == 1) {
    	    oDuplicatable = true;

    cornerPos = {mLC[0], mUC[1]};
    if( iPos.distance( cornerPos ) < iNodeDistTol ) {
    	oIsCorner = true;
void PrescribedGradientBCWeakDirichlet :: checkIfCorner(bool &oIsCorner, bool &oDuplicatable, const FloatArray &iPos, const double &iNodeDistTol) const
    oIsCorner = false;
    oDuplicatable = false;

    FloatArray cornerPos = mLC;
    if ( iPos.distance(cornerPos) < iNodeDistTol ) {
        oIsCorner = true;
        oDuplicatable = true;

    cornerPos = {
        mUC [ 0 ], mLC [ 1 ]
    if ( iPos.distance(cornerPos) < iNodeDistTol ) {
        oIsCorner = true;
        oDuplicatable = true;

    cornerPos = {
        mUC [ 0 ], mUC [ 1 ]
    if ( iPos.distance(cornerPos) < iNodeDistTol ) {
        oIsCorner = true;
        oDuplicatable = true;

    cornerPos = {
        mLC [ 0 ], mUC [ 1 ]
    if ( iPos.distance(cornerPos) < iNodeDistTol ) {
        oIsCorner = true;
        oDuplicatable = true;
MMAContainingElementProjection :: __init(Domain *dold, IntArray &type, FloatArray &coords, Set &elemSet, TimeStep *tStep, bool iCohesiveZoneGP)
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = dold->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    FloatArray jGpCoords;
    double distance, minDist = 1.e6;
    Element *srcElem;

    if ( ( srcElem = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords, elemSet) ) ) {
        this->source = NULL;
        for ( GaussPoint *jGp: *srcElem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() ) {
            if ( srcElem->computeGlobalCoordinates( jGpCoords, jGp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) ) {
                distance = coords.distance(jGpCoords);
                if ( distance < minDist ) {
                    minDist = distance;
                    this->source = jGp;

        if ( !source ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("no suitable source found");
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("No suitable element found");
Пример #6
void EnrichmentItem :: calcPolarCoord(double &oR, double &oTheta, const FloatArray &iOrigin, const FloatArray &iPos, const FloatArray &iN, const FloatArray &iT, const EfInput &iEfInput, bool iFlipTangent)
    FloatArray q = {
        iPos.at(1) - iOrigin.at(1), iPos.at(2) - iOrigin.at(2)

    const double tol = 1.0e-20;

    // Compute polar coordinates
    oR = iOrigin.distance(iPos);

    if ( oR > tol ) {
        q.times(1.0 / oR);

    const double pi = M_PI;

    //    if( q.dotProduct(iT) > 0.0 ) {
    //        oTheta = asin( q.dotProduct(iN) );
    //    } else {
    //        if ( q.dotProduct(iN) > 0.0 ) {
    //            oTheta = pi - asin( q.dotProduct(iN) );
    //        } else {
    //            oTheta = -pi - asin( q.dotProduct(iN) );
    //        }
    //    }

    const double tol_q = 1.0e-3;
    double phi = iEfInput.mLevelSet;

    if ( iFlipTangent ) {
        phi *= -1.0;

    double phi_r = 0.0;
    if ( oR > tol ) {
        phi_r = fabs(phi / oR);

    if ( phi_r > 1.0 - XfemTolerances :: giveApproxZero() ) {
        phi_r = 1.0 - XfemTolerances :: giveApproxZero();

    if ( iEfInput.mArcPos < tol_q || iEfInput.mArcPos > ( 1.0 - tol_q ) ) {
        double q_dot_n = q.dotProduct(iN);
        if ( q_dot_n > 1.0 - XfemTolerances :: giveApproxZero() ) {
            q_dot_n = 1.0 - XfemTolerances :: giveApproxZero();

        oTheta = asin(q_dot_n);
    } else {
        if ( phi > 0.0 ) {
            oTheta = pi - asin( fabs(phi_r) );
        } else {
            oTheta = -pi + asin( fabs(phi_r) );
Пример #7
double Tr21Stokes :: SpatialLocalizerI_giveDistanceFromParametricCenter(const FloatArray &coords)
    FloatArray center;
    FloatArray lcoords;
    lcoords.setValues(3, 0.333333, 0.333333, 0.333333);
    interpolation_quad.local2global(center, lcoords, FEIElementGeometryWrapper(this));
    return center.distance(coords);
Пример #8
TrabBoneNL3D :: computeWeightFunction(const FloatArray &src, const FloatArray &coord)
    double dist = src.distance(coord);

