Пример #1
StandardPlural::Form QuantityFormatter::selectPlural(
            const Formattable &number,
            const NumberFormat &fmt,
            const PluralRules &rules,
            UnicodeString &formattedNumber,
            FieldPosition &pos,
            UErrorCode &status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return StandardPlural::OTHER;
    UnicodeString pluralKeyword;
    const DecimalFormat *decFmt = dynamic_cast<const DecimalFormat *>(&fmt);
    if (decFmt != NULL) {
        number::impl::DecimalQuantity dq;
        decFmt->formatToDecimalQuantity(number, dq, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return StandardPlural::OTHER;
        pluralKeyword = rules.select(dq);
        decFmt->format(number, formattedNumber, pos, status);
    } else {
        if (number.getType() == Formattable::kDouble) {
            pluralKeyword = rules.select(number.getDouble());
        } else if (number.getType() == Formattable::kLong) {
            pluralKeyword = rules.select(number.getLong());
        } else if (number.getType() == Formattable::kInt64) {
            pluralKeyword = rules.select((double) number.getInt64());
        } else {
            status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
            return StandardPlural::OTHER;
        fmt.format(number, formattedNumber, pos, status);
    return StandardPlural::orOtherFromString(pluralKeyword);
Пример #2
RuleBasedNumberFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& text,
                             Formattable& result,
                             ParsePosition& parsePosition) const
    //TODO: We need a real fix.  See #6895 / #6896
    if (noParse) {
        // skip parsing

    if (!ruleSets) {

    UnicodeString workingText(text, parsePosition.getIndex());
    ParsePosition workingPos(0);

    ParsePosition high_pp(0);
    Formattable high_result;

    for (NFRuleSet** p = ruleSets; *p; ++p) {
        NFRuleSet *rp = *p;
        if (rp->isPublic() && rp->isParseable()) {
            ParsePosition working_pp(0);
            Formattable working_result;

            rp->parse(workingText, working_pp, kMaxDouble, working_result);
            if (working_pp.getIndex() > high_pp.getIndex()) {
                high_pp = working_pp;
                high_result = working_result;

                if (high_pp.getIndex() == workingText.length()) {

    int32_t startIndex = parsePosition.getIndex();
    parsePosition.setIndex(startIndex + high_pp.getIndex());
    if (high_pp.getIndex() > 0) {
    } else {
        int32_t errorIndex = (high_pp.getErrorIndex()>0)? high_pp.getErrorIndex(): 0;
        parsePosition.setErrorIndex(startIndex + errorIndex);
    result = high_result;
    if (result.getType() == Formattable::kDouble) {
        int32_t r = (int32_t)result.getDouble();
        if ((double)r == result.getDouble()) {
static jobject NativeDecimalFormat_parse(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jlong addr, jstring text,
        jobject position, jboolean parseBigDecimal) {

    static jmethodID gPP_getIndex = env->GetMethodID(JniConstants::parsePositionClass, "getIndex", "()I");
    static jmethodID gPP_setIndex = env->GetMethodID(JniConstants::parsePositionClass, "setIndex", "(I)V");
    static jmethodID gPP_setErrorIndex = env->GetMethodID(JniConstants::parsePositionClass, "setErrorIndex", "(I)V");

    ScopedJavaUnicodeString src(env, text);
    if (!src.valid()) {
      return NULL;

    // make sure the ParsePosition is valid. Actually icu4c would parse a number
    // correctly even if the parsePosition is set to -1, but since the RI fails
    // for that case we have to fail too
    int parsePos = env->CallIntMethod(position, gPP_getIndex, NULL);
    if (parsePos < 0 || parsePos > env->GetStringLength(text)) {
        return NULL;

    Formattable res;
    ParsePosition pp(parsePos);
    DecimalFormat* fmt = toDecimalFormat(addr);
    fmt->parse(src.unicodeString(), res, pp);

    if (pp.getErrorIndex() == -1) {
        env->CallVoidMethod(position, gPP_setIndex, pp.getIndex());
    } else {
        env->CallVoidMethod(position, gPP_setErrorIndex, pp.getErrorIndex());
        return NULL;

    if (parseBigDecimal) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        StringPiece str = res.getDecimalNumber(status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            int len = str.length();
            const char* data = str.data();
            if (strncmp(data, "NaN", 3) == 0 ||
                strncmp(data, "Inf", 3) == 0 ||
                strncmp(data, "-Inf", 4) == 0) {
                double resultDouble = res.getDouble(status);
                return doubleValueOf(env, resultDouble);
            return newBigDecimal(env, data, len);
        return NULL;

    switch (res.getType()) {
        case Formattable::kDouble: return doubleValueOf(env, res.getDouble());
        case Formattable::kLong:   return longValueOf(env, res.getLong());
        case Formattable::kInt64:  return longValueOf(env, res.getInt64());
        default:                   return NULL;
Пример #4
FormattableStreamer::streamOut(ostream& stream, const Formattable& obj)
    static DateFormat *defDateFormat = 0;

