Пример #1
/// \brief Returns true, if a method implementation corresponding to
/// the class_method applied to an instance of the class CD is
/// effectively final, i.e. it is statically known to be not overridden
/// by any subclasses of the class CD.
/// \p AI  invocation instruction
/// \p ClassType type of the instance
/// \p CD  static class of the instance whose method is being invoked
/// \p CHA class hierarchy analysis
bool isEffectivelyFinalMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                              SILType ClassType,
                              ClassDecl *CD,
                              ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA) {
  if (CD && CD->isFinal())
    return true;

  const DeclContext *DC = AI.getModule().getAssociatedContext();

  // Without an associated context we cannot perform any
  // access-based optimizations.
  if (!DC)
    return false;

  auto *CMI = cast<MethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  if (!calleesAreStaticallyKnowable(AI.getModule(), CMI->getMember()))
    return false;

  auto *Method = CMI->getMember().getAbstractFunctionDecl();
  assert(Method && "Expected abstract function decl!");
  assert(!Method->isFinal() && "Unexpected indirect call to final method!");

  // If this method is not overridden in the module,
  // there is no other implementation.
  if (!Method->isOverridden())
    return true;

  // Class declaration may be nullptr, e.g. for cases like:
  // func foo<C:Base>(c: C) {}, where C is a class, but
  // it does not have a class decl.
  if (!CD)
    return false;

  if (!CHA)
    return false;

  // This is a private or a module internal class.
  // We can analyze the class hierarchy rooted at it and
  // eventually devirtualize a method call more efficiently.

  ClassHierarchyAnalysis::ClassList Subs;
  getAllSubclasses(CHA, CD, ClassType, AI.getModule(), Subs);

  // This is the implementation of the method to be used
  // if the exact class of the instance would be CD.
  auto *ImplMethod = CD->findImplementingMethod(Method);

  // First, analyze all direct subclasses.
  for (auto S : Subs) {
    // Check if the subclass overrides a method and provides
    // a different implementation.
    auto *ImplFD = S->findImplementingMethod(Method);
    if (ImplFD != ImplMethod)
      return false;

  return true;
Пример #2
/// Attempt to devirtualize the given apply if possible, and return a
/// new instruction in that case, or nullptr otherwise.
swift::tryDevirtualizeApply(FullApplySite AI, ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA) {
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize: " << *AI.getInstruction());

  // Devirtualize apply instructions that call witness_method instructions:
  //   %8 = witness_method $Optional<UInt16>, #LogicValue.boolValue!getter.1
  //   %9 = apply %8<Self = CodeUnit?>(%6#1) : ...
  if (isa<WitnessMethodInst>(AI.getCallee()))
    return tryDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI);

  /// Optimize a class_method and alloc_ref pair into a direct function
  /// reference:
  /// \code
  /// %XX = alloc_ref $Foo
  /// %YY = class_method %XX : $Foo, #Foo.get!1 : $@convention(method)...
  /// \endcode
  ///  or
  /// %XX = metatype $...
  /// %YY = class_method %XX : ...
  ///  into
  /// %YY = function_ref @...
  if (auto *CMI = dyn_cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee())) {
    auto &M = AI.getModule();
    auto Instance = stripUpCasts(CMI->getOperand());
    auto ClassType = Instance->getType();
    if (ClassType.is<MetatypeType>())
      ClassType = ClassType.getMetatypeInstanceType(M);

    auto *CD = ClassType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();

    if (isEffectivelyFinalMethod(AI, ClassType, CD, CHA))
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, Instance);

    // Try to check if the exact dynamic type of the instance is statically
    // known.
    if (auto Instance = getInstanceWithExactDynamicType(CMI->getOperand(),
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, Instance);

  if (isa<SuperMethodInst>(AI.getCallee())) {
    if (AI.hasSelfArgument()) {
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, AI.getSelfArgument());

    // It is an invocation of a class method.
    // Last operand is the metatype that should be used for dispatching.
    return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, AI.getArguments().back());

  return std::make_pair(nullptr, FullApplySite());
Пример #3
/// \brief Check if it is possible to devirtualize an Apply instruction
/// and a class member obtained using the class_method instruction into
/// a direct call to a specific member of a specific class.
/// \p AI is the apply to devirtualize.
/// \p ClassOrMetatypeType is the class type or metatype type we are
///    devirtualizing for.
/// return true if it is possible to devirtualize, false - otherwise.
bool swift::canDevirtualizeClassMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                                       SILType ClassOrMetatypeType,
                                       OptRemark::Emitter *ORE,
                                       bool isEffectivelyFinalMethod) {

