static JSValueRef getResourceDocumentNode(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef /*function*/, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* /*exception*/) { JSValueRef undefined = JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx); InspectorController* controller = reinterpret_cast<InspectorController*>(JSObjectGetPrivate(thisObject)); if (!argumentCount || argumentCount > 1 || !controller) return undefined; JSValueRef identifierValue = arguments[0]; if (!JSValueIsNumber(ctx, identifierValue)) return undefined; unsigned long identifier = static_cast<unsigned long>(JSValueToNumber(ctx, identifierValue, 0)); RefPtr<InspectorResource> resource = controller->resources().get(identifier); ASSERT(resource); if (!resource) return undefined; FrameLoader* frameLoader = resource->loader->frameLoader(); if (!frameLoader) return undefined; Document* document = frameLoader->frame()->document(); if (!document) return undefined; if (document->isPluginDocument() || document->isImageDocument()) return undefined; KJS::JSLock lock; JSValueRef documentValue = toRef(toJS(toJS(controller->scriptContext()), document)); return documentValue; }
Type type() const { if (requestURL == loader->requestURL()) return Doc; FrameLoader* frameLoader = loader->frameLoader(); if (!frameLoader) return Other; if (requestURL == frameLoader->iconURL()) return Image; Document* doc = frameLoader->frame()->document(); if (!doc) return Other; CachedResource* cachedResource = doc->docLoader()->cachedResource(requestURL.url()); if (!cachedResource) return Other; switch (cachedResource->type()) { case CachedResource::ImageResource: return Image; case CachedResource::CSSStyleSheet: #if ENABLE(XSLT) case CachedResource::XSLStyleSheet: #endif return Stylesheet; case CachedResource::Script: return Script; default: return Other; } }
PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> InspectorResourceAgent::resourceData(Frame* frame, const KURL& url, String* textEncodingName) { FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame->loader(); DocumentLoader* loader = frameLoader->documentLoader(); if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, loader->url())) { *textEncodingName = frame->document()->inputEncoding(); return frameLoader->documentLoader()->mainResourceData(); } CachedResource* cachedResource = InspectorResourceAgent::cachedResource(frame, url); if (!cachedResource) return 0; if (cachedResource->isPurgeable()) { // If the resource is purgeable then make it unpurgeable to get // get its data. This might fail, in which case we return an // empty String. // FIXME: should we do something else in the case of a purged // resource that informs the user why there is no data in the // inspector? if (!cachedResource->makePurgeable(false)) return 0; } *textEncodingName = cachedResource->encoding(); return cachedResource->data(); }
bool SubframeLoader::loadPlugin(HTMLPlugInImageElement* pluginElement, const KURL& url, const String& mimeType, const Vector<String>& paramNames, const Vector<String>& paramValues, bool useFallback) { RenderEmbeddedObject* renderer = pluginElement->renderEmbeddedObject(); // FIXME: This code should not depend on renderer! if (!renderer || useFallback) return false; if (!document()->securityOrigin()->canDisplay(url)) { FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, url.string()); return false; } FrameLoader* frameLoader = m_frame->loader(); frameLoader->checkIfRunInsecureContent(document()->securityOrigin(), url); IntSize contentSize(renderer->contentWidth(), renderer->contentHeight()); bool loadManually = document()->isPluginDocument() && !m_containsPlugins; RefPtr<Widget> widget = frameLoader->client()->createPlugin(contentSize, pluginElement, url, paramNames, paramValues, mimeType, loadManually); if (!widget) { renderer->setShowsMissingPluginIndicator(); return false; } renderer->setWidget(widget); m_containsPlugins = true; #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) pluginElement->setNeedsStyleRecalc(SyntheticStyleChange); #endif return true; }