    UnicodeString buffer;
    switch(obj.getType()) {
        case Formattable::kDate : 
            // Creates a DateFormat instance for formatting the
            // Date instance.
            if (defDateFormat == 0) {
                defDateFormat = DateFormat::createInstance();
            defDateFormat->format(obj.getDate(), buffer);
            stream << buffer;
        case Formattable::kDouble :
            // Output the double as is.
            stream << obj.getDouble() << 'D';
        case Formattable::kLong :
            // Output the double as is.
            stream << obj.getLong() << 'L';
        case Formattable::kString:
            // Output the double as is.  Please see UnicodeString console
            // I/O routine for more details.
            stream << '"' << obj.getString(buffer) << '"';
        case Formattable::kArray:
            int32_t i, count;
            const Formattable* array;
            array = obj.getArray(count);
            stream << '[';
            // Recursively calling the console I/O routine for each element in the array.
            for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
                FormattableStreamer::streamOut(stream, array[i]);
                stream << ( (i==(count-1)) ? "" : ", " );
            stream << ']';
            // Not a recognizable Formattable object.
            stream << "INVALID_Formattable";
unum_parseDoubleCurrency(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
                         const UChar* text,
                         int32_t textLength,
                         int32_t* parsePos, /* 0 = start */
                         UChar* currency,
                         UErrorCode* status) {
    Formattable res;
    parseRes(res, fmt, text, textLength, parsePos, TRUE, status);
    currency[0] = 0;
    if (res.getType() == Formattable::kObject &&
        res.getObject()->getDynamicClassID() == CurrencyAmount::getStaticClassID()) {
        const CurrencyAmount* c = (const CurrencyAmount*) res.getObject();
        u_strcpy(currency, c->getISOCurrency());
    return res.getDouble(*status);
Пример #6
unum_parseDoubleCurrency(const UNumberFormat* fmt,
                         const UChar* text,
                         int32_t textLength,
                         int32_t* parsePos, /* 0 = start */
                         UChar* currency,
                         UErrorCode* status) {
    Formattable res;
    parseRes(res, fmt, text, textLength, parsePos, TRUE, status);
    currency[0] = 0;
    const CurrencyAmount* c;
    if (res.getType() == Formattable::kObject &&
        (c = dynamic_cast<const CurrencyAmount*>(res.getObject())) != NULL) {
        u_strcpy(currency, c->getISOCurrency());
    return res.getDouble(*status);
Пример #7
U_DRAFT const UChar* U_EXPORT2
ufmt_getUChars(UFormattable *fmt, int32_t *len, UErrorCode *status) {
  Formattable *obj = Formattable::fromUFormattable(fmt);

  // avoid bogosity by checking the type first.
  if( obj->getType() != Formattable::kString ) {
    if( U_SUCCESS(*status) ){
      *status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
    return NULL;

  // This should return a valid string
  UnicodeString &str = obj->getString(*status);
  if( U_SUCCESS(*status) && len != NULL ) {
    *len = str.length();
  return str.getTerminatedBuffer();
Пример #8
void DecimalFormatTest::execParseTest(int32_t lineNum,
                                     const UnicodeString &inputText,
                                     const UnicodeString &expectedType,
                                     const UnicodeString &expectedDecimal,
                                     UErrorCode &status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {

    DecimalFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getUS(), status);
    UnicodeString pattern = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("####");
    DecimalFormat format(pattern, symbols, status);
    Formattable   result;
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: %s error creating the formatter.",
            lineNum, u_errorName(status));

    ParsePosition pos;
    int32_t expectedParseEndPosition = inputText.length();

    format.parse(inputText, result, pos);

    if (expectedParseEndPosition != pos.getIndex()) {
        errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: Expected parse position afeter parsing: %d.  "
              "Actual parse position: %d", expectedParseEndPosition, pos.getIndex());

    char   expectedTypeC[2];
    expectedType.extract(0, 1, expectedTypeC, 2, US_INV);
    Formattable::Type expectType = Formattable::kDate;
    switch (expectedTypeC[0]) {
      case 'd': expectType = Formattable::kDouble; break;
      case 'i': expectType = Formattable::kLong;   break;
      case 'l': expectType = Formattable::kInt64;  break;
          errln("file dcfmtest.tx, line %d: unrecongized expected type \"%s\"",
              lineNum, InvariantStringPiece(expectedType).data());
    if (result.getType() != expectType) {
        errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: expectedParseType(%s) != actual parseType(%s)",
             lineNum, formattableType(expectType), formattableType(result.getType()));

    StringPiece decimalResult = result.getDecimalNumber(status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        errln("File %s, line %d: error %s.  Line in file dcfmtest.txt:  %d:",
            __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status), lineNum);

    InvariantStringPiece expectedResults(expectedDecimal);
    if (decimalResult != expectedResults) {
        errln("file dcfmtest.txt, line %d: expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"",
            lineNum, expectedResults.data(), decimalResult.data());
Пример #9
RbnfRoundTripTest::doTest(const RuleBasedNumberFormat* formatter,  
                          double lowLimit,
                          double highLimit) 
  char buf[128];

  uint32_t count = 0;
  double increment = 1;
  for (double i = lowLimit; i <= highLimit; i += increment) {
    if (count % 1000 == 0) {
      sprintf(buf, "%.12g", i);

    if (fabs(i) <  5000)
      increment = 1;
    else if (fabs(i) < 500000)
      increment = 2737;
      increment = 267437;