  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize : "
                          << *AI.getInstruction());

  SILModule &Mod = AI.getModule();

  // First attempt to lookup the origin for our class method. The origin should
  // either be a metatype or an alloc_ref.
  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Origin Type: " << ClassOrMetatypeType);

  auto *MI = cast<MethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  // Find the implementation of the member which should be invoked.
  auto *F = getTargetClassMethod(Mod, ClassOrMetatypeType, MI);

  // If we do not find any such function, we have no function to devirtualize
  // to... so bail.
  if (!F) {
    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not find matching VTable "
                               "or vtable method for this class.\n");
    return false;

  // We need to disable the  “effectively final” opt if a function is inlinable
  if (isEffectivelyFinalMethod && AI.getFunction()->getResilienceExpansion() ==
                                      ResilienceExpansion::Minimal) {
    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not optimize function "
                               "because it is an effectively-final inlinable: "
                            << AI.getFunction()->getName() << "\n");
    return false;

  // Mandatory inlining does class method devirtualization. I'm not sure if this
  // is really needed, but some test rely on this.
  // So even for Onone functions we have to do it if the SILStage is raw.
  if (F->getModule().getStage() != SILStage::Raw && !F->shouldOptimize()) {
    // Do not consider functions that should not be optimized.
    LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not optimize function "
                            << " because it is marked no-opt: " << F->getName()
                            << "\n");
    return false;

  if (AI.getFunction()->isSerialized()) {
    // function_ref inside fragile function cannot reference a private or
    // hidden symbol.
    if (!F->hasValidLinkageForFragileRef())
      return false;

  return true;
Пример #4
/// \brief Check if it is possible to devirtualize an Apply instruction
/// and a class member obtained using the class_method instruction into
/// a direct call to a specific member of a specific class.
/// \p AI is the apply to devirtualize.
/// \p ClassOrMetatypeType is the class type or metatype type we are
///    devirtualizing for.
/// return true if it is possible to devirtualize, false - otherwise.
bool swift::canDevirtualizeClassMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                                       SILType ClassOrMetatypeType) {

  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize : " << *AI.getInstruction());

  SILModule &Mod = AI.getModule();

  // First attempt to lookup the origin for our class method. The origin should
  // either be a metatype or an alloc_ref.
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Origin Type: " << ClassOrMetatypeType);

  auto *MI = cast<MethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  // Find the implementation of the member which should be invoked.
  auto *F = getTargetClassMethod(Mod, ClassOrMetatypeType, MI);

  // If we do not find any such function, we have no function to devirtualize
  // to... so bail.
  if (!F) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not find matching VTable or "
                          "vtable method for this class.\n");
    return false;

  if (!F->shouldOptimize()) {
    // Do not consider functions that should not be optimized.
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not optimize function "
                       << " because it is marked no-opt: " << F->getName()
                       << "\n");
    return false;

  if (AI.getFunction()->isSerialized()) {
    // function_ref inside fragile function cannot reference a private or
    // hidden symbol.
    if (!F->hasValidLinkageForFragileRef())
      return false;

  if (MI->isVolatile()) {
    // dynamic dispatch is semantically required, can't devirtualize
    return false;

  return true;
Пример #5
/// \brief Devirtualize an apply of a class method.
/// \p AI is the apply to devirtualize.
/// \p ClassOrMetatype is a class value or metatype value that is the
///    self argument of the apply we will devirtualize.
/// return the result value of the new ApplyInst if created one or null.
DevirtualizationResult swift::devirtualizeClassMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                                                     SILValue ClassOrMetatype) {
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize : " << *AI.getInstruction());

  SILModule &Mod = AI.getModule();
  auto *CMI = cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());
  auto ClassOrMetatypeType = ClassOrMetatype.getType();
  auto *F = getTargetClassMethod(Mod, ClassOrMetatypeType, CMI->getMember());

  CanSILFunctionType GenCalleeType = F->getLoweredFunctionType();

  auto Subs = getSubstitutionsForCallee(Mod, GenCalleeType,
                                        ClassOrMetatypeType, AI);
  CanSILFunctionType SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType;
  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic())
    SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType->substGenericArgs(Mod, Mod.getSwiftModule(), Subs);