PassRefPtr<HistoryItem> HistoryController::createItemTree(Frame* targetFrame, bool clipAtTarget) { RefPtr<HistoryItem> bfItem = createItem(); saveScrollPositionAndViewStateToItem(m_previousItem.get()); if (!clipAtTarget || m_frame != targetFrame) { // save frame state for items that aren't loading (khtml doesn't save those) saveDocumentState(); // clipAtTarget is false for navigations within the same document, so // we should copy the documentSequenceNumber over to the newly create // item. Non-target items are just clones, and they should therefore // preserve the same itemSequenceNumber. if (m_previousItem) { if (m_frame != targetFrame) bfItem->setItemSequenceNumber(m_previousItem->itemSequenceNumber()); bfItem->setDocumentSequenceNumber(m_previousItem->documentSequenceNumber()); } for (Frame* child = m_frame->tree()->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) { // If the child is a frame corresponding to an <object> element that never loaded, // we don't want to create a history item, because that causes fallback content // to be ignored on reload. FrameLoader* childLoader = child->loader(); if (childLoader->stateMachine()->startedFirstRealLoad() || !child->ownerElement()->isObjectElement()) bfItem->addChildItem(childLoader->history()->createItemTree(targetFrame, clipAtTarget)); } } // FIXME: Eliminate the isTargetItem flag in favor of itemSequenceNumber. if (m_frame == targetFrame) bfItem->setIsTargetItem(true); return bfItem; }
void InspectorPageAgent::searchInResource(ErrorString*, const String& frameId, const String& url, const String& query, const bool* const optionalCaseSensitive, const bool* const optionalIsRegex, RefPtr<TypeBuilder::Array<TypeBuilder::Page::SearchMatch> >& results) { results = TypeBuilder::Array<TypeBuilder::Page::SearchMatch>::create(); bool isRegex = optionalIsRegex ? *optionalIsRegex : false; bool caseSensitive = optionalCaseSensitive ? *optionalCaseSensitive : false; LocalFrame* frame = frameForId(frameId); KURL kurl(ParsedURLString, url); FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame ? &frame->loader() : 0; DocumentLoader* loader = frameLoader ? frameLoader->documentLoader() : 0; if (!loader) return; String content; bool success = false; Resource* resource = cachedResource(frame, kurl); if (resource) success = textContentForResource(resource, &content); if (!success) return; results = ContentSearchUtils::searchInTextByLines(content, query, caseSensitive, isRegex); }
void FrameLoaderClient::committedLoad(WebCore::DocumentLoader* loader, const char* data, int length) { if (!m_pluginView) { ASSERT(loader->frame()); // Setting the encoding on the frame loader is our way to get work done that is normally done // when the first bit of data is received, even for the case of a document with no data (like about:blank). String encoding = loader->overrideEncoding(); bool userChosen = !encoding.isNull(); if (!userChosen) encoding = loader->response().textEncodingName(); FrameLoader* frameLoader = loader->frameLoader(); frameLoader->setEncoding(encoding, userChosen); if (data) frameLoader->addData(data, length); } if (m_pluginView) { if (!m_hasSentResponseToPlugin) { m_pluginView->didReceiveResponse(loader->response()); m_hasSentResponseToPlugin = true; } // FIXME: We may want to investigate refactoring our plugin loading // code to be similar to mac's. // Also, see if (!m_pluginView) return; m_pluginView->didReceiveData(data, length); } }
void HTMLVideoElement::setDisplayMode(DisplayMode mode) { DisplayMode oldMode = displayMode(); KURL poster = getNonEmptyURLAttribute(posterAttr); if (!poster.isEmpty()) { // We have a poster path, but only show it until the user triggers display by playing or seeking and the // media engine has something to display. if (mode == Video) { if (oldMode != Video && player()) player()->prepareForRendering(); if (!hasAvailableVideoFrame()) mode = PosterWaitingForVideo; } } else if (oldMode != Video && player()) player()->prepareForRendering(); HTMLMediaElement::setDisplayMode(mode); if (player() && player()->canLoadPoster()) { bool canLoad = true; if (!poster.isEmpty()) { Frame* frame = document()->frame(); FrameLoader* loader = frame ? frame->loader() : 0; canLoad = loader && loader->willLoadMediaElementURL(poster); } if (canLoad) player()->setPoster(poster); } #if !ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO) if (renderer() && displayMode() != oldMode) renderer()->updateFromElement(); #endif }