    UnicodeString formatResult;
    formatter->format(i, formatResult);
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    Formattable parseResult;
    formatter->parse(formatResult, parseResult, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
      sprintf(buf, "Round-trip status failure: %.12g, status: %d", i, status);
    } else {
      double rt = (parseResult.getType() == Formattable::kDouble) ? 
        parseResult.getDouble() : 

      if (rt != i) {
        sprintf(buf, "Round-trip failed: %.12g -> %.12g", i, rt);


  if (lowLimit < 0) {
    double d = 1.234;
    while (d < 1000) {
      UnicodeString formatResult;
      formatter->format(d, formatResult);
      UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
      Formattable parseResult;
      formatter->parse(formatResult, parseResult, status);
      if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        sprintf(buf, "Round-trip status failure: %.12g, status: %d", d, status);
      } else {
        double rt = (parseResult.getType() == Formattable::kDouble) ? 
          parseResult.getDouble() : 

        if (rt != d) {
          UnicodeString msg;
          sprintf(buf, "Round-trip failed: %.12g -> ", d);
          sprintf(buf, " -> %.12g", rt);

      d *= 10;
Пример #10
TestChoiceFormat::TestComplexExample( void )
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const double filelimits[] = {-1, 0,1,2};
    const UnicodeString filepart[] = {"are corrupted files", "are no files","is one file","are {2} files"};

    ChoiceFormat* fileform = new ChoiceFormat( filelimits, filepart, 4);

    if (!fileform) { 
        it_errln("***  test_complex_example fileform"); 

    Format* filenumform = NumberFormat::createInstance( status );
    if (!filenumform) { 
        dataerrln((UnicodeString)"***  test_complex_example filenumform - " + u_errorName(status)); 
        delete fileform;
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_simple_example filenumform" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;

    //const Format* testFormats[] = { fileform, NULL, filenumform };
    //pattform->setFormats( testFormats, 3 );

    MessageFormat* pattform = new MessageFormat("There {0} on {1}", status );
    if (!pattform) { 
        it_errln("***  test_complex_example pattform"); 
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example pattform" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;

    pattform->setFormat( 0, *fileform );
    pattform->setFormat( 2, *filenumform );

    Formattable testArgs[] = {(int32_t)0, "Disk_A", (int32_t)0};
    UnicodeString str;
    UnicodeString res1, res2;
    pattform->toPattern( res1 );
    it_logln("MessageFormat toPattern: " + res1);
    fileform->toPattern( res1 );
    it_logln("ChoiceFormat toPattern: " + res1);
    if (res1 == "-1#are corrupted files|0#are no files|1#is one file|2#are {2} files") {
        it_logln("toPattern tested!");
        it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat to Pattern result!");

    FieldPosition fpos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);

    UnicodeString checkstr[] = { 
        "There are corrupted files on Disk_A",
        "There are no files on Disk_A",
        "There is one file on Disk_A",
        "There are 2 files on Disk_A",
        "There are 3 files on Disk_A"

    // if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR) return; // TODO: analyze why we have such a bad bail out here!

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) { 
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;

    int32_t i;
    int32_t start = -1;
    for (i = start; i < 4; ++i) {
        str = "";
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        testArgs[0] = Formattable((int32_t)i);
        testArgs[2] = testArgs[0];
        res2 = pattform->format(testArgs, 3, str, fpos, status );
        if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format" )) {
            delete fileform;
            delete filenumform;
            delete pattform;
        it_logln(i + UnicodeString(" -> ") + res2);
        if (res2 != checkstr[i - start]) {
            it_errln("***  test_complex_example res string");
            it_errln(UnicodeString("*** ") + i + UnicodeString(" -> '") + res2 + UnicodeString("' unlike '") + checkstr[i] + UnicodeString("' ! "));

    it_logln("------ additional testing in complex test ------");
#if 0  // ICU 4.8 deprecates and disables the ChoiceFormat getters.
    int32_t retCount;
    const double* retLimits = fileform->getLimits( retCount );
    if ((retCount == 4) && (retLimits)
    && (retLimits[0] == -1.0)
    && (retLimits[1] == 0.0)
    && (retLimits[2] == 1.0)
    && (retLimits[3] == 2.0)) {
        it_logln("getLimits tested!");
        it_errln("***  getLimits unexpected result!");

    const UnicodeString* retFormats = fileform->getFormats( retCount );
    if ((retCount == 4) && (retFormats)
    && (retFormats[0] == "are corrupted files") 
    && (retFormats[1] == "are no files") 
    && (retFormats[2] == "is one file")
    && (retFormats[3] == "are {2} files")) {
        it_logln("getFormats tested!");
        it_errln("***  getFormats unexpected result!");

    UnicodeString checkstr2[] = { 
        "There is no folder on Disk_A",
        "There is one folder on Disk_A",
        "There are many folders on Disk_A",
        "There are many folders on Disk_A"

    fileform->applyPattern("0#is no folder|1#is one folder|2#are many folders", status );
    if (status == U_ZERO_ERROR)
        it_logln("status applyPattern OK!");
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example pattform" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;
    pattform->setFormat( 0, *fileform );
    fpos = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        str = "";
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        testArgs[0] = Formattable((int32_t)i);
        testArgs[2] = testArgs[0];
        res2 = pattform->format(testArgs, 3, str, fpos, status );
        if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format 2" )) {
            delete fileform;
            delete filenumform;
            delete pattform;
        it_logln(UnicodeString() + i + UnicodeString(" -> ") + res2);
        if (res2 != checkstr2[i]) {
            it_errln("***  test_complex_example res string");
            it_errln(UnicodeString("*** ") + i + UnicodeString(" -> '") + res2 + UnicodeString("' unlike '") + checkstr2[i] + UnicodeString("' ! "));

    const double limits_A[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
    const UnicodeString monthNames_A[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat"};
    ChoiceFormat* form_A = new ChoiceFormat(limits_A, monthNames_A, 7);
    ChoiceFormat* form_A2 = new ChoiceFormat(limits_A, monthNames_A, 7);
    const double limits_B[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
    const UnicodeString monthNames_B[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat_BBB"};
    ChoiceFormat* form_B = new ChoiceFormat(limits_B, monthNames_B, 7);
    if (!form_A || !form_B || !form_A2) {
        it_errln("***  test-choiceFormat not allocatable!");
        if (*form_A == *form_A2) {
            it_logln("operator== tested.");
            it_errln("***  operator==");

        if (*form_A != *form_B) {
            it_logln("operator!= tested.");
            it_errln("***  operator!=");