  SILBuilderWithScope B(AI.getInstruction());
  FunctionRefInst *FRI = B.createFunctionRef(AI.getLoc(), F);

  // Create the argument list for the new apply, casting when needed
  // in order to handle covariant indirect return types and
  // contravariant argument types.
  llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> NewArgs;
  auto Args = AI.getArguments();
  auto ParamTypes = SubstCalleeType->getParameterSILTypes();

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Args.size() - 1; i != e; ++i)
    NewArgs.push_back(castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, AI.getLoc(), Args[i],

  // Add the self argument, upcasting if required because we're
  // calling a base class's method.
  auto SelfParamTy = SubstCalleeType->getSelfParameter().getSILType();
  NewArgs.push_back(castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, AI.getLoc(),

  // If we have a direct return type, make sure we use the subst callee return
  // type. If we have an indirect return type, AI's return type of the empty
  // tuple should be ok.
  SILType ResultTy = AI.getType();
  if (!SubstCalleeType->hasIndirectResult()) {
    ResultTy = SubstCalleeType->getSILResult();

  SILType SubstCalleeSILType =
  FullApplySite NewAI;

  SILBasicBlock *ResultBB = nullptr;
  SILBasicBlock *NormalBB = nullptr;
  SILValue ResultValue;
  bool ResultCastRequired = false;
  SmallVector<Operand *, 4> OriginalResultUses;

  if (!isa<TryApplyInst>(AI)) {
    NewAI = B.createApply(AI.getLoc(), FRI, SubstCalleeSILType, ResultTy,
                          Subs, NewArgs, cast<ApplyInst>(AI)->isNonThrowing());
    ResultValue = SILValue(NewAI.getInstruction(), 0);
  } else {
    auto *TAI = cast<TryApplyInst>(AI);
    // Create new normal and error BBs only if:
    // - re-using a BB would create a critical edge
    // - or, the result of the new apply would be of different
    //   type than the argument of the original normal BB.
    if (TAI->getNormalBB()->getSinglePredecessor())
      ResultBB = TAI->getNormalBB();
    else {
      ResultBB = B.getFunction().createBasicBlock();

    NormalBB = TAI->getNormalBB();

    SILBasicBlock *ErrorBB = nullptr;
    if (TAI->getErrorBB()->getSinglePredecessor())
      ErrorBB = TAI->getErrorBB();
    else {
      ErrorBB = B.getFunction().createBasicBlock();

    NewAI = B.createTryApply(AI.getLoc(), FRI, SubstCalleeSILType,
                             Subs, NewArgs,
                             ResultBB, ErrorBB);
    if (ErrorBB != TAI->getErrorBB()) {
      B.createBranch(TAI->getLoc(), TAI->getErrorBB(),

    // Does the result value need to be casted?
    ResultCastRequired = ResultTy != NormalBB->getBBArg(0)->getType();

    if (ResultBB != NormalBB)
    else if (ResultCastRequired) {
      // Collect all uses, before casting.
      for (auto *Use : NormalBB->getBBArg(0)->getUses()) {
      NormalBB->getBBArg(0)->replaceAllUsesWith(SILUndef::get(AI.getType(), Mod));
      NormalBB->replaceBBArg(0, ResultTy, nullptr);

    // The result value is passed as a parameter to the normal block.
    ResultValue = ResultBB->getBBArg(0);

  // Check if any casting is required for the return value.
  ResultValue = castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, NewAI.getLoc(), ResultValue,
                                             ResultTy, AI.getType()).getValue();

  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        SUCCESS: " << F->getName() << "\n");

  if (NormalBB) {
    if (NormalBB != ResultBB) {
      // If artificial normal BB was introduced, branch
      // to the original normal BB.
      B.createBranch(NewAI.getLoc(), NormalBB, { ResultValue });
    } else if (ResultCastRequired) {
      // Update all original uses by the new value.
      for(auto *Use: OriginalResultUses) {
    return std::make_pair(NewAI.getInstruction(), NewAI);