    if ( ( dist >= 0. ) && ( dist <= this->R ) ) {
        double help = ( 1. - dist * dist / ( R * R ) );
        return help * help;

    return 0.0;
Пример #9
bool Delaunay :: isInsideCC(const FloatArray &iP, const FloatArray &iP1, const FloatArray &iP2, const FloatArray &iP3) const
    Triangle tr(iP1, iP2, iP3);
    double r = tr.getRadiusOfCircumCircle();
    FloatArray circumCenter;
    double distance = circumCenter.distance(iP);
    if ( distance < r ) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Пример #10
RCSDNLMaterial :: computeWeightFunction(const FloatArray &src, const FloatArray &coord)
    // Bell shaped function decaying with the distance.

    double dist = src.distance(coord);

    if ( ( dist >= 0. ) && ( dist <= this->R ) ) {
        double help = ( 1. - dist * dist / ( R * R ) );
        return help * help;

    return 0.0;
Пример #11
DummySpatialLocalizer :: giveAllNodesWithinBox(nodeContainerType &nodeSet, const FloatArray &coords, const double radius)
    int nnode;

    nnode = this->giveDomain()->giveNumberOfDofManagers();
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nnode; i++ ) {
        DofManager *idofman = this->giveDomain()->giveDofManager(i);
        Node *inode = dynamic_cast< Node * >(idofman);
        if ( inode != NULL ) {
            if ( coords.distance( inode->giveCoordinates() ) <= radius ) {
Пример #12
bool Circle :: intersects(Element *element)
    int count = 0;
    for ( int i = 1; i <= element->giveNumberOfDofManagers(); i++ ) {
        FloatArray *nodeCoor = element->giveDofManager(i)->giveCoordinates();
        // distance from the node to the center of the circle
        double dist = nodeCoor->distance(mVertices [ 0 ]);
        if ( dist > this->radius ) {

    if ( count == 0 || count == element->giveNumberOfDofManagers() ) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
Пример #13
DummySpatialLocalizer :: giveAllElementsWithIpWithinBox(elementContainerType &elemSet, const FloatArray &coords, const double radius)
    int nelem;
    FloatArray jGpCoords;

    nelem = this->giveDomain()->giveNumberOfElements();
    for ( int i = 1; i <= nelem; i++ ) {
        Element *ielem = this->giveDomain()->giveElement(i);
        IntegrationRule *iRule = ielem->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        for ( GaussPoint *jGp: *iRule ) {
            if ( ielem->computeGlobalCoordinates( jGpCoords, * ( jGp->giveCoordinates() ) ) ) {
                double currDist = coords.distance(jGpCoords);
                if ( currDist <= radius ) {
    } // end element loop
Пример #14
void PolygonLine :: giveBoundingSphere(FloatArray &oCenter, double &oRadius)
    int nVert = giveNrVertices();
    oCenter = {
        0.0, 0.0
    oRadius = 0.0;

    if ( nVert > 0 ) {
        for ( int i = 1; i <= nVert; i++ ) {
            oCenter.add( giveVertex(i) );

        oCenter.times( 1.0 / double( nVert ) );

        for ( int i = 1; i <= nVert; i++ ) {
            oRadius = std :: max( oRadius, oCenter.distance( giveVertex(i) ) );

Пример #15
NonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface :: computeWeightFunction(const FloatArray &src, const FloatArray &coord)
    return computeWeightFunction( src.distance(coord) );
MMALeastSquareProjection :: __init(Domain *dold, IntArray &type, FloatArray &coords, Set &elemSet, TimeStep *tStep, bool iCohesiveZoneGP)
//(Domain* dold, IntArray& varTypes, GaussPoint* gp, TimeStep* tStep)
    GaussPoint *sourceIp;
    Element *sourceElement;
    SpatialLocalizer *sl = dold->giveSpatialLocalizer();
    IntegrationRule *iRule;

    IntArray patchList;

    this->patchDomain = dold;
    // find the closest IP on old mesh
    sourceElement = sl->giveElementContainingPoint(coords, elemSet);

    if ( !sourceElement ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("no suitable source element found");

    // determine the type of patch
    Element_Geometry_Type egt = sourceElement->giveGeometryType();
    if ( egt == EGT_line_1 ) {
        this->patchType = MMALSPPatchType_1dq;
    } else if ( ( egt == EGT_triangle_1 ) || ( egt == EGT_quad_1 ) ) {
        this->patchType = MMALSPPatchType_2dq;
    } else {
        OOFEM_ERROR("unsupported material mode");