        ChoiceFormat* form_A3 = (ChoiceFormat*) form_A->clone();
        if (!form_A3) {
            it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat->clone is nil.");
            if ((*form_A3 == *form_A) && (*form_A3 != *form_B)) {
                it_logln("method clone tested.");
                it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat clone or operator==, or operator!= .");

        ChoiceFormat form_Assigned( *form_A );
        UBool ok = (form_Assigned == *form_A) && (form_Assigned != *form_B);
        form_Assigned = *form_B;
        ok = ok && (form_Assigned != *form_A) && (form_Assigned == *form_B);
        if (ok) {
            it_logln("copy constructor and operator= tested.");
            it_errln("***  copy constructor or operator= or operator == or operator != .");
        delete form_A3;

    delete form_A; delete form_A2; delete form_B; 

    const char* testPattern = "0#none|1#one|2#many";
    ChoiceFormat form_pat( testPattern, status );
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  ChoiceFormat contructor( newPattern, status)" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;

    form_pat.toPattern( res1 );
    if (res1 == "0#none|1#one|2#many") {
        it_logln("ChoiceFormat contructor( newPattern, status) tested");
        it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat contructor( newPattern, status) or toPattern result!");

    double d_a2[] = { 3.0, 4.0 };
    UnicodeString s_a2[] = { "third", "forth" };

    form_pat.setChoices( d_a2, s_a2, 2 );
    form_pat.toPattern( res1 );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat adoptChoices toPattern: ") + res1);
    if (res1 == "3#third|4#forth") {
        it_logln("ChoiceFormat adoptChoices tested");
        it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat adoptChoices result!");

    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    double arg_double = 3.0;
    res1 = form_pat.format( arg_double, str, fpos );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (double, ...) result!");

    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int64_t arg_64 = 3;
    res1 = form_pat.format( arg_64, str, fpos );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (int64_t, ...) result!");

    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t arg_long = 3;
    res1 = form_pat.format( arg_long, str, fpos );
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (int32_t, ...) result!");

    Formattable ft( (int32_t)3 );
    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    res1 = form_pat.format( ft, str, fpos, status );
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format (int32_t, ...)" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (Formattable, ...) result!");

    Formattable fta[] = { (int32_t)3 };
    str = "";
    fpos = 0;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    res1 = form_pat.format( fta, 1, str, fpos, status );
    if (!chkstatus( status, "***  test_complex_example format (int32_t, ...)" )) {
        delete fileform;
        delete filenumform;
        delete pattform;
    it_logln(UnicodeString("ChoiceFormat format:") + res1);
    if (res1 != "third") it_errln("***  ChoiceFormat format (Formattable[], cnt, ...) result!");

    ParsePosition parse_pos = 0;
    Formattable result;
    UnicodeString parsetext("third");
    form_pat.parse( parsetext, result, parse_pos );
    double rd = (result.getType() == Formattable::kLong) ? result.getLong() : result.getDouble();
    if (rd == 3.0) {
        it_logln("parse( ..., ParsePos ) tested.");
        it_errln("*** ChoiceFormat parse( ..., ParsePos )!");

    form_pat.parse( parsetext, result, status );
    rd = (result.getType() == Formattable::kLong) ? result.getLong() : result.getDouble();
    if (rd == 3.0) {
        it_logln("parse( ..., UErrorCode ) tested.");
        it_errln("*** ChoiceFormat parse( ..., UErrorCode )!");

    UClassID classID = ChoiceFormat::getStaticClassID();
    if (classID == form_pat.getDynamicClassID()) {
        it_out << "getStaticClassID and getDynamicClassID tested." << endl;
        it_errln("*** getStaticClassID and getDynamicClassID!");


    delete fileform; 
    delete filenumform;
    delete pattform;
Пример #11
void test_Formattable( void )
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    Formattable* ftp = new Formattable();
    if (!ftp || !(ftp->getType() == Formattable::kLong) || !(ftp->getLong() == 0)) {
        it_errln("*** Formattable constructor or getType or getLong");
    delete ftp;

    Formattable fta, ftb;
    fta.setLong(1); ftb.setLong(2);
    if ((fta != ftb) || !(fta == ftb)) {
        it_logln("FT setLong, operator== and operator!= tested.");
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if ( status == U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR){
            it_errln("*** FT getLong(UErrorCode* status) failed on real Long");
        } else {
            it_logln("FT getLong(UErrorCode* status) tested.");
        it_errln("*** Formattable setLong or operator== or !=");
    fta = ftb;
    if ((fta == ftb) || !(fta != ftb)) {
        it_logln("FT operator= tested.");
        it_errln("*** FT operator= or operator== or operator!=");
    fta.setDouble( 3.0 );
    if ((fta.getType() == Formattable::kDouble) && (fta.getDouble() == 3.0)) {
        it_logln("FT set- and getDouble tested.");
        it_errln("*** FT set- or getDouble");
    fta.getDate(status = U_ZERO_ERROR);
    if (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR){
        it_errln("*** FT getDate with status should fail on non-Date");
    fta.setDate( 4.0 );
    if ((fta.getType() == Formattable::kDate) && (fta.getDate() == 4.0)) {
        it_logln("FT set- and getDate tested.");	  
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if ( status == U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR){
            it_errln("*** FT getDate with status failed on real Date");
        } else {
            it_logln("FT getDate with status tested.");
        it_errln("*** FT set- or getDate");