  // We need to return a pair of values here:
  // - the first one is the actual result of the devirtualized call, possibly
  //   casted into an appropriate type. This SILValue may be a BB arg, if it
  //   was a cast between optional types.
  // - the second one is the new apply site.
  return std::make_pair(ResultValue.getDef(), NewAI);
Пример #6
/// \brief Check if it is possible to devirtualize an Apply instruction
/// and a class member obtained using the class_method instruction into
/// a direct call to a specific member of a specific class.
/// \p AI is the apply to devirtualize.
/// \p ClassOrMetatypeType is the class type or metatype type we are
///    devirtualizing for.
/// return true if it is possible to devirtualize, false - otherwise.
bool swift::canDevirtualizeClassMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                                       SILType ClassOrMetatypeType) {
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize : " << *AI.getInstruction());

  SILModule &Mod = AI.getModule();

  // Bail if any generic types parameters of the class instance type are
  // unbound.
  // We cannot devirtualize unbound generic calls yet.
  if (isClassWithUnboundGenericParameters(ClassOrMetatypeType, Mod))
    return false;

  // First attempt to lookup the origin for our class method. The origin should
  // either be a metatype or an alloc_ref.
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Origin Type: " << ClassOrMetatypeType);

  auto *CMI = cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  // Find the implementation of the member which should be invoked.
  auto *F = getTargetClassMethod(Mod, ClassOrMetatypeType, CMI->getMember());

  // If we do not find any such function, we have no function to devirtualize
  // to... so bail.
  if (!F) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not find matching VTable or "
                          "vtable method for this class.\n");
    return false;

  if (AI.getFunction()->isFragile()) {
    // function_ref inside fragile function cannot reference a private or
    // hidden symbol.
    if (!(F->isFragile() || isValidLinkageForFragileRef(F->getLinkage()) ||
      return false;

  CanSILFunctionType GenCalleeType = F->getLoweredFunctionType();

  auto Subs = getSubstitutionsForCallee(Mod, GenCalleeType,
                                        ClassOrMetatypeType, AI);

  // For polymorphic functions, bail if the number of substitutions is
  // not the same as the number of expected generic parameters.
  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic()) {
    auto GenericSig = GenCalleeType->getGenericSignature();
    // Get the number of expected generic parameters, which
    // is a sum of the number of explicit generic parameters
    // and the number of their recursive member types exposed
    // through protocol requirements.
    auto DepTypes = GenericSig->getAllDependentTypes();
    unsigned ExpectedGenParamsNum = 0;

    for (auto DT: DepTypes) {

    if (ExpectedGenParamsNum != Subs.size())
      return false;

  // Check if the optimizer knows how to cast the return type.
  CanSILFunctionType SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType;
  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic())
    SubstCalleeType =
        GenCalleeType->substGenericArgs(Mod, Mod.getSwiftModule(), Subs);

  // If we have a direct return type, make sure we use the subst callee return
  // type. If we have an indirect return type, AI's return type of the empty
  // tuple should be ok.
  SILType ReturnType = AI.getType();
  if (!SubstCalleeType->hasIndirectResult()) {
    ReturnType = SubstCalleeType->getSILResult();

  if (!canCastValueToABICompatibleType(Mod, ReturnType, AI.getType()))
      return false;

  return true;
Пример #7
/// \brief Try to speculate the call target for the call \p AI. This function
/// returns true if a change was made.
static bool tryToSpeculateTarget(FullApplySite AI,
                                 ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA) {
  ClassMethodInst *CMI = cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  // We cannot devirtualize in cases where dynamic calls are
  // semantically required.
  if (CMI->isVolatile())
    return false;

  // Strip any upcasts off of our 'self' value, potentially leaving us
  // with a value whose type is closer (in the class hierarchy) to the
  // actual dynamic type.
  auto SubTypeValue = CMI->getOperand().stripUpCasts();
  SILType SubType = SubTypeValue.getType();

  // Bail if any generic types parameters of the class instance type are
  // unbound.
  // We cannot devirtualize unbound generic calls yet.
  if (isNominalTypeWithUnboundGenericParameters(SubType, AI.getModule()))
    return false;

  auto &M = CMI->getModule();
  auto ClassType = SubType;
  if (SubType.is<MetatypeType>())
    ClassType = SubType.getMetatypeInstanceType(M);

  CheckedCastBranchInst *LastCCBI = nullptr;

  ClassDecl *CD = ClassType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
  assert(CD && "Expected decl for class type!");

  if (!CHA->hasKnownDirectSubclasses(CD)) {
    // If there is only one possible alternative for this method,
    // try to devirtualize it completely.
    ClassHierarchyAnalysis::ClassList Subs;
    if (isDefaultCaseKnown(CHA, AI, CD, Subs)) {
      auto NewInstPair = tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, SubTypeValue);
      if (NewInstPair.first)
        replaceDeadApply(AI, NewInstPair.first);
      return NewInstPair.second.getInstruction() != nullptr;

