Пример #1
void Trigger::renderObject( ObjectRenderInst *ri,
                            SceneRenderState *state,
                            BaseMatInstance *overrideMat )

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
   desc.setBlend( true );

   // Trigger polyhedrons are set up with outward facing normals and CCW ordering
   // so can't enable backface culling.
   desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );

   GFXTransformSaver saver;

   MatrixF mat = getRenderTransform();
   mat.scale( getScale() );

   GFX->multWorld( mat );

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
   drawer->drawPolyhedron( desc, mTriggerPolyhedron, ColorI( 255, 192, 0, 45 ) );

   // Render wireframe.

   drawer->drawPolyhedron( desc, mTriggerPolyhedron, ColorI::BLACK );
void ForestWindEmitter::_renderEmitterInfo( ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *overrideMat )
   if ( overrideMat )

   GFXTransformSaver saver;

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   AssertFatal( drawer, "Got NULL GFXDrawUtil!" );

   const Point3F &pos = getPosition();
   const VectorF &windVec = mWind->getDirection();

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );

   // Draw an arrow pointing
   // in the wind direction.
   drawer->drawArrow( desc, pos, pos + (windVec * mWindStrength), ColorI( 0, 0, 255, 255 ) );//Point3F( -235.214, 219.589, 34.0991 ), Point3F( -218.814, 244.731, 37.5587 ), ColorI( 255, 255, 0, 255 ) );//
   drawer->drawArrow( desc, pos, pos + (mWind->getTarget() * mWindStrength ), ColorI( 255, 0, 0, 85 ) );

   // Draw a 2D circle for the wind radius.
   if ( isRadialEmitter() )
      drawer->drawSphere( desc, mWindRadius, pos, ColorI( 255, 0, 0, 80 ) );
Пример #3
void SceneSpace::_renderObject( ObjectRenderInst* ri, SceneRenderState* state, BaseMatInstance* overrideMat )
   if( overrideMat )

   if( !mEditorRenderMaterial )
      // We have no material for rendering so just render
      // a plain box.

      GFXTransformSaver saver;

      MatrixF mat = getRenderTransform();
      mat.scale( getScale() );

      GFX->multWorld( mat );

      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
      desc.setBlend( true );
      desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );

      GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
      drawer->drawCube( desc, mObjBox, _getDefaultEditorSolidColor() );

      // Render black wireframe.

      drawer->drawCube( desc, mObjBox, _getDefaultEditorWireframeColor() );
Пример #4
void GuiRiverEditorCtrl::_drawRiverControlNodes( River *river, const ColorI &color )
   if ( !River::smShowSpline )

   RectI bounds = getBounds();

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   bool isSelected = ( river == mSelRiver );
   bool isHighlighted = ( river == mHoverRiver );

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < river->mNodes.size(); i++ )
      if ( false && isSelected && mSelNode == i  )

      const Point3F &wpos = river->mNodes[i].point;

      Point3F spos;
      project( wpos, &spos );                  

      if ( spos.z > 1.0f )

      Point2I posi;
      posi.x = spos.x;
      posi.y = spos.y;

      if ( !bounds.pointInRect( posi ) )

      ColorI theColor = color;
      Point2I nodeHalfSize = mNodeHalfSize;

      if ( isHighlighted && mHoverNode == i )
         //theColor = mHoverNodeColor;
         nodeHalfSize += Point2I(2,2);

      if ( isSelected )
         if ( mSelNode == i )
         else if ( i == 0 )
         else if ( i == river->mNodes.size() - 1 )

      drawer->drawRectFill( posi - nodeHalfSize, posi + nodeHalfSize, theColor );
Пример #5
void Forest::_renderCellBounds( ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *overrideMat )
    PROFILE_SCOPE( Forest_RenderCellBounds );

    if ( overrideMat )

    GFXTransformSaver saver;

    MatrixF projBias(true);
    const Frustum frustum = GFX->getFrustum();
    MathUtils::getZBiasProjectionMatrix( 0.001f, frustum, &projBias );
    GFX->setProjectionMatrix( projBias );

    VectorF extents;
    Point3F pos;

    // Get top level cells
    Vector<ForestCell*> cellStack;
    mData->getCells( &cellStack );

    // Holds child cells we need to render as we encounter them.
    Vector<ForestCell*> frontier;

    GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

    GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
    desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
    desc.setBlend( true );

    while ( !cellStack.empty() )
        while ( !cellStack.empty() )
            const ForestCell *cell = cellStack.last();

            Box3F box = cell->getBounds();

            drawer->drawCube( desc, box, ColorI( 0, 255, 0 ) );

            RectF rect = cell->getRect();

            box.minExtents.set( rect.point.x, rect.point.y, box.minExtents.z );
            box.maxExtents.set( rect.point.x + rect.extent.x, rect.point.y + rect.extent.y, box.minExtents.z );

            drawer->drawCube( desc, box, ColorI::RED );

            // If this cell has children, add them to the frontier.
            if ( !cell->isLeaf() )
                cell->getChildren( &frontier );

        // Now the frontier becomes the cellStack and we empty the frontier.
        cellStack = frontier;
Пример #6
void NavPath::renderSimple(ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *overrideMat)

   if(state->isReflectPass() || !(isSelected() || mAlwaysRender))

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setZReadWrite(true, false);

      drawer->drawCube(desc, getWorldBox(), ColorI(136, 255, 228, 5));
      drawer->drawCube(desc, getWorldBox(), ColorI::BLACK);

   desc.setZReadWrite(!mXray, false);

   ColorI pathColour(255, 0, 255);

      if(mFromSet) drawer->drawCube(desc, Point3F(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f), mFrom, pathColour);
      if(mToSet)   drawer->drawCube(desc, Point3F(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f), mTo, pathColour);

   GFXStateBlockRef sb = GFX->createStateBlock(desc);

   PrimBuild::color3i(pathColour.red, pathColour.green, pathColour.blue);

   PrimBuild::begin(GFXLineStrip, mPoints.size());
   for (U32 i = 0; i < mPoints.size(); i++)

   if(mRenderSearch && getServerObject())
      NavPath *np = static_cast<NavPath*>(getServerObject());
      if(np->mQuery && !dtStatusSucceed(np->mStatus))
         duDebugDrawTorque dd;
         dd.overrideColor(duRGBA(250, 20, 20, 255));
         duDebugDrawNavMeshNodes(&dd, *np->mQuery);
Пример #7
void renderSlightlyRaisedBox( const RectI &bounds, GuiControlProfile *profile )
   S32 l = bounds.point.x + 1, r = bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - 1;
   S32 t = bounds.point.y + 1, b = bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - 1;