    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR){
        it_errln("*** FT getLong(UErrorCode* status) should fail on non-Long");

    const Formattable ftc(fta);
    UnicodeString res;

        UBool t;
        t = (fta.getType() == Formattable::kString) 
            && (fta.getString(res) == "abc")
            && (fta.getString() == "abc");
        res = fta.getString(status = U_ZERO_ERROR);
        t = t && (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR && res == "abc");
        res = ftc.getString(status = U_ZERO_ERROR);
        t = t && (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR && res == "abc");
        ftc.getString(res,status = U_ZERO_ERROR);
        t = t && (status != U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR && res == "abc"); 
        if (t) {
            it_logln("FT set- and getString tested.");
            it_errln("*** FT set- or getString");

    UnicodeString ucs = "unicode-string";
    UnicodeString* ucs_ptr = new UnicodeString("pointed-to-unicode-string");

    const Formattable ftarray[] = 
        Formattable( 1.0, Formattable::kIsDate ),
    const int32_t ft_cnt = UPRV_LENGTHOF(ftarray);
    Formattable ft_arr( ftarray, ft_cnt );
    UnicodeString temp;
    if ((ft_arr[0].getType() == Formattable::kDate)   && (ft_arr[0].getDate()   == 1.0)
     && (ft_arr[1].getType() == Formattable::kDouble) && (ft_arr[1].getDouble() == 2.0)
     && (ft_arr[2].getType() == Formattable::kLong)   && (ft_arr[2].getLong()   == (int32_t)3)
     && (ft_arr[3].getType() == Formattable::kString) && (ft_arr[3].getString(temp) == ucs)
     && (ft_arr[4].getType() == Formattable::kString) && (ft_arr[4].getString(temp) == *ucs_ptr) ) {
        it_logln("FT constr. for date, double, long, ustring, ustring* and array tested");
        it_errln("*** FT constr. for date, double, long, ustring, ustring* or array");

    int32_t i, res_cnt;
    const Formattable* res_array = ft_arr.getArray( res_cnt );
    if (res_cnt == ft_cnt) {
        UBool same  = TRUE;
        for (i = 0; i < res_cnt; i++ ) {
            if (res_array[i] != ftarray[i]) {
                same = FALSE;
        if (same) {
            it_logln("FT getArray tested");
            res_array = ft_arr.getArray( res_cnt, status = U_ZERO_ERROR);
            if (status == U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR){
                it_errln("*** FT getArray with status failed on real array");
            } else {
                it_logln("FT getArray with status tested on real array");
            it_errln("*** FT getArray comparison");
        it_errln(UnicodeString("*** FT getArray count res_cnt=") + res_cnt + UnicodeString("ft_cnt=") + ft_cnt);
    res_array = fta.getArray(res_cnt, status = U_ZERO_ERROR);
    if (status == U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR){
        if (res_cnt == 0 && res_array == NULL){
            it_logln("FT getArray with status tested on non array");
        } else {
            it_errln("*** FT getArray with status return values are not consistent");
    } else {
        it_errln("*** FT getArray with status should fail on non-array");

    Formattable *pf;
    for(i = 0; i < ft_cnt; ++i) {
        pf = ftarray[i].clone();
        if(pf == (ftarray + i) || *pf != ftarray[i]) {
            it_errln(UnicodeString("Formattable.clone() failed for item ") + i);
        delete pf;

    const Formattable ftarr1[] = { Formattable( (int32_t)1 ), Formattable( (int32_t)2 ) };
    const Formattable ftarr2[] = { Formattable( (int32_t)3 ), Formattable( (int32_t)4 ) };

    const int32_t ftarr1_cnt = (int32_t)(sizeof(ftarr1) / sizeof(Formattable));
    const int32_t ftarr2_cnt = (int32_t)(sizeof(ftarr2) / sizeof(Formattable));

    ft_arr.setArray( ftarr1, ftarr1_cnt );
    if ((ft_arr[0].getType() == Formattable::kLong) && (ft_arr[0].getLong() == (int32_t)1)) {
        it_logln("FT setArray tested");
        it_errln("*** FT setArray");

    Formattable* ft_dynarr = new Formattable[ftarr2_cnt];
    for (i = 0; i < ftarr2_cnt; i++ ) {
        ft_dynarr[i] = ftarr2[i];
    if ((ft_dynarr[0].getType() == Formattable::kLong) && (ft_dynarr[0].getLong() == (int32_t)3)
     && (ft_dynarr[1].getType() == Formattable::kLong) && (ft_dynarr[1].getLong() == (int32_t)4)) {
        it_logln("FT operator= and array operations tested");
        it_errln("*** FT operator= or array operations");

    ft_arr.adoptArray( ft_dynarr, ftarr2_cnt );
    if ((ft_arr[0].getType() == Formattable::kLong) && (ft_arr[0].getLong() == (int32_t)3)
     && (ft_arr[1].getType() == Formattable::kLong) && (ft_arr[1].getLong() == (int32_t)4)) {
        it_logln("FT adoptArray tested");
        it_errln("*** FT adoptArray or operator[]");

    ft_arr.setLong(0);   // calls 'dispose' and deletes adopted array !