void RedirectScheduler::scheduleLocationChange(const String& url, const String& referrer, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList, bool wasUserGesture) { if (!m_frame->page()) return; if (url.isEmpty()) return; lockBackForwardList = lockBackForwardList || mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame); FrameLoader* loader = m_frame->loader(); // If the URL we're going to navigate to is the same as the current one, except for the // fragment part, we don't need to schedule the location change. KURL parsedURL(ParsedURLString, url); if (parsedURL.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(loader->url(), parsedURL)) { loader->changeLocation(loader->completeURL(url), referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, wasUserGesture); return; } // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case. // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame. bool duringLoad = !loader->committedFirstRealDocumentLoad(); schedule(new ScheduledLocationChange(url, referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, wasUserGesture, duringLoad)); }
void FrameLoaderClientQt::committedLoad(WebCore::DocumentLoader* loader, const char* data, int length) { if (!m_pluginView) { if (!m_frame) return; FrameLoader *fl = loader->frameLoader(); if (m_firstData) { fl->setEncoding(m_response.textEncodingName(), false); m_firstData = false; } fl->addData(data, length); } // We re-check here as the plugin can have been created if (m_pluginView && m_pluginView->isPluginView()) { if (!m_hasSentResponseToPlugin) { m_pluginView->didReceiveResponse(loader->response()); // didReceiveResponse sets up a new stream to the plug-in. on a full-page plug-in, a failure in // setting up this stream can cause the main document load to be cancelled, setting m_pluginView // to null if (!m_pluginView) return; m_hasSentResponseToPlugin = true; } m_pluginView->didReceiveData(data, length); } }
void HistoryController::updateForCommit() { FrameLoader* frameLoader = m_frame->loader(); #if !LOG_DISABLED if (frameLoader->documentLoader()) LOG(History, "WebCoreHistory: Updating History for commit in frame %s", frameLoader->documentLoader()->title().string().utf8().data()); #endif FrameLoadType type = frameLoader->loadType(); if (isBackForwardLoadType(type) || isReplaceLoadTypeWithProvisionalItem(type) || (isReloadTypeWithProvisionalItem(type) && !frameLoader->provisionalDocumentLoader()->unreachableURL().isEmpty())) { // Once committed, we want to use current item for saving DocState, and // the provisional item for restoring state. // Note previousItem must be set before we close the URL, which will // happen when the data source is made non-provisional below m_frameLoadComplete = false; m_previousItem = m_currentItem; ASSERT(m_provisionalItem); m_currentItem = m_provisionalItem; m_provisionalItem = 0; // Tell all other frames in the tree to commit their provisional items and // restore their scroll position. We'll avoid this frame (which has already // committed) and its children (which will be replaced). Page* page = m_frame->page(); ASSERT(page); page->mainFrame()->loader()->history()->recursiveUpdateForCommit(); } }
bool InspectorBackend::addSourceToFrame(const String& mimeType, const String& source, Node* frameNode) { ASSERT_ARG(frameNode, frameNode); if (!frameNode) return false; if (!frameNode->attached()) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } ASSERT(frameNode->isElementNode()); if (!frameNode->isElementNode()) return false; Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(frameNode); ASSERT(element->isFrameOwnerElement()); if (!element->isFrameOwnerElement()) return false; HTMLFrameOwnerElement* frameOwner = static_cast<HTMLFrameOwnerElement*>(element); ASSERT(frameOwner->contentFrame()); if (!frameOwner->contentFrame()) return false; FrameLoader* loader = frameOwner->contentFrame()->loader(); loader->setResponseMIMEType(mimeType); loader->begin(); loader->write(source); loader->end(); return true; }
// static void InspectorPageAgent::resourceContent(ErrorString* errorString, Frame* frame, const KURL& url, String* result, bool* base64Encoded) { if (!frame) { *errorString = "No frame to get resource content for"; return; } FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame->loader(); DocumentLoader* loader = frameLoader->documentLoader(); if (!loader) { *errorString = "No documentLoader for frame to get resource content for"; return; } RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer; bool success = false; if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(url, loader->url())) { *base64Encoded = false; success = mainResourceContent(frame, *base64Encoded, result); } if (!success) success = cachedResourceContent(cachedResource(frame, url), result, base64Encoded); if (!success) *errorString = "No resource with given URL found"; }
