Пример #1
   double CorrectedEphemerisRange::ComputeAtTransmitSvTime(
      const CommonTime& tt_nom,
      const double& pr,
      const Position& rx,
      const SatID sat,
      const XvtStore<SatID>& eph)
      try {
         svPosVel = eph.getXvt(sat, tt_nom);

         // compute rotation angle in the time of signal transit

         // While this is quite similiar to rotateEarth, its not the same
         // and jcl doesn't know which is really correct
         // BWT this uses the measured pseudorange, corrected for SV clock and
         // relativity, to compute the time of flight; rotateEarth uses the value
         // computed from the receiver position and the ephemeris. They should be
         // very nearly the same, and multiplying by angVel/c should make the angle
         // of rotation very nearly identical.
         GPSEllipsoid ell;
         double range(pr/ell.c() - svPosVel.clkbias - svPosVel.relcorr);
         double rotation_angle = -ell.angVelocity() * range;
         svPosVel.x[0] = svPosVel.x[0] - svPosVel.x[1] * rotation_angle;
         svPosVel.x[1] = svPosVel.x[1] + svPosVel.x[0] * rotation_angle;
         svPosVel.x[2] = svPosVel.x[2];

         rawrange =rx.slantRange(svPosVel.x);

         return rawrange - svclkbias - relativity;
      catch (Exception& e) {
Пример #2
 void CorrectedEphemerisRange::rotateEarth(const Position& Rx)
    GPSEllipsoid ellipsoid;
    double tof = RSS(svPosVel.x[0]-Rx.X(),
    double wt = ellipsoid.angVelocity()*tof;
    double sx =  ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.x[0] + ::sin(wt)*svPosVel.x[1];
    double sy = -::sin(wt)*svPosVel.x[0] + ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.x[1];
    svPosVel.x[0] = sx;
    svPosVel.x[1] = sy;
    sx =  ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.v[0] + ::sin(wt)*svPosVel.v[1];
    sy = -::sin(wt)*svPosVel.v[0] + ::cos(wt)*svPosVel.v[1];
    svPosVel.v[0] = sx;
    svPosVel.v[1] = sy;
Пример #3
   Xvt BrcKeplerOrbit::svXvt(const CommonTime& t) const
      Xvt sv;

      GPSWeekSecond gpsws = (Toe);
      double ToeSOW = gpsws.sow;
      double ea;              // eccentric anomaly //
      double delea;           // delta eccentric anomaly during iteration */
      double elapte;          // elapsed time since Toe 
         //double elaptc;          // elapsed time since Toc 
      double q,sinea,cosea;
      double GSTA,GCTA;
      double amm;
      double meana;           // mean anomaly 
      double F,G;             // temporary real variables 
      double alat,talat,c2al,s2al,du,dr,di,U,R,truea,AINC;
      double ANLON,cosu,sinu,xip,yip,can,san,cinc,sinc;
      double xef,yef,zef,dek,dlk,div,domk,duv,drv;
      double dxp,dyp,vxef,vyef,vzef;
      GPSEllipsoid ell;

      double sqrtgm = SQRT(ell.gm());

         // Check for ground transmitter
      double twoPI = 2.0e0 * PI;
      double lecc;               // eccentricity
      double tdrinc;            // dt inclination

      lecc = ecc;
      tdrinc = idot;

         // Compute time since ephemeris & clock epochs
      elapte = t - getOrbitEpoch();
         //CommonTime orbEp = getOrbitEpoch();
         //elapte = t - orbEp;

         // Compute mean motion
      amm  = (sqrtgm / (A*Ahalf)) + dn;

         // In-plane angles
         //     meana - Mean anomaly
         //     ea    - Eccentric anomaly
         //     truea - True anomaly

      meana = M0 + elapte * amm;
      meana = fmod(meana, twoPI);
      ea = meana + lecc * ::sin(meana);

      int loop_cnt = 1;
      do  {
         F = meana - ( ea - lecc * ::sin(ea));
         G = 1.0 - lecc * ::cos(ea);
         delea = F/G;
         ea = ea + delea;
      } while ( (fabs(delea) > 1.0e-11 ) && (loop_cnt <= 20) );
         // Compute true anomaly
      q     = SQRT( 1.0e0 - lecc*lecc);
      sinea = ::sin(ea);
      cosea = ::cos(ea);
      G     = 1.0e0 - lecc * cosea;
         //  G*SIN(TA) AND G*COS(TA)
      GSTA  = q * sinea;
      GCTA  = cosea - lecc;

         //  True anomaly
      truea = atan2 ( GSTA, GCTA );

         // Argument of lat and correction terms (2nd harmonic)
      alat  = truea + w;
      talat = 2.0e0 * alat;
      c2al  = ::cos( talat );
      s2al  = ::sin( talat );

      du  = c2al * Cuc +  s2al * Cus;
      dr  = c2al * Crc +  s2al * Crs;
      di  = c2al * Cic +  s2al * Cis;

         // U = updated argument of lat, R = radius, AINC = inclination
      U    = alat + du;
      R    = A*G  + dr;
      AINC = i0 + tdrinc * elapte  +  di;

         //  Longitude of ascending node (ANLON)
      ANLON = OMEGA0 + (OMEGAdot - ell.angVelocity()) *
         elapte - ell.angVelocity() * ToeSOW;

         // In plane location
      cosu = ::cos( U );
      sinu = ::sin( U );

      xip  = R * cosu;
      yip  = R * sinu;

         //  Angles for rotation to earth fixed
      can  = ::cos( ANLON );
      san  = ::sin( ANLON );
      cinc = ::cos( AINC  );
      sinc = ::sin( AINC  );
         // Earth fixed - meters
      xef  =  xip*can  -  yip*cinc*san;
      yef  =  xip*san  +  yip*cinc*can;
      zef  =              yip*sinc;

      sv.x[0] = xef;
      sv.x[1] = yef;
      sv.x[2] = zef;

         // Compute velocity of rotation coordinates
      dek = amm * A / R;
      dlk = Ahalf * q * sqrtgm / (R*R);
      div = tdrinc - 2.0e0 * dlk *
         ( Cic  * s2al - Cis * c2al );
      domk = OMEGAdot - ell.angVelocity();
      duv = dlk*(1.e0+ 2.e0 * (Cus*c2al - Cuc*s2al) );
      drv = A * lecc * dek * sinea - 2.e0 * dlk *
         ( Crc * s2al - Crs * c2al );

      dxp = drv*cosu - R*sinu*duv;
      dyp = drv*sinu + R*cosu*duv;

         // Calculate velocities
      vxef = dxp*can - xip*san*domk - dyp*cinc*san
         + yip*( sinc*san*div - cinc*can*domk);
      vyef = dxp*san + xip*can*domk + dyp*cinc*can
         - yip*( sinc*can*div + cinc*san*domk);
      vzef = dyp*sinc + yip*cinc*div;

         // Move results into output variables
      sv.v[0] = vxef;
      sv.v[1] = vyef;
      sv.v[2] = vzef;

      return sv;