    UnicodeString* ucs_dyn = new UnicodeString("ttt");
    UnicodeString tmp2;

    fta.adoptString( ucs_dyn );
    if ((fta.getType() == Formattable::kString) && (fta.getString(tmp2) == "ttt")) {
        it_logln("FT adoptString tested");
        it_errln("*** FT adoptString or getString");
    fta.setLong(0);   // calls 'dispose' and deletes adopted string !

Пример #12
NumberFormatRoundTripTest::test(NumberFormat *fmt, const Formattable& value)
    DecimalFormat *df = dynamic_cast<DecimalFormat *>(fmt);
    if(df != NULL) {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString s, s2, temp;
        s = fmt->format(value.getDouble(), s);
        s = fmt->format(value.getLong(), s);

    Formattable n;
    UBool show = verbose;
        logln(/*value.getString(temp) +*/ " F> " + escape(s));

    fmt->parse(s, n, status);
    failure(status, "fmt->parse");
        logln(escape(s) + " P> " /*+ n.getString(temp)*/);

        s2 = fmt->format(n.getDouble(), s2);
        s2 = fmt->format(n.getLong(), s2);
        logln(/*n.getString(temp) +*/ " F> " + escape(s2));

        if (s != s2) {
            errln("*** STRING ERROR \"" + escape(s) + "\" != \"" + escape(s2) + "\"");
            show = TRUE;

        if(value != n) {
            errln("*** NUMERIC ERROR");
            show = TRUE;
    else {
        // Compute proportional error
        double error = proportionalError(value, n);

        if(error > MAX_ERROR) {
            errln(UnicodeString("*** NUMERIC ERROR ") + error);
            show = TRUE;

        if (error > max_numeric_error) 
            max_numeric_error = error;
        if (error < min_numeric_error) 
            min_numeric_error = error;

    if (show) {
        errln(/*value.getString(temp) +*/ typeOf(value, temp) + " F> " +
            escape(s) + " P> " + (n.getType() == Formattable::kDouble ? n.getDouble() : (double)n.getLong())
            /*n.getString(temp) */ + typeOf(n, temp) + " F> " +
Пример #13
TimeUnitFormat::parseObject(const UnicodeString& source,
                            Formattable& result,
                            ParsePosition& pos) const {
    Formattable resultNumber(0.0);
    UBool withNumberFormat = false;
    TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields resultTimeUnit = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_FIELD_COUNT;
    int32_t oldPos = pos.getIndex();
    int32_t newPos = -1;
    int32_t longestParseDistance = 0;
    UnicodeString* countOfLongestMatch = NULL;
    char res[1000];
    source.extract(0, source.length(), res, "UTF-8");
    std::cout << "parse source: " << res << "\n";
    // parse by iterating through all available patterns
    // and looking for the longest match.
    for (TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields i = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_YEAR;
         i < TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_FIELD_COUNT;
         i = (TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields)(i+1)) {
        Hashtable* countToPatterns = fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns[i];
        int32_t elemPos = UHASH_FIRST;
        const UHashElement* elem = NULL;
        while ((elem = countToPatterns->nextElement(elemPos)) != NULL){
            const UHashTok keyTok = elem->key;
            UnicodeString* count = (UnicodeString*)keyTok.pointer;
            count->extract(0, count->length(), res, "UTF-8");
            std::cout << "parse plural count: " << res << "\n";
            const UHashTok valueTok = elem->value;
            // the value is a pair of MessageFormat*
            MessageFormat** patterns = (MessageFormat**)valueTok.pointer;
            for (UTimeUnitFormatStyle style = UTMUTFMT_FULL_STYLE; style < UTMUTFMT_FORMAT_STYLE_COUNT;
                 style = (UTimeUnitFormatStyle)(style + 1)) {
                MessageFormat* pattern = patterns[style];
                // see if we can parse
                Formattable parsed;
                pattern->parseObject(source, parsed, pos);
                if (pos.getErrorIndex() != -1 || pos.getIndex() == oldPos) {
    #ifdef TMUTFMT_DEBUG
                std::cout << "parsed.getType: " << parsed.getType() << "\n";
                Formattable tmpNumber(0.0);
                if (pattern->getArgTypeCount() != 0) {
                    Formattable& temp = parsed[0];
                    if (temp.getType() == Formattable::kString) {
                        UnicodeString tmpString;
                        UErrorCode pStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                        getNumberFormat().parse(temp.getString(tmpString), tmpNumber, pStatus);
                        if (U_FAILURE(pStatus)) {
                    } else if (temp.isNumeric()) {
                        tmpNumber = temp;
                    } else {
                int32_t parseDistance = pos.getIndex() - oldPos;
                if (parseDistance > longestParseDistance) {
                    if (pattern->getArgTypeCount() != 0) {
                        resultNumber = tmpNumber;
                        withNumberFormat = true;
                    } else {
                        withNumberFormat = false;
                    resultTimeUnit = i;
                    newPos = pos.getIndex();
                    longestParseDistance = parseDistance;
                    countOfLongestMatch = count;
    /* After find the longest match, parse the number.
     * Result number could be null for the pattern without number pattern.
     * such as unit pattern in Arabic.
     * When result number is null, use plural rule to set the number.
    if (withNumberFormat == false && longestParseDistance != 0) {
        // set the number using plurrual count
        if (0 == countOfLongestMatch->compare(PLURAL_COUNT_ZERO, 4)) {
            resultNumber = Formattable(0.0);
        } else if (0 == countOfLongestMatch->compare(PLURAL_COUNT_ONE, 3)) {
            resultNumber = Formattable(1.0);
        } else if (0 == countOfLongestMatch->compare(PLURAL_COUNT_TWO, 3)) {
            resultNumber = Formattable(2.0);
        } else {
            // should not happen.
            // TODO: how to handle?
            resultNumber = Formattable(3.0);
    if (longestParseDistance == 0) {
    } else {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        TimeUnitAmount* tmutamt = new TimeUnitAmount(resultNumber, resultTimeUnit, status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        } else {
Пример #14
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4031438() 
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString pattern1("Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is {0} and message is {2}.");
    UnicodeString pattern2("Double '' Quotes {0} test and quoted '{1}' test plus 'other {2} stuff'.");