// This function should only be called when frameLoader() is non-null. FrameLoader& ResourceLoader::dataProtocolFrameLoader() const { FrameLoader* loader = frameLoader(); ASSERT(loader); FrameLoader* dataProtocolLoader = loader->client().dataProtocolLoader(); return *(dataProtocolLoader ? dataProtocolLoader : loader); }
void CachedResource::addAdditionalRequestHeaders(CachedResourceLoader* cachedResourceLoader) { // Note: We skip the Content-Security-Policy check here because we check // the Content-Security-Policy at the CachedResourceLoader layer so we can // handle different resource types differently. FrameLoader* frameLoader = cachedResourceLoader->frame()->loader(); String outgoingReferrer; String outgoingOrigin; if (m_resourceRequest.httpReferrer().isNull()) { outgoingReferrer = frameLoader->outgoingReferrer(); outgoingOrigin = frameLoader->outgoingOrigin(); } else { outgoingReferrer = m_resourceRequest.httpReferrer(); outgoingOrigin = SecurityOrigin::createFromString(outgoingReferrer)->toString(); } outgoingReferrer = SecurityPolicy::generateReferrerHeader(cachedResourceLoader->document()->referrerPolicy(), m_resourceRequest.url(), outgoingReferrer); if (outgoingReferrer.isEmpty()) m_resourceRequest.clearHTTPReferrer(); else if (!m_resourceRequest.httpReferrer()) m_resourceRequest.setHTTPReferrer(outgoingReferrer); FrameLoader::addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(m_resourceRequest, outgoingOrigin); frameLoader->addExtraFieldsToSubresourceRequest(m_resourceRequest); }
// Cancels the data source's pending loads. Conceptually, a data source only loads // one document at a time, but one document may have many related resources. // stopLoading will stop all loads initiated by the data source, // but not loads initiated by child frames' data sources -- that's the WebFrame's job. void DocumentLoader::stopLoading() { // In some rare cases, calling FrameLoader::stopLoading could set m_loading to false. // (This can happen when there's a single XMLHttpRequest currently loading and stopLoading causes it // to stop loading. Because of this, we need to save it so we don't return early. bool loading = m_loading; if (m_committed) { // Attempt to stop the frame if the document loader is loading, or if it is done loading but // still parsing. Failure to do so can cause a world leak. Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if (loading || doc->parsing()) m_frame->loader()->stopLoading(UnloadEventPolicyNone); } // Always cancel multipart loaders cancelAll(m_multipartSubresourceLoaders); // Appcache uses ResourceHandle directly, DocumentLoader doesn't count these loads. m_applicationCacheHost->stopLoadingInFrame(m_frame); if (!loading) { // If something above restarted loading we might run into mysterious crashes like // and <rdar://problem/9328684> ASSERT(!m_loading); return; } // We might run in to infinite recursion if we're stopping loading as the result of // detaching from the frame, so break out of that recursion here. // See <rdar://problem/9673866> for more details. if (m_isStopping) return; RefPtr<Frame> protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protectLoader(this); m_isStopping = true; FrameLoader* frameLoader = DocumentLoader::frameLoader(); if (m_mainResourceLoader) // Stop the main resource loader and let it send the cancelled message. m_mainResourceLoader->cancel(); else if (!m_subresourceLoaders.isEmpty()) // The main resource loader already finished loading. Set the cancelled error on the // document and let the subresourceLoaders send individual cancelled messages below. setMainDocumentError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request)); else // If there are no resource loaders, we need to manufacture a cancelled message. // (A back/forward navigation has no resource loaders because its resources are cached.) mainReceivedError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request), true); stopLoadingSubresources(); stopLoadingPlugIns(); m_isStopping = false; }
void FrameLoaderClientWx::committedLoad(WebCore::DocumentLoader* loader, const char* data, int length) { if (!m_frame) return; FrameLoader* fl = loader->frameLoader(); fl->setEncoding(m_response.textEncodingName(), false); fl->addData(data, length); }
