IOAdapterId IOAdapterUtils::url2io(const GUrl& url) { if( url.isVFSFile() ) { return BaseIOAdapters::VFS_FILE; } if( url.isHyperLink() ) { if( url.lastFileSuffix() == "gz") { return BaseIOAdapters::GZIPPED_HTTP_FILE; } return BaseIOAdapters::HTTP_FILE; } if( url.lastFileSuffix() == "gz") { return BaseIOAdapters::GZIPPED_LOCAL_FILE; } return BaseIOAdapters::LOCAL_FILE; }
/***********************************************************************//** * @brief Write XML text into URL * * @param[in] url Unified Resource Locator. * @param[in] indent Text indentation (parameter ignored). * * Writes the text into the URL. ***************************************************************************/ void GXmlText::write(GUrl& url, const int& indent) const { // Write text url.printf("%s", m_text.c_str()); // Return return; }
/***********************************************************************//** * @brief Write XML text into URL * * @param[in] url Unified Resource Locator. * @param[in] indent Text indentation (parameter ignored). * * Writes the text into the URL. Special characters are automatically * transformed into predefined entities (e.g. "). ***************************************************************************/ void GXmlText::write(GUrl& url, const int& indent) const { // Write text url.printf("%s", gammalib::str2xml(m_text).c_str()); // Return return; }
BAMImporterTask::BAMImporterTask(const GUrl& url, bool _useGui, const QVariantMap &hints) : DocumentProviderTask(tr("BAM/SAM file import: %1").arg(url.fileName()), TaskFlags_NR_FOSCOE), loadInfoTask(NULL), loadBamInfoTask(NULL), prepareToImportTask(NULL), convertTask(NULL), loadDocTask(NULL), isSqliteDbTransit(false), useGui(_useGui), sam(hints.value(SAM_HINT, false).toBool()), hints(hints), hintedDbiRef(hints.value(DocumentFormat::DBI_REF_HINT).value<U2DbiRef>()) { documentDescription = url.fileName(); loadInfoTask = new LoadInfoTask( url, sam ); addSubTask(loadInfoTask); }
QString MultipleDocumentsReadingModeDialog::setupNewUrl() { QString urlStr = newDocUrl->text(); if (urlStr.isEmpty()) { GUrl url =; urlStr = url.getURLString(); } QFileInfo fi(urlStr); urlStr = fi.dir().path(); QString extension4MergedDocument; if (mergeMode->isChecked()) { extension4MergedDocument = AppContext::getDocumentFormatRegistry()->getFormatById(BaseDocumentFormats::PLAIN_GENBANK)->getSupportedDocumentFileExtensions().first(); } else if (join2alignmentMode->isChecked()) { extension4MergedDocument = AppContext::getDocumentFormatRegistry()->getFormatById(BaseDocumentFormats::CLUSTAL_ALN)->getSupportedDocumentFileExtensions().first(); } return urlStr + "/merged_document." + extension4MergedDocument; }
void BAMImporterTask::initPrepareToImportTask() { GUrl srcUrl = loadInfoTask->getSourceUrl(); isSqliteDbTransit = hintedDbiRef.isValid() && SQLITE_DBI_ID != hintedDbiRef.dbiFactoryId; if (!isSqliteDbTransit) { localDbiRef = U2DbiRef(SQLITE_DBI_ID, srcUrl.dirPath() + QDir::separator() + srcUrl.fileName() + ".ugenedb"); } else { const QString tmpDir = AppContext::getAppSettings()->getUserAppsSettings()->getCurrentProcessTemporaryDirPath("assembly_conversion") + QDir::separator(); QDir().mkpath(tmpDir); const QString pattern = tmpDir + "XXXXXX.ugenedb"; QTemporaryFile *tempLocalDb = new QTemporaryFile(pattern, this); tempLocalDb->open(); const QString filePath = tempLocalDb->fileName(); tempLocalDb->close(); SAFE_POINT_EXT(QFile::exists(filePath), setError(tr("Can't create a temporary database")), ); localDbiRef = U2DbiRef(SQLITE_DBI_ID, filePath); } QString refUrl; bool convert = true; if (useGui) { QObjectScopedPointer<ConvertToSQLiteDialog> convertDialog = new ConvertToSQLiteDialog(loadInfoTask->getSourceUrl(), loadInfoTask->getInfo(), loadInfoTask->isSam()); convertDialog->hideAddToProjectOption(); const int rc = convertDialog->exec(); CHECK_EXT(!convertDialog.isNull(), setError("NULL dialog"), ); if (rc == QDialog::Accepted) { localDbiRef = U2DbiRef(SQLITE_DBI_ID, convertDialog->getDestinationUrl().getURLString()); refUrl = convertDialog->getReferenceUrl(); } else { convert = false; stateInfo.setCanceled(true); } } else if (loadInfoTask->isSam() && loadInfoTask->getInfo().getHeader().getReferences().isEmpty()) {
