Пример #1
static bool in_resize_corner(const GRect& r, float x, float y, GPoint* anchor) {
    if (hit_test(r.left(), r.top(), x, y)) {
        anchor->set(r.right(), r.bottom());
        return true;
    } else if (hit_test(r.right(), r.top(), x, y)) {
        anchor->set(r.left(), r.bottom());
        return true;
    } else if (hit_test(r.right(), r.bottom(), x, y)) {
        anchor->set(r.left(), r.top());
        return true;
    } else if (hit_test(r.left(), r.bottom(), x, y)) {
        anchor->set(r.right(), r.top());
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #2
    void concat(GCanvas* canvas) {
        const GRect r = this->getRect();
        const float cx = (r.left() + r.right()) / 2;
        const float cy = (r.top() + r.bottom()) / 2;

        canvas->translate(cx, cy);
        canvas->rotate(fAngle * M_PI / 180);
        canvas->translate(-cx, -cy);
Пример #3
	 *	Fill the rectangle with color, using SRC_OVER porter-duff mode.
	 *	The affected pixels are those whose centers are "contained" inside the rectangle:
	 *		e.g. contained == center > min_edge && center <= max_edge
	 *	Any area in the rectangle that is outside of the bounds of the canvas is ignored.
	void fillRect(const GRect& rect, const GColor& color) {
		// Get dimensions of rectangle
		int le = GRoundToInt(rect.left());
		int to = GRoundToInt(rect.top());
		int ri = GRoundToInt(rect.right());
		int bo = GRoundToInt(rect.bottom());

		// Fix rectangle boundaries
		if (le < 0) {le = 0;}
		if (to < 0) {to = 0;}
		if (ri > draw.width()) {ri = draw.width();}
		if (bo > draw.height()) {bo = draw.height();}

		// Don't draw if rectangle is of zero size
		if ((le < 0 && ri < 0) || (le > draw.width() && ri > draw.width())) {
		if ((to < 0 && bo < 0) || (to > draw.height() && bo > draw.height())) {
		if ((to == bo) || (le == ri)) {

		// If alpha value is 0, end method
        if (color.fA <= 0) {

        // Prepare color to place into bitmap
        GColor c = color.pinToUnit();
        unsigned a = (int)(c.fA * 255.99999);
        unsigned r = (int)(c.fR * c.fA * 255.99999);
        unsigned g = (int)(c.fG * c.fA * 255.99999);
        unsigned b = (int)(c.fB * c.fA * 255.99999);

        // Fill desired pixels
        GPixel* dst = draw.fPixels;
		dst = (GPixel*)((char*)dst + (int)to * draw.rowBytes());
        for (int y = to; y < bo; ++y)  {
    	    for (int x = le; x < ri; ++x) {
    	    	if (GPixel_GetA(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) > 0) {
    	    		// blend
					float sA = c.fA + ((GPixel_GetA(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - c.fA));
					float sR = (c.fR * c.fA) + ((GPixel_GetR(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - c.fA));
					float sG = (c.fG * c.fA) + ((GPixel_GetG(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - c.fA));
					float sB = (c.fB * c.fA) + ((GPixel_GetB(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - c.fA));
					unsigned nA = (int)(sA * 255.99999);
					unsigned nR = (int)(sR * 255.99999);
					unsigned nG = (int)(sG * 255.99999);
					unsigned nB = (int)(sB * 255.99999);

    	    		dst[x] = GPixel_PackARGB(nA, nR, nG, nB);
    	    	} else {
    	    		// Fill color unblended
    	    		dst[x] = GPixel_PackARGB(a, r, g, b);
            dst = (GPixel*)((char*)dst + draw.rowBytes());
Пример #4
	 *	Scale and translate the bitmap such that is fills the specific rectangle.
	 *	Any area in the rectangle that is outside of the bounds of the canvas is ignored.
	 *	If a given pixel in the bitmap is not opaque (e.g. GPixel_GetA() < 255) then blend it
	 *	using SRCOVER blend mode.
	void fillBitmapRect(const GBitmap& src, const GRect& dst) {
		// Store dimensions of dst rectangle
		int left = dst.left();
		int top = dst.top();
		int right = dst.right();
		int bottom = dst.bottom();
		int rW = dst.width();
		int rH = dst.height();