    MessageFormat *messageFormatter = new MessageFormat("", status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");
    const UBool possibleDataError = TRUE;

    //try {
        logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern1);
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern1, status);
        failure(status, "messageFormat->applyPattern");
        //Object[] params = {new Integer(7)};
        Formattable params []= {
        UnicodeString tempBuffer;
        FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 1, tempBuffer, pos, status);
        if(tempBuffer != "Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is 7 and message is {2}." || failure(status, "MessageFormat::format"))
            dataerrln("Tests arguments < substitution failed");
        logln("Formatted with 7 : " + tempBuffer);
        ParsePosition pp(0);
        int32_t count = 0;
        Formattable *objs = messageFormatter->parse(tempBuffer, pp, count);
        //if(objs[7/*params.length*/] != NULL)
        //    errln("Parse failed with more than expected arguments");

        NumberFormat *fmt = 0;
        UnicodeString temp, temp1;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // convert to string if not already
            Formattable obj = objs[i];
            if(obj.getType() == Formattable::kString)
                temp = obj.getString(temp);
            else {
                fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
                switch (obj.getType()) {
                case Formattable::kLong: fmt->format(obj.getLong(), temp); break;
                case Formattable::kInt64: fmt->format(obj.getInt64(), temp); break;
                case Formattable::kDouble: fmt->format(obj.getDouble(), temp); break;
                default: break;

            // convert to string if not already
            Formattable obj1 = params[i];
            if(obj1.getType() == Formattable::kString)
                temp1 = obj1.getString(temp1);
            else {
                fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
                switch (obj1.getType()) {
                case Formattable::kLong: fmt->format(obj1.getLong(), temp1); break;
                case Formattable::kInt64: fmt->format(obj1.getInt64(), temp1); break;
                case Formattable::kDouble: fmt->format(obj1.getDouble(), temp1); break;
                default: break;

            //if (objs[i] != NULL && objs[i].getString(temp1) != params[i].getString(temp2)) {
            if (temp != temp1) {
                errln("Parse failed on object " + objs[i].getString(temp1) + " at index : " + i);

        delete fmt;
        delete [] objs;

        // {sfb} does this apply?  no way to really pass a null Formattable, 
        // only a null array

        /*tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(null, tempBuffer, FieldPosition(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE), status);
        if (tempBuffer != "Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is {0} and message is {2}." || failure(status, "messageFormat->format"))
            errln("Tests with no arguments failed");
        logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);*/
        logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern2);
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern2, status);
        failure(status, "messageFormatter->applyPattern", possibleDataError);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 1, tempBuffer, pos, status);
        if (tempBuffer != "Double ' Quotes 7 test and quoted {1} test plus other {2} stuff.")
            dataerrln("quote format test (w/ params) failed. - %s", u_errorName(status));
        logln("Formatted with params : " + tempBuffer);
        /*tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(null);
        if (!tempBuffer.equals("Double ' Quotes {0} test and quoted {1} test plus other {2} stuff."))
            errln("quote format test (w/ null) failed.");
        logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);
        logln("toPattern : " + messageFormatter.toPattern());*/
    /*} catch (Exception foo) {
        errln("Exception when formatting in bug 4031438. "+foo.getMessage());
        delete messageFormatter;
Пример #15
static jobject parseRBNFImpl(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jint addr, jstring text, 
        jobject position, jboolean lenient) {

    // LOGI("ENTER parseRBNFImpl");

    const char * parsePositionClassName = "java/text/ParsePosition";
    const char * longClassName = "java/lang/Long";
    const char * doubleClassName = "java/lang/Double";

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    UNumberFormat *fmt = (UNumberFormat *)(int)addr;

    jchar *str = (UChar *)env->GetStringChars(text, NULL);
    int strlength = env->GetStringLength(text);

    jclass parsePositionClass = env->FindClass(parsePositionClassName);
    jclass longClass =  env->FindClass(longClassName);
    jclass doubleClass =  env->FindClass(doubleClassName);

    jmethodID getIndexMethodID = env->GetMethodID(parsePositionClass, 
            "getIndex", "()I");
    jmethodID setIndexMethodID = env->GetMethodID(parsePositionClass, 
            "setIndex", "(I)V");
    jmethodID setErrorIndexMethodID = env->GetMethodID(parsePositionClass, 
            "setErrorIndex", "(I)V");

    jmethodID longInitMethodID = env->GetMethodID(longClass, "<init>", "(J)V");
    jmethodID dblInitMethodID = env->GetMethodID(doubleClass, "<init>", "(D)V");

    int parsePos = env->CallIntMethod(position, getIndexMethodID, NULL);

    // make sure the ParsePosition is valid. Actually icu4c would parse a number 
    // correctly even if the parsePosition is set to -1, but since the RI fails 
    // for that case we have to fail too
    if(parsePos < 0 || parsePos > strlength) {
        return NULL;