void AceImportWidget::initSaveController(const GUrl& url) { SaveDocumentControllerConfig config; config.defaultFileName = url.getURLString() + EXTENSION; config.defaultFormatId = BaseDocumentFormats::UGENEDB; config.fileDialogButton = browseButton; config.fileNameEdit = fileNameEdit; config.parentWidget = this; config.saveTitle = tr("Destination UGENEDB file"); const QList<DocumentFormatId> formats = QList<DocumentFormatId>() << BaseDocumentFormats::UGENEDB; saveController = new SaveDocumentController(config, formats, this); }
bool LocalFileAdapter::open(const GUrl& url, IOAdapterMode m) { SAFE_POINT(!isOpen(), "Adapter is already opened!", false); SAFE_POINT(f == NULL, "QFile is not null!", false); if (url.isEmpty()) { return false; } f = new QFile(url.getURLString()); QIODevice::OpenMode iomode; switch (m) { case IOAdapterMode_Read: iomode = QIODevice::ReadOnly; break; case IOAdapterMode_Write: iomode = QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate; break; case IOAdapterMode_Append: iomode = QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append; break; } bool res = f->open(iomode); if (!res) { delete f; f = NULL; return false; } fileSize = f->size(); return true; }
bool VFSAdapter::open(const GUrl& _url, IOAdapterMode m) { SAFE_POINT(!isOpen(), "Adapter is already opened!", false); SAFE_POINT(buffer == NULL, "Buffers is not null!", false); QString vfsPrefix = U2_VFS_URL_PREFIX; // assume that all membuf adapters work with files in some vfs if( !_url.getURLString().startsWith(vfsPrefix) ) { return false; // not a file in vfs } VirtualFileSystemRegistry * vfsReg = AppContext::getVirtualFileSystemRegistry(); SAFE_POINT(vfsReg != NULL, "VirtualFileSystemRegistry not found!", false); QStringList urlArgs = _url.getURLString().mid(vfsPrefix.size()).split(U2_VFS_FILE_SEPARATOR, QString::SkipEmptyParts); if ( 2 != urlArgs.size() ) { // urlArgs - vfsname and filename return false; } VirtualFileSystem * vfs = vfsReg->getFileSystemById( urlArgs[0] ); if( NULL == vfs ) { return false; // no such vfs registered } if( !vfs->fileExists( urlArgs[1] ) ) { if( IOAdapterMode_Read == m ) { return false; } else { vfs->createFile( urlArgs[1], QByteArray() ); } } buffer = new QBuffer( &vfs->getFileByName( urlArgs[1] ) ); QIODevice::OpenMode iomode = m == IOAdapterMode_Read ? QIODevice::ReadOnly : QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate; if (!buffer->open(iomode)) { return false; } url = _url; return true; }
bool BgzipTask::checkBgzf(const GUrl &fileUrl) { return bgzf_check_bgzf(fileUrl.getURLString().toLatin1().constData()); }
/***********************************************************************//** * @brief Write element into URL * * @param[in] url Unified Resource Locator. * @param[in] indent Text indentation. * * Writes the element into a Unified Resource Locator. ***************************************************************************/ void GXmlElement::write(GUrl& url, const int& indent) const { // Prepend indentation for (int k = 0; k < indent; ++k) { url.printf(" "); } // Write element name into URL url.printf("<%s", m_name.c_str()); // Write attributes into URL for (int k = 0; k < m_attr.size(); ++k) { m_attr[k]->write(url); } // If there are no children then write an empty tag if (is_empty()) { url.printf(" />\n"); } // ... otherwise finish start tag, write children and write end tag else { // Case A: The element contains a single text leaf if ((m_nodes.size() == 1) && (m_nodes[0]->type() == NT_TEXT)) { // Finish start tag url.printf(">"); // Write text leaf m_nodes[0]->write(url, 0); // Write end tag url.printf("</%s>\n", m_name.c_str()); } // Case B: ... otherwise it contains markup else { // Finish start tag url.printf(">\n"); // Write children in file for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes.size(); ++i) { m_nodes[i]->write(url, indent+g_indent); if (m_nodes[i]->type() == NT_TEXT) { url.printf("\n"); } } // Write end tag for (int k = 0; k < indent; ++k) { url.printf(" "); } url.printf("</%s>\n", m_name.c_str()); } // endelse: element contained markup } // endelse: finished start tag // Return return; }