    /* Determine the state of closest point.
     * Only IP in the neighbourhood with same state can be used
     * to interpolate the values.
    FloatArray dam;
    int state = 0;
    if ( this->stateFilter ) {
        iRule = sourceElement->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            sourceElement->giveIPValue(dam, gp, IST_PrincipalDamageTensor, tStep);
            if ( dam.computeNorm() > 1.e-3 ) {
                state = 1; // damaged

    // from source neighbours the patch will be constructed
    Element *element;
    IntArray neighborList;
    patchList.at(1) = sourceElement->giveNumber();
    int minNumberOfPoints = this->giveNumberOfUnknownPolynomialCoefficients(this->patchType);
    int actualNumberOfPoints = sourceElement->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr()->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints();
    int nite = 0;
    int elemFlag;
    // check if number of IP in patchList is sufficient
    // some recursion control would be appropriate
    while ( ( actualNumberOfPoints < minNumberOfPoints ) && ( nite <= 2 ) ) {
        //if not,  construct the neighborhood
        dold->giveConnectivityTable()->giveElementNeighbourList(neighborList, patchList);
        // count number of available points
        actualNumberOfPoints = 0;
        for ( int i = 1; i <= neighborList.giveSize(); i++ ) {
            if ( this->stateFilter ) {
                element = patchDomain->giveElement( neighborList.at(i) );
                // exclude elements in different regions
                if ( !elemSet.hasElement( element->giveNumber() ) ) {

                iRule = element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
                elemFlag = 0;
                for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
                    element->giveIPValue(dam, gp, IST_PrincipalDamageTensor, tStep);
                    if ( state && ( dam.computeNorm() > 1.e-3 ) ) {
                        elemFlag = 1;
                    } else if ( ( state == 0 ) && ( dam.computeNorm() < 1.e-3 ) ) {
                        elemFlag = 1;

                if ( elemFlag ) {
                    // include this element with corresponding state in neighbor search.
                    patchList.followedBy(neighborList.at(i), 10);
            } else { // if (! yhis->stateFilter)
                element = patchDomain->giveElement( neighborList.at(i) );
                // exclude elements in different regions
                if ( !elemSet.hasElement( element->giveNumber() ) ) {

                actualNumberOfPoints += element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr()->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints();

                patchList.followedBy(neighborList.at(i), 10);
        } // end loop over neighbor list


    if ( nite > 2 ) {
        // not enough points -> take closest point projection
        sourceIp = sl->giveClosestIP(coords, elemSet);
        //fprintf(stderr, "MMALeastSquareProjection: too many neighbor search iterations\n");
        //exit (1);

    // select only the nval closest IP points
    GaussPoint **gpList = ( GaussPoint ** ) malloc(sizeof( GaussPoint * ) * actualNumberOfPoints);
    FloatArray dist(actualNumberOfPoints), srcgpcoords;
    int npoints = 0;
    // check allocation of gpList
    if ( gpList == NULL ) {
        OOFEM_FATAL("memory allocation error");

    for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= patchList.giveSize(); ielem++ ) {
        element = patchDomain->giveElement( patchList.at(ielem) );
        iRule = element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        for ( GaussPoint *srcgp: *iRule ) {
            if ( element->computeGlobalCoordinates( srcgpcoords, * ( srcgp->giveNaturalCoordinates() ) ) ) {
                element->giveIPValue(dam, srcgp, IST_PrincipalDamageTensor, tStep);
                if ( this->stateFilter ) {
                    // consider only points with same state
                    if ( ( ( state == 1 ) && ( norm(dam) > 1.e-3 ) ) || ( ( ( state == 0 ) && norm(dam) < 1.e-3 ) ) ) {
                        dist.at(npoints) = coords.distance(srcgpcoords);
                        gpList [ npoints - 1 ] = srcgp;
                } else {
                    // take all points into account
                    dist.at(npoints) = coords.distance(srcgpcoords);
                    gpList [ npoints - 1 ] = srcgp;
            } else {
                OOFEM_ERROR("computeGlobalCoordinates failed");

    if ( npoints != actualNumberOfPoints ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("internal error");

    //minNumberOfPoints = min (actualNumberOfPoints, minNumberOfPoints+2);

    // now find the minNumberOfPoints with smallest distance
    // from point of interest
    double swap, minDist;
    int minDistIndx = 0;
    // loop over all points
    for ( int i = 1; i <= minNumberOfPoints; i++ ) {
        minDist = dist.at(i);
        minDistIndx = i;
        // search for point with i-th smallest distance
        for ( j = i + 1; j <= actualNumberOfPoints; j++ ) {
            if ( dist.at(j) < minDist ) {
                minDist = dist.at(j);
                minDistIndx = j;

