Пример #1
 * @brief Test CTA Npred computation
 * Tests the Npred computation for the diffuse source model. This is done
 * by loading the model from the XML file and by calling the
 * GCTAObservation::npred method which in turn calls the
 * GCTAResponse::npred_diffuse method. The test takes a few seconds.
void TestGCTAResponse::test_response_npred_diffuse(void)
    // Set reference value
    double ref = 11212.26274;

    // Set parameters
    double src_ra  = 201.3651;
    double src_dec = -43.0191;
    double roi_rad =   4.0;

    // Setup ROI centred on Cen A with a radius of 4 deg
    GCTARoi     roi;
    GCTAInstDir instDir;
    instDir.radec_deg(src_ra, src_dec);

    // Setup pointing on Cen A
    GSkyDir skyDir;
    skyDir.radec_deg(src_ra, src_dec);
    GCTAPointing pnt;

    // Setup dummy event list
    GGti     gti;
    GEbounds ebounds;
    GTime    tstart(0.0);
    GTime    tstop(1800.0);
    GEnergy  emin;
    GEnergy  emax;
    gti.append(tstart, tstop);
    ebounds.append(emin, emax);
    GCTAEventList events;

    // Setup dummy CTA observation
    GCTAObservation obs;
    obs.response(cta_irf, cta_caldb);

    // Load models for Npred computation
    GModels models(cta_rsp_xml);

    // Perform Npred computation
    double npred = obs.npred(models, NULL);

    // Test Npred
    test_value(npred, ref, 1.0e-5, "Diffuse Npred computation");

    // Return
Пример #2
    // Generate an EventCube, rate is the number of event per second. Events have a time between tmin and tmax.
    virtual GTestEventCube* generateCube(const double &rate, const GTime &tmin, const GTime &tmax, GRan &ran)
        // Create an event list
        GTestEventCube* cube = new GTestEventCube();
        // Set min and max energy for ebounds
        // npred method integrate the model on time and energy.
        // In order to have a rate which not depend on energy we create an interval of 1 Mev.
        GEnergy engmin,engmax;
        // Instrument Direction
        GTestInstDir dir;
        // Generate an times list.
        GTimes times = m_modelTps->mc(rate, tmin, tmax, ran);

        GTestEventBin bin;
        bin.ontime(10); // 10 sec per bin

        for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); ++i) {
            if ((bin.time().secs() + bin.ontime()) < times[i].secs()) {

                // Add the event to the cube
                bin.ontime(10); // 10 sec per bin

        // Create a time interval and add it to the list.
        GGti gti;
        // Create an energy interval and add it to the list
        GEbounds ebounds;
        return cube;
Пример #3
 * @brief Read energy boundary data sub-space keywords
 * @param[in] hdu FITS HDU
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Invalid energy data sub-space encountered
 * Reads the energy boundary data sub-space keywords by searching for a 
 * DSTYPx keyword named "ENERGY". The data sub-space information is expected
 * to be in the format "200:50000", where the 2 arguments are the minimum
 * and maximum energy. The energy unit is given by the keyword DSUNIx, which
 * supports keV, MeV, GeV and TeV (case independent). No detailed syntax
 * checking is performed.
GEbounds gammalib::read_ds_ebounds(const GFitsHDU& hdu)
    // Initialise energy boundaries
    GEbounds ebounds;

    // Get number of data sub-space keywords (default to 0 if keyword is
    // not found)
    int ndskeys = (hdu.has_card("NDSKEYS")) ? hdu.integer("NDSKEYS") : 0;

    // Loop over all data sub-space keys
    for (int i = 1; i <= ndskeys; ++i) {

        // Set data sub-space key strings
        std::string type_key  = "DSTYP"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string unit_key  = "DSUNI"+gammalib::str(i);
        std::string value_key = "DSVAL"+gammalib::str(i);

        // Continue only if type_key is found and if this key is ENERGY
        if (hdu.has_card(type_key) && hdu.string(type_key) == "ENERGY") {

            // Extract energy boundaries
            std::string value               = hdu.string(value_key);
            std::string unit                = hdu.string(unit_key);
            std::vector<std::string> values = gammalib::split(value, ":");
            if (values.size() == 2) {
                double  emin = gammalib::todouble(values[0]);
                double  emax = gammalib::todouble(values[1]);
                GEnergy e_min(emin, unit);
                GEnergy e_max(emax, unit);
                ebounds.append(e_min, e_max);
            else {
                std::string msg = "Invalid energy value \""+value+
                                  "\" encountered in data selection key \""+
                throw GException::invalid_value(G_READ_DS_EBOUNDS, msg);

