Пример #1
RGDAL_GetMetadata(SEXP sDataset, SEXP tag) {

    char **papszMetadata;
    SEXP ans;
    int i, n, pc=0;

    GDALDataset *pDataset = getGDALDatasetPtr(sDataset);

    if (tag == R_NilValue) {
        papszMetadata = pDataset->GetMetadata( NULL );
    } else {
        papszMetadata = pDataset->GetMetadata(CHAR(STRING_ELT(tag, 0)));

    if (CSLCount(papszMetadata) == 0) return(R_NilValue);

    for (n=0; papszMetadata[n] != NULL; n++);
    PROTECT(ans = NEW_CHARACTER(n)); pc++;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
        SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, COPY_TO_USER_STRING(papszMetadata[i]));

Пример #2
CPLErr GDALPamDataset::TryLoadAux()

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize PAM.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( psPam == NULL )
        return CE_None;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What is the name of the physical file we are referencing?       */
/*      We allow an override via the psPam->pszPhysicalFile item.       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszPhysicalFile = psPam->osPhysicalFilename;

    if( strlen(pszPhysicalFile) == 0 && GetDescription() != NULL )
        pszPhysicalFile = GetDescription();

    if( strlen(pszPhysicalFile) == 0 )
        return CE_None;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to open .aux file.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDataset *poAuxDS = GDALFindAssociatedAuxFile( pszPhysicalFile, 
                                                      GA_ReadOnly, this );

    if( poAuxDS == NULL )
        return CE_None;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we have an SRS on the aux file?                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( strlen(poAuxDS->GetProjectionRef()) > 0 )
        GDALPamDataset::SetProjection( poAuxDS->GetProjectionRef() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Geotransform.                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poAuxDS->GetGeoTransform( psPam->adfGeoTransform ) == CE_None )
        psPam->bHaveGeoTransform = TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      GCPs                                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poAuxDS->GetGCPCount() > 0 )
        psPam->nGCPCount = poAuxDS->GetGCPCount();
        psPam->pasGCPList = GDALDuplicateGCPs( psPam->nGCPCount, 
                                               poAuxDS->GetGCPs() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Apply metadata. We likely ought to be merging this in rather    */
/*      than overwriting everything that was there.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszMD = poAuxDS->GetMetadata();
    if( CSLCount(papszMD) > 0 )
        char **papszMerged = 
            CSLMerge( CSLDuplicate(GetMetadata()), papszMD );
        GDALPamDataset::SetMetadata( papszMerged );
        CSLDestroy( papszMerged );

    papszMD = poAuxDS->GetMetadata("XFORMS");
    if( CSLCount(papszMD) > 0 )
        char **papszMerged = 
            CSLMerge( CSLDuplicate(GetMetadata("XFORMS")), papszMD );
        GDALPamDataset::SetMetadata( papszMerged, "XFORMS" );
        CSLDestroy( papszMerged );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Process bands.                                                  */
/* ==================================================================== */
    int iBand;

    for( iBand = 0; iBand < poAuxDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand++ )
        if( iBand >= GetRasterCount() )

        GDALRasterBand *poAuxBand = poAuxDS->GetRasterBand( iBand+1 );
        GDALRasterBand *poBand = GetRasterBand( iBand+1 );

        papszMD = poAuxBand->GetMetadata();
        if( CSLCount(papszMD) > 0 )
            char **papszMerged = 
                CSLMerge( CSLDuplicate(poBand->GetMetadata()), papszMD );
            poBand->SetMetadata( papszMerged );
            CSLDestroy( papszMerged );

        if( poAuxBand->GetCategoryNames() != NULL )
            poBand->SetCategoryNames( poAuxBand->GetCategoryNames() );

        if( poAuxBand->GetColorTable() != NULL 
            && poBand->GetColorTable() == NULL )
            poBand->SetColorTable( poAuxBand->GetColorTable() );