void ConvertAssemblyToSamDialog::buildSamUrl(const GUrl &dbUrl) { GUrl url = GUrlUtils::rollFileName(dbUrl.dirPath() + "/" + dbUrl.baseFileName() + ".sam", DocumentUtils::getNewDocFileNameExcludesHint()); ui->samPathEdit->setText(url.getURLString()); }
/***********************************************************************//** * @brief Parse XML URL * * @param[in] url Unified Resource Locator. * * @exception GException::xml_syntax_error * XML syntax error. * * Parses either a XML file or a XML text string and creates all associated * nodes. The XML file is split into segments, made either of text or of * tags. ***************************************************************************/ void GXml::parse(const GUrl& url) { // Initialise parser int c; bool in_markup = false; bool in_comment = false; std::string segment; GXmlNode* current = &m_root; // Main parsing loop while ((c = url.get_char()) != EOF) { // Convert special characters into line feeds if (c == '\x85' || c == L'\x2028') { if (in_markup) { throw GException::xml_syntax_error(G_PARSE, segment, "invalid character encountered"); } else { c = '\x0a'; } } // Skip all linefeeds (to avoid extra linefeeds in text segments) if (c == '\x0a') { continue; } // If we are not within a markup and if a markup is reached then // add the text segment to the nodes and switch to in_markup mode if (in_markup == false) { // Markup start reached? if (c == '<') { // Add text segment to nodes (ignores empty segments) process_text(¤t, segment); // Prepare new segment and signal that we are within tag segment.clear(); segment.append(1, (char)c); in_markup = true; } // Markup stop encountered? else if (c == '>') { segment.append(1, (char)c); throw GException::xml_syntax_error(G_PARSE, segment, "unexpected closing bracket \">\" encountered"); } // ... otherwise add character to segment else { segment.append(1, (char)c); } } // If we are within a markup and if a markup end is reached then // process the markup and switch to not in_tag mode else { // Markup stop reached? if (c == '>') { // Append character to segment segment.append(1, (char)c); // If we are in comment then check if this is the end of // the comment if (in_comment) { int n = segment.length(); if (n > 2) { if (,3,"-->") == 0) { in_comment = false; } } } // If we are not in the comment, then process markup if (!in_comment) { // Process markup process_markup(¤t, segment); // Prepare new segment and signal that we are not // within markup segment.clear(); in_markup = false; } } // Markup start encountered? else if (!in_comment && c == '<') { // Append character to segment segment.append(1, (char)c); // If we encounter an opening bracket then throw an exception throw GException::xml_syntax_error(G_PARSE, segment, "unexpected opening bracket \"<\" encountered"); } // ... otherwise add character to segment else { segment.append(1, (char)c); if (!in_comment && segment == "<!--") { in_comment = true; } } } } // endwhile: main parsing loop // Process any pending segment if (segment.size() > 0) { if (in_markup) { process_markup(¤t, segment); } else { process_text(¤t, segment); } } // Verify that we are back to the root node if (current != &m_root) { std::string message = "closing tag "; GXmlElement* element = dynamic_cast<GXmlElement*>(current); if (element != NULL) { message += "for GXmlElement \""+element->name()+"\""; } message += " is missing"; throw GException::xml_syntax_error(G_PARSE, "", message); } // Return return; }
/** * FASTQ format specification: */ static void load(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& hints, const GUrl& docUrl, QList<GObject*>& objects, U2OpStatus& os, int gapSize, int predictedSize, QString& writeLockReason) { DbiOperationsBlock opBlock(dbiRef, os); CHECK_OP(os, ); Q_UNUSED(opBlock); writeLockReason.clear(); bool merge = gapSize!