        } // endif: ENERGY type_key found

    } // endfor: looped over data selection keys

    // Return
    return ebounds;
Пример #4
 * @brief Append energy boundaries
 * @param[in] ebds Energy boundaries.
 * Append energy boundaries to the container.
void GEbounds::extend(const GEbounds& ebds)
    // Do nothing if energy boundaries are empty
    if (!ebds.is_empty()) {

        // Allocate new intervals
        int      num = m_num+ebds.size();
        GEnergy* min = new GEnergy[num];
        GEnergy* max = new GEnergy[num];

        // Initialise index
        int inx = 0;

        // Copy existing intervals
        for (; inx < m_num; ++inx) {
            min[inx] = m_min[inx];
            max[inx] = m_max[inx];

        // Append intervals
        for (int i = 0; i < ebds.size(); ++i, ++inx) {
            min[inx] = ebds.m_min[i];
            max[inx] = ebds.m_max[i];

        // Free memory
        if (m_min != NULL) delete [] m_min;
        if (m_max != NULL) delete [] m_max;

        // Set new memory
        m_min = min;
        m_max = max;

        // Set number of elements
        m_num = num;

        // Set attributes

    } // endif: energy boundaries were not empty

    // Return
Пример #5
 // Generate an EventList, rate is the number of event per second. Events have a time between tmin and tmax.
 virtual GTestEventList* generateList(const double &rate, const GTime &tmin, const GTime &tmax, GRan &ran)
      // Create an event list
      GTestEventList * list = new GTestEventList();
      // Set min and max energy for ebounds
      // npred method integrate the model on time and energy.
      // In order to have a rate which not depend on energy we create an interval of 1 Mev.
      GEnergy engmin,engmax;
      // Instrument Direction
      GTestInstDir dir;
      // Generate an times list.
      GTimes times = m_modelTps->mc(rate,tmin, tmax,ran);
      for (int i = 0; i < times.size() ; ++i) {
          GTestEventAtom event;
          // Add the event to the list
      // Create a time interval and add it to the list.
      GGti gti;
      // Create an energy interval and add it to the list
      GEbounds ebounds;
      return list;
Пример #6
 * @brief Energy boundary constructor
 * @param[in] ebds Energy boundaries.
GArf::GArf(const GEbounds& ebds)
    // Initialise members

    // Set energy boundaries
    m_ebounds = ebds;

    // Initialize spectral response
    m_specresp.assign(ebds.size(), 0.0);

    // Return
Пример #7
 * @brief Energy boundary constructor
 * @param[in] ebds Energy boundaries.
GPha::GPha(const GEbounds& ebds)
    // Initialise members

    // Set energy boundaries
    m_ebounds = ebds;

    // Initialize spectrum
    m_counts.assign(ebds.size(), 0.0);

    // Return
Пример #8
 * @brief Test GEbounds
void TestGObservation::test_ebounds(void)
    // Test void constructor
    test_try("Void constructor");
    try {
        GEbounds ebds;
    catch (std::exception &e) {

    // Manipulate energy boudaries starting from an empty object
    GEbounds ebds;
    test_value(ebds.size(), 0, "GEbounds should have zero size.");
    test_assert(ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 0.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 0.");

    // Add empty interval
    ebds.append(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 0, "GEbounds should have zero size.");
    test_assert(ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 0.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 0.");

    // Add one interval
    ebds.append(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(10.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 1, "GEbounds should have 1 element.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 10.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 10.");

    // Remove interval
    test_value(ebds.size(), 0, "GEbounds should have zero size.");
    test_assert(ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 0.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 0.");

    // Append two overlapping intervals
    ebds.append(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"));
    ebds.append(GEnergy(10.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1000.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 2, "GEbounds should have 2 elements.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 1000.");

    // Clear object
    test_value(ebds.size(), 0, "GEbounds should have zero size.");
    test_assert(ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 0.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 0.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 0.");

    // Append two overlapping intervals in inverse order
    ebds.append(GEnergy(10.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1000.0, "MeV"));
    ebds.append(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 2, "GEbounds should have 2 elements.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 1000.");