    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Inserting monomorphic speculative call for class " <<
          CD->getName() << "\n");
    return !!speculateMonomorphicTarget(AI, SubType, LastCCBI);

  // True if any instructions were changed or generated.
  bool Changed = false;

  // Collect the direct and indirect subclasses for the class.
  // Sort these subclasses in the order they should be tested by the
  // speculative devirtualization. Different strategies could be used,
  // E.g. breadth-first, depth-first, etc.
  // Currently, let's use the breadth-first strategy.
  // The exact static type of the instance should be tested first.
  auto &DirectSubs = CHA->getDirectSubClasses(CD);
  auto &IndirectSubs = CHA->getIndirectSubClasses(CD);

  SmallVector<ClassDecl *, 8> Subs(DirectSubs);
  Subs.append(IndirectSubs.begin(), IndirectSubs.end());

  if (isa<BoundGenericClassType>(ClassType.getSwiftRValueType())) {
    // Filter out any subclassses that do not inherit from this
    // specific bound class.
    auto RemovedIt = std::remove_if(Subs.begin(),
        [&ClassType, &M](ClassDecl *Sub){
          auto SubCanTy = Sub->getDeclaredType()->getCanonicalType();
          // Unbound generic type can override a method from
          // a bound generic class, but this unbound generic
          // class is not considered to be a subclass of a
          // bound generic class in a general case.
          if (isa<UnboundGenericType>(SubCanTy))
            return false;
          // Handle the usual case here: the class in question
          // should be a real subclass of a bound generic class.
          return !ClassType.isSuperclassOf(
    Subs.erase(RemovedIt, Subs.end());

  // Number of subclasses which cannot be handled by checked_cast_br checks.
  int NotHandledSubsNum = 0;
  if (Subs.size() > MaxNumSpeculativeTargets) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Class " << CD->getName() << " has too many ("
                       << Subs.size() << ") subclasses. Performing speculative "
                         "devirtualization only for the first "
                       << MaxNumSpeculativeTargets << " of them.\n");

    NotHandledSubsNum += (Subs.size() - MaxNumSpeculativeTargets);
    Subs.erase(&Subs[MaxNumSpeculativeTargets], Subs.end());

  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Class " << CD->getName() << " is a superclass. "
        "Inserting polymorphic speculative call.\n");

  // Try to devirtualize the static class of instance
  // if it is possible.
  auto FirstAI = speculateMonomorphicTarget(AI, SubType, LastCCBI);
  if (FirstAI) {
    Changed = true;
    AI = FirstAI;

  // Perform a speculative devirtualization of a method invocation.
  // It replaces an indirect class_method-based call by a code to perform
  // a direct call of the method implementation based on the dynamic class
  // of the instance.
  // The code is generated according to the following principles:
  // - For each direct subclass, a dedicated checked_cast_br instruction
  // is generated to check if a dynamic class of the instance is exactly
  // this subclass.
  // - If this check succeeds, then it jumps to the code which performs a
  // direct call of a method implementation specific to this subclass.
  // - If this check fails, then a different subclass is checked by means of
  // checked_cast_br in a similar way.
  // - Finally, if the instance does not exactly match any of the direct
  // subclasses, the "default" case code is generated, which should handle
  // all remaining alternatives, i.e. it should be able to dispatch to any
  // possible remaining method implementations. Typically this is achieved by
  // using a class_method instruction, which performs an indirect invocation.
  // But if it can be proven that only one specific implementation of
  // a method will be always invoked by this code, then a class_method-based
  // call can be devirtualized and replaced by a more efficient direct
  // invocation of this specific method implementation.
  // Remark: With the current implementation of a speculative devirtualization,
  // if devirtualization of the "default" case is possible, then it would
  // by construction directly invoke the implementation of the method
  // corresponding to the static type of the instance. This may change
  // in the future, if we start using PGO for ordering of checked_cast_br
  // checks.