    Formattable res;

    const UnicodeString src((UChar*)str, strlength, strlength);
    ParsePosition pp;
    if(lenient) {
        unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, JNI_TRUE);
    ((const NumberFormat*)fmt)->parse(src, res, pp);

    if(lenient) {
        unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_LENIENT_PARSE, JNI_FALSE);
    env->ReleaseStringChars(text, str);

    if(pp.getErrorIndex() == -1) {
        parsePos = pp.getIndex();
    } else {
        env->CallVoidMethod(position, setErrorIndexMethodID, 
                (jint) pp.getErrorIndex());        
        return NULL;

    Formattable::Type numType;
    numType = res.getType();
    UErrorCode fmtStatus;

    double resultDouble;
    long resultLong;
    int64_t resultInt64;

    switch(numType) {
        case Formattable::kDouble:
            resultDouble = res.getDouble();
            env->CallVoidMethod(position, setIndexMethodID, (jint) parsePos);
            return env->NewObject(doubleClass, dblInitMethodID, 
                    (jdouble) resultDouble);
        case Formattable::kLong:
            resultLong = res.getLong();
            env->CallVoidMethod(position, setIndexMethodID, (jint) parsePos);
            return env->NewObject(longClass, longInitMethodID, 
                    (jlong) resultLong);
        case Formattable::kInt64:
            resultInt64 = res.getInt64();
            env->CallVoidMethod(position, setIndexMethodID, (jint) parsePos);
            return env->NewObject(longClass, longInitMethodID, 
                    (jlong) resultInt64);

    return NULL;
Пример #16
TimeUnitFormat::parseObject(const UnicodeString& source, 
                            Formattable& result,
                            ParsePosition& pos) const {
    double resultNumber = -1; 
    UBool withNumberFormat = false;
    TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields resultTimeUnit = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_FIELD_COUNT;
    int32_t oldPos = pos.getIndex();
    int32_t newPos = -1;
    int32_t longestParseDistance = 0;
    UnicodeString* countOfLongestMatch = NULL;
    char res[1000];
    source.extract(0, source.length(), res, "UTF-8");
    std::cout << "parse source: " << res << "\n";           
    // parse by iterating through all available patterns
    // and looking for the longest match.
    for (TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields i = TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_YEAR;
         i < TimeUnit::UTIMEUNIT_FIELD_COUNT;
         i = (TimeUnit::UTimeUnitFields)(i+1)) {
        Hashtable* countToPatterns = fTimeUnitToCountToPatterns[i];
        int32_t elemPos = -1;
        const UHashElement* elem = NULL;
        while ((elem = countToPatterns->nextElement(elemPos)) != NULL){
            const UHashTok keyTok = elem->key;
            UnicodeString* count = (UnicodeString*)keyTok.pointer;
            count->extract(0, count->length(), res, "UTF-8");
            std::cout << "parse plural count: " << res << "\n";           
            const UHashTok valueTok = elem->value;
            // the value is a pair of MessageFormat*
            MessageFormat** patterns = (MessageFormat**)valueTok.pointer;
            for (EStyle style = kFull; style < kTotal; style = (EStyle)(style + 1)) {
                MessageFormat* pattern = patterns[style];
                // see if we can parse
                Formattable parsed;
                pattern->parseObject(source, parsed, pos);
                if (pos.getErrorIndex() != -1 || pos.getIndex() == oldPos) {
    #ifdef TMUTFMT_DEBUG
                std::cout << "parsed.getType: " << parsed.getType() << "\n";
                double tmpNumber = 0;
                if (pattern->getArgTypeCount() != 0) {
                    // pattern with Number as beginning, such as "{0} d".
                    // check to make sure that the timeUnit is consistent
                    Formattable& temp = parsed[0];
                    if (temp.getType() == Formattable::kDouble) {
                        tmpNumber = temp.getDouble();
                    } else if (temp.getType() == Formattable::kLong) {
                        tmpNumber = temp.getLong();
                    } else {
                    UnicodeString select = fPluralRules->select(tmpNumber);
    #ifdef TMUTFMT_DEBUG
                    select.extract(0, select.length(), res, "UTF-8");
                    std::cout << "parse plural select count: " << res << "\n"; 
                    if (*count != select) {
                int32_t parseDistance = pos.getIndex() - oldPos;
                if (parseDistance > longestParseDistance) {
                    if (pattern->getArgTypeCount() != 0) {
                        resultNumber = tmpNumber;
                        withNumberFormat = true;
                    } else {
                        withNumberFormat = false;
                    resultTimeUnit = i;
                    newPos = pos.getIndex();
                    longestParseDistance = parseDistance;
                    countOfLongestMatch = count;
    /* After find the longest match, parse the number.
     * Result number could be null for the pattern without number pattern.
     * such as unit pattern in Arabic.
     * When result number is null, use plural rule to set the number.
    if (withNumberFormat == false && longestParseDistance != 0) {
        // set the number using plurrual count
        if ( *countOfLongestMatch == PLURAL_COUNT_ZERO ) {
            resultNumber = 0;
        } else if ( *countOfLongestMatch == PLURAL_COUNT_ONE ) {
            resultNumber = 1;
        } else if ( *countOfLongestMatch == PLURAL_COUNT_TWO ) {
            resultNumber = 2;
        } else {
            // should not happen.
            // TODO: how to handle?
            resultNumber = 3;
    if (longestParseDistance == 0) {
    } else {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        TimeUnitAmount* tmutamt = new TimeUnitAmount(resultNumber, resultTimeUnit, status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        } else {