=-1; QByteArray sequence; QByteArray qualityScores; QStringList headers; QSet<QString> uniqueNames; QVector<U2Region> mergedMapping; QByteArray gapSequence((merge ? gapSize : 0), 0); sequence.reserve(predictedSize); qualityScores.reserve(predictedSize); // for lower case annotations GObjectReference sequenceRef; qint64 sequenceStart = 0; U2SequenceImporter seqImporter(hints, true); const QString folder = hints.value(DocumentFormat::DBI_FOLDER_HINT, U2ObjectDbi::ROOT_FOLDER).toString(); int seqNumber = 0; int progressUpNum = 0; const int objectsCountLimit = hints.contains(DocumentReadingMode_MaxObjectsInDoc) ? hints[DocumentReadingMode_MaxObjectsInDoc].toInt() : -1; const bool settingsMakeUniqueName = !hints.value(DocumentReadingMode_DontMakeUniqueNames, false).toBool(); while (!os.isCoR()) { //read header QString sequenceName = readSequenceName(os, io, '@'); // check for eof while trying to read another FASTQ block if (io->isEof()) { break; } CHECK_OP_BREAK(os); if(sequenceName.isEmpty()){ sequenceName = "Sequence"; } if ((merge == false) || (seqNumber == 0)) { QString objName = sequenceName; if (settingsMakeUniqueName) { objName = (merge) ? "Sequence" : TextUtils::variate(sequenceName, "_", uniqueNames); objName.squeeze(); uniqueNames.insert(objName); } seqImporter.startSequence(dbiRef, folder, objName, false, os); CHECK_OP_BREAK(os); } //read sequence if (merge && sequence.length() > 0) { seqImporter.addDefaultSymbolsBlock(gapSize,os); sequenceStart += sequence.length(); sequenceStart+=gapSize; CHECK_OP_BREAK(os); } sequence.clear(); readSequence(os, io, sequence); MemoryLocker lSequence(os, qCeil(sequence.size()/(1000*1000))); CHECK_OP_BREAK(os); Q_UNUSED(lSequence); seqImporter.addBlock(,sequence.length(),os); CHECK_OP_BREAK(os); QString qualSequenceName = readSequenceName(os, io, '+'); if (!qualSequenceName.isEmpty()) { static const QString err = U2::FastqFormat::tr("Not a valid FASTQ file: %1, sequence name differs from quality scores name: %2 and %3"); CHECK_EXT_BREAK(sequenceName == qualSequenceName, os.setError(err.arg(docUrl.getURLString()).arg(sequenceName).arg(qualSequenceName))); } // read qualities qualityScores.clear(); readQuality(os, io, qualityScores, sequence.size()); CHECK_OP_BREAK(os); static const QString err = U2::FastqFormat::tr("Not a valid FASTQ file: %1. Bad quality scores: inconsistent size.").arg(docUrl.getURLString()); CHECK_EXT_BREAK(sequence.length() == qualityScores.length(), os.setError(err)); seqNumber++; progressUpNum++; if (merge) { headers.append(sequenceName); mergedMapping.append(U2Region(sequenceStart, sequence.length() )); } else { if (objectsCountLimit > 0 && objects.size() >= objectsCountLimit) { os.setError(FastqFormat::tr("File \"%1\" contains too many sequences to be displayed. " "However, you can process these data using instruments from the menu <i>Tools -> NGS data analysis</i> " "or pipelines built with Workflow Designer.") .arg(io->getURL().getURLString())); break; } U2Sequence u2seq = seqImporter.finalizeSequenceAndValidate(os); CHECK_OP_BREAK(os); sequenceRef = GObjectReference(io->getURL().getURLString(), u2seq.visualName, GObjectTypes::SEQUENCE, U2EntityRef(dbiRef,; U2SequenceObject* seqObj = new U2SequenceObject(u2seq.visualName, U2EntityRef(dbiRef,; CHECK_EXT_BREAK(seqObj != NULL, os.setError("U2SequenceObject is NULL")); seqObj->setQuality(DNAQuality(qualityScores)); objects << seqObj; U1AnnotationUtils::addAnnotations(objects, seqImporter.getCaseAnnotations(), sequenceRef, NULL, hints); } if (PROGRESS_UPDATE_STEP == progressUpNum) { progressUpNum = 0; os.setProgress(io->getProgress()); } } CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects); objects.clear(), ); bool emptyObjects = objects.isEmpty(); CHECK_EXT(!emptyObjects || merge, os.setError(Document::tr("Document is empty.")), ); SAFE_POINT(headers.size() == mergedMapping.size(), "headers <-> regions mapping failed!", ); if (!merge) { return; } U2Sequence u2seq = seqImporter.finalizeSequenceAndValidate(os); CHECK_OP(os,); sequenceRef = GObjectReference(io->getURL().getURLString(), u2seq.visualName, GObjectTypes::SEQUENCE, U2EntityRef(dbiRef,; U1AnnotationUtils::addAnnotations(objects, seqImporter.getCaseAnnotations(), sequenceRef, NULL, hints); objects << new U2SequenceObject(u2seq.visualName, U2EntityRef(dbiRef,; objects << DocumentFormatUtils::addAnnotationsForMergedU2Sequence(sequenceRef, dbiRef, headers, mergedMapping, hints); if (headers.size() > 1) { writeLockReason = DocumentFormat::MERGED_SEQ_LOCK; } }
void GTUtilsProject::openFiles(HI::GUITestOpStatus &os, const GUrl &path, const OpenFileSettings& s) { openFiles(os, QList<QUrl>() << path.getURLString(), s); GTUtilsTaskTreeView::waitTaskFinished(os); }