Пример #1
TEST_CASE("Test solver for the IEFPCM with NH3 molecule and a GePol cavity", "[solver][iefpcm][iefpcm_gepol-NH3]")
    Molecule molec = NH3();

    double area = 0.4;
    double probeRadius = 0.0;
    double minRadius = 100.0;
    GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(molec, area, probeRadius, minRadius);

    double permittivity = 78.39;
    Vacuum<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator> gfInside = Vacuum<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator>();
    UniformDielectric<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator> gfOutside =
    UniformDielectric<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator>(permittivity);
    bool symm = true;
    IEFSolver solver(symm);
    solver.buildSystemMatrix(cavity, gfInside, gfOutside);

    double Ncharge = 7.0;
    double Hcharge = 1.0;
    size_t size = cavity.size();
    Eigen::VectorXd fake_mep = computeMEP(molec, cavity.elements());
    // The total ASC for a dielectric is -Q*(epsilon-1)/epsilon
    Eigen::VectorXd fake_asc = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(size);
    fake_asc = solver.computeCharge(fake_mep);
    double totalASC = - (Ncharge + 3.0 * Hcharge) * (permittivity - 1) / permittivity;
    double totalFakeASC = fake_asc.sum();
    CAPTURE(totalASC - totalFakeASC);
    REQUIRE(totalASC == Approx(totalFakeASC).epsilon(1.0e-03));
Пример #2
    double area = 0.3 / convertBohr2ToAngstrom2;
    double probeRadius = 1.385 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    // Addition of spheres is enabled, but will not happen in this particular case
    double minRadius = 10.0 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    Molecule molec = C6H6();
    GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(molec, area, probeRadius, minRadius, "c6h6");

    /*! \class GePolCavity
     *  \test \b GePolCavityC6H6AddTest_size tests GePol cavity size for C6H6 in C1 symmetry with added spheres
    SECTION("Test size")
        int size = 644;
        size_t actualSize = cavity.size();
        REQUIRE(size == actualSize);

    /*! \class GePolCavity
     *  \test \b GePolCavityC6H6AddTest_area tests GePol cavity surface area for C6H6 in C1 symmetry with added spheres
    SECTION("Test surface area")
        double area = 391.06094362589062;
        double actualArea = cavity.elementArea().sum();
        REQUIRE(area == Approx(actualArea));

    /*! \class GePolCavity
     *  \test \b GePolCavityC6H6AddTest_volume tests GePol cavity volume for C6H6 in C1 symmetry with added spheres
     *  The point charge is at the origin.
    WHEN("the point group is C1") {
      Molecule point = dummy<0>(2.929075493);
      double area = 0.4;
      double probeRadius = 0.0;
      double minRadius = 100.0;
      GePolCavity cavity(point, area, probeRadius, minRadius, "C1");

      IEFSolver aniso_solver(symm);
      aniso_solver.buildAnisotropicMatrix(cavity, gf_i, gf_o, op);

      IEFSolver iso_solver(symm);
      iso_solver.buildIsotropicMatrix(cavity, gf_i, gf_o, op);

      int size = cavity.size();
      Eigen::VectorXd fake_mep = computeMEP(cavity.elements(), charge);

      THEN("the total apparent surface charge is") {
        Eigen::VectorXd aniso_fake_asc = aniso_solver.computeCharge(fake_mep);
        Eigen::VectorXd iso_fake_asc = iso_solver.computeCharge(fake_mep);

        int nr_irrep = cavity.pointGroup().nrIrrep();
        double totalAnisoASC = aniso_fake_asc.sum() * nr_irrep;
        double totalIsoASC = iso_fake_asc.sum() * nr_irrep;

        CAPTURE(totalASC - totalAnisoASC);
        REQUIRE(totalIsoASC == Approx(totalAnisoASC));
        REQUIRE(totalASC == Approx(totalAnisoASC).epsilon(1.0e-03));
using dielectric_profile::OneLayerTanh;
using green::SphericalDiffuse;
using green::SphericalSharp;
using green::UniformDielectric;
using green::Vacuum;

SCENARIO("A collocation integrator with approximate diagonal elements",
         "[bi_operators][bi_operators_collocation]") {
  GIVEN("A GePol cavity for a single sphere in the origin") {
    double radius = 1.44;
    Eigen::Vector3d offset;
    offset << 1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
    Molecule molec = dummy<0>(1.44 / bohrToAngstrom(), offset);
    double area = 10.0;
    GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(molec, area, 0.0, 100.0);
    Eigen::MatrixXd results = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cavity.size(), cavity.size());
    Eigen::MatrixXd reference = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cavity.size(), cavity.size());
    Collocation op;

    /*! \class Collocation
     *  \test \b CollocationTest_vacuum tests the evaluation by collocation
     * of the vacuum matrix representations of S and D
    WHEN("the vacuum Green's function is used") {
      Vacuum<> gf;
      THEN("the matrix elements of S are") {
        results = op.computeS(cavity, gf);
        reference = cnpy::custom::npy_load<double>("vacuum_S_collocation.npy");
        for (int i = 0; i < cavity.size(); ++i) {
          for (int j = 0; j < cavity.size(); ++j) {
            REQUIRE(reference(i, j) == Approx(results(i, j)));