Page* InspectorOverlay::overlayPage() { if (m_overlayPage) return m_overlayPage.get(); static FrameLoaderClient* dummyFrameLoaderClient = new EmptyFrameLoaderClient; Page::PageClients pageClients; fillWithEmptyClients(pageClients); ASSERT(!m_overlayChromeClient); m_overlayChromeClient = adoptPtr(new InspectorOverlayChromeClient(m_page->chrome().client(), this)); pageClients.chromeClient = m_overlayChromeClient.get(); m_overlayPage = adoptPtr(new Page(pageClients)); m_overlayPage->setGroupType(Page::InspectorPageGroup); Settings* settings = m_page->settings(); Settings* overlaySettings = m_overlayPage->settings(); overlaySettings->setStandardFontFamily(settings->standardFontFamily()); overlaySettings->setSerifFontFamily(settings->serifFontFamily()); overlaySettings->setSansSerifFontFamily(settings->sansSerifFontFamily()); overlaySettings->setCursiveFontFamily(settings->cursiveFontFamily()); overlaySettings->setFantasyFontFamily(settings->fantasyFontFamily()); overlaySettings->setPictographFontFamily(settings->pictographFontFamily()); overlaySettings->setMinimumFontSize(settings->minimumFontSize()); overlaySettings->setMinimumLogicalFontSize(settings->minimumLogicalFontSize()); overlaySettings->setMediaEnabled(false); overlaySettings->setScriptEnabled(true); overlaySettings->setPluginsEnabled(false); overlaySettings->setLoadsImagesAutomatically(true); RefPtr<Frame> frame = Frame::create(m_overlayPage.get(), 0, dummyFrameLoaderClient); frame->setView(FrameView::create(frame.get())); frame->init(); FrameLoader* loader = frame->loader(); frame->view()->setCanHaveScrollbars(false); frame->view()->setTransparent(true); ASSERT(loader->activeDocumentLoader()); DocumentWriter* writer = loader->activeDocumentLoader()->beginWriting("text/html", "UTF-8"); writer->addData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(InspectorOverlayPage_html), sizeof(InspectorOverlayPage_html)); writer->end(); v8::HandleScope handleScope; v8::Handle<v8::Context> frameContext = frame->script()->currentWorldContext(); v8::Context::Scope contextScope(frameContext); v8::Handle<v8::Value> overlayHostObj = toV8(m_overlayHost.get(), v8::Handle<v8::Object>(), frameContext->GetIsolate()); v8::Handle<v8::Object> global = frameContext->Global(); global->Set(v8::String::New("InspectorOverlayHost"), overlayHostObj); #if OS(WINDOWS) evaluateInOverlay("setPlatform", "windows"); #elif OS(DARWIN) evaluateInOverlay("setPlatform", "mac"); #elif OS(UNIX) evaluateInOverlay("setPlatform", "linux"); #endif return m_overlayPage.get(); }
void FrameLoaderClientEfl::dispatchDidFailLoading(DocumentLoader* loader, unsigned long identifier, const ResourceError&) { if (m_firstData) { FrameLoader* fl = loader->frameLoader(); fl->writer()->setEncoding(m_response.textEncodingName(), false); m_firstData = false; } }
static bool webKitWebSrcStart(WebKitWebSrc* src) { WebKitWebSrcPrivate* priv = src->priv; if (!priv->uri) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT(src, "No URI provided"); return false; } KURL url = KURL(KURL(), priv->uri); ResourceRequest request(url); request.setTargetType(ResourceRequestBase::TargetIsMedia); request.setAllowCookies(true); NetworkingContext* context = 0; if (priv->frame) { Document* document = priv->frame->document(); if (document) request.setHTTPReferrer(document->documentURI()); FrameLoader* loader = priv->frame->loader(); if (loader) { loader->addExtraFieldsToSubresourceRequest(request); context = loader->networkingContext(); } } // Let Apple web servers know we want to access their nice movie trailers. if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp("", || !g_ascii_strcasecmp("", request.setHTTPUserAgent("Quicktime/7.6.6"); if (priv->requestedOffset) { GOwnPtr<gchar> val; val.set(g_strdup_printf("bytes=%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "-", priv->requestedOffset)); request.setHTTPHeaderField("Range", val.get()); } if (priv->iradioMode) request.setHTTPHeaderField("icy-metadata", "1"); // Needed to use DLNA streaming servers request.setHTTPHeaderField("transferMode.dlna", "Streaming"); priv->resourceHandle = ResourceHandle::create(context, request, priv->client, false, false); if (!priv->resourceHandle) { GST_ERROR_OBJECT(src, "Failed to create ResourceHandle"); return false; } GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(src, "Started request"); return true; }