    // Insert two overlapping intervals
    ebds.insert(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"));
    ebds.insert(GEnergy(10.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1000.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 2, "GEbounds should have 2 elements.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 1000.");

    // Insert two overlapping intervals in inverse order
    ebds.insert(GEnergy(10.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1000.0, "MeV"));
    ebds.insert(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 2, "GEbounds should have 2 elements.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 1000.");

    // Merge two overlapping intervals
    ebds.merge(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"));
    ebds.merge(GEnergy(10.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1000.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 1, "GEbounds should have 1 element.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 1000.");

    // Merge two overlapping intervals in inverse order
    ebds.merge(GEnergy(10.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1000.0, "MeV"));
    ebds.merge(GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 1, "GEbounds should have 1 element.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 1000.");

    // Check linear boundaries
    ebds.set_lin(2, GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(3.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 2, "GEbounds should have 2 elements.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin(0).MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 0 minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emin(1).MeV(), 2.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 1 minimum energy should be 2.");
    test_value(ebds.emax(0).MeV(), 2.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 0 maximum energy should be 2.");
    test_value(ebds.emax(1).MeV(), 3.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 1 maximum energy should be 3.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 3.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 3.");

    // Check logarithmic boundaries
    ebds.set_log(2, GEnergy(1.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 2, "GEbounds should have 2 elements.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin(0).MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 0 minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emin(1).MeV(), 10.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 1 minimum energy should be 10.");
    test_value(ebds.emax(0).MeV(), 10.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 0 maximum energy should be 10.");
    test_value(ebds.emax(1).MeV(), 100.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 1 maximum energy should be 100.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 100.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 100.");

    // Check boundary extension
    GEbounds ext(1, GEnergy(100.0, "MeV"), GEnergy(1000.0, "MeV"));
    test_value(ebds.size(), 3, "GEbounds should have 3 elements.");
    test_assert(!ebds.is_empty(), "GEbounds should not be empty.");
    test_value(ebds.emin(0).MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 0 minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emin(1).MeV(), 10.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 1 minimum energy should be 10.");
    test_value(ebds.emin(2).MeV(), 100.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 2 minimum energy should be 100.");
    test_value(ebds.emax(0).MeV(), 10.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 0 maximum energy should be 10.");
    test_value(ebds.emax(1).MeV(), 100.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 1 maximum energy should be 100.");
    test_value(ebds.emax(2).MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Bin 1 maximum energy should be 1000.");
    test_value(ebds.emin().MeV(), 1.0, 1.0e-10, "Minimum energy should be 1.");
    test_value(ebds.emax().MeV(), 1000.0, 1.0e-10, "Maximum energy should be 1000.");

    // Return
Пример #9
 * @brief Test CTA IRF computation for diffuse source model
 * Tests the IRF computation for the diffuse source model. This is done
 * by calling the GCTAObservation::model method which in turn calls the
 * GCTAResponse::irf_diffuse method. The test is done for a small counts
 * map to keep the test executing reasonably fast.
void TestGCTAResponse::test_response_irf_diffuse(void)
    // Set reference value
    double ref = 13803.800313356;

    // Set parameters
    double src_ra  = 201.3651;
    double src_dec = -43.0191;
    int    nebins  = 5;

    // Setup pointing on Cen A
    GSkyDir skyDir;
    skyDir.radec_deg(src_ra, src_dec);
    GCTAPointing pnt;

    // Setup skymap (10 energy layers)
    GSkymap map("CAR", "CEL", src_ra, src_dec, 0.5, 0.5, 10, 10, nebins);

    // Setup time interval
    GGti  gti;
    GTime tstart(0.0);
    GTime tstop(1800.0);
    gti.append(tstart, tstop);

    // Setup energy boundaries
    GEbounds ebounds;
    GEnergy  emin;
    GEnergy  emax;
    ebounds.setlog(emin, emax, nebins);

    // Setup event cube centered on Cen A
    GCTAEventCube cube(map, ebounds, gti);

    // Setup dummy CTA observation
    GCTAObservation obs;
    obs.response(cta_irf, cta_caldb);

    // Load model for IRF computation
    GModels models(cta_rsp_xml);

    // Reset sum
    double sum = 0.0;

    // Iterate over all bins in event cube
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.events()->size(); ++i) {

        // Get event pointer
        const GEventBin* bin = (*(static_cast<const GEventCube*>(obs.events())))[i];