  // TODO: The ordering of checks may benefit from using a PGO, because
  // the most probable alternatives could be checked first.

  for (auto S : Subs) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Inserting a speculative call for class "
          << CD->getName() << " and subclass " << S->getName() << "\n");

    CanType CanClassType = S->getDeclaredType()->getCanonicalType();
    SILType ClassType = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(CanClassType);
    if (!ClassType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
      // This subclass cannot be handled. This happens e.g. if it is
      // a generic class.

    auto ClassOrMetatypeType = ClassType;
    if (auto EMT = SubType.getAs<AnyMetatypeType>()) {
      auto InstTy = ClassType.getSwiftRValueType();
      auto *MetaTy = MetatypeType::get(InstTy, EMT->getRepresentation());
      auto CanMetaTy = CanMetatypeType::CanTypeWrapper(MetaTy);
      ClassOrMetatypeType = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(CanMetaTy);

    // Pass the metatype of the subclass.
    auto NewAI = speculateMonomorphicTarget(AI, ClassOrMetatypeType, LastCCBI);
    if (!NewAI) {
    AI = NewAI;
    Changed = true;

  // Check if there is only a single statically known implementation
  // of the method which can be called by the default case handler.
  if (NotHandledSubsNum || !isDefaultCaseKnown(CHA, AI, CD, Subs)) {
    // Devirtualization of remaining cases is not possible,
    // because more than one implementation of the method
    // needs to be handled here. Thus, an indirect call through
    // the class_method cannot be eliminated completely.
    return Changed;

  // At this point it is known that there is only one remaining method
  // implementation which is not covered by checked_cast_br checks yet.
  // So, it is safe to replace a class_method invocation by
  // a direct call of this remaining implementation.
  if (LastCCBI && SubTypeValue == LastCCBI->getOperand()) {
    // Remove last checked_cast_br, because it will always succeed.
    SILBuilderWithScope B(LastCCBI);
    auto CastedValue = B.createUncheckedBitCast(LastCCBI->getLoc(),
    B.createBranch(LastCCBI->getLoc(), LastCCBI->getSuccessBB(), {CastedValue});
    return true;
  auto NewInstPair = tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(AI, SubTypeValue);
  assert(NewInstPair.first && "Expected to be able to devirtualize apply!");
  replaceDeadApply(AI, NewInstPair.first);

  return true;
Пример #8
/// \brief Returns true, if a method implementation to be called by the
/// default case handler of a speculative devirtualization is statically
/// known. This happens if it can be proven that generated
/// checked_cast_br instructions cover all other possible cases.
/// \p CHA class hierarchy analysis to be used
/// \p AI  invocation instruction
/// \p CD  static class of the instance whose method is being invoked
/// \p Subs set of direct subclasses of this class
static bool isDefaultCaseKnown(ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA,
                               FullApplySite AI,
                               ClassDecl *CD,
                               ClassHierarchyAnalysis::ClassList &Subs) {
  ClassMethodInst *CMI = cast<ClassMethodInst>(AI.getCallee());
  auto *Method = CMI->getMember().getFuncDecl();
  const DeclContext *DC = AI.getModule().getAssociatedContext();

  if (CD->isFinal())
    return true;

  // Without an associated context we cannot perform any
  // access-based optimizations.
  if (!DC)
    return false;

  // Only handle classes defined within the SILModule's associated context.
  if (!CD->isChildContextOf(DC))
    return false;

  if (!CD->hasAccessibility())
    return false;

  // Only consider 'private' members, unless we are in whole-module compilation.
  switch (CD->getEffectiveAccess()) {
  case Accessibility::Public:
    return false;
  case Accessibility::Internal:
    if (!AI.getModule().isWholeModule())
      return false;
  case Accessibility::Private:

  // This is a private or a module internal class.
  // We can analyze the class hierarchy rooted at it and
  // eventually devirtualize a method call more efficiently.

  // First, analyze all direct subclasses.
  // We know that a dedicated checked_cast_br check is
  // generated for each direct subclass by tryToSpeculateTarget.
  for (auto S : Subs) {
    // Check if the subclass overrides a method
    auto *FD = S->findOverridingDecl(Method);
    if (!FD)
    if (CHA->hasKnownDirectSubclasses(S)) {
      // This subclass has its own subclasses and
      // they will use this implementation or provide
      // their own. In either case it is not covered by
      // checked_cast_br instructions generated by
      // tryToSpeculateTarget. Therefore it increases
      // the number of remaining cases to be handled
      // by the default case handler.
      return false;

  // Then, analyze indirect subclasses.