        // remember this ip
        patchGPList.push_front(gpList [ minDistIndx - 1 ]);
        swap = dist.at(i);
        dist.at(i) = dist.at(minDistIndx);
        dist.at(minDistIndx) = swap;
        srcgp = gpList [ i - 1 ];
        gpList [ i - 1 ] = gpList [ minDistIndx - 1 ];
        gpList [ minDistIndx - 1 ] = srcgp;

    if ( patchGPList.size() != minNumberOfPoints ) {
        OOFEM_ERROR("internal error 2");



    // take all neighbors
    for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= patchList.giveSize(); ielem++ ) {
        element = patchDomain->giveElement( patchList.at(ielem) );
        iRule = element->giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr();
        for ( GaussPoint *gp: *iRule ) {
            patchGPList.push_front( gp );

Пример #17
void PolygonLine :: computeTangentialSignDist(double &oDist, const FloatArray &iPoint, double &oMinArcDist) const
    const int numSeg = this->giveNrVertices() - 1;

    double xi = 0.0, xiUnbounded = 0.0;

    if(numSeg == 1) {
        const FloatArray &crackP1 = giveVertex ( 1 );
        const FloatArray &crackP2 = giveVertex ( 2 );
        iPoint.distance(crackP1, crackP2, xi, xiUnbounded);

        if( xiUnbounded < 0.0 ) {
            oDist = xiUnbounded*crackP1.distance(crackP2);
            oMinArcDist = 0.0;

        if( xiUnbounded > 1.0 ) {
            oDist = -(xiUnbounded-1.0)*crackP1.distance(crackP2);
            oMinArcDist = 1.0;

        const double L = computeLength();
        double distToStart  = xi*L;

        oDist = std::min(distToStart, (L - distToStart) );
        oMinArcDist = distToStart/L;

    bool isBeforeStart = false, isAfterEnd = false;
    double distBeforeStart = 0.0, distAfterEnd = 0.0;

    // Check first segment
    const FloatArray &crackP1_start = giveVertex ( 1 );
    const FloatArray &crackP2_start = giveVertex ( 2 );
    const double distSeg_start = iPoint.distance(crackP1_start, crackP2_start, xi, xiUnbounded);

    if( xiUnbounded < 0.0 ) {
        isBeforeStart = true;
        distBeforeStart = xiUnbounded*crackP1_start.distance(crackP2_start);

    double arcPosPassed = crackP1_start.distance(crackP2_start);
    double distToStart  = xi*crackP1_start.distance(crackP2_start);

    double minGeomDist  = distSeg_start;

    // Check interior segments
    for ( int segId = 2; segId <= numSeg-1; segId++ ) {
        const FloatArray &crackP1 = giveVertex ( segId      );
        const FloatArray &crackP2 = giveVertex ( segId+1    );

        const double distSeg = iPoint.distance(crackP1, crackP2, xi, xiUnbounded);

        if(distSeg < minGeomDist) {
            isBeforeStart = false;
            minGeomDist = distSeg;
            distToStart = arcPosPassed + xi*crackP1.distance(crackP2);

        arcPosPassed += crackP1.distance(crackP2);


    // Check last segment
    const FloatArray &crackP1_end = giveVertex ( numSeg );
    const FloatArray &crackP2_end = giveVertex ( numSeg+1 );
    const double distSeg_end = iPoint.distance(crackP1_end, crackP2_end, xi, xiUnbounded);

    if(numSeg > 1) {
        if( xiUnbounded > 1.0 ) {
            arcPosPassed += xiUnbounded*crackP1_end.distance(crackP2_end);
        else {
            arcPosPassed += xi*crackP1_end.distance(crackP2_end);

    if(distSeg_end < minGeomDist) {
        isBeforeStart = false;

        if( xiUnbounded > 1.0 ) {
            isAfterEnd = true;
            distAfterEnd = -(xiUnbounded-1.0)*crackP1_end.distance(crackP2_end);

        distToStart = arcPosPassed;

    // Return result

    if(isBeforeStart) {
        oDist = distBeforeStart;
        oMinArcDist = 0.0;

    if(isAfterEnd) {
        oDist = distAfterEnd;
        oMinArcDist = 1.0;

    const double L = computeLength();

    oDist = std::min(distToStart, (L - distToStart) );
    oMinArcDist = distToStart/L;