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
   drawer->drawRectFill( bounds, profile->mFillColor);
   drawer->drawLine(l, t, l, b, profile->mBorderColor);
   drawer->drawLine(l, t, r, t, profile->mBorderColor);
   drawer->drawLine(l + 1, b, r, b, profile->mBorderColor);
   drawer->drawLine(r, t + 1, r, b - 1, profile->mBorderColor);
Пример #8
void TSShapeInstance::renderDebugNodes()
   GFXDrawUtil *drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil();
   ColorI color( 255, 0, 0, 255 );

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setBlend( false );
   desc.setZReadWrite( false, false );

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < mNodeTransforms.size(); i++ )
      drawUtil->drawTransform( desc, mNodeTransforms[i], NULL, NULL );
void GuiDecalEditorCtrl::renderScene(const RectI & updateRect)
   PROFILE_SCOPE( GuiDecalEditorCtrl_renderScene );

   GFXTransformSaver saver;

   RectI bounds = getBounds();
   ColorI hlColor(0,255,0,255);
   ColorI regColor(255,0,0,255);
   ColorI selColor(0,0,255,255);
   ColorI color;
   GFXDrawUtil *drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil();   

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );

   // Draw 3D stuff here.   
   if ( mSELDecal )
      mGizmo->renderGizmo( mLastCameraQuery.cameraMatrix, mLastCameraQuery.fov );

      if ( gDecalManager->clipDecal( mSELDecal, &mSELEdgeVerts ) )
         _renderDecalEdge( mSELEdgeVerts, ColorI( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );

      const F32 &decalSize = mSELDecal->mSize;
      Point3F boxSize( decalSize, decalSize, decalSize );

      MatrixF worldMat( true );
      mSELDecal->getWorldMatrix( &worldMat, true );   

      drawUtil->drawObjectBox( desc, boxSize, mSELDecal->mPosition, worldMat, ColorI( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );

   if ( mHLDecal )
      if ( gDecalManager->clipDecal( mHLDecal, &mHLEdgeVerts ) )
         _renderDecalEdge( mHLEdgeVerts, ColorI( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );

      const F32 &decalSize = mHLDecal->mSize;
      Point3F boxSize( decalSize, decalSize, decalSize );

      MatrixF worldMat( true );
      mHLDecal->getWorldMatrix( &worldMat, true );  

      drawUtil->drawObjectBox( desc, boxSize, mHLDecal->mPosition, worldMat, ColorI( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
Пример #10
   void NavMesh::render(ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *overrideMat)



      GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setZReadWrite(true, false);

      drawer->drawCube(desc, getWorldBox(), ColorI(136, 255, 228, 45));
      drawer->drawCube(desc, getWorldBox(), ColorI::BLACK);

      // Recast debug draw
      duDebugDrawTorque dd;
      NetObject *no = getServerObject();
      if(no && isSelected())
         NavMesh *n = static_cast<NavMesh*>(no);
         RenderMode mode = mRenderMode;
         bool build = n->mBuilding;
            mode = RENDER_NAVMESH;
            dd.overrideColour(duRGBA(255, 0, 0, 80));
         case RENDER_NAVMESH:    if(n->nm) duDebugDrawNavMesh          (&dd, *n->nm, 0); break;
         case RENDER_CONTOURS:   if(n->cs) duDebugDrawContours         (&dd, *n->cs); break;
         case RENDER_POLYMESH:   if(n->pm) duDebugDrawPolyMesh         (&dd, *n->pm); break;
         case RENDER_DETAILMESH: if(n->pmd) duDebugDrawPolyMeshDetail  (&dd, *n->pmd); break;
         case RENDER_PORTALS:    if(n->nm) duDebugDrawNavMeshPortals   (&dd, *n->nm); break;
         if(n->cs && mRenderConnections && !build)   duDebugDrawRegionConnections(&dd, *n->cs);
         if(n->mInPolys && mRenderInput && !build)   n->mInPolys->render();
void GuiDecalEditorCtrl::renderGui( Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect )
   Parent::renderGui( offset, updateRect );

   PROFILE_SCOPE( GuiDecalEditorCtrl_renderGui );

   // Show the pixelSize of the selected decal as a text overlay.
   if ( smRenderDecalPixelSize && mSELDecal != NULL )
      const F32 pixelSize = mSELDecal->calcPixelSize( mSaveViewport.extent.y, mLastCameraQuery.cameraMatrix.getPosition(), mSaveWorldToScreenScale.y );
      // Find position onscreen to render the text.
      Point3F screenPos;
      bool onScreen = project( mSELDecal->mPosition, &screenPos );

      if ( onScreen )
         // It is extremely annoying to require the GuiProfile to have a font
         // or to create one within the decal editor for only this single use,
         // so we instead rely on the fact that we already have a Gizmo, that
         // all Gizmo's have a GizmoProfile, and that GizmoProfile has a font.
         GFont *font = mGizmo->getProfile()->font;

         // Might as well use some colors defined in GizmoProfile too instead
         // of just hardcoding it here.
         const ColorI bgColor = mGizmo->getProfile()->inActiveColor;
         const ColorI textColor = mGizmo->getProfile()->activeColor;

         // Note: This mostly mirrors the way WorldEditor renders popupText for
         // the gizmo during a drag operation, consider unifying this into a utility method.

         char buf[256];
         dSprintf( buf, 256, "%0.3f", pixelSize );

         const U32 width = font->getStrWidth((const UTF8 *)buf);;
         const Point2I posi( (U32)screenPos.x, (U32)screenPos.y + 12 );   
         const Point2I minPt(posi.x - width / 2 - 2, posi.y - 1);
         const Point2I maxPt(posi.x + width / 2 + 2, posi.y + font->getHeight() + 1);

         GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
         drawer->drawRectFill( minPt, maxPt, bgColor );
	      GFX->getDrawUtil()->setBitmapModulation( textColor );
         GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawText( mProfile->mFont, Point2I( posi.x - width / 2, posi.y ), buf );
void ForestWindEmitter::_renderEmitterInfo( ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *overrideMat )
   if ( overrideMat )

