// // Save needed scope info for a deferred child func. The scope info is empty and only links to parent. // void ScopeInfo::SaveParentScopeInfo(FuncInfo* parentFunc, FuncInfo* func) { Assert(func->IsDeferred()); // Parent must be parsed FunctionBody* parent = parentFunc->byteCodeFunction->GetFunctionBody(); ParseableFunctionInfo* funcBody = func->byteCodeFunction; TRACE_BYTECODE(_u("\nSave ScopeInfo: %s parent: %s\n\n"), funcBody->GetDisplayName(), parent->GetDisplayName()); funcBody->SetScopeInfo(FromParent(parent)); }
void Utf8SourceInfo::SetFunctionBody(FunctionBody * functionBody) { Assert(this->m_scriptContext == functionBody->GetScriptContext()); Assert(this->functionBodyDictionary); // Only register a function body when source info is ready. Note that m_pUtf8Source can still be null for lib script. Assert(functionBody->GetSourceIndex() != Js::Constants::InvalidSourceIndex); Assert(!functionBody->GetIsFuncRegistered()); const LocalFunctionId functionId = functionBody->GetLocalFunctionId(); FunctionBody* oldFunctionBody = nullptr; if (functionBodyDictionary->TryGetValue(functionId, &oldFunctionBody)) { Assert(oldFunctionBody != functionBody); oldFunctionBody->SetIsFuncRegistered(false); } functionBodyDictionary->Item(functionId, functionBody); functionBody->SetIsFuncRegistered(true); }
Var AsmJsExternalEntryPoint(RecyclableObject* entryObject, CallInfo callInfo, ...) { ARGUMENTS(args, callInfo); ScriptFunction* func = (ScriptFunction*)entryObject; FunctionBody* body = func->GetFunctionBody(); AsmJsFunctionInfo* info = body->GetAsmJsFunctionInfo(); ScriptContext* scriptContext = func->GetScriptContext(); const uint argInCount = callInfo.Count - 1; int argSize = info->GetArgByteSize(); char* dst; Var returnValue = 0; AsmJsModuleInfo::EnsureHeapAttached(func); argSize = ::Math::Align<int32>(argSize, 8); // Allocate stack space for args __asm { sub esp, argSize mov dst, esp }; // Unbox Var to primitive type { int32 intVal; double doubleVal; float floatVal; for (ArgSlot i = 0; i < info->GetArgCount(); i++) { if (info->GetArgType(i).isInt()) { if (i < argInCount) { intVal = JavascriptMath::ToInt32(args.Values[i + 1], scriptContext); } else { intVal = 0; } *(int32*)dst = intVal; dst += sizeof(int32); } else if (info->GetArgType(i).isFloat()) { if (i < argInCount) { floatVal = (float)(JavascriptConversion::ToNumber(args.Values[i + 1], scriptContext)); } else { floatVal = (float)(JavascriptNumber::NaN); } *(float*)dst = floatVal; dst += sizeof(float); } else if (info->GetArgType(i).isDouble()) { if (i < argInCount) { doubleVal = JavascriptConversion::ToNumber(args.Values[i + 1], scriptContext); } else { doubleVal = JavascriptNumber::NaN; } *(double*)dst = doubleVal; dst += sizeof(double); } else if (info->GetArgType(i).isSIMD()) { AsmJsVarType argType = info->GetArgType(i); AsmJsSIMDValue simdVal; // SIMD values are copied unaligned. // SIMD values cannot be implicitly coerced from/to other types. If the SIMD parameter is missing (i.e. Undefined), we throw type error since there is not equivalent SIMD value to coerce to. switch (argType.which()) { case AsmJsType::Int32x4: if (i >= argInCount || !JavascriptSIMDInt32x4::Is(args.Values[i + 1])) { JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_SimdInt32x4TypeMismatch, L"Int32x4"); } simdVal = ((JavascriptSIMDInt32x4*)(args.Values[i + 1]))->GetValue(); break; case AsmJsType::Float32x4: if (i >= argInCount || !JavascriptSIMDFloat32x4::Is(args.Values[i + 1])) { JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_SimdFloat32x4TypeMismatch, L"Float32x4"); } simdVal = ((JavascriptSIMDFloat32x4*)(args.Values[i + 1]))->GetValue(); break; case AsmJsType::Float64x2: if (i >= argInCount || !JavascriptSIMDFloat64x2::Is(args.Values[i + 1])) { JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(scriptContext, JSERR_SimdFloat64x2TypeMismatch, L"Float64x2"); } simdVal = ((JavascriptSIMDFloat64x2*)(args.Values[i + 1]))->GetValue(); break; default: Assert(UNREACHED); } *(AsmJsSIMDValue*)dst = simdVal; dst += sizeof(AsmJsSIMDValue); } else { AssertMsg(UNREACHED, "Invalid function arg type."); } } } const void * asmJSEntryPoint = func->GetEntryPointInfo()->address; // make call and convert primitive type back to Var switch (info->GetReturnType().which()) { case AsmJsRetType::Void: __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx } returnValue = JavascriptOperators::OP_LdUndef(func->GetScriptContext()); break; case AsmJsRetType::Signed:{ int32 ival = 0; __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx mov ival, eax } returnValue = JavascriptNumber::ToVar(ival, func->GetScriptContext()); break; } case AsmJsRetType::Double:{ double dval = 0; __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movsd dval, xmm0 } returnValue = JavascriptNumber::New(dval, func->GetScriptContext()); break; } case AsmJsRetType::Float:{ float fval = 0; __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movss fval, xmm0 } returnValue = JavascriptNumber::New((double)fval, func->GetScriptContext()); break; } case AsmJsRetType::Int32x4: AsmJsSIMDValue simdVal; simdVal.Zero(); __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movups simdVal, xmm0 } returnValue = JavascriptSIMDInt32x4::New(&simdVal, func->GetScriptContext()); break; case AsmJsRetType::Float32x4: simdVal.Zero(); __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movups simdVal, xmm0 } returnValue = JavascriptSIMDFloat32x4::New(&simdVal, func->GetScriptContext()); break; case AsmJsRetType::Float64x2: simdVal.Zero(); __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movups simdVal, xmm0 } returnValue = JavascriptSIMDFloat64x2::New(&simdVal, func->GetScriptContext()); break; default: Assume(UNREACHED); } return returnValue; }
Var AsmJsExternalEntryPoint(RecyclableObject* entryObject, CallInfo callInfo, ...) { ARGUMENTS(args, callInfo); ScriptFunction* func = (ScriptFunction*)entryObject; FunctionBody* body = func->GetFunctionBody(); AsmJsFunctionInfo* info = body->GetAsmJsFunctionInfo(); int argSize = info->GetArgByteSize(); void* dst; Var returnValue = 0; argSize = ::Math::Align<int32>(argSize, 8); // Allocate stack space for args PROBE_STACK_CALL(func->GetScriptContext(), func, argSize + Js::Constants::MinStackDefault); dst = _alloca(argSize); const void * asmJSEntryPoint = UnboxAsmJsArguments(func, args.Values + 1, ((char*)dst) - MachPtr, callInfo); // make call and convert primitive type back to Var switch (info->GetReturnType().which()) { case AsmJsRetType::Void: __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx } returnValue = JavascriptOperators::OP_LdUndef(func->GetScriptContext()); break; case AsmJsRetType::Signed:{ int32 ival = 0; __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx mov ival, eax } returnValue = JavascriptNumber::ToVar(ival, func->GetScriptContext()); break; } case AsmJsRetType::Int64: { int32 iLow = 0, iHigh = 0; __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx mov iLow, eax; mov iHigh, edx; } #if ENABLE_DEBUG_CONFIG_OPTIONS if (CONFIG_FLAG(WasmI64)) { uint64 lHigh = ((uint64)iHigh) << 32; uint64 lLow = (uint64)(uint32)iLow; returnValue = CreateI64ReturnObject((int64)(lHigh | lLow), func->GetScriptContext()); break; } #endif JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(func->GetScriptContext(), WASMERR_InvalidTypeConversion); } case AsmJsRetType::Double:{ double dval = 0; __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movsd dval, xmm0 } returnValue = JavascriptNumber::NewWithCheck(dval, func->GetScriptContext()); break; } case AsmJsRetType::Float:{ float fval = 0; __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movss fval, xmm0 } returnValue = JavascriptNumber::NewWithCheck((double)fval, func->GetScriptContext()); break; } #ifdef ENABLE_WASM_SIMD case AsmJsRetType::Bool32x4: case AsmJsRetType::Bool16x8: case AsmJsRetType::Bool8x16: case AsmJsRetType::Float32x4: case AsmJsRetType::Float64x2: case AsmJsRetType::Int64x2: case AsmJsRetType::Int32x4: case AsmJsRetType::Int16x8: case AsmJsRetType::Int8x16: case AsmJsRetType::Uint32x4: case AsmJsRetType::Uint16x8: case AsmJsRetType::Uint8x16: AsmJsSIMDValue simdVal; simdVal.Zero(); __asm { mov ecx, asmJSEntryPoint #ifdef _CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD call[__guard_check_icall_fptr] #endif push func call ecx movups simdVal, xmm0 } // Todo:: support test return object (like int64) for wasm.simd JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(func->GetScriptContext(), WASMERR_InvalidTypeConversion); break; #endif default: Assume(UNREACHED); JavascriptError::ThrowTypeError(func->GetScriptContext(), WASMERR_InvalidTypeConversion); } return returnValue; }