        // Get model and add to sum
        double model = obs.model(models, *bin, NULL) * bin->size();
        sum += model;


    // Test sum
    test_value(sum, ref, 1.0e-5, "Diffuse IRF computation");

    // Return
Пример #10
 * @brief Set empty CTA event list
 * @param[in] obs CTA observation.
 * Attaches an empty event list to CTA observation. The method also sets the
 * pointing direction using the m_ra and m_dec members, the ROI based on
 * m_ra, m_dec and m_rad, a single GTI based on m_tmin and m_tmax, and a
 * single energy boundary based on m_emin and m_emax. The method furthermore
 * sets the ontime, livetime and deadtime correction factor.
void ctobssim::set_list(GCTAObservation* obs)
    // Continue only if observation is valid
    if (obs != NULL) {

        // Get CTA observation parameters
        m_ra    = (*this)["ra"].real();
        m_dec   = (*this)["dec"].real();
        m_rad   = (*this)["rad"].real();
        m_tmin  = (*this)["tmin"].real();
        m_tmax  = (*this)["tmax"].real();
        m_emin  = (*this)["emin"].real();
        m_emax  = (*this)["emax"].real();
        m_deadc = (*this)["deadc"].real();

        // Allocate CTA event list
        GCTAEventList events;

        // Set pointing direction
        GCTAPointing pnt;
        GSkyDir      skydir;
        skydir.radec_deg(m_ra, m_dec);

        // Set ROI
        GCTAInstDir instdir(skydir);
        GCTARoi     roi(instdir, m_rad);

        // Set GTI
        GGti  gti(m_cta_ref);
        GTime tstart;
        GTime tstop;
        tstart.set(m_tmin, m_cta_ref);
        tstop.set(m_tmax, m_cta_ref);
        gti.append(tstart, tstop);

        // Set energy boundaries
        GEbounds ebounds;
        GEnergy  emin;
        GEnergy  emax;
        ebounds.append(emin, emax);

        // Set CTA event list attributes

        // Attach event list to CTA observation

        // Set observation ontime, livetime and deadtime correction factor

    } // endif: oberservation was valid

    // Return
Пример #11
 * @brief Get observation container
 * Get an observation container according to the user parameters. The method
 * supports loading of a individual FITS file or an observation definition
 * file in XML format.
 * If the input filename is empty, the method checks for the existence of the
 * "expcube", "psfcube" and "bkgcube" parameters. If file names have been
 * specified, the method loads the files and creates a dummy events cube that
 * is appended to the observation container.
 * If no file names are specified for the "expcube", "psfcube" or "bkgcube"
 * parameters, the method reads the necessary parameters to build a CTA
 * observation from scratch.
 * The method sets m_append_cube = true and m_binned = true in case that
 * a stacked observation is requested (as detected by the presence of the
 * "expcube", "psfcube", and "bkgcube" parameters). In that case, it appended
 * a dummy event cube to the observation.
void ctmodel::get_obs(void)
    // Get the filename from the input parameters
    std::string filename = (*this)["inobs"].filename();

    // If no observation definition file has been specified then read all
    // parameters that are necessary to create an observation from scratch
    if ((filename == "NONE") || (gammalib::strip_whitespace(filename) == "")) {

        // Get response cube filenames
        std::string expcube = (*this)["expcube"].filename();
        std::string psfcube = (*this)["psfcube"].filename();
        std::string bkgcube = (*this)["bkgcube"].filename();

        // If the filenames are valid then build an observation from cube
        // response information
        if ((expcube != "NONE") && (psfcube != "NONE") && (bkgcube != "NONE") &&
            (gammalib::strip_whitespace(expcube) != "") &&
            (gammalib::strip_whitespace(psfcube) != "") &&
            (gammalib::strip_whitespace(bkgcube) != "")) {

            // Get exposure, PSF and background cubes
            GCTACubeExposure   exposure(expcube);
            GCTACubePsf        psf(psfcube);
            GCTACubeBackground background(bkgcube);

            // Create energy boundaries
            GEbounds ebounds = create_ebounds();

            // Create dummy sky map cube
            GSkyMap map("CAR","GAL",0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1,1,ebounds.size());

            // Create event cube
            GCTAEventCube cube(map, ebounds, exposure.gti());

            // Create CTA observation
            GCTAObservation cta;
            cta.response(exposure, psf, background);