   GFXTransformSaver saver;

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   AssertFatal( drawer, "Got NULL GFXDrawUtil!" );

   const Point3F &pos = getPosition();
   const VectorF &windVec = mWind->getDirection();

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );

   // Draw an arrow pointing
   // in the wind direction.
   drawer->drawArrow( desc, pos, pos + (windVec * mWindStrength), ColorI( 0, 0, 255, 255 ) );//Point3F( -235.214, 219.589, 34.0991 ), Point3F( -218.814, 244.731, 37.5587 ), ColorI( 255, 255, 0, 255 ) );//
   drawer->drawArrow( desc, pos, pos + (mWind->getTarget() * mWindStrength ), ColorI( 255, 0, 0, 85 ) );

   S32 useRadius = mWindRadius;
   // Draw a 2D circle for the wind radius.
   if ( isRadialEmitter() )
	   //WLE - Vince 
	   //So the problem is that when your inside the sphere it won't render so it might make someone 
	   //think that it's not working right.  So what I did was determine if the camera is inside the sphere.
	   //If the camera is inside the sphere, then I find the distance from the center of the sphere to the camera
	   //Round down and use that as the radius to draw the sphere.
	   //That way if someone zooms in or out, their screen is still showing the sphere.
      GameConnection * gc = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer();
      GameBase* gb = gc->getCameraObject();
       if (gb)
		  Point3F camPos = gb->getPosition();
		  if ( getPosition().isInsideSphere( camPos, mWindRadius ) )
			  useRadius =  getPosition().distanceTo(camPos);
      drawer->drawSphere( desc, useRadius, pos, ColorI( 255, 0, 0, 80 ) );
Пример #13
void EditTSCtrl::renderMissionArea()
   MissionArea* obj = MissionArea::getServerObject();
   if ( !obj )

   if ( !mRenderMissionArea && !obj->isSelected() )

   GFXDEBUGEVENT_SCOPE( Editor_renderMissionArea, ColorI::WHITE );

   F32 minHeight = 0.0f;
   F32 maxHeight = 0.0f;

   TerrainBlock* terrain = getActiveTerrain();
   if ( terrain )
      terrain->getMinMaxHeight( &minHeight, &maxHeight );
      Point3F pos = terrain->getPosition();

      maxHeight += pos.z + mMissionAreaHeightAdjust;
      minHeight += pos.z - mMissionAreaHeightAdjust;

   const RectI& area = obj->getArea();
   Box3F areaBox( area.point.x,
                  area.point.x + area.extent.x,
                  area.point.y + area.extent.y,
                  maxHeight );

   GFXDrawUtil* drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setZReadWrite( false, false );

   drawer->drawCube( desc, areaBox, mMissionAreaFillColor );

   drawer->drawCube( desc, areaBox, mMissionAreaFrameColor );
Пример #14
//  Render out the fixed bitmap borders based on a multiplier into the bitmap array
// It renders left and right caps, with a sizable fill area in the middle to reach
// the x extent.  It does not stretch in the y direction.
void renderFixedBitmapBordersFilled( const RectI &bounds, S32 baseMultiplier, GuiControlProfile *profile )
   //  Indices into the bitmap array
   S32 numBitmaps = 3;
   S32 borderLeft =     numBitmaps * baseMultiplier - numBitmaps;
   S32 fill =              1 + borderLeft;
   S32 borderRight =       2 + borderLeft;

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   if(profile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() >= (numBitmaps * baseMultiplier))
      RectI destRect;
      RectI stretchRect;
      RectI* mBitmapBounds = profile->mBitmapArrayRects.address();

      // Draw all corners first.

      //left border
      //right border
      drawer->drawBitmapSR(profile->mTextureObject,Point2I(bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderRight].extent.x,bounds.point.y),mBitmapBounds[borderRight]);

      // End drawing corners

      // Begin drawing fill

      //fill stretch
      destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + mBitmapBounds[borderLeft].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.x = (bounds.extent.x) - mBitmapBounds[borderLeft].extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderRight].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.y = mBitmapBounds[fill].extent.y;
      destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y;
      //stretch it
      stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[fill];
      //draw it

      // End drawing fill
Пример #15
void GuiTheoraCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect)
	if( mDone && mIsLooping )  

   const RectI rect(offset, getBounds().extent);

	if( mTheoraTexture.isReady() )
      if( mTheoraTexture.isPlaying()
          || mTheoraTexture.isPaused() )
         // Draw the frame.
         GFXDrawUtil* drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil();
         drawUtil->drawBitmapStretch( mTheoraTexture.getTexture(), rect );
         // Draw frame info, if requested.
         if( mRenderDebugInfo )
            String info = String::ToString( "Frame Number: %i | Frame Time: %.2fs | Playback Time: %.2fs | Dropped: %i",
               F32( mTheoraTexture.getPosition() ) / 1000.f,
               mTheoraTexture.getNumDroppedFrames() );
            drawUtil->setBitmapModulation( mProfile->mFontColors[ 0 ] );
            drawUtil->drawText( mProfile->mFont, localToGlobalCoord( Point2I( 0, 0 ) ), info, mProfile->mFontColors );
         mDone = true;
 		GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(rect, mBackgroundColor); // black rect

	renderChildControls(offset, updateRect);
Пример #16
void GuiSwatchButtonCtrl::onRender( Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect )
   bool highlight = mMouseOver;

   ColorI borderColor = mActive ? ( highlight ? mProfile->mBorderColorHL : mProfile->mBorderColor ) : mProfile->mBorderColorNA;

   RectI renderRect( offset, getExtent() );
   if ( !highlight )
      renderRect.inset( 1, 1 );      

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   // Draw background transparency grid texture...
   if ( mGrid.isValid() )
      drawer->drawBitmapStretch( mGrid, renderRect );

   // Draw swatch color as fill...
   if (!mUseSRGB)
      drawer->drawRectFill( renderRect, mSwatchColor.toGamma() );
      drawer->drawRectFill(renderRect, mSwatchColor);

   // Draw any borders...
   drawer->drawRect( renderRect, borderColor );
Пример #17
void ForestWindEmitter::_renderEmitterInfo( ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *overrideMat )
   if ( overrideMat )

   GFXTransformSaver saver;

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   AssertFatal( drawer, "Got NULL GFXDrawUtil!" );

   const Point3F &pos = getPosition();
   const VectorF &windVec = mWind->getDirection();