        // histograms?
        double dfMin, dfMax;
        int nBuckets, *panHistogram=NULL;

        if( poAuxBand->GetDefaultHistogram( &dfMin, &dfMax, 
                                            &nBuckets, &panHistogram,
                                            FALSE, NULL, NULL ) == CE_None )
            poBand->SetDefaultHistogram( dfMin, dfMax, nBuckets, 
                                         panHistogram );
            CPLFree( panHistogram );

        // RAT 
        if( poAuxBand->GetDefaultRAT() != NULL )
            poBand->SetDefaultRAT( poAuxBand->GetDefaultRAT() );

        // NoData
        int bSuccess = FALSE;
        double dfNoDataValue = poAuxBand->GetNoDataValue( &bSuccess );
        if( bSuccess )
            poBand->SetNoDataValue( dfNoDataValue );

    GDALClose( poAuxDS );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Mark PAM info as clean.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nPamFlags &= ~GPF_DIRTY;

    return CE_Failure;
Пример #3
bool CreateSubRaster( wxGISRasterDatasetSPtr pSrcRasterDataSet, OGREnvelope &Env, const OGRGeometry *pGeom, GDALDriver* pDriver, CPLString &szDstPath, GDALDataType eOutputType, int nBandCount, int *panBandList, double dfOutResX, double dfOutResY, bool bCopyNodata, bool bSkipSourceMetadata, char** papszOptions, ITrackCancel* pTrackCancel )
	GDALDataset* pDset = pSrcRasterDataSet->GetRaster();
			pTrackCancel->PutMessage(_("Get raster failed"), -1, enumGISMessageErr);
		return false;

    double adfGeoTransform[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	CPLErr err = pDset->GetGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform);
	if(err == CE_Fatal)
			pTrackCancel->PutMessage(_("Get raster failed"), -1, enumGISMessageErr);
		return false;
	if( adfGeoTransform[2] != 0.0 || adfGeoTransform[4] != 0.0 )
			pTrackCancel->PutMessage(_("The geotransform is rotated. This configuration is not supported."), -1, enumGISMessageErr);
		return false;
	int anSrcWin[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};

    anSrcWin[0] = floor ((Env.MinX - adfGeoTransform[0]) / adfGeoTransform[1] + 0.001);
    anSrcWin[1] = floor ((Env.MaxY - adfGeoTransform[3]) / adfGeoTransform[5] + 0.001);
	anSrcWin[2] = ceil ((Env.MaxX - Env.MinX) / adfGeoTransform[1]);
	anSrcWin[3] = ceil ((Env.MinY - Env.MaxY) / adfGeoTransform[5]);
		pTrackCancel->PutMessage(wxString::Format(_("Computed source pixel window %d %d %d %d from geographic window."), anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3] ), -1, enumGISMessageInfo);

	if( anSrcWin[0] < 0 || anSrcWin[1] < 0 || anSrcWin[0] + anSrcWin[2] > pSrcRasterDataSet->GetWidth() || anSrcWin[1] + anSrcWin[3] > pSrcRasterDataSet->GetHeight() )
			pTrackCancel->PutMessage(wxString::Format(_("Computed source pixel window falls outside raster size of %dx%d."), pSrcRasterDataSet->GetWidth(), pSrcRasterDataSet->GetHeight()), -1, enumGISMessageErr);
		return false;

	int nOXSize = 0, nOYSize = 0;

    if(IsDoubleEquil(dfOutResX, -1) && IsDoubleEquil(dfOutResY, -1))
        nOXSize = anSrcWin[2];
        nOYSize = anSrcWin[3];
        nOXSize = ceil ((Env.MaxX - Env.MinX) / dfOutResX);
        nOYSize = ceil ((Env.MinY - Env.MaxY) / (adfGeoTransform[5] < 0 ? dfOutResY * -1 : dfOutResY));