Frame* ResourceLoader::getFrame() { Frame* retVal = NULL; FrameLoader* pFrameLoader = frameLoader(); if(pFrameLoader != NULL) { retVal = pFrameLoader->frame(); } return retVal; }
void FrameLoaderClientQt::dispatchDidFailLoading(WebCore::DocumentLoader* loader, unsigned long identifier, const WebCore::ResourceError& error) { if (dumpResourceLoadCallbacks) printf("%s - didFailLoadingWithError: %s\n", qPrintable(dumpAssignedUrls[identifier]), qPrintable(drtDescriptionSuitableForTestResult(error))); if (m_firstData) { FrameLoader *fl = loader->frameLoader(); fl->setEncoding(m_response.textEncodingName(), false); m_firstData = false; } }
static PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> buildObjectForFrameResource(Frame* frame) { FrameLoader* frameLoader = frame->loader(); DocumentLoader* loader = frameLoader->documentLoader(); RefPtr<InspectorObject> resourceObject = InspectorObject::create(); resourceObject->setString("url", loader->url().string()); resourceObject->setObject("loader", buildObjectForDocumentLoader(loader)); resourceObject->setObject("request", buildObjectForResourceRequest(loader->request())); resourceObject->setObject("response", buildObjectForResourceResponse(loader->response())); return resourceObject; }
/** * webkit_web_data_source_get_web_frame: * @data_source: a #WebKitWebDataSource * * Returns the #WebKitWebFrame that represents this data source * * Return value: (transfer none): the #WebKitWebFrame that represents * the @data_source. The #WebKitWebFrame is owned by WebKit and should * not be freed or destroyed. This will return %NULL if the * @data_source is not attached to a frame. * * Since: 1.1.14 */ WebKitWebFrame* webkit_web_data_source_get_web_frame(WebKitWebDataSource* webDataSource) { g_return_val_if_fail(WEBKIT_IS_WEB_DATA_SOURCE(webDataSource), NULL); WebKitWebDataSourcePrivate* priv = webDataSource->priv; FrameLoader* frameLoader = priv->loader->frameLoader(); if (!frameLoader) return NULL; return static_cast<WebKit::FrameLoaderClient*>(frameLoader->client())->webFrame(); }
QList<QObject*> QWebFrameAdapter::childFrames() const { QList<QObject*> originatingObjects; if (frame) { FrameTree* tree = frame->tree(); for (Frame* child = tree->firstChild(); child; child = child->tree()->nextSibling()) { FrameLoader* loader = child->loader(); originatingObjects.append(loader->networkingContext()->originatingObject()); } } return originatingObjects; }
virtual void fire(Frame* frame) { FrameLoader* loader = frame->loader(); if (!m_historySteps) { // Special case for go(0) from a frame -> reload only the frame loader->urlSelected(loader->url(), "", 0, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), false, SendReferrer); return; } // go(i!=0) from a frame navigates into the history of the frame only, // in both IE and NS (but not in Mozilla). We can't easily do that. frame->page()->goBackOrForward(m_historySteps); }
//------- WebKit/plugin resource load notifications --------------- void WebDevToolsAgentImpl::identifierForInitialRequest( unsigned long resourceId, WebFrame* frame, const WebURLRequest& request) { if (InspectorController* ic = inspectorController()) { WebFrameImpl* webFrameImpl = static_cast<WebFrameImpl*>(frame); FrameLoader* frameLoader = webFrameImpl->frame()->loader(); DocumentLoader* loader = frameLoader->activeDocumentLoader(); ic->identifierForInitialRequest(resourceId, loader, request.toResourceRequest()); } }
bool SVGImage::dataChanged(bool allDataReceived) { // Don't do anything if is an empty image. if (!data()->size()) return true; if (allDataReceived) { static FrameLoaderClient* dummyFrameLoaderClient = new EmptyFrameLoaderClient; Page::PageClients pageClients; m_chromeClient = adoptPtr(new SVGImageChromeClient(this)); pageClients.chromeClient = m_chromeClient.get(); #if ENABLE(CONTEXT_MENUS) static ContextMenuClient* dummyContextMenuClient = new EmptyContextMenuClient; pageClients.contextMenuClient = dummyContextMenuClient; #endif static EditorClient* dummyEditorClient = new EmptyEditorClient; pageClients.editorClient = dummyEditorClient; #if ENABLE(DRAG_SUPPORT) static DragClient* dummyDragClient = new EmptyDragClient; pageClients.dragClient = dummyDragClient; #endif static InspectorClient* dummyInspectorClient = new