		// Store dimensions of src bitmap
		int bW = src.width();
		int bH = src.height();

		// Find necessary scale factor for both width and height
		float sx = (float)bW/(float)rW;
		float sy = (float)bH/(float)rH;

		float tx = 0 - left;
		float ty = 0 - top;

		// Create matrix for scaling
		float scale[6] = 
			{sx, 0, 0, 
			 0, sy, 0};

		// Create matrix for translating
		float translate[6] =
			{1, 0, tx,
			 0, 1, ty};

		// Combine the matrices
		float both[6] = 
			{sx, 0, sx*tx,
			 0, sy, sy*ty};

		// For loop that takes each point in dst and find corresponding point in src
		GPixel* d = draw.fPixels;
		d = (GPixel*)((char*)d + (int)top * draw.rowBytes());
		for (int y = top; y < bottom; ++y) {
			for (int x = left; x < right; ++x) {
				// Only map pixels that are in the bitmap
				if ((x >= 0 && x < draw.width()) && (y >= 0 && y < draw.height())) {
					// Find corresponding point in src bitmap
					int xP;
					int yP;

					xP = both[0] * x + both[1] * y + both[2];
					yP = both[3] * x + both[4] * y + both[5];

					// Apply CTM to x and y
					int nX = (CTM[0] * x) + (CTM[1] * y) + (CTM[2]);
					int nY = (CTM[3] * x) + (CTM[4] * y) + (CTM[5]);

					// Prepare color to fill
					unsigned a = GPixel_GetA(*src.getAddr(xP, yP));
					unsigned r = GPixel_GetR(*src.getAddr(xP, yP));
					unsigned g = GPixel_GetG(*src.getAddr(xP, yP));
					unsigned b = GPixel_GetB(*src.getAddr(xP, yP));

					unsigned nA = a;
					unsigned nR = r;
					unsigned nG = g;
					unsigned nB = b;

					if (GPixel_GetA(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) > 0) {
	    	    		// blend
						float lA = GPixel_GetA(*src.getAddr(xP, yP)) / 255.99999;
						float lR = GPixel_GetR(*src.getAddr(xP, yP)) / 255.99999;
						float lG = GPixel_GetG(*src.getAddr(xP, yP)) / 255.99999;
						float lB = GPixel_GetB(*src.getAddr(xP, yP)) / 255.99999;

						float sA = lA + ((GPixel_GetA(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));
						float sR = lR + ((GPixel_GetR(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));
						float sG = lG + ((GPixel_GetG(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));
						float sB = lB + ((GPixel_GetB(*draw.getAddr(x, y)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));

						float sA = lA + ((GPixel_GetA(*draw.getAddr(nX, nY)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));
						float sR = lR + ((GPixel_GetR(*draw.getAddr(nX, nY)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));
						float sG = lG + ((GPixel_GetG(*draw.getAddr(nX, nY)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));
						float sB = lB + ((GPixel_GetB(*draw.getAddr(nX, nY)) / 255.99999) * (1.0f - lA));
						nA = (int)(sA * 255.99999);
						nR = (int)(sR * 255.99999);
						nG = (int)(sG * 255.99999);
						nB = (int)(sB * 255.99999);

	    	    		d[x] = GPixel_PackARGB(nA, nR, nG, nB);
	    	    		//d = (GPixel*)((char*)d + (int)nY * draw.rowBytes());
	    	    		//d[nX] = GPixel_PackARGB(nA, nR, nG, nB);
	    	    		//d = (GPixel*)((char*)d - (int)nY * draw.rowBytes());
    	    		} else {
    	    			d[x] = GPixel_PackARGB(a, r, g, b);
    	    			//d = (GPixel*)((char*)d + (int)nY * draw.rowBytes());
	    	    		//d[nX] = GPixel_PackARGB(a, r, g, b);
	    	    		//d = (GPixel*)((char*)d - (int)nY * draw.rowBytes());
			d = (GPixel*)((char*)d + draw.rowBytes());
Пример #5
static GRect offset(const GRect& rect, float dx, float dy) {
    return GRect::MakeLTRB(rect.left() + dx, rect.top() + dy,
                           rect.right() + dx, rect.bottom() + dy);
Пример #6
static bool contains(const GRect& rect, float x, float y) {
    return rect.left() < x && x < rect.right() && rect.top() < y && y < rect.bottom();