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Create a virtual dataset.                                       */
/* ==================================================================== */
    VRTDataset *poVDS;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Make a virtual clone.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poVDS = (VRTDataset *) VRTCreate( nOXSize, nOYSize );

    if( pSrcRasterDataSet->GetSpatialReference() != NULL )
		poVDS->SetProjection( pDset->GetProjectionRef() );

	adfGeoTransform[0] += anSrcWin[0] * adfGeoTransform[1] + anSrcWin[1] * adfGeoTransform[2];
    adfGeoTransform[3] += anSrcWin[0] * adfGeoTransform[4] + anSrcWin[1] * adfGeoTransform[5];

    adfGeoTransform[1] *= anSrcWin[2] / (double) nOXSize;
    adfGeoTransform[2] *= anSrcWin[3] / (double) nOYSize;
    adfGeoTransform[4] *= anSrcWin[2] / (double) nOXSize;
    adfGeoTransform[5] *= anSrcWin[3] / (double) nOYSize;

    poVDS->SetGeoTransform( adfGeoTransform );

    int nGCPs = pDset->GetGCPCount();
    if( nGCPs > 0 )
        GDAL_GCP *pasGCPs = GDALDuplicateGCPs( nGCPs, pDset->GetGCPs() );

        for(size_t i = 0; i < nGCPs; ++i )
            pasGCPs[i].dfGCPPixel -= anSrcWin[0];
            pasGCPs[i].dfGCPLine  -= anSrcWin[1];
            pasGCPs[i].dfGCPPixel *= (nOXSize / (double) anSrcWin[2] );
            pasGCPs[i].dfGCPLine  *= (nOYSize / (double) anSrcWin[3] );

        poVDS->SetGCPs( nGCPs, pasGCPs, pDset->GetGCPProjection() );
        GDALDeinitGCPs( nGCPs, pasGCPs );
        CPLFree( pasGCPs );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Transfer generally applicable metadata.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVDS->SetMetadata( pDset->GetMetadata() );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Process all bands.                                              */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for(size_t i = 0; i < nBandCount; ++i )
        VRTSourcedRasterBand *poVRTBand;
        GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand;
        GDALDataType eBandType;
        int nComponent = 0;

        poSrcBand = pDset->GetRasterBand(panBandList[i]);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Select output data type to match source.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( eOutputType == GDT_Unknown )
            eBandType = poSrcBand->GetRasterDataType();
            eBandType = eOutputType;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create this band.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poVDS->AddBand( eBandType, NULL );
        poVRTBand = (VRTSourcedRasterBand *) poVDS->GetRasterBand( i + 1 );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a simple data source depending on the                    */
/*      translation type required.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        //if( bUnscale || bScale || (nRGBExpand != 0 && i < nRGBExpand) )
        //    poVRTBand->AddComplexSource( poSrcBand,
        //                                 anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1],
        //                                 anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3],
        //                                 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize,
        //                                 dfOffset, dfScale,
        //                                 VRT_NODATA_UNSET,
        //                                 nComponent );
        CPLString pszResampling = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "DEST_RESAMPLING", "near");
        poVRTBand->AddSimpleSource( poSrcBand, anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1], anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3], 0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize, pszResampling );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      copy some other information of interest.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		CopyBandInfo( poSrcBand, poVRTBand, bCopyNodata );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set a forcable nodata value?                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//        if( bSetNoData )
//        {
//            double dfVal = dfNoDataReal;
//            int bClamped = FALSE, bRounded = FALSE;
//#define CLAMP(val,type,minval,maxval) \
//    do { if (val < minval) { bClamped = TRUE; val = minval; } \
//    else if (val > maxval) { bClamped = TRUE; val = maxval; } \
//    else if (val != (type)val) { bRounded = TRUE; val = (type)(val + 0.5); } } \
//    while(0)
//            switch(eBandType)
//            {
//                case GDT_Byte:
//                    CLAMP(dfVal, GByte, 0.0, 255.0);
//                    break;
//                case GDT_Int16:
//                    CLAMP(dfVal, GInt16, -32768.0, 32767.0);
//                    break;
//                case GDT_UInt16:
//                    CLAMP(dfVal, GUInt16, 0.0, 65535.0);
//                    break;
//                case GDT_Int32:
//                    CLAMP(dfVal, GInt32, -2147483648.0, 2147483647.0);
//                    break;
//                case GDT_UInt32:
//                    CLAMP(dfVal, GUInt32, 0.0, 4294967295.0);
//                    break;
//                default:
//                    break;
//            }
//            if (bClamped)
//            {
//                printf( "for band %d, nodata value has been clamped "
//                       "to %.0f, the original value being out of range.\n",
//                       i + 1, dfVal);
//            }
//            else if(bRounded)
//            {
//                printf("for band %d, nodata value has been rounded "
//                       "to %.0f, %s being an integer datatype.\n",
//                       i + 1, dfVal,
//                       GDALGetDataTypeName(eBandType));
//            }
//            poVRTBand->SetNoDataValue( dfVal );
//        }