  // Set of indirect subclasses for the class.
  auto &IndirectSubs = CHA->getIndirectSubClasses(CD);

  // Check if any indirect subclasses use an implementation
  // of the method different from the implementation in
  // the current class. If this is the case, then such
  // an indirect subclass would need a dedicated
  // checked_cast_br check to be devirtualized. But this is
  // not done by tryToSpeculateTarget yet and therefore
  // such a subclass should be handled by the "default"
  // case handler, which essentially means that "default"
  // case cannot be devirtualized since it covers more
  // then one alternative.
  for (auto S : IndirectSubs) {
    auto *ImplFD = S->findImplementingMethod(Method);
    if (ImplFD != Method) {
      // Different implementation is used by a subclass.
      // Therefore, the default case is not known.
      return false;

  return true;
Пример #9
/// \brief Devirtualize an apply of a class method.
/// \p AI is the apply to devirtualize.
/// \p ClassOrMetatype is a class value or metatype value that is the
///    self argument of the apply we will devirtualize.
/// return the result value of the new ApplyInst if created one or null.
FullApplySite swift::devirtualizeClassMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                                             SILValue ClassOrMetatype,
                                             OptRemark::Emitter *ORE) {
  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize : "
                          << *AI.getInstruction());

  SILModule &Mod = AI.getModule();
  auto *MI = cast<MethodInst>(AI.getCallee());
  auto ClassOrMetatypeType = ClassOrMetatype->getType();
  auto *F = getTargetClassMethod(Mod, ClassOrMetatypeType, MI);

  CanSILFunctionType GenCalleeType = F->getLoweredFunctionType();

  SubstitutionMap Subs =
    getSubstitutionsForCallee(Mod, GenCalleeType,
  CanSILFunctionType SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType;
  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic())
    SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType->substGenericArgs(Mod, Subs);
  SILFunctionConventions substConv(SubstCalleeType, Mod);

  SILBuilderWithScope B(AI.getInstruction());
  SILLocation Loc = AI.getLoc();
  FunctionRefInst *FRI = B.createFunctionRef(Loc, F);

  // Create the argument list for the new apply, casting when needed
  // in order to handle covariant indirect return types and
  // contravariant argument types.
  llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 8> NewArgs;

  auto IndirectResultArgIter = AI.getIndirectSILResults().begin();
  for (auto ResultTy : substConv.getIndirectSILResultTypes()) {
        castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, Loc, *IndirectResultArgIter,
                                     IndirectResultArgIter->getType(), ResultTy));

  auto ParamArgIter = AI.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults().begin();
  // Skip the last parameter, which is `self`. Add it below.
  for (auto param : substConv.getParameters().drop_back()) {
    auto paramType = substConv.getSILType(param);
        castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, Loc, *ParamArgIter,
                                     ParamArgIter->getType(), paramType));

  // Add the self argument, upcasting if required because we're
  // calling a base class's method.
  auto SelfParamTy = substConv.getSILType(SubstCalleeType->getSelfParameter());
  NewArgs.push_back(castValueToABICompatibleType(&B, Loc,

  ApplySite NewAS = replaceApplySite(B, Loc, AI, FRI, Subs, NewArgs, substConv);
  FullApplySite NewAI = FullApplySite::isa(NewAS.getInstruction());

  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        SUCCESS: " << F->getName() << "\n");
  if (ORE)
    ORE->emit([&]() {
        using namespace OptRemark;
        return RemarkPassed("ClassMethodDevirtualized", *AI.getInstruction())
               << "Devirtualized call to class method " << NV("Method", F);

  return NewAI;
Пример #10
/// Attempt to devirtualize the given apply if possible, and return a
/// new instruction in that case, or nullptr otherwise.
ApplySite swift::tryDevirtualizeApply(ApplySite AI,
                                      ClassHierarchyAnalysis *CHA,
                                      OptRemark::Emitter *ORE) {
  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize: "
                          << *AI.getInstruction());

  // Devirtualize apply instructions that call witness_method instructions:
  //   %8 = witness_method $Optional<UInt16>, #LogicValue.boolValue!getter.1
  //   %9 = apply %8<Self = CodeUnit?>(%6#1) : ...
  if (isa<WitnessMethodInst>(AI.getCallee()))
    return tryDevirtualizeWitnessMethod(AI, ORE);