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );

   // Draw an arrow pointing
   // in the wind direction.
   drawer->drawArrow( desc, pos, pos + (windVec * mWindStrength), ColorI( 0, 0, 255, 255 ) );//Point3F( -235.214, 219.589, 34.0991 ), Point3F( -218.814, 244.731, 37.5587 ), ColorI( 255, 255, 0, 255 ) );//
   drawer->drawArrow( desc, pos, pos + (mWind->getTarget() * mWindStrength ), ColorI( 255, 0, 0, 85 ) );

   S32 useRadius = mWindRadius;
   // Draw a 2D circle for the wind radius.
   if ( isRadialEmitter() )
      // If the camera is close to the sphere, shrink the sphere so it remains visible.
      GameConnection* gc = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer();
      GameBase* gb;
      if ( gc && (gb = gc->getCameraObject()) )
         F32 camDist = (gb->getPosition() - getPosition()).len();
         if ( camDist < mWindRadius )
            useRadius = camDist;
      drawer->drawSphere( desc, useRadius, pos, ColorI( 255, 0, 0, 80 ) );
Пример #18
void DecalManager::renderDecalSpheres()
   if ( mData && Con::getBoolVariable( "$renderSpheres" ) )
      PROFILE_SCOPE( DecalManager_renderDecalSpheres );

      const Vector<DecalSphere*> &grid = mData->getGrid();

      GFXDrawUtil *drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil();
      ColorI sphereLineColor( 0, 255, 0, 25 );
      ColorI sphereColor( 0, 0, 255, 30 );

      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setBlend( true );
      desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );

      for ( U32 i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++ )
         DecalSphere *decalSphere = grid[i];
         const SphereF &worldSphere = decalSphere->mWorldSphere;
         drawUtil->drawSphere( desc, worldSphere.radius, worldSphere.center, sphereColor );
Пример #19
void SFXEmitter::_renderObject( ObjectRenderInst* ri, SceneRenderState* state, BaseMatInstance* overrideMat )
   // Check to see if the emitter is in range and playing
   // and assign a proper color depending on this.

   ColorI color;
   if( _getPlaybackStatus() == SFXStatusPlaying )
      if( isInRange() )
         color = smRenderColorPlayingInRange;
         color = smRenderColorPlayingOutOfRange;
      if( isInRange() )
         color = smRenderColorStoppedInRange;
         color = smRenderColorStoppedOutOfRange;

   // Draw the cube.
   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
   drawer->drawCube( desc,  Point3F( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ), getBoxCenter(), color );
   // Render visual feedback for 3D sounds.
   if( ( smRenderEmitters || isSelected() ) && is3D() )
Пример #20
void renderLoweredBox( const RectI &bounds, GuiControlProfile *profile )
   S32 l = bounds.point.x, r = bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - 1;
   S32 t = bounds.point.y, b = bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - 1;

   GFXDrawUtil* drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   drawUtil->drawRectFill( bounds, profile->mFillColor);

   drawUtil->drawLine(l, b, r, b, colorWhite);
   drawUtil->drawLine(r, b - 1, r, t, colorWhite);

   drawUtil->drawLine(l, t, r - 1, t, colorBlack);
   drawUtil->drawLine(l, t + 1, l, b - 1, colorBlack);

   drawUtil->drawLine(l + 1, t + 1, r - 2, t + 1, profile->mBorderColor);
   drawUtil->drawLine(l + 1, t + 2, l + 1, b - 2, profile->mBorderColor);
Пример #21
void GuiInspectorField::onRender( Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect )
   RectI ctrlRect(offset, getExtent());
   // Render fillcolor...
   if ( mProfile->mOpaque )
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(ctrlRect, mProfile->mFillColor);   

   // Render caption...
   if ( mCaption && mCaption[0] )
      // Backup current ClipRect
      RectI clipBackup = GFX->getClipRect();

      RectI clipRect = updateRect;

      // The rect within this control in which our caption must fit.
      RectI rect( offset + mCaptionRect.point + mProfile->mTextOffset, mCaptionRect.extent + Point2I(1,1) - Point2I(5,0) );

      // Now clipRect is the amount of our caption rect that is actually visible.
      bool hit = clipRect.intersect( rect );

      if ( hit )
         GFX->setClipRect( clipRect );
         GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

         // Backup modulation color
         ColorI currColor;
         drawer->getBitmapModulation( &currColor );

         // Draw caption background...
         if( !isActive() )
            GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( clipRect, mProfile->mFillColorNA );
         else if ( mHighlighted )         
            GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill( clipRect, mProfile->mFillColorHL );             

         // Draw caption text...

         drawer->setBitmapModulation( !isActive() ? mProfile->mFontColorNA : mHighlighted ? mProfile->mFontColorHL : mProfile->mFontColor );
         // Clip text with '...' if too long to fit
         String clippedText( mCaption );
         clipText( clippedText, clipRect.extent.x );

         renderJustifiedText( offset + mProfile->mTextOffset, getExtent(), clippedText );

         // Restore modulation color
         drawer->setBitmapModulation( currColor );

         // Restore previous ClipRect
         GFX->setClipRect( clipBackup );

   // Render Children...
   renderChildControls(offset, updateRect);

   // Render border...
   if ( mProfile->mBorder )
      renderBorder(ctrlRect, mProfile);   

   // Render divider...
   Point2I worldPnt = mEditCtrlRect.point + offset;
   GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawLine( worldPnt.x - 5,
      worldPnt.x - 5,
      worldPnt.y + getHeight(),
      !isActive() ? mProfile->mBorderColorNA : mHighlighted ? mProfile->mBorderColorHL : mProfile->mBorderColor );
Пример #22
void Forest::prepRenderImage( SceneRenderState *state )

    // TODO: Fix stats.
    ForestCellVector &theCells = mData->getCells();
    smTotalCells += theCells.size();

    // Don't render if we don't have a grid!
    if ( theCells.empty() )
       return false;

    // Prepare to render.
    GFXTransformSaver saver;

    // Figure out the grid range in the viewing area.
    const bool isReflectPass = state->isReflectPass();

    const F32 cullScale = isReflectPass ? mReflectionLodScalar : 1.0f;

    // If we need to update our cached
    // zone state then do it now.
    if ( mZoningDirty )
        mZoningDirty = false;

        Vector<ForestCell*> cells;
        mData->getCells(  &cells );
        for ( U32 i=0; i < cells.size(); i++ )
            cells[i]->_updateZoning( getSceneManager()->getZoneManager() );

    // TODO: Move these into the TSForestItemData as something we
    // setup once and don't do per-instance.

    // Set up the TS render state.
    TSRenderState rdata;
    rdata.setSceneState( state );

    // Use origin sort on all forest elements as
    // its alot cheaper than the bounds sort.
    rdata.setOriginSort( true );

    // We may have some forward lit materials in
    // the forest, so pass down a LightQuery for it.
    LightQuery lightQuery;
    rdata.setLightQuery( &lightQuery );
    Frustum culler = state->getFrustum();

    // Adjust the far distance if the cull scale has changed.
    if ( !mIsEqual( cullScale, 1.0f ) )
        const F32 visFarDist = culler.getFarDist() * cullScale;
        culler.setFarDist( visFarDist );

    Box3F worldBox;

    // Used for debug drawing.
    GFXDrawUtil* drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

    // Go thru the visible cells.
    const Box3F &cullerBounds = culler.getBounds();
    const Point3F &camPos = state->getDiffuseCameraPosition();

    U32 clipMask;
    smAverageItemsPerCell = 0.0f;
    U32 cellsProcessed = 0;
    ForestCell *cell;

    // First get all the top level cells which
    // intersect the frustum.
    Vector<ForestCell*> cellStack;
    mData->getCells( culler, &cellStack );

    // Get the culling zone state.
    const BitVector &zoneState = state->getCullingState().getZoneVisibilityFlags();

    // Now loop till we run out of cells.
    while ( !cellStack.empty() )
        // Pop off the next cell.
        cell = cellStack.last();

        const Box3F &cellBounds = cell->getBounds();

        // If the cell is empty or its bounds is outside the frustum
        // bounds then we have nothing nothing more to do.
        if ( cell->isEmpty() || !cullerBounds.isOverlapped( cellBounds ) )

        // Can we cull this cell entirely?
        clipMask = culler.testPlanes( cellBounds, Frustum::PlaneMaskAll );
        if ( clipMask == -1 )

        // Test cell visibility for interior zones.
        const bool visibleInside = !cell->getZoneOverlap().empty() ? zoneState.testAny( cell->getZoneOverlap() ) : false;

        // Test cell visibility for outdoor zone, but only
        // if we need to.
        bool visibleOutside = false;
        if( !cell->mIsInteriorOnly && !visibleInside )
            U32 outdoorZone = SceneZoneSpaceManager::RootZoneId;
            visibleOutside = !state->getCullingState().isCulled( cellBounds, &outdoorZone, 1 );

        // Skip cell if neither visible indoors nor outdoors.
        if( !visibleInside && !visibleOutside )

        // Update the stats.
        smAverageItemsPerCell += cell->getItems().size();
        //if ( cell->isLeaf() )

        // Get the distance from the camera to the cell bounds.
        F32 dist = cellBounds.getDistanceToPoint( camPos );

        // If the largest item in the cell can be billboarded
        // at the cell distance to the camera... then the whole
        // cell can be billboarded.
        if (  smForceImposters ||
                ( dist > 0.0f && cell->getLargestItem().canBillboard( state, dist ) ) )
            // If imposters are disabled then skip out.
            if ( smDisableImposters )


            // Keep track of how many cells were batched.

            // Ok... everything in this cell should be batched.  First
            // create the batches if we don't have any.
            if ( !cell->hasBatches() )

            //if ( drawCells )
            //mCellRenderFlag[ cellIter - theCells.begin() ] = 1;

            // TODO: Light queries for batches?

            // Now render the batches... we pass the culler if the
            // cell wasn't fully visible so that each batch can be culled.
            smCellItemsBatched += cell->renderBatches( state, clipMask != 0 ? &culler : NULL );

        // If this isn't a leaf then recurse.
        if ( !cell->isLeaf() )
            cell->getChildren( &cellStack );

        // This cell has mixed billboards and mesh based items.


        //if ( drawCells )
        //mCellRenderFlag[ cellIter - theCells.begin() ] = 2;

        // Use the cell bounds as the light query volume.
        // This means all forward lit items in this cell will
        // get the same lights, but it performs much better.
        lightQuery.init( cellBounds );

        // This cell is visible... have it render its items.
        smCellItemsRendered += cell->render( &rdata, clipMask != 0 ? &culler : NULL );

    // Keep track of the average items per cell.
    if ( cellsProcessed > 0 )
        smAverageItemsPerCell /= (F32)cellsProcessed;

    // Got debug drawing to do?
    if ( smDrawCells && state->isDiffusePass() )
        ObjectRenderInst *ri = state->getRenderPass()->allocInst<ObjectRenderInst>();
        ri->renderDelegate.bind( this, &Forest::_renderCellBounds );
        ri->type = RenderPassManager::RIT_Editor;
        state->getRenderPass()->addInst( ri );
Пример #23
void ConvexShape::_renderDebug( ObjectRenderInst *ri, SceneRenderState *state, BaseMatInstance *mat )
   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   GFX->setTexture( 0, NULL );

   // Render world box.
   if ( false )
      Box3F wbox( mWorldBox );
      //if ( getServerObject() )      
      //   Box3F wbox = static_cast<ConvexShape*>( getServerObject() )->mWorldBox;      
      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
      drawer->drawCube( desc, wbox, ColorI::RED );

   const Vector< Point3F > &pointList = mGeometry.points;
	const Vector< ConvexShape::Face > &faceList = mGeometry.faces;

   // Render Edges.
   if ( false )
      GFXTransformSaver saver;
      //GFXFrustumSaver fsaver;

      MatrixF xfm( getRenderTransform() );
      xfm.scale( getScale() );
      GFX->multWorld( xfm );

      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
      desc.setBlend( true );
      GFX->setStateBlockByDesc( desc );

      //MathUtils::getZBiasProjectionMatrix( 0.01f, state->getFrustum(), )

      const Point3F &camFvec = state->getCameraTransform().getForwardVector();

      for ( S32 i = 0; i < faceList.size(); i++ )
         const ConvexShape::Face &face = faceList[i];
         const Vector< ConvexShape::Edge > &edgeList = face.edges;

         const Vector< U32 > &facePntList = face.points;

         PrimBuild::begin( GFXLineList, edgeList.size() * 2 );
         PrimBuild::color( ColorI::WHITE * 0.8f );

         for ( S32 j = 0; j < edgeList.size(); j++ )         
            PrimBuild::vertex3fv( pointList[ facePntList[ edgeList[j].p0 ] ] - camFvec * 0.001f );
            PrimBuild::vertex3fv( pointList[ facePntList[ edgeList[j].p1 ] ] - camFvec * 0.001f );

   ColorI faceColorsx[4] = 
      ColorI( 255, 0, 0 ),
      ColorI( 0, 255, 0 ),
      ColorI( 0, 0, 255 ),
      ColorI( 255, 0, 255 )

   MatrixF objToWorld( mObjToWorld );
   objToWorld.scale( mObjScale );

   // Render faces centers/colors.
   if ( false )
      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
      Point3F size( 0.1f );

      for ( S32 i = 0; i < faceList.size(); i++ )
         ColorI color = faceColorsx[ i % 4 ];
         S32 div = ( i / 4 ) * 4;
         if ( div > 0 )
            color /= div;
         color.alpha = 255;
         Point3F pnt;
         objToWorld.mulP( faceList[i].centroid, &pnt );
         drawer->drawCube( desc, size, pnt, color, NULL );

   // Render winding order.
   if ( false )
      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
      desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
      GFX->setStateBlockByDesc( desc );  

      U32 pointCount = 0;
      for ( S32 i = 0; i < faceList.size(); i++ )      
         pointCount += faceList[i].winding.size();      

      PrimBuild::begin( GFXLineList, pointCount * 2 );
      for ( S32 i = 0; i < faceList.size(); i++ )
         for ( S32 j = 0; j < faceList[i].winding.size(); j++ )
            Point3F p0 = pointList[ faceList[i].points[ faceList[i].winding[j] ] ];
            Point3F p1 = p0 + mSurfaces[ faceList[i].id ].getUpVector() * 0.75f * ( Point3F::One / mObjScale );

            objToWorld.mulP( p0 );
            objToWorld.mulP( p1 );

            ColorI color = faceColorsx[ j % 4 ];
            S32 div = ( j / 4 ) * 4;
            if ( div > 0 )
               color /= div;
            color.alpha = 255;
            PrimBuild::color( color );
            PrimBuild::vertex3fv( p0 );            
            PrimBuild::color( color );
            PrimBuild::vertex3fv( p1 );                        


   // Render Points.
   if ( false )
      GFXTransformSaver saver;

      MatrixF xfm( getRenderTransform() );
      xfm.scale( getScale() );
      GFX->multWorld( xfm );

      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      Point3F size( 0.05f );

   // Render surface transforms.
   if ( false )
      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.setBlend( false );
      desc.setZReadWrite( true, true );

      Point3F scale(mNormalLength);

      for ( S32 i = 0; i < mSurfaces.size(); i++ )
         MatrixF objToWorld( mObjToWorld );
         objToWorld.scale( mObjScale );

         MatrixF renderMat;
         renderMat.mul( objToWorld, mSurfaces[i] );

         renderMat.setPosition( renderMat.getPosition() + renderMat.getUpVector() * 0.001f );
         drawer->drawTransform( desc, renderMat, &scale, NULL );
Пример #24
//  Render out the sizable bitmap borders based on a multiplier into the bitmap array
// Based on the 'Skinnable GUI Controls in TGE' resource by Justin DuJardin
void renderSizableBitmapBordersFilledIndex( const RectI &bounds, S32 startIndex, GuiControlProfile *profile )
   //  Indices into the bitmap array
   S32 numBitmaps = 9;
   S32 borderTopLeft =     startIndex;
   S32 borderTop =         1 + borderTopLeft;
   S32 borderTopRight =    2 + borderTopLeft;
   S32 borderLeft =        3 + borderTopLeft;
   S32 fill =              4 + borderTopLeft;
   S32 borderRight =       5 + borderTopLeft;
   S32 borderBottomLeft =  6 + borderTopLeft;
   S32 borderBottom =      7 + borderTopLeft;
   S32 borderBottomRight = 8 + borderTopLeft;

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   if(profile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() >= (startIndex + numBitmaps))
      RectI destRect;
      RectI stretchRect;
      RectI* mBitmapBounds = profile->mBitmapArrayRects.address();

      // Draw all corners first.

      //top left border
      //top right border
      drawer->drawBitmapSR(profile->mTextureObject,Point2I(bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderTopRight].extent.x,bounds.point.y),mBitmapBounds[borderTopRight]);

      //bottom left border
      drawer->drawBitmapSR(profile->mTextureObject,Point2I(bounds.point.x,bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderBottomLeft].extent.y),mBitmapBounds[borderBottomLeft]);
      //bottom right border
         bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderBottomRight].extent.x,
         bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderBottomRight].extent.y),

      // End drawing corners

      // Begin drawing sides and top stretched borders

      //start with top line stretch
      destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + mBitmapBounds[borderTopLeft].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.x = bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderTopRight].extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderTopLeft].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.y = mBitmapBounds[borderTop].extent.y;
      destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y;
      //stretch it
      stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[borderTop];
      //draw it
      //bottom line stretch
      destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + mBitmapBounds[borderBottomLeft].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.x = bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderBottomRight].extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderBottomLeft].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.y = mBitmapBounds[borderBottom].extent.y;
      destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderBottom].extent.y;
      //stretch it
      stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[borderBottom];
      //draw it
      //left line stretch
      destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x;
      destRect.extent.x = mBitmapBounds[borderLeft].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.y = bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderTopLeft].extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderBottomLeft].extent.y;
      destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y + mBitmapBounds[borderTopLeft].extent.y;
      //stretch it
      stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[borderLeft];
      //draw it
      //left line stretch
      destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderRight].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.x = mBitmapBounds[borderRight].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.y = bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderTopRight].extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderBottomRight].extent.y;
      destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y + mBitmapBounds[borderTopRight].extent.y;
      //stretch it
      stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[borderRight];
      //draw it
      //fill stretch
      destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + mBitmapBounds[borderLeft].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.x = (bounds.extent.x) - mBitmapBounds[borderLeft].extent.x - mBitmapBounds[borderRight].extent.x;
      destRect.extent.y = bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderTop].extent.y - mBitmapBounds[borderBottom].extent.y;
      destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y + mBitmapBounds[borderTop].extent.y;
      //stretch it
      stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[fill];
      //draw it

      // End drawing sides and top stretched borders
Пример #25
void drawActor( NxActor *inActor )
   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();
   //drawer->setZRead( false );

   // Determine alpha we render shapes with.
   const U8 enabledAlpha = 255;
   const U8 disabledAlpha = 100;
   U8 renderAlpha = inActor->readActorFlag( NX_AF_DISABLE_COLLISION ) ? disabledAlpha : enabledAlpha;

   // Determine color we render actors and shapes with.
   ColorI actorColor( 0, 0, 255, 200 );   
   ColorI shapeColor = ( inActor->isSleeping() ? ColorI( 0, 0, 255, renderAlpha ) : ColorI( 255, 0, 255, renderAlpha ) );      

   MatrixF actorMat(true);
   inActor->getGlobalPose().getRowMajor44( actorMat );

   GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
   desc.setBlend( true );
   desc.setZReadWrite( true, false );
   desc.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );

   // Draw an xfm gizmo for the actor's globalPose...
   //drawer->drawTransform( desc, actorMat, Point3F::One, actorColor );
   // Loop through and render all the actor's shapes....

   NxShape *const*pShapeArray = inActor->getShapes();
   U32 numShapes = inActor->getNbShapes();

   for ( U32 i = 0; i < numShapes; i++ )
      const NxShape *shape = pShapeArray[i];

      Point3F shapePos = pxCast<Point3F>( shape->getGlobalPosition() );
      MatrixF shapeMat(true);
      shapeMat.setPosition( Point3F::Zero );

      switch ( shape->getType() )
         case NX_SHAPE_SPHERE:
            NxSphereShape *sphere = (NxSphereShape*)shape;     
            drawer->drawSphere( desc, sphere->getRadius(), shapePos, shapeColor );

         case NX_SHAPE_BOX:
            NxBoxShape *box = (NxBoxShape*)shape;
            Point3F size = pxCast<Point3F>( box->getDimensions() );            
            drawer->drawCube( desc, size*2, shapePos, shapeColor, &shapeMat );            
         case NX_SHAPE_CAPSULE:
            shapeMat.mul( MatrixF( EulerF( mDegToRad(90.0f), mDegToRad(90.0f), 0 ) ) );

            NxCapsuleShape *capsule = (NxCapsuleShape*)shape;
            drawer->drawCapsule( desc, shapePos, capsule->getRadius(), capsule->getHeight(), shapeColor, &shapeMat );


Пример #26
void GuiProgressBitmapCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect)
	RectI ctrlRect(offset, getExtent());
	//grab lowest dimension
	if(getHeight() <= getWidth())
		mDim = getHeight();
		mDim = getWidth();

   GFXDrawUtil* drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil();

	if(mNumberOfBitmaps == 1)
		//draw the progress with image
		S32 width = (S32)((F32)(getWidth()) * mProgress);
		if (width > 0)
			//drawing stretch bitmap
			RectI progressRect = ctrlRect;
			progressRect.extent.x = width;
			drawUtil->drawBitmapStretchSR(mProfile->mTextureObject, progressRect, mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects[0]);
	else if(mNumberOfBitmaps >= 3)
		//drawing left-end bitmap
		RectI progressRectLeft(ctrlRect.point.x, ctrlRect.point.y, mDim, mDim);
		drawUtil->drawBitmapStretchSR(mProfile->mTextureObject, progressRectLeft, mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects[0]);

		//draw the progress with image
		S32 width = (S32)((F32)(getWidth()) * mProgress);
		if (width > mDim)
			//drawing stretch bitmap
			RectI progressRect = ctrlRect;
			progressRect.point.x +=  mDim;
			progressRect.extent.x = (width - mDim - mDim);
			if (progressRect.extent.x < 0)
				progressRect.extent.x = 0;
			drawUtil->drawBitmapStretchSR(mProfile->mTextureObject, progressRect, mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects[1]);
			//drawing right-end bitmap
			RectI progressRectRight(progressRect.point.x + progressRect.extent.x, ctrlRect.point.y, mDim, mDim );
			drawUtil->drawBitmapStretchSR(mProfile->mTextureObject, progressRectRight, mProfile->mBitmapArrayRects[2]);
		Con::warnf("guiProgressBitmapCtrl only processes an array of bitmaps == 1 or >= 3");

	//if there's a border, draw it
   if (mProfile->mBorder)
      drawUtil->drawRect(ctrlRect, mProfile->mBorderColor);

   Parent::onRender( offset, updateRect );

   //render the children
   renderChildControls(offset, updateRect);
Пример #27
void renderBorder( const RectI &bounds, GuiControlProfile *profile )
   S32 l = bounds.point.x, r = bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - 1;
   S32 t = bounds.point.y, b = bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - 1;

   GFXDrawUtil *drawer = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   case 1:
      drawer->drawRect(bounds, profile->mBorderColor);
   case 2:
      drawer->drawLine(l + 1, t + 1, l + 1, b - 2, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 2, t + 1, r - 2, t + 1, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(r, t, r, b, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(l, b, r - 1, b, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(l, t, r - 1, t, profile->mBorderColorNA);
      drawer->drawLine(l, t + 1, l, b - 1, profile->mBorderColorNA);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 1, b - 1, r - 1, b - 1, profile->mBorderColorNA);
      drawer->drawLine(r - 1, t + 1, r - 1, b - 2, profile->mBorderColorNA);
   case 3:
      drawer->drawLine(l, b, r, b, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(r, t, r, b - 1, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 1, b - 1, r - 1, b - 1, profile->mFillColor);
      drawer->drawLine(r - 1, t + 1, r - 1, b - 2, profile->mFillColor);
      drawer->drawLine(l, t, l, b - 1, profile->mBorderColorNA);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 1, t, r - 1, t, profile->mBorderColorNA);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 1, t + 1, l + 1, b - 2, profile->mBevelColorLL);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 2, t + 1, r - 2, t + 1, profile->mBevelColorLL);
   case 4:
      drawer->drawLine(l, t, l, b - 1, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 1, t, r, t, profile->mBevelColorHL);
      drawer->drawLine(l, b, r, b, profile->mBevelColorLL);
      drawer->drawLine(r, t + 1, r, b - 1, profile->mBevelColorLL);
      drawer->drawLine(l + 1, b - 1, r - 1, b - 1, profile->mBorderColor);
      drawer->drawLine(r - 1, t + 1, r - 1, b - 2, profile->mBorderColor);
   case 5:
      renderFilledBorder( bounds, profile );
   case -1:
      // Draw a simple sizable border with corners
      // Taken from the 'Skinnable GUI Controls in TGE' resource by Justin DuJardin       
      if(profile->mBitmapArrayRects.size() >= 8)

         RectI destRect;
         RectI stretchRect;
         RectI* mBitmapBounds = profile->mBitmapArrayRects.address();

         //  Indices into the bitmap array
            BorderTopLeft = 0,

         // Draw all corners first.

         //top left border
         //top right border
         drawer->drawBitmapSR(profile->mTextureObject,Point2I(bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[BorderTopRight].extent.x,bounds.point.y),mBitmapBounds[BorderTopRight]);

         //bottom left border
         drawer->drawBitmapSR(profile->mTextureObject,Point2I(bounds.point.x,bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomLeft].extent.y),mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomLeft]);
         //bottom right border
            bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomRight].extent.x,
            bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomRight].extent.y),

         // End drawing corners

         // Begin drawing sides and top stretched borders

         //start with top line stretch
         destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + mBitmapBounds[BorderTopLeft].extent.x;
         destRect.extent.x = bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[BorderTopRight].extent.x - mBitmapBounds[BorderTopLeft].extent.x;
         destRect.extent.y = mBitmapBounds[BorderTop].extent.y;
         destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y;
         //stretch it
         stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[BorderTop];
         //draw it
         //bottom line stretch
         destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomLeft].extent.x;
         destRect.extent.x = bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomRight].extent.x - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomLeft].extent.x;
         destRect.extent.y = mBitmapBounds[BorderBottom].extent.y;
         destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottom].extent.y;
         //stretch it
         stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[BorderBottom];
         //draw it
         //left line stretch
         destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x;
         destRect.extent.x = mBitmapBounds[BorderLeft].extent.x;
         destRect.extent.y = bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[BorderTopLeft].extent.y - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomLeft].extent.y;
         destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y + mBitmapBounds[BorderTopLeft].extent.y;
         //stretch it
         stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[BorderLeft];
         //draw it
         //right line stretch
         destRect.point.x = bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mBitmapBounds[BorderRight].extent.x;
         destRect.extent.x = mBitmapBounds[BorderRight].extent.x;
         destRect.extent.y = bounds.extent.y - mBitmapBounds[BorderTopRight].extent.y - mBitmapBounds[BorderBottomRight].extent.y;
         destRect.point.y = bounds.point.y + mBitmapBounds[BorderTopRight].extent.y;
         //stretch it
         stretchRect = mBitmapBounds[BorderRight];
         //draw it

         // End drawing sides and top stretched borders
   case -2:
      // Draw a simple sizable border with corners that is filled in
      renderSizableBitmapBordersFilled(bounds, 1, profile);
   case -3:
      // Draw a simple fixed height border with center fill horizontally.
      renderFixedBitmapBordersFilled( bounds, 1, profile );

Пример #28
void GuiGameListMenuCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect)
   GuiGameListMenuProfile * profile = (GuiGameListMenuProfile *) mProfile;

   GFXDrawUtil* drawUtil = GFX->getDrawUtil();

   F32 xScale = (float) getWidth() / profile->getRowWidth();

   bool profileHasIcons = profile->hasArrows();

   S32 rowHeight = profile->getRowHeight();

   Point2I currentOffset = offset;
   Point2I extent = getExtent();
   Point2I rowExtent(extent.x, rowHeight);
   Point2I textOffset(profile->mTextOffset.x * xScale, profile->mTextOffset.y);
   Point2I textExtent(extent.x - textOffset.x, rowHeight);
   Point2I iconExtent, iconOffset(0.0f, 0.0f);
   if (profileHasIcons)
      iconExtent = profile->getIconExtent();

      // icon is centered vertically plus any specified offset
      S32 iconOffsetY = (rowHeight - iconExtent.y) >> 1;
      iconOffsetY += profile->mIconOffset.y;
      iconOffset = Point2I(profile->mIconOffset.x * xScale, iconOffsetY);
   for (Vector<Row *>::iterator row = mRows.begin(); row < mRows.end(); ++row)
      if (row != mRows.begin())
         // rows other than the first can have padding above them
         currentOffset.y += (*row)->mHeightPad;
         currentOffset.y += rowHeight;

      // select appropriate colors and textures
      ColorI fontColor;
      U32 buttonTextureIndex;
      S32 iconIndex = (*row)->mIconIndex;
      bool useHighlightIcon = (*row)->mUseHighlightIcon;
      if (! (*row)->mEnabled)
         buttonTextureIndex = Profile::TEX_DISABLED;
         fontColor = profile->mFontColorNA;
      else if (row == &mRows[mSelected])
         if (iconIndex != NO_ICON)
         buttonTextureIndex = Profile::TEX_SELECTED;
         fontColor = profile->mFontColorSEL;
      else if ((mHighlighted != NO_ROW) && (row == &mRows[mHighlighted]))
         if (iconIndex != NO_ICON && useHighlightIcon)
         buttonTextureIndex = Profile::TEX_HIGHLIGHT;
         fontColor = profile->mFontColorHL;
         buttonTextureIndex = Profile::TEX_NORMAL;
         fontColor = profile->mFontColor;

      // render the row bitmap
      drawUtil->drawBitmapStretchSR(profile->mTextureObject, RectI(currentOffset, rowExtent), profile->getBitmapArrayRect(buttonTextureIndex));

      // render the row icon if it has one
      if ((iconIndex != NO_ICON) && profileHasIcons && (! profile->getBitmapArrayRect((U32)iconIndex).extent.isZero()))
         iconIndex += Profile::TEX_FIRST_ICON;
         drawUtil->drawBitmapStretchSR(profile->mTextureObject, RectI(currentOffset + iconOffset, iconExtent), profile->getBitmapArrayRect(iconIndex));

      // render the row text
      renderJustifiedText(currentOffset + textOffset, textExtent, (*row)->mLabel);

   if (mDebugRender)

   renderChildControls(offset, updateRect);