EmptyInspectorClient; pageClients.inspectorClient = dummyInspectorClient; #if ENABLE(DEVICE_ORIENTATION) static DeviceMotionClient* dummyDeviceMotionClient = new EmptyDeviceMotionClient; pageClients.deviceMotionClient = dummyDeviceMotionClient; static DeviceOrientationClient* dummyDeviceOrientationClient = new EmptyDeviceOrientationClient; pageClients.deviceOrientationClient = dummyDeviceOrientationClient; #endif // FIXME: If this SVG ends up loading itself, we might leak the world. // The comment said that the Cache code does not know about CachedImages // holding Frames and won't know to break the cycle. But m_page.set(new Page(pageClients)); m_page->settings()->setMediaEnabled(false); m_page->settings()->setJavaScriptEnabled(false); m_page->settings()->setPluginsEnabled(false); RefPtr<Frame> frame = Frame::create(m_page.get(), 0, dummyFrameLoaderClient); frame->setView(FrameView::create(frame.get())); frame->init(); ResourceRequest fakeRequest(KURL(ParsedURLString, "")); FrameLoader* loader = frame->loader(); loader->setForcedSandboxFlags(SandboxAll); loader->load(fakeRequest, false); // Make sure the DocumentLoader is created loader->policyChecker()->cancelCheck(); // cancel any policy checks loader->commitProvisionalLoad(); loader->writer()->setMIMEType("image/svg+xml"); loader->writer()->begin(KURL()); // create the empty document loader->writer()->addData(data()->data(), data()->size()); loader->writer()->end(); frame->view()->setTransparent(true); // SVG Images are transparent. } return m_page; }
// Cancels the data source's pending loads. Conceptually, a data source only loads // one document at a time, but one document may have many related resources. // stopLoading will stop all loads initiated by the data source, // but not loads initiated by child frames' data sources -- that's the WebFrame's job. void DocumentLoader::stopLoading(DatabasePolicy databasePolicy) { // In some rare cases, calling FrameLoader::stopLoading could set m_loading to false. // (This can happen when there's a single XMLHttpRequest currently loading and stopLoading causes it // to stop loading. Because of this, we need to save it so we don't return early. bool loading = m_loading; if (m_committed) { // Attempt to stop the frame if the document loader is loading, or if it is done loading but // still parsing. Failure to do so can cause a world leak. Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if (loading || doc->parsing()) m_frame->loader()->stopLoading(UnloadEventPolicyNone, databasePolicy); } // Always cancel multipart loaders cancelAll(m_multipartSubresourceLoaders); // Appcache uses ResourceHandle directly, DocumentLoader doesn't count these loads. #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) m_applicationCacheHost->stopLoadingInFrame(m_frame); #endif if (!loading) return; RefPtr<Frame> protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protectLoader(this); m_isStopping = true; FrameLoader* frameLoader = DocumentLoader::frameLoader(); if (m_mainResourceLoader) // Stop the main resource loader and let it send the cancelled message. m_mainResourceLoader->cancel(); else if (!m_subresourceLoaders.isEmpty()) // The main resource loader already finished loading. Set the cancelled error on the // document and let the subresourceLoaders send individual cancelled messages below. setMainDocumentError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request)); else // If there are no resource loaders, we need to manufacture a cancelled message. // (A back/forward navigation has no resource loaders because its resources are cached.) mainReceivedError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request), true); stopLoadingSubresources(); stopLoadingPlugIns(); m_isStopping = false; }
// We don't use m_url, or m_serviceType as they may not be the final values // that <object> uses depending on <param> values. bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::wouldLoadAsNetscapePlugin(const String& url, const String& serviceType) { ASSERT(document()); ASSERT(document()->frame()); KURL completedURL; if (!url.isEmpty()) completedURL = document()->completeURL(url); FrameLoader* frameLoader = document()->frame()->loader(); ASSERT(frameLoader); if (frameLoader->client()->objectContentType(completedURL, serviceType, shouldPreferPlugInsForImages()) == ObjectContentNetscapePlugin) return true; return false; }