            // Append observation to container

            // Signal that we are in binned mode
            m_binned = true;

            // Signal that we appended a cube
            m_append_cube = true;

        } // endif: cube response information was available

        // ... otherwise build an observation from IRF response information
        else {

            // Create CTA observation
            GCTAObservation cta = create_cta_obs();

            // Set response

            // Append observation to container


    } // endif: filename was "NONE" or ""

    // ... otherwise we have a file name
    else {

        // If file is a FITS file then create an empty CTA observation
        // and load file into observation
        if (gammalib::is_fits(filename)) {

            // Allocate empty CTA observation
            GCTAObservation cta;

            // Load data

            // Set response

            // Append observation to container

            // Signal that no XML file should be used for storage
            m_use_xml = false;


        // ... otherwise load file into observation container
        else {

            // Load observations from XML file

            // For all observations that have no response, set the response
            // from the task parameters

            // Set observation boundary parameters (emin, emax, rad)

            // Signal that XML file should be used for storage
            m_use_xml = true;

        } // endelse: file was an XML file


    // Return

Пример #12
 * @brief Bin events into a counts map
 * @param[in] obs CTA observation.
 * @exception GException::no_list
 *            No event list found in observation.
 * @exception GCTAException::no_pointing
 *            No valid CTA pointing found.
 * This method bins the events found in a CTA events list into a counts map
 * and replaces the event list by the counts map in the observation. The
 * energy boundaries of the counts map are also stored in the observation's
 * energy boundary member.
 * If the reference values for the map centre (m_xref, m_yref) are 9999.0,
 * the pointing direction of the observation is taken as the map centre.
 * Otherwise, the specified reference value is used.
void ctbin::bin_events(GCTAObservation* obs)
    // Continue only if observation pointer is valid
    if (obs != NULL) {

        // Make sure that the observation holds a CTA event list. If this
        // is not the case then throw an exception.
        if (dynamic_cast<const GCTAEventList*>(obs->events()) == NULL) {
            throw GException::no_list(G_BIN_EVENTS);

        // Setup energy range covered by data
        GEnergy  emin;
        GEnergy  emax;
        GEbounds ebds;
        ebds.setlog(emin, emax, m_enumbins);

        // Get Good Time intervals
        GGti gti = obs->events()->gti();
        // Get map centre
        double xref;
        double yref;
        if (m_xref != 9999.0 && m_yref != 9999.0) {
            xref = m_xref;
            yref = m_yref;
        else {
            // Get pointer on CTA pointing
            const GCTAPointing *pnt = obs->pointing();
            if (pnt == NULL) {
                throw GCTAException::no_pointing(G_BIN_EVENTS);
            // Set reference point to pointing
            if (toupper(m_coordsys) == "GAL") {
                xref = pnt->dir().l_deg();
                yref = pnt->dir().b_deg();
            else {
                xref = pnt->dir().ra_deg();
                yref = pnt->dir().dec_deg();

        } // endelse: map centre set to pointing

        // Create skymap
        GSkymap map = GSkymap(m_proj, m_coordsys,
                              xref, yref, m_binsz, m_binsz,
                              m_nxpix, m_nypix, m_enumbins);

        // Initialise binning statistics
        int num_outside_map  = 0;
        int num_outside_ebds = 0;
        int num_in_map       = 0;

        // Fill sky map
        GCTAEventList* events = static_cast<GCTAEventList*>(const_cast<GEvents*>(obs->events()));
        for (GCTAEventList::iterator event = events->begin(); event != events->end(); ++event) {

            // Determine sky pixel
            GCTAInstDir* inst  = (GCTAInstDir*)&(event->dir());
            GSkyDir      dir   = inst->dir();
            GSkyPixel    pixel = map.dir2xy(dir);

            // Skip if pixel is out of range
            if (pixel.x() < -0.5 || pixel.x() > (m_nxpix-0.5) ||
                pixel.y() < -0.5 || pixel.y() > (m_nypix-0.5)) {

            // Determine energy bin. Skip if we are outside the energy range
            int index = ebds.index(event->energy());
            if (index == -1) {

            // Fill event in skymap
            map(pixel, index) += 1.0;

        } // endfor: looped over all events

        // Log binning results
        if (logTerse()) {
            log << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events in list");
            log << obs->events()->size() << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events in map");
            log << num_in_map << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events outside map area");
            log << num_outside_map << std::endl;
            log << parformat("Events outside energy bins");
            log << num_outside_ebds << std::endl;