  // TODO: check if we can also de-virtualize partial applies of class methods.
  FullApplySite FAS = FullApplySite::isa(AI.getInstruction());
  if (!FAS)
    return ApplySite();

  /// Optimize a class_method and alloc_ref pair into a direct function
  /// reference:
  /// \code
  /// %XX = alloc_ref $Foo
  /// %YY = class_method %XX : $Foo, #Foo.get!1 : $@convention(method)...
  /// \endcode
  ///  or
  /// %XX = metatype $...
  /// %YY = class_method %XX : ...
  ///  into
  /// %YY = function_ref @...
  if (auto *CMI = dyn_cast<ClassMethodInst>(FAS.getCallee())) {
    auto &M = FAS.getModule();
    auto Instance = stripUpCasts(CMI->getOperand());
    auto ClassType = Instance->getType();
    if (ClassType.is<MetatypeType>())
      ClassType = ClassType.getMetatypeInstanceType(M);

    auto *CD = ClassType.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();

    if (isEffectivelyFinalMethod(FAS, ClassType, CD, CHA))
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, Instance, ORE,
                                        true /*isEffectivelyFinalMethod*/);

    // Try to check if the exact dynamic type of the instance is statically
    // known.
    if (auto Instance = getInstanceWithExactDynamicType(CMI->getOperand(),
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, Instance, ORE);

    if (auto ExactTy = getExactDynamicType(CMI->getOperand(), CMI->getModule(),
                                           CHA)) {
      if (ExactTy == CMI->getOperand()->getType())
        return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, CMI->getOperand(), ORE);

  if (isa<SuperMethodInst>(FAS.getCallee())) {
    if (FAS.hasSelfArgument()) {
      return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, FAS.getSelfArgument(), ORE);

    // It is an invocation of a class method.
    // Last operand is the metatype that should be used for dispatching.
    return tryDevirtualizeClassMethod(FAS, FAS.getArguments().back(), ORE);

  return ApplySite();
Пример #11
/// \brief Check if it is possible to devirtualize an Apply instruction
/// and a class member obtained using the class_method instruction into
/// a direct call to a specific member of a specific class.
/// \p AI is the apply to devirtualize.
/// \p ClassOrMetatypeType is the class type or metatype type we are
///    devirtualizing for.
/// return true if it is possible to devirtualize, false - otherwise.
bool swift::canDevirtualizeClassMethod(FullApplySite AI,
                                       SILType ClassOrMetatypeType) {

  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "    Trying to devirtualize : " << *AI.getInstruction());

  SILModule &Mod = AI.getModule();

  // First attempt to lookup the origin for our class method. The origin should
  // either be a metatype or an alloc_ref.
  DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Origin Type: " << ClassOrMetatypeType);

  auto *MI = cast<MethodInst>(AI.getCallee());

  // Find the implementation of the member which should be invoked.
  auto *F = getTargetClassMethod(Mod, ClassOrMetatypeType, MI);

  // If we do not find any such function, we have no function to devirtualize
  // to... so bail.
  if (!F) {
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not find matching VTable or "
                          "vtable method for this class.\n");
    return false;

  if (!F->shouldOptimize()) {
    // Do not consider functions that should not be optimized.
    DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        FAIL: Could not optimize function "
                       << " because it is marked no-opt: " << F->getName()
                       << "\n");
    return false;

  if (AI.getFunction()->isFragile()) {
    // function_ref inside fragile function cannot reference a private or
    // hidden symbol.
    if (!F->hasValidLinkageForFragileRef())
      return false;

  // Type of the actual function to be called.
  CanSILFunctionType GenCalleeType = F->getLoweredFunctionType();

  // Type of the actual function to be called with substitutions applied.
  CanSILFunctionType SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType;

  // For polymorphic functions, bail if the number of substitutions is
  // not the same as the number of expected generic parameters.
  if (GenCalleeType->isPolymorphic()) {
    // First, find proper list of substitutions for the concrete
    // method to be called.
    SmallVector<Substitution, 4> Subs;
    getSubstitutionsForCallee(Mod, GenCalleeType,
                              AI, Subs);
    SubstCalleeType = GenCalleeType->substGenericArgs(Mod, Subs);

  // Check if the optimizer knows how to cast the return type.
  SILType ReturnType = SubstCalleeType->getSILResult();

  if (!canCastValueToABICompatibleType(Mod, ReturnType, AI.getType()))
      return false;

  return true;