        //if (eMaskMode == MASK_AUTO &&
        //    (GDALGetMaskFlags(GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1)) & GMF_PER_DATASET) == 0 &&
        //    (poSrcBand->GetMaskFlags() & (GMF_ALL_VALID | GMF_NODATA)) == 0)
        //    if (poVRTBand->CreateMaskBand(poSrcBand->GetMaskFlags()) == CE_None)
        //    {
        //        VRTSourcedRasterBand* hMaskVRTBand =
        //            (VRTSourcedRasterBand*)poVRTBand->GetMaskBand();
        //        hMaskVRTBand->AddMaskBandSource(poSrcBand,
        //                                anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1],
        //                                anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3],
        //                                0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize );
        //    }

    //if (eMaskMode == MASK_USER)
    //    GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand =
    //        (GDALRasterBand*)GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, ABS(nMaskBand));
    //    if (poSrcBand && poVDS->CreateMaskBand(GMF_PER_DATASET) == CE_None)
    //    {
    //        VRTSourcedRasterBand* hMaskVRTBand = (VRTSourcedRasterBand*)
    //            GDALGetMaskBand(GDALGetRasterBand((GDALDatasetH)poVDS, 1));
    //        if (nMaskBand > 0)
    //            hMaskVRTBand->AddSimpleSource(poSrcBand,
    //                                    anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1],
    //                                    anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3],
    //                                    0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize );
    //        else
    //            hMaskVRTBand->AddMaskBandSource(poSrcBand,
    //                                    anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1],
    //                                    anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3],
    //                                    0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize );
    //    }
    //if (eMaskMode == MASK_AUTO && nSrcBandCount > 0 &&
    //    GDALGetMaskFlags(GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1)) == GMF_PER_DATASET)
    //    if (poVDS->CreateMaskBand(GMF_PER_DATASET) == CE_None)
    //    {
    //        VRTSourcedRasterBand* hMaskVRTBand = (VRTSourcedRasterBand*)
    //            GDALGetMaskBand(GDALGetRasterBand((GDALDatasetH)poVDS, 1));
    //        hMaskVRTBand->AddMaskBandSource((GDALRasterBand*)GDALGetRasterBand(hDataset, 1),
    //                                    anSrcWin[0], anSrcWin[1],
    //                                    anSrcWin[2], anSrcWin[3],
    //                                    0, 0, nOXSize, nOYSize );
    //    }

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write to the output file using CopyCreate().                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDataset* pOutDS = pDriver->CreateCopy(szDstPath, poVDS, false, papszOptions, GDALDummyProgress, NULL);

    //hOutDS = GDALCreateCopy( hDriver, pszDest, (GDALDatasetH) poVDS, bStrict, papszCreateOptions, pfnProgress, NULL );
    if( pOutDS )
        GDALFlushCache( pOutDS );
        if (CPLGetLastErrorType() != CE_None)
			    pTrackCancel->PutMessage(_("GDALFlushCache failed!"), -1, enumGISMessageErr);
        GDALClose( pOutDS );

        GDALClose( poVDS );
        return true;
        GDALClose( poVDS );
        return false;

    //CPLFree( panBandList );
    //CPLFree( pszOutputSRS );

    //if( !bSubCall )
    //    GDALDumpOpenDatasets( stderr );
    //    GDALDestroyDriverManager();
    //CSLDestroy( papszCreateOptions );

	return true;