        // Log map
        if (logTerse()) {
            log << std::endl;
            log.header1("Counts map");
            log << map << std::endl;

        // Create events cube from sky map
        GCTAEventCube cube(map, ebds, gti);

        // Replace event list by event cube in observation

    } // endif: observation was valid

    // Return
Пример #13
 * @brief Convolve sky model with the instrument response
 * @param[in] model Sky model.
 * @param[in] event Event.
 * @param[in] obs Observation.
 * @param[in] grad Should model gradients be computed? (default: true)
 * @return Event probability.
 * Computes the event probability
 * \f[
 *    P(p',E',t') = \int \int \int
 *                  S(p,E,t) \times R(p',E',t'|p,E,t) \, dp \, dE \, dt
 * \f]
 * without taking into account any time dispersion. Energy dispersion is
 * correctly handled by this method. If time dispersion is indeed needed,
 * an instrument specific method needs to be provided.
double GResponse::convolve(const GModelSky&    model,
                           const GEvent&       event,
                           const GObservation& obs,
                           const bool&         grad) const
    // Set number of iterations for Romberg integration.
    static const int iter = 6;

    // Initialise result
    double prob = 0.0;

    // Continue only if the model has a spatial component
    if (model.spatial() != NULL) {

        // Get source time (no dispersion)
        GTime srcTime = event.time();

        // Case A: Integration
        if (use_edisp()) {
            // Retrieve true energy boundaries
            GEbounds ebounds = this->ebounds(event.energy());
            // Loop over all boundaries
            for (int i = 0; i < ebounds.size(); ++i) {

                // Get boundaries in MeV
                double emin = ebounds.emin(i).MeV();
                double emax = ebounds.emax(i).MeV();

                // Continue only if valid
                if (emax > emin) {

                    // Setup integration function
                    edisp_kern integrand(this, &obs, &model, &event, srcTime, grad);
                    GIntegral  integral(&integrand);

                    // Set number of iterations

                    // Do Romberg integration
                    emin  = std::log(emin);
                    emax  = std::log(emax);
                    prob += integral.romberg(emin, emax);
                } // endif: interval was valid

            } // endfor: looped over intervals


        // Case B: No integration (assume no energy dispersion)
        else {
            // Get source energy (no dispersion)
            GEnergy srcEng  = event.energy();

            // Evaluate probability
            prob = eval_prob(model, event, srcEng, srcTime, obs, grad);


        // Compile option: Check for NaN/Inf
        #if defined(G_NAN_CHECK)
        if (gammalib::is_notanumber(prob) || gammalib::is_infinite(prob)) {
            std::cout << "*** ERROR: GResponse::convolve:";
            std::cout << " NaN/Inf encountered";
            std::cout << " (prob=" << prob;
            std::cout << ", event=" << event;
            std::cout << ", srcTime=" << srcTime;
            std::cout << ")" << std::endl;

    } // endif: spatial component valid

    // Return probability
    return prob;
Пример #14
 * @brief Select events
 * @param[in] obs CTA observation.
 * @param[in] filename File name.
 * Select events from a FITS file by making use of the selection possibility
 * of the cfitsio library on loading a file. A selection string is created
 * from the specified criteria that is appended to the filename so that
 * cfitsio will automatically filter the event data. This selection string
 * is then applied when opening the FITS file. The opened FITS file is then
 * saved into a temporary file which is the loaded into the actual CTA
 * observation, overwriting the old CTA observation. The ROI, GTI and EBounds
 * of the CTA event list are then set accordingly to the specified selection.
 * Finally, the temporary file created during this process is removed.
 * Good Time Intervals of the observation will be limited to the time
 * interval [m_tmin, m_tmax]. If m_tmin=m_tmax=0, no time selection is
 * performed.
 * @todo Use INDEF instead of 0.0 for pointing as RA/DEC selection
void ctselect::select_events(GCTAObservation* obs, const std::string& filename)
    // Allocate selection string
    std::string selection;
    char        cmin[80];
    char        cmax[80];
    char        cra[80];
    char        cdec[80];
    char        crad[80];

    // Set requested selections
    bool select_time = (m_tmin != 0.0 || m_tmax != 0.0);

    // Set RA/DEC selection
    double ra  = m_ra;
    double dec = m_dec;
    if (m_usepnt) {
        const GCTAPointing *pnt = obs->pointing();
        ra = pnt->dir().ra_deg();
        dec = pnt->dir().dec_deg();

    // Set time selection interval. We make sure here that the time selection
    // interval cannot be wider than the GTIs covering the data. This is done
    // using GGti's reduce() method.
    if (select_time) {

        // Reduce GTIs to specified time interval. The complicated cast is
        // necessary here because the gti() method is declared const, so
        // we're not officially allowed to modify the GTIs.
        ((GGti*)(&obs->events()->gti()))->reduce(m_timemin, m_timemax);

    } // endif: time selection was required

    // Save GTI for later usage
    GGti gti = obs->events()->gti();

    // Make time selection
    if (select_time) {
        // Extract effective time interval in CTA reference time. We need
        // this reference for filtering.
        double tmin = gti.tstart().convert(m_cta_ref);
        double tmax = gti.tstop().convert(m_cta_ref);

        // Format time with sufficient accuracy and add to selection string
        sprintf(cmin, "%.8f", tmin);
        sprintf(cmax, "%.8f", tmax);
        selection = "TIME >= "+std::string(cmin)+" && TIME <= "+std::string(cmax);
        if (logTerse()) {
            log << parformat("Time range");
            log << tmin << " - " << tmax << " s" << std::endl;
        if (selection.length() > 0) {
            selection += " && ";

    // Make energy selection
    sprintf(cmin, "%.8f", m_emin);
    sprintf(cmax, "%.8f", m_emax);
    selection += "ENERGY >= "+std::string(cmin)+" && ENERGY <= "+std::string(cmax);
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << parformat("Energy range");
        log << m_emin << " - " << m_emax << " TeV" << std::endl;
    if (selection.length() > 0) {
        selection += " && ";

    // Make ROI selection
    sprintf(cra,  "%.6f", ra);
    sprintf(cdec, "%.6f", dec);
    sprintf(crad, "%.6f", m_rad);
    selection += "ANGSEP("+std::string(cra)+"," +
                 std::string(cdec)+",RA,DEC) <= " +
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << parformat("Acceptance cone centre");
        log << "RA=" << ra << ", DEC=" << dec << " deg" << std::endl;
        log << parformat("Acceptance cone radius");
        log << m_rad << " deg" << std::endl;
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << parformat("cfitsio selection");
        log << selection << std::endl;

    // Add additional expression
    if (strip_whitespace(m_expr).length() > 0) {
        if (selection.length() > 0) {
            selection += " && ";
        selection += "("+strip_whitespace(m_expr)+")";

    // Build input filename including selection expression
    std::string expression = filename;
    if (selection.length() > 0)
        expression += "[EVENTS]["+selection+"]";
    if (logTerse()) {
        log << parformat("FITS filename");
        log << expression << std::endl;

    // Open FITS file
    GFits file(expression);

    // Log selected FITS file
    if (logExplicit()) {
        log << std::endl;
        log.header1("FITS file content after selection");
        log << file << std::endl;

    // Check if we have an EVENTS HDU
    if (!file.hashdu("EVENTS")) {
        std::string message = "No \"EVENTS\" extension found in FITS file "+
        throw GException::app_error(G_SELECT_EVENTS, message);

    // Determine number of events in EVENTS HDU
    int nevents = file.table("EVENTS")->nrows();

    // If the selected event list is empty then append an empty event list
    // to the observation. Otherwise load the data from the temporary file.
    if (nevents < 1) {

        // Create empty event list
        GCTAEventList eventlist;

        // Append list to observation

    else {

        // Get temporary file name
        std::string tmpname = std::tmpnam(NULL);

        // Save FITS file to temporary file
        file.saveto(tmpname, true);

        // Load observation from temporary file

        // Remove temporary file


    // Get CTA event list pointer
    GCTAEventList* list =

    // Set ROI
    GCTARoi     roi;
    GCTAInstDir instdir;
    instdir.radec_deg(ra, dec);

    // Set GTI

    // Set energy boundaries
    GEbounds ebounds;
    GEnergy  emin;
    GEnergy  emax;
    ebounds.append(emin, emax);

    // Recompute ontime and livetime.
    GTime meantime = 0.5 * (gti.tstart() + gti.tstop());
    obs->livetime(gti.ontime() * obs->deadc(meantime));

    // Return