Пример #1
void GMLReader::SetFeatureProperty( const char *pszElement, 
                                    const char *pszValue )

    GMLFeature *poFeature = GetState()->m_poFeature;

    CPLAssert( poFeature  != NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this property exist in the feature class?  If not, add     */
/*      it.                                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();
    int      iProperty;

    for( iProperty=0; iProperty < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); iProperty++ )
        if( EQUAL(poClass->GetProperty( iProperty )->GetSrcElement(),
                  pszElement ) )
    if( iProperty == poClass->GetPropertyCount() )
        if( poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
            CPLDebug("GML","Encountered property missing from class schema.");

        GMLPropertyDefn *poPDefn = new GMLPropertyDefn(pszElement,pszElement);

        if( EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption( "GML_FIELDTYPES", ""), "ALWAYS_STRING") )
            poPDefn->SetType( GMLPT_String );

        poClass->AddProperty( poPDefn );


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the property                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFeature->SetProperty( iProperty, pszValue );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we need to update the property type?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
        poClass->GetProperty( iProperty )->AnalysePropertyValue(pszValue);
Пример #2
void NASReader::SetFeatureProperty( const char *pszElement, 
                                    const char *pszValue )

    GMLFeature *poFeature = GetState()->m_poFeature;

    CPLAssert( poFeature  != NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this property exist in the feature class?  If not, add     */
/*      it.                                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GMLFeatureClass *poClass = poFeature->GetClass();
    int      iProperty;

    for( iProperty=0; iProperty < poClass->GetPropertyCount(); iProperty++ )
        if( EQUAL(poClass->GetProperty( iProperty )->GetSrcElement(),
                  pszElement ) )
    if( iProperty == poClass->GetPropertyCount() )
        if( poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )
            CPLDebug("GML","Encountered property missing from class schema.");

        CPLString osFieldName;
        if( strchr(pszElement,'|') == NULL )
            osFieldName = pszElement;
            osFieldName = strrchr(pszElement,'|') + 1;
            if( poClass->GetPropertyIndex(osFieldName) != -1 )
                osFieldName = pszElement;

        // Does this conflict with an existing property name? 
        while( poClass->GetProperty(osFieldName) != NULL )
            osFieldName += "_";

        GMLPropertyDefn *poPDefn = new GMLPropertyDefn(osFieldName,pszElement);

        if( EQUAL(CPLGetConfigOption( "GML_FIELDTYPES", ""), "ALWAYS_STRING") )
            poPDefn->SetType( GMLPT_String );

        poClass->AddProperty( poPDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the property                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFeature->SetProperty( iProperty, pszValue );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we need to update the property type?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !poClass